Select Publications

Journal articles

Xu S; Bao J, 2012, 'Distributed control of plant-wide chemical processes with uncertain time-delays', Chemical Engineering Science, 84, pp. 512 - 532,

Yee K; Bao J; Wiley DE, 2012, 'Dynamic operability analysis of an industrial membrane separation process', Chemical Engineering Science, 71, pp. 85 - 96,

Santoso H; Hioe D; Bao J; Lee PL, 2012, 'Operability analysis of nonlinear processes based on incremental dissipativity', Journal of Process Control, 22, pp. 156 - 166,

Setiawan R; Bao J, 2012, 'Plantwide operability assessment for nonlinear processes using a microscopic level network analysis', Chemical Engineering Research and Design : Official Journal of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering: Part A, 90, pp. 119 - 128,

Guo C; Zhang W; Bao J, 2012, 'Robust output feedback H - control for networked control systems based on the occurrence probabilities of time delays', International Journal of Systems Science, 43, pp. 259 - 271,

Tang A; Ting SR; Bao J; Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2012, 'Thermal modelling and simulation of the all-vanadium redox flow battery', Journal of Power Sources, 203, pp. 165 - 176,

Tang A; Bao J; Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2012, 'Thermal modelling of battery configuration and self-discharge reactions in vanadium redox flow battery', Journal of Power Sources, 216, pp. 489 - 501,

Setiawan R; Bao J, 2011, 'Analysis of interaction effects on plantwide operability', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 50, pp. 8585 - 8602,

Tang A; Bao J; Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2011, 'Dynamic modelling of the effects of ion diffusion and side reactions on the capacity loss for vanadium redox flow battery', Journal of Power Sources, 196, pp. 10737 - 10747,

Xu S; Bao J, 2011, 'Plantwide process control with asynchronous sampling and communications', Journal of Process Control, 21, pp. 927 - 948,

Bao J; Lee PL; Ydstie BE, 2010, 'Process Control: The Passive Systems Approach', IEEE Control Systems, 30, pp. 78 - 80,

Xu S; Bao J, 2010, 'Control of Chemical rocesses via Output Feedback Controller Networks', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 49, pp. 7421 - 7445,

Guo C; Zhang W; Bao J, 2010, 'Robust output feedback H - control for networked control systems based on the occurrence probabilities of time delays', International Journal of Systems Science, iFirst, pp. 1 - 13,

Mcelroy LP; Bao J; Yang R; Yu A, 2009, 'A soft-sensor approach to flow regime detection for milling processes', Powder Technology, 188, pp. 234 - 241

Yee K; Wiley DE; Bao J, 2009, 'A unified model of the time dependence of flux decline for the long-term ultrafiltration of whey', Journal of Membrane Science, 332, pp. 69 - 80,

Xu S; Bao J, 2009, 'Distributed control of plantwide chemical processes', Journal of Process Control, 19, pp. 1671 - 1687,

Rojas O; Setiawan R; Bao J; Lee PL, 2009, 'Dynamic operability analysis of nonlinear process networks based on dissipativity', AIChE Journal, 55, pp. 963 - 982,

Yee K; Alexiadis A; Bao J; Wiley DE, 2009, 'Effects of recycle ratios on process dynamics and operability of a whey ultrafiltration stage', Desalination, 236, pp. 216 - 223,

Santoso H; Bao J; Lee PL, 2009, 'Operability analysis of MTBE reactive distillation column using a process simulator', Chemical Product and Process Modeling, 4

Mcelroy LP; Bao J; Yang R; Yu A, 2009, 'Soft-sensors for prediction of impact energy in horizontal rotating drums', Powder Technology, 195, pp. 177 - 183,

Santoso H; Bao J, 2009, 'The steady-state region of attraction under linear feedback control: A numerical approach', Journal of Process Control, 19, pp. 464 - 472

Santoso H; Bao J; Lee PL, 2008, 'Dynamic Operability Analysis for Stable and Unstable Linear Processes', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 47, pp. 4765 - 4774

Yee K; Alexiadis A; Bao J; Wiley DE, 2008, 'Effects of multiple-stage membrane process designs on the achievable performance of automatic control', Journal of Membrane Science, 320, pp. 280 - 291,

Xu S; Bao J, 2008, 'Interaction analysis for decentralized control based on dissipativity', Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 3, pp. 656 - 666

Yang R; Yu A; McElroy LP; Bao J, 2008, 'Numerical simulation of particle dynamics in different flow regimes in a rotating drum', Powder Technology, 188, pp. 170 - 177

Rojas O; Bao J; Lee PL, 2008, 'On dissipativity, passivity and dynamic operability of nonlinear processes', Journal of Process Control, 18, pp. 515 - 526,

Setiawan R; Bao J; Rojas OJ; Lee P, 2008, 'Operability Analysis for Process Systems with Recycle and Bypass Streams', IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 41, pp. 12941 - 12946,

Rojas O; Bao J; Lee PL, 2007, 'A dynamic operability analysis approach for nonlinear processes', Journal of Process Control, 17, pp. 157 - 172,

Bao J; Chan KR; Zhang WZ; Lee PL, 2007, 'An experimental pairing method for multi-loop control based on passivity', Journal of Process Control, 17, pp. 787 - 798,

Alexiadis A; Wiley DE; Vishnoi A; Lee H; Fletcher DF; Bao J, 2007, 'CFD modelling of reverse osmosis membrane flow and validation with experimental results', Desalination, 217, pp. 242 - 250,

Alexiadis A; Wiley DE; Fletcher DF; Bao J, 2007, 'Laminar flow transitions in a 2D channel with circular spacers', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 46, pp. 5387 - 5396

Chan KH; Bao J, 2007, 'Model predictive control of hammerstein systems with multivariable nonlinearities', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 46, pp. 168 - 180,

Santoso H; Rojas O; Bao J; Lee PL, 2007, 'Nonlinear process operability analysis based on steady-state simulation: A case study', Chemical Product and Process Modeling, 2, pp. 1 - 14

Santoso H; Bao J; Lee PL, 2007, 'Passivity based dynamic controllability analysis for multi-unit processes', Chemical Product and Process Modeling, 2, pp. 1 - 18

Yee K; Wiley DE; Bao J, 2007, 'Whey protein concentrate production by continuous ultrafiltration: Operability under constant operating conditions', Journal of Membrane Science, 290, pp. 125 - 137,

Su WS; Bao J; Lee PL, 2006, 'A hybrid active-passitve fault-tolerant control approach', Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, 1, pp. 54 - 62

Su WS; Bao J; Lee PL, 2006, 'Conditions on input distrubranhce suppresion for multivariable nonlinear systems on the basis of feedforward passivity', International Journal of Systems Science, 37, pp. 225 - 233

Su WS; Bao J; Lee PL, 2006, 'Decentralized Control for Multivariable Processes with Actuator Nonlinearities', Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 14, pp. 163 - 172

Alexiadis A; Bao J; Fletcher DF; Wiley DE; Clements DJ, 2006, 'Dynamic response of a high-pressure reverse osmosis membrane simulation to time dependent disturbances', Desalination, 191, pp. 397 - 403

Chan KH; Bao J; Whiten WJ, 2006, 'Identification of MIMO Hammerstein systems using cardinal spline functions', Journal of Process Control, 16, pp. 659 - 670,

Rojas O; Bao J; Lee PL, 2006, 'Linear control of nonlinear processes: The regions of steady-state attainability', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 45, pp. 7552 - 7565

Yee WW; Wiley DE; Bao J, 2006, 'Steady state operability of whey ultrafiltration (UF) system', Desalination, 199, pp. 497 - 498

Chan KH; Bao J; Whiten WJ, 2005, 'A new approach to control of MIMO processes with static nonlinearities using an extended IMC framework', Computers and Chemical Engineering, 30, pp. 329 - 342,

Alexiadis A; Bao J; Wiley DE; Clements DJ; Fletcher DF, 2005, 'Analysis of the dynamic response of a reverse osmosis membrane to time-dependent transmembrane pressure variation', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 44, pp. 7823 - 7834

Su WS; Bao J; Lee PL, 2005, 'Control of Multivariable Hammerstein Systems by Using Feedforward Passivation', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 44, pp. 891 - 899

Zhang WZ; Bao J; Lee PL, 2005, 'Process dynamic controllability analysis based on all-pass factorization', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 44, pp. 7175 - 7188

Bao J; Lee PL; Su WS, 2004, 'Analysis of decentralized integral controllability for nonlinear systems', Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28, pp. 1781 - 1787

Zhang WZ; Bao J; Lee PL, 2003, 'Control Structure Selection Based on Block Decentralized Integral Controllability', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 42, pp. 5152 - 5156

Bao J; Zhang WZ; Lee PL, 2003, 'Decentralized Fault-tolerant Control System Design for Unstable Processes', Chemical Engineering Science, 58, pp. 5045 - 5045

Bao J; Lee PL; Wang F; Zhou W, 2003, 'Robust Process Control Based on the Passivity Theorem', Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, 11, pp. 287 - 308

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