Select Publications

Journal articles

Du J; Rui H, 2000, 'Ariki-Koike algebras with semisimple bottoms', Mathematische Zeitschrift, pp. 807 - 830

Du J; Scott LM, 2000, 'The q-Schur2 algebras', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, pp. 4325 - 4353

Du J, 1999, 'A new proof for the canonical bases of type A', Algebra Colloquium, pp. 377 - 383

Du J; Rui H, 1999, 'Borel type subalgebras of the q-Schur m algebra', Journal of Algebra, pp. 567 - 595

Du J; Rui H, 1998, 'Based algebras and standard bases for Quasi-Hereditary algebras', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, pp. 3207 - 3235

Du J; Parshall B; Scott LM, 1998, 'Cells and q-Schur algebras', Transformation Groups, pp. 33 - 49

Du J; Parshall B; Scott LM, 1998, 'Quantum Weyl reciprocity and tilting modules', Communications in Mathematical Physics, 195, pp. 321 - 352

Du J; Parshall B; Scott LM, 1998, 'Stratifying endomorphism algebras associated to Hecke algebras', Journal of Algebra, 203, pp. 169 - 210

Dipper R; Du J, 1997, 'Harish-Chandra vertices and Steinberg`s tensor product theorems for finite general linear groups', Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 3rd Series, pp. 559 - 599

Du J, 1996, 'Cells in certain sets of matrices', Tohoku Mathematical Journal, pp. 417 - 427

Du J, 1996, 'Global IC bases for quantum linear groups', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 114, pp. 25 - 37

Du J, 1995, 'A note on quantized Weyl reciprocity at roots of unity', Algebra Colloquium, 2, pp. 363 - 372

Du J, 1995, 'Canonical bases for irreducible representations of quantum GLn, II', Journal of the London Mathematical Society - Second Series, pp. 461 - 470

Du J, 1995, 'Q-Schur algebras, asymptotic forms and quantum SLn', Journal of Algebra, 177, pp. 385 - 408

Du J; Scott L, 1994, 'Lusztig conjectures, old and new, I', Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 1994, pp. 141 - 182,

Dipper R; Du J, 1993, 'Harish-Chandra vertices', Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 1993, pp. 101 - 130,

Dipper R; Du J, 1993, 'Trivial and Alternating Source Modules of Hecke Algebras of Type A', Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, s3-66, pp. 479 - 506,

Du J, 1992, 'Integral Schur algebras for GL 2', Manuscripta Mathematica, 75, pp. 411 - 427,

Du J, 1992, 'Canonical bases for irreducible representations of quantum GLn', Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 24, pp. 325 - 334,

Du J, 1992, 'The green correspondence for the representations of hecke algebras of type Ar-1', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 329, pp. 273 - 287,

Du J, 1992, 'The modular representation theory of q-schur algebras', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 329, pp. 253 - 271,

Du J, 1991, 'The modular representation theory of q-Schur algebras. II', Mathematische Zeitschrift, 208, pp. 503 - 536,

Du J; Wang JP, 1991, 'Two-parameter quantum linear groups and the hyperbolic invariance of q-schur algebras', Journal of the London Mathematical Society, s2-44, pp. 420 - 436,

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