Select Publications


Deng B; Du J; Fu Q, 2012, A Double Hall Algebra Approach to Affine Quantum Schur-Weyl Theory, Cambridge University Press, UK

Deng B; Du J; Parshall B; Wang J, 2008, Finite Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Groups, American Mathematical Society, USA

Book Chapters

Du J; Fu Q, 2010, 'Quantum gln, q-Schur algebras and their infinite/infinitesimal counterparts', in Gyoja A; Nakajima H; Shinoda K; Shoji T; Tanisaki T (ed.), Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups, Birkhauser, New York, pp. 93 - 119

Journal articles

Du J; Gu H; Li Z; Wan J, 2024, 'Some Multiplication Formulas in Queer q-Schur Superalgebras', Transformation Groups,

Du J; Wan J, 2022, 'Standard multipartitions and a combinatorial affine Schur-Weyl duality', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 226,

Du J; Fu Q; Lin Y, 2022, 'A REALIZATION OF THE ENVELOPING SUPERALGEBRA μ(glm', Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 247, pp. 516 - 551,

Du J; Lin Y; Zhou Z, 2022, 'Quantum queer supergroups via υ-differential operators', Journal of Algebra, 599, pp. 48 - 103,

Du J; Wu Y, 2022, 'A new realisation of the i-quantum group Uȷ(n)', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 226,

Du J; Wu Y, 2022, 'THE i-QUANTUM GROUP Uı (n)', Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 320, pp. 61 - 101,

Du JIE; Gu H; Zhou Z, 2020, 'MULTIPLICATION FORMULAS and SEMISIMPLICITY for q-SCHUR SUPERALGEBRAS', Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 237, pp. 98 - 126,

Du J; Lin Y; Zhou Z, 2020, 'Polynomial super representations of Uqres(glm', Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 51, pp. 195 - 235,

Du J; Zhou Z, 2020, 'The regular representation of Uυ(Glm', Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 148, pp. 111 - 124,

Du J; Lin Y; Zhou Z, 2020, 'Polynomial super representations of Uqres (glm|n) at roots of unity', JOURNAL OF ALGEBRAIC COMBINATORICS, 51, pp. 195 - 235,

Du J; Fu Q, 2019, 'The Integral Quantum Loop Algebra of gln', International Mathematics Research Notices, 2019, pp. 6179 - 6215,

Deng B; Du J; Yang G, 2019, 'Slim cyclotomic q-Schur algebras', Journal of Algebra, 535, pp. 365 - 406,

Du J; Wan J, 2018, 'The queer q-Schur superalgebra', Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 105, pp. 316 - 346,

Du J; Haixia G, 2018, 'q-Schur superalgebras', SCIENTIA SINICA Mathematica, 48, pp. 1571 - 1571,

Du J; Zhao Z, 2018, 'Multiplication formulas and canonical bases for Quantum Affine Gln', Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 70, pp. 773 - 803,

Du J; Parshall BJ; Scott LL, 2018, 'Local and global methods in representations of Hecke algebras', Science China Mathematics, 61, pp. 207 - 226,

Du J; Gu H; Wang J, 2017, 'Representations of q-Schur superalgebras in positive characteristics', Journal of Algebra, 481, pp. 393 - 419,

Du J; Jensen BT; Su X, 2017, 'Presenting Hecke endomorphism algebras by Hasse quivers with relations', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 221, pp. 883 - 907,

Du J; Parshall BJ; Scott LL, 2017, 'Stratifying endomorphism algebras using exact categories', Journal of Algebra, 475, pp. 229 - 250,

Du J; Parshall BJ; Scott LL, 2017, 'Stratifying endomorphism algebras using exact categories', JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, 475, pp. 229 - 250,

Du J; Fu Q, 2016, 'Small Representations for Affine q-Schur Algebras', Algebras and Representation Theory, 19, pp. 355 - 376,

Du J; Gu H, 2015, 'Canonical bases for the quantum supergroups U(glm', Mathematische Zeitschrift, 281, pp. 631 - 660,

Du J; Fu Q, 2015, 'Quantum affine gln via Hecke algebras', Advances in Mathematics, 282, pp. 23 - 46,

Du J; Parshall BJ; Scott LL, 2015, 'Extending hecke endomorphism algebras', Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 279, pp. 229 - 254,

Du J; Wan J, 2015, 'Presenting queer Schur Superalgebras', International Mathematics Research Notices, 2015, pp. 2210 - 2272,

Du J; Gu H, 2014, 'A realisation of the quantum supergroup U(glm', Journal of Algebra, 404, pp. 60 - 99,

Du J; Gu H; Wang J, 2014, 'Irreducible representations of q-Schur superalgebras at a root of unity', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 218, pp. 2012 - 2059,

Deng B; Du J, 2013, 'Identification of simple representations for affine q-Schur algebras', Journal of Algebra, 373, pp. 249 - 275,

Du J; Fu Q; Wang J, 2012, 'Representations of little q-Schur algebras', Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 257, pp. 343 - 378

Du J; Rui H, 2011, 'Quantum Schur superalgebras and Kazhdan-Lusztig combinatorics', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 215, pp. 2715 - 2737,

Du J; Fu Q, 2010, 'A modified BLM approach to quantum affine gln', Mathematische Zeitschrift, 266, pp. 747 - 781,

Deng B; Du J, 2010, 'Presenting degenerate Ringel-Hall algebras of cyclic quivers', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 214, pp. 1787 - 1799,

Du J; Deng B, 2010, 'Tight monomials and the monomial basis property', Journal of Algebra, 324, pp. 3355 - 3377,

Du J; Fu Q, 2009, 'Quantum gl, infinite q-Schur algebras and their representations', Journal of Algebra, 322, pp. 1516 - 1547,

Du J; Fu Q, 2009, 'Quantum g iota(infinity) infinite q-Schur algebras and their representations', Journal of Algebra, 322, pp. 1516 - 1547

Du J; Shu B, 2009, 'Representations of finite Lie algebras', Journal of Algebra, 321, pp. 3197 - 3225

Deng B; Du J, 2007, 'Folding derived categories with Frobenius functors', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 208, pp. 1023 - 1050

Deng B; Du J; Xiao J, 2007, 'Generic extensions and canonical bases for cyslic quivers', Canadian Journal of Mathematics - Journal Canadien de Mathematiques, 59, pp. 1260 - 1283

Deng B; Du J; Zhang G, 2007, 'Linear quivers, generic extensions and Kashiwara operators', Indagationes Mathematicae - New Series, 18, pp. 3 - 21

Deng B; Du J, 2006, 'Algebras, representations and their derived categories over finite fields', Contemporary Mathematics, 413, pp. 25 - 41

Deng B; Du J, 2006, 'Frobenius morphisms and representations of algebras', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 358, pp. 3591 - 3622

Deng B; Du J, 2005, 'Bases of quantized enveloping algebras', Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 220, pp. 33 - 48

Du J; Fu Q; Wang J, 2005, 'Infinitesimal quantum and little q-Schur algebras', Journal of Algebra, 287, pp. 199 - 233,

Deng B; Du J, 2005, 'Monomial bases for quantum affine', Advances in Mathematics, 191, pp. 276 - 304,

Du J, 2005, 'Robinson-Schensted algorithm and Vogan equivalence', Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, 112, pp. 165 - 172

Du J; Lin Z, 2004, 'Stratifying algebras with near-matrix algebras', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 188, pp. 59 - 72

Du J; Parshall B, 2003, 'Monomial bases for q-Schur algebras', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 355, pp. 1593 - 1620,

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