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Select Publications
2023, The Australian jury in black and white: Barriers to Indigenous Representation on juries, Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration Inc, Sydney, Australia, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/28690
,2022, NTLRC Submission on Jury Act 1962
,2021, Review of Witness Competence in South Australia Submission to the South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI), https://law.adelaide.edu.au/research/south-australian-law-reform-institute
,2015, Children’s Champions and Pre-Recording of Evidence
,2014, Jurors' Notions of Justice: An Empirical Study of Motivations to Investigate & Obedience to Judicial Directions, http://www.lawfoundation.net.au/
,2013, Managing and Understanding Psychological Issues among Refugee Applicants: Resources Manual and Guidelines for Best Practice, UNSW