Select Publications


Newman CE; Persson A; valentine K; Hamilton M; Bryant J; Wallace J; Drysdale K; Smith AKJ; Gray R; Lafferty L; Botfield J; Rance J; Cui J, 2020, my health, our family: documenting stories of family life in the context of HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C (summary report), UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health, Sydney,

Blaxland M; Bryant J; Gardner K; Beadman M; Bolt R; Doyle M; Graham S; Newman C; Murphy D; Bell S; Beetson K; Wilms J; Penning K, 2020, Rapid qualitative assessment of COVID-19 health needs in urban Sydney Aboriginal communities: report 1, UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health, Sydney,

Bryant J; Rance J; Treloar C, 2019, Annual Report of Trends in Behaviour 2019: Viral Hepatitis in Australia, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Brener L; Gray R; Rance J; Bryant J; Horwitz R, 2019, Consumer Participation Project, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Bryant J; Gray R; Hull P; Horwitz R; Lafferty L; Mao L; Treloar C, 2019, Research Brief - Understanding barriers and facilitators to the take up of new direct-acting antiviral hepatitis C treatments: The Observe study, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Bryant J; Rance J; Lafferty L; Treloar C, 2018, Annual Report of Trends in Behaviour 2018: Viral Hepatitis in Australia, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Bryant J; Rance J; Lafferty L; Treloar C, 2017, Annual Report of Trends in Behaviour 2017: Viral Hepatitis in Australia, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Rance JA; Fraser S; Rhodes T; Bryant J; Treloar C, 2016, The CUPID Project: Understanding and preventing hepatitis C transmission within heterosexual couples, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Australia, Sydney,

Brener L; Bryant J; Wilson H; Lea T; Rance J, 2016, St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney, Drug and Alcohol Service, S-Check Clinic: Evaluation Report, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Australia, Sydney,

Green R; Bryant J; Gray R; Brown R; Best D; Rance J; MacLean S, 2015, ‘Vulnerable young people who use alcohol and other drugs: A study exploring policing and pathways to diversion and care in two Australian states’, Melbourne: Turning Point; Sydney: Centre for Social Research in Health

Bryant J; Brener L; Wilson H, 2015, Final report of the evaluation of the NSW Extended Distribution Pilot Project

Lea T; Bryant J; Treloar C, 2014, Hepatitis C knowledge and exposure to injecting drug use: Results from the online survey Project 1626. Monograph 2/2014, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Australia, Sydney,

Ward J; Bryant J; Wand H; Pitts M; Smith A; Delaney-Thiele D; Worth H; Kaldor J, 2014, Sexual Health and relationships in young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: Results from the first national study assessing knowledge, risk practices and health service use in relation to sexually transmitted infections and blood borne viruse

Bryant J; treloar C, 2013, Young people who inject drugs: Subanalysis of the NSW Pharmacy NSP data

Bryant J; Wilson H; Hull PB; Treloar C, 2010, Drug use, hepatitis C and exposure to injecting among young people in New South Wales: The Big Day Out Survey 2006-2009, National Centre in HIV Social Research, The University of New South Wales, Sydney,

Bryant J; Wilson H; Hull PB; Treloar C, 2010, Pharmacy Needle and Syringe Survey 2006-2008: New South Wales, National Centre in HIV Social Research, The University of New South Wales, Sydney,

Wilson H; Hopwood MN; Hull PB; Lavis YM; Newland J; Bryant J; Treloar C, 2010, Treatment decisions: What makes people decide to have treatment for hepatitis C?, National Centre in HIV Social Research, The University of New South Wales, Sydney,


Brener L; Horwitz R; Cama E; Vu HMK; Jin D; WU E; Rance J; Broady T; Treloar C; Mao L; Okeke S; Bryant J, 2024, “We are studying abroad and need to protect ourselves first”: A mixed-methods study of attitudes towards hepatitis B among university students in Australia of Chinese and Vietnamese background, ,


Holt M; Bryant J; Drysdale K; Lancaster K; Newman C; Treloar C, 2020, Submission by the Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney, on the proposed Mandatory Testing Bill 2020, New South Wales, ,,%20UNSW%20Sydney.pdf

Drysdale K (ed.), 2020, Crystal Clear: Negotiating pleasures and risk around sex on crystal’. Podcast series: Ep 1 Crystal: The Beauty and the Trap; Ep 2 Cultures of Care: Conversations with people who provide support to crystal users; Ep 3 What Workers Say: Health care professionals engaging gay and bisexual men using crystal for sex, ,

Lancaster K; Treloar C; Holt M; Bryant J; Drysdale K, 2019, Submission to the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug ‘Ice’, ,

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