Select Publications

Journal articles

Styrkarsdottir U; Thorleifsson G; Gudjonsson SA; Sigurdsson A; Center JR; Lee SH; Nguyen TV; Kwok TCY; Lee JSW; Ho SC; Woo J; Leung PC; Kim BJ; Rafnar T; Kiemeney LA; Ingvarsson T; Koh JM; Tang NLS; Eisman JA; Christiansen C; Sigurdsson G; Thorsteinsdottir U; Stefansson K, 2016, 'Sequence variants in the PTCH1 gene associate with spine bone mineral density and osteoporotic fractures', Nature Communications, 7,

Tan MZW; Ng JCF; Eisman JA; Ng DCE; Hansen L; Chandran M, 2016, 'A retrospective review of imaging and operative modalities performed in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism at a mid-volume surgical centre in Southeast Asia', Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore, 45, pp. 191 - 197

Pham HM; Nguyen ND; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2016, 'Contribution of Quadriceps Weakness to Fragility Fracture: A Prospective Study', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 31, pp. 208 - 214,

Robinson PC; Leo PJ; Pointon JJ; Harris J; Cremin K; Bradbury LA; Donnelly P; Barroso I; Blackwell JM; Bramon E; Brown MA; Casas JP; Corvin A; Deloukas P; Duncanson A; Jankowski J; Markus HS; Mathew CG; Palmer CNA; Plomin R; Rautanen A; Sawcer SJ; Trembath RC; Viswanathan AC; Wood NW; Spencer CCA; Band G; Bellenguez C; Freeman C; Hellenthal G; Giannoulatou E; Pirinen M; Pearson R; Strange A; Su Z; Vukcevic D; Langford C; Hunt SE; Edkins S; Gwilliam R; Blackburn H; Bumpstead SJ; Dronov S; Gillman M; Gray E; Hammond N; Jayakumar A; McCann OT; Liddle J; Potter SC; Ravindrarajah R; Ricketts M; Waller M; Weston P; Widaa S; Whittaker P; Mathew CG; Brown MA; McCloskey E; Eisman J; Jones G; Nicholson G; Eastell R; Sambrook P; Prince R; Dennison E; Reid I; Wark J; Stebbings S; Harrison AA; Evans DM; Duncan EL; Wordsworth BP, 2016, 'The genetic associations of acute anterior uveitis and their overlap with the genetics of ankylosing spondylitis', Genes and Immunity, 17, pp. 46 - 51,

Styrkarsdottir U; Thorleifsson G; Eiriksdottir B; Gudjonsson SA; Ingvarsson T; Center JR; Nguyen TV; Eisman JA; Christiansen C; Thorsteinsdottir U; Sigurdsson G; Stefansson K, 2016, 'Two Rare Mutations in the COL1A2 Gene Associate with Low Bone Mineral Density and Fractures in Iceland', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 31, pp. 173 - 179,

Omsland TK; Eisman JA; Næss Ø; Center JR; Gjesdal CG; Tell GS; Emaus N; Meyer HE; Søgaard AJ; Holvik K; Schei B; Forsmo S; Magnus JH, 2015, 'Educational Inequalities in Post-Hip Fracture Mortality: A NOREPOS Studys', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 30, pp. 2221 - 2228,

Reppe S; Wang Y; Thompson WK; McEvoy LK; Schork AJ; Zuber V; LeBlanc M; Bettella F; Mills IG; Desikan RS; Djurovic S; Gautvik KM; Dale AM; Andreassen OA; Estrada K; Styrkarsdottir U; Evangelou E; Hsu YH; Duncan EL; Ntzani EE; Oei L; Albagha OME; Amin N; Kemp JP; Koller DL; Li G; Liu CT; Minster RL; Moayyeri A; Vandenput L; Willner D; Xiao SM; Yerges-Armstrong LM; Zheng HF; Alonso N; Eriksson J; Kammerer CM; Kaptoge SK; Leo PJ; Thorleifsson G; Wilson SG; Wilson JF; Aalto V; Alen M; Aragaki AK; Aspelund T; Center JR; Dailiana Z; Duggan DJ; Garcia M; Garcia-Giralt N; Giroux S; Hallmans G; Hocking LJ; Husted LB; Jameson KA; Khusainova R; Kim GS; Kooperberg C; Koromila T; Kruk M; Laaksonen M; Lacroix AZ; Lee SH; Leung PC; Lewis JR; Masi L; Mencej-Bedrac S; Nguyen TV; Nogues X; Patel MS; Prezelj J; Rose LM; Scollen S; Siggeirsdottir K; Smith AV; Svensson O; Trompet S; Trummer O; Van Schoor NM; Woo J; Zhu K; Balcells S; Brandi ML; Buckley BM; Cheng S; Christiansen C; Cooper C; Dedoussis G; Ford I; Frost M; Goltzman D; González-Macías J; Kähönen M; Karlsson M; Khusnutdinova E; Koh JM; Kollia P; Langdahl BL; Leslie WD, 2015, 'Genetic sharing with cardiovascular disease risk factors and diabetes reveals novel bone mineral density loci', PLoS ONE, 10,

Bone HG; Dempster DW; Eisman JA; Greenspan SL; McClung MR; Nakamura T; Papapoulos S; Shih WJ; Rybak-Feiglin A; Santora AC; Verbruggen N; Leung AT; Lombardi A, 2015, 'Erratum to: Odanacatib for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis: development history and design and participant characteristics of LOFT, the Long-Term Odanacatib Fracture Trial (Osteoporosis International, 10.1007/s00198-014-2944-6)', Osteoporosis International, 26, pp. 2721,

Zheng HF; Forgetta V; Hsu YH; Estrada K; Rosello-Diez A; Leo PJ; Dahia CL; Park-Min KH; Tobias JH; Kooperberg C; Kleinman A; Styrkarsdottir U; Liu CT; Uggla C; Evans DS; Nielson CM; Walter K; Pettersson-Kymmer U; McCarthy S; Eriksson J; Kwan T; Jhamai M; Trajanoska K; Memari Y; Min J; Huang J; Danecek P; Wilmot B; Li R; Chou WC; Mokry LE; Moayyeri A; Claussnitzer M; Cheng CH; Cheung W; Medina-Gómez C; Ge B; Chen SH; Choi K; Oei L; Fraser J; Kraaij R; Hibbs MA; Gregson CL; Paquette D; Hofman A; Wibom C; Tranah GJ; Marshall M; Gardiner BB; Cremin K; Auer P; Hsu L; Ring S; Tung JY; Thorleifsson G; Enneman AW; Van Schoor NM; De Groot LCPGM; Van Der Velde N; Melin B; Kemp JP; Christiansen C; Sayers A; Zhou Y; Calderari S; Van Rooij J; Carlson C; Peters U; Berlivet S; Dostie J; Uitterlinden AG; Williams SR; Farber C; Grinberg D; LaCroix AZ; Haessler J; Chasman DI; Giulianini F; Rose LM; Ridker PM; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV; Center JR; Nogues X; Garcia-Giralt N; Launer LL; Gudnason V; Mellström D; Vandenput L; Amin N; Van Duijn CM; Karlsson MK; Ljunggren Ö; Svensson O; Hallmans G; Rousseau F; Giroux S; Bussière J; Arp PP, 2015, 'Whole-genome sequencing identifies EN1 as a determinant of bone density and fracture', Nature, 526, pp. 112 - 117,

Bone HG; Dempster DW; Eisman JA; Greenspan SL; McClung MR; Nakamura T; Papapoulos S; Shih WJ; Rybak-Feiglin A; Santora AC; Verbruggen N; Leung AT; Lombardi A, 2015, 'Erratum to: Odanacatib for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis: development history and design and participant characteristics of LOFT, the Long-Term Odanacatib Fracture Trial', Osteoporosis International,

Tran TS; Center JR; Seibel MJ; Eisman JA; Kushnir MM; Rockwood AL; Nguyen TV, 2015, 'Relationship between serum testosterone and fracture risk in men: A comparison of RIA and LC-MS/MS', Clinical Chemistry, 61, pp. 1182 - 1190,

Tangvik RJ; Tell GS; Guttormsen AB; Eisman JA; Henriksen A; Nilsen RM; Ranhoff AH, 2015, 'Nutritional risk profile in a university hospital population', Clinical Nutrition, 34, pp. 705 - 711,

Yang S; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2015, 'Erratum to: Association between fat mass, lean mass, and bone loss: the Dubbo osteoporosis epidemiology study, (Osteoporosis International, 10.1007/s00198-014-3009-6)', Osteoporosis International, 26, pp. 1865 - 1866,

Horowitz M; Morris H; Need A; Seeman E; Prince R; Eisman J; Seibel M; Gallagher JC, 2015, 'In Memoriam: B E Christopher Nordin', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 30, pp. 949 - 950,

Kon E; Filardo G; Shani J; Altschuler N; Levy A; Zaslav K; Eisman JE; Robinson D, 2015, 'Osteochondral regeneration with a novel aragonite-hyaluronate biphasic scaffold: Up to 12-month follow-up study in a goat model', Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 10,

Niu T; Liu N; Zhao M; Xie G; Zhang L; Li J; Pei YF; Shen H; Fu X; He H; Lu S; Chen XD; Tan LJ; Yang TL; Guo Y; Leo PJ; Duncan EL; Shen J; Guo YF; Nicholson GC; Prince RL; Eisman JA; Jones G; Sambrook PN; Hu X; Das PM; Tian Q; Zhu XZ; Papasian CJ; Brown MA; Uitterlinden AG; Wang YP; Xiang S; Deng HW, 2015, 'Identification of a novel FGFRL1 MicroRNA target site polymorphism for bone mineral density in meta-analyses of genome-wide association studies', Human Molecular Genetics, 24, pp. 4710 - 4727,

Bliuc D; Nguyen ND; Alarkawi D; Nguyen TV; Eisman JA; Center JR, 2015, 'Accelerated bone loss and increased post-fracture mortality in elderly women and men', Osteoporosis International, 26, pp. 1331 - 1339,

Yang S; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2015, 'Association between fat mass, lean mass, and bone loss: the Dubbo osteoporosis epidemiology study', Osteoporosis International, 26, pp. 1381 - 1386,

Bliuc D; Alarkawi D; Nguyen TV; Eisman JA; Center JR, 2015, 'Risk of subsequent fractures and mortality in elderly women and men with fragility fractures with and without osteoporotic bone density: The dubbo osteoporosis epidemiology study', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 30, pp. 637 - 646,

Søgaard AJ; Holvik K; Omsland TK; Tell GS; Dahl C; Schei B; Falch JA; Eisman JA; Meyer HE, 2015, 'Abdominal obesity increases the risk of hip fracture. A population-based study of 43 000 women and men aged 60-79 years followed for 8 years. Cohort of Norway', Journal of Internal Medicine, 277, pp. 306 - 317,

Bone HG; Dempster DW; Eisman JA; Greenspan SL; McClung MR; Nakamura T; Papapoulos S; Shih WJ; Rybak-Feiglin A; Santora AC; Verbruggen N; Leung AT; Lombardi A, 2015, 'Odanacatib for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis: development history and design and participant characteristics of LOFT, the Long-Term Odanacatib Fracture Trial', Osteoporosis International, 26, pp. 699 - 712,

Brzozowska MM; Sainsbury A; Eisman JA; Baldock PA; Center JR, 2014, 'Bariatric Surgery and Bone Loss: Do We Need to Be Concerned?', Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism, 12, pp. 207 - 227,

Selecki Y; Eisman JA, 2014, 'Osteoporosis and fragility fractures A practical approach', Medicine Today, 15, pp. 18 - 27

Chan MY; Frost SA; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2014, 'Relationship between body mass index and fracture risk is mediated by bone mineral density', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 29, pp. 2327 - 2335,

Johansson H; Kanis JA; Odén A; Leslie WD; Fujiwara S; Glüer CC; Kroger H; LaCroix AZ; Lau E; Melton LJ; Eisman JA; O’Neill TW; Goltzman D; Reid DM; McCloskey E, 2014, 'Impact of Femoral Neck and Lumbar Spine BMD Discordances on FRAX Probabilities in Women: A Meta-analysis of International Cohorts', Calcified Tissue International, 95, pp. 428 - 435,

Ahmed LA; Nguyen ND; Bjornerem A; Joakimsen RM; Jorgensen L; Stormer J; Bliuc D; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV; Emaus N, 2014, 'External Validation of the Garvan Nomograms for Predicting Absolute Fracture Risk: The Tromso Study', PLOS ONE, 9,

Chan MY; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2014, 'Bone mineral density and association of osteoarthritis with fracture risk', Osteoarthritis and cartilage / OARS, Osteoarthritis Research Society, 22, pp. 1251 - 1258,

Bliuc D; Nguyen TV; Eisman JA; Center JR, 2014, 'The impact of nonhip nonvertebral fractures inn elderly women and men', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 99, pp. 415 - 423,

Tran B; Nguyen ND; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2014, 'Association between fat-mass-And-obesity-Associated (FTO) gene and hip fracture susceptibility', Clinical Endocrinology, 81, pp. 210 - 217,

Huntjens KMB; van Geel TACM; van den Bergh JPW; van Helden S; Willems P; Winkens B; Eisman JA; Geusens PP; Brink PRG, 2014, 'Fracture liaison service: impact on subsequent nonvertebral fracture incidence and mortality.', The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 96,

Moayyeri A; Hsu YH; Karasik D; Estrada K; Xiao SM; Nielson C; Srikanth P; Giroux S; Wilson SG; Zheng HF; Smith AV; Pye SR; Leo PJ; Teumer A; Hwang JY; Ohlsson C; McGuigan F; Minster RL; Hayward C; Olmos JM; Lyytikäinen LP; Lewis JR; Swart KMA; Masi L; Oldmeadow C; Holliday EG; Cheng S; Van Schoor NM; Harvey NC; Kruk M; Del Greco FM; Igl W; Trummer O; Grigoriou E; Luben R; Liu CT; Zhou Y; Oei L; Medina-Gomez C; Zmuda J; Tranah G; Brown SJ; Williams FM; Soranzo N; Jakobsdottir J; Siggeirsdottir K; Holliday KL; Hannemann A; Go MJ; Garcia M; Polasek O; Laaksonen M; Zhu K; Enneman AW; McEvoy M; Pee R; Sham PC; Jaworski M; Johansson A; Hicks AA; Pludowski P; Scott R; Dhonukshe-Rutten RAM; van Der Velde NV; Kaöhönen M; Viikari JS; Sievaönen H; Raitakari OT; González-Macías J; Hernández JL; Mellström D; Ljunggren O; Cho YS; Völker U; Nauck M; Homuth G; Völzke H; Haring R; Brown MA; McCloskey E; Nicholson GC; Eastell R; Eisman JA; Jones G; Reid IR; Dennison EM; Wark J; Boonen S; Vanderschueren D; Wu FCW; Aspelund T; Richards JB; Bauer D; Hofman A; Khaw KT; Dedoussis G; Obermayer-Pietsch B; Gyllensten U; Pramstaller PP; Lorenc RS, 2014, 'Genetic determinants of heel bone properties: Genome-wide association meta-analysis and replication in the GEFOS/GENOMOS consortium', Human Molecular Genetics, 23, pp. 3054 - 3068,

Omsland TK; Emaus N; Tell GS; Magnus JH; Ahmed LA; Holvik K; Center J; Forsmo S; Gjesdal CG; Schei B; Vestergaard P; Eisman JA; Falch JA; Tverdal A; Søgaard AJ; Meyer HE, 2014, 'Mortality following the first hip fracture in Norwegian women and men (1999-2008). A NOREPOS study', Bone, 63, pp. 81 - 86,

Kon E; Filardo G; Robinson D; Eisman JA; Levy A; Zaslav K; Shani J; Altschuler N, 2014, 'Osteochondral regeneration using a novel aragonite-hyaluronate bi-phasic scaffold in a goat model', Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 22, pp. 1452 - 1464,

Johansson H; Kanis JA; Odén A; McCloskey E; Chapurlat RD; Christiansen C; Cummings SR; Diez-Perez A; Eisman JA; Fujiwara S; Glüer C-C; Goltzman D; Hans D; Khaw K-T; Krieg M-A; Kröger H; LaCroix AZ; Lau E; Leslie WD; Mellström D; Melton LJ; O'Neill TW; Pasco JA; Prior JC; Reid DM; Rivadeneira F; van Staa T; Yoshimura N; Zillikens MC, 2014, 'A Meta-Analysis of the Association of Fracture Risk and Body Mass Index in Women', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 29, pp. 223 - 233,

Yang S; Nguyen ND; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2014, 'Association between hypertension and fragility fracture: a longitudinal study', Osteoporosis International, 25, pp. 97 - 103,

Van Geel TACM; Eisman JA; Center JR; Geusens PP; Van Den Bergh JPW; Dinant G-J, 2014, 'The utility of absolute risk prediction using FRAX and Garvan Fracture Risk Calculator in daily practice', Maturitas, 77, pp. 174 - 179,

Eisman JA; Bouillon R, 2014, 'Vitamin D: direct effects of vitamin D metabolites on bone: lessons from genetically modified mice.', Bonekey Rep, 3, pp. 499,

Zhang L; Choi HJ; Estrada K; Leo PJ; Li J; Pei Y-F; Zhang Y; Lin Y; Shen H; Liu Y-Z; Liu Y; Zhao Y; Zhang J-G; Tian Q; Wang Y-P; Han Y; Ran S; Hai R; Zhu X-Z; Wu S; Yan H; Liu X; Yang T-L; Guo Y; Zhang F; Guo Y-F; Chen Y; Chen X; Tan L; Zhang L; Deng F-Y; Deng H; Rivadeneira F; Duncan EL; Lee JY; Han BG; Cho NH; Nicholson GC; McCloskey E; Eastell R; Prince RL; Eisman JA; Jones G; Reid IR; Sambrook PN; Dennison EM; Danoy P; Yerges-Armstrong LM; Streeten EA; Hu T; Xiang S; Papasian CJ; Brown MA; Shin CS; Uitterlinden AG; Deng H-W, 2013, 'Multistage genome-wide association meta-analyses identified two new loci for bone mineral density', Human Molecular Genetics, pp. 1923 - 1933,

Bliuc D; Nguyen ND; Nguyen TV; Eisman JA; Center JR, 2013, 'Compound risk of high mortality following osteoporotic fracture and refracture in elderly women and men', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 28, pp. 2317 - 2324,

Ahmed LA; Center JR; Bjørnerem A; Bluic D; Joakimsen RM; Jørgensen L; Meyer HE; Nguyen ND; Nguyen TV; Omsland TK; Størmer J; Tell GS; Van Geel TA; Eisman JA; Emaus N, 2013, 'Progressively increasing fracture risk with advancing age after initial incident fragility fracture: The Tromsø Study', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 28, pp. 2214 - 2221,

Thakker R; Whyte M; Eisman J; Igarashi T, 2013, 'Genetics of Bone Biology and Skeletal Disease', Genetics of Bone Biology and Skeletal Disease

Ralph AP; Waramori G; Pontororing GJ; Kenangalem E; Wiguna A; Tjitra E; Sandjaja ; Lolong DB; Yeo TW; Chatfield MD; Soemanto RK; Bastian I; Lumb R; Maguire GP; Eisman J; Price RN; Morris PS; Kelly PM; Anstey NM, 2013, 'L-arginine and Vitamin D Adjunctive Therapies in Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial', PLoS ONE, 8, pp. e70032 - e70032,

Nguyen TV; Center JR; Eisman JA, 2013, 'Individualized fracture risk assessment: Progresses and challenges', Current Opinion in Rheumatology, 25, pp. 532 - 541,


Selecki Y; Center J; Nguyen T; Eisman J, 2013, 'Electronic clinical decision support for the management of osteoporosis in primary care', Bone Abstracts,

Yang S; Nguyen NN; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2013, 'Association between abdominal obesity and fracture risk: A prospective study', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 98, pp. 2478 - 2483,

Brzozowska MM; Sainsbury-Salis A; Eisman JA; Baldock P; Center JR, 2013, 'Bariatric surgery, bone loss, obesity and possible mechanisms', Obesity Reviews, 14, pp. 52 - 67,

Frost SA; Nguyen N; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2013, 'Excess Mortality Attributable to Hip-Fracture: A Relative Survival Analysis', Bone, 56, pp. 23 - 29,

Wong I; Nguyen AD; Khor EC; Enriquez R; Eisman JA; Sainsbury A; Herzog H; Baldock PA, 2013, 'Neuropeptide y is a critical modulator of Leptin's regulation of cortical bone', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 28, pp. 886 - 898,

Zengin A; Nguyen AD; Wong IPL; Zhang L; Enriquez RF; Eisman JA; Herzog H; Baldock PA; Sainsbury A, 2013, 'Neuropeptide Y mediates the short-term hypometabolic effect of estrogen deficiency in mice', International Journal of Obesity, 37, pp. 390 - 398,

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