Select Publications

Journal articles

Chew DP; Juergens C; French J; Parsonage W; Horsfall M; Brieger D; Quinn S, 2014, 'An examination of clinical intuition in risk assessment among acute coronary syndromes patients: Observations from a prospective multi-center international observational registry', International Journal of Cardiology, 171, pp. 209 - 216,

Kadappu KK; Kuncoro AS; Hee L; Aravindan A; Spicer ST; Suryanarayanan G; Xuan W; Boyd A; French JK; Thomas L, 2014, 'Chronic kidney disease is independently associated with alterations in left atrial function', Echocardiography, 31, pp. 956 - 964,

Hee L; Nguyen T; Whatmough M; Descallar J; Chen J; Kapila S; French JK; Thomas L, 2014, 'Left atrial volume and adverse cardiovascular outcomes in unselected patients with and without ckd', Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 9, pp. 1369 - 1376,

Redfern J; Hyun K; Chew DP; Astley C; Chow C; Aliprandi-Costa B; Howell T; Carr B; Lintern K; Ranasinghe I; Nallaiah K; Turnbull F; Ferry C; Hammett C; Ellis CJ; French J; Brieger D; Briffa T, 2014, 'Prescription of secondary prevention medications, lifestyle advice, and referral to rehabilitation among acute coronary syndrome inpatients: Results from a large prospective audit in Australia and New Zealand', Heart, 100, pp. 1281 - 1288,

French J, 2014, 'STEMI - A medical emergency: An overview of management', Medicine Today, 15, pp. 12 - 17

Idris H; Lo S; Shugman IM; Saad Y; Hopkins AP; Mussap C; Leung D; Thomas L; Juergens CP; French JK, 2014, 'Varying definitions for periprocedural myocardial infarction alter event rates and prognostic implications', Journal of the American Heart Association, 3,

Ellis C; Briffa T; Hammet C; French J; Lefkovits J; Ranasinghe I; Devlin G; Elliott J; Turnbull F; Redfern J; Aliprandi-Costa B; Astley C; Gamble G; Brieger D; Chew D, 2014, 'A comparison of discharge medications and rehabilitation services available for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients in Australia and New Zealand: Results of the 2012 SNAPSHOT Bi-National audit', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 23, pp. e9 - e9,

Ellis C; Briffa T; Hammet C; French J; Lefkovits J; Ranasinghe I; Devlin G; Elliott J; Turnbull F; Redfern J; Aliprandi-Costa B; Astley C; Gamble G; Brieger D; Chew D, 2014, 'A comparison of discharge medications and rehabilitation services available for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients in Australia and New Zealand: Results of the 2012 SNAPSHOT Bi-National audit', Heart, Lung and Circulation,

Ellis C; Hammett C; French J; Briffa T; Lefkovitz J; Ranasinghe I; Devlin G; Elliott J; Turbull F; Redfern J; Aliprandi-Costa B; Astley C; Gamble G; Brieger D; Chew D, 2014, 'A comparison of invasive angiography, revascularisation and time delays delivered to Australian and New Zealand non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction/unstable angina pectoris (NSTEMI/UAP) patients: results of the 2012 SNAPSHOT Bi-National acute coronary Syndrome (ACS) audit', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 23, pp. e23 - e23,

Ellis C; Hammett C; French J; Briffa T; Lefkovitz J; Ranasinghe I; Devlin G; Elliott J; Turbull F; Redfern J; Aliprandi-Costa B; Astley C; Gamble G; Brieger D; Chew D, 2014, 'A comparison of invasive angiography, revascularisation and time delays delivered to Australian and New Zealand non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction/unstable angina pectoris (NSTEMI/UAP) patients: results of the 2012 SNAPSHOT Bi-National acute coronary Syndrome (ACS) audit', Heart, Lung and Circulation,

Elliott J; Williams M; Matsis P; Gamble G; Troughton R; Hamer A; Devlin G; Mann S; Richards A; French J; White H; Ellis C, 2014, 'A decade of improvement in investigations received and treatments delivered to New Zealand (NZ) ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients: Results from the NZACS national audits of 2002, 2007 and 2012', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 23, pp. e22 - e23,

Elliott J; Williams M; Matsis P; Gamble G; Troughton R; Hamer A; Devlin G; Mann S; Richards A; French J; White H; Ellis C, 2014, 'A decade of improvement in investigations received and treatments delivered to New Zealand (NZ) ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients: Results from the NZACS national audits of 2002, 2007 and 2012', Heart, Lung and Circulation,

Ellis C; Gamble G; Devlin G; Elliott J; Hamer A; Matsis P; Williams M; Troughton R; Mann S; French J; Richards A; White H, 2014, 'Improved rates of secondary prevention medication following hospitalisation for an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in New Zealand (NZ): Results from the NZ ACS national audits of 2002, 2007 and 2012', Heart, Lung and Circulation,

Ellis C; Gamble G; Devlin G; Elliott J; Hamer A; Matsis P; Williams M; Troughton R; Mann S; French J; Richards A; White H, 2014, 'Improved rates of secondary prevention medication following hospitalisation for an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in New Zealand (NZ): Results from the NZ ACS national audits of 2002, 2007 and 2012', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 23, pp. e23 - e24,

Hee L; Brennas X; Chen J; Allamn C; Walley G; French JK; Juergens C; Thomas L, 2014, 'Long Term Outcomes in Patients with Restrictive Filling Following ST segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction', Internal Medicine Journal, 44, pp. 291 - 294,

Devlin G; Hamer A; Throughton R; Gamble G; Matsis P; Williams M; Elliott J; Mann S; Richards A; French J; White H; Ellis C, 2014, 'Management of non ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS) patients in New Zealand (NZ): A longitudinal analysis. Results from the NZACS national audits of 2002, 2007 and 2012', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 23, pp. e8 - e9,

Nguyen TL; Phan J; Hogan J; Moses D; Dimitri H; Rajaratnam R; Juergens C; French J; Richards D; Thomas L, 2014, 'O015 Diastolic function as a predictive marker of left ventricular myocardial scar size, function and early remodelling in PCI treated acute ST elevation myocardial infarction', Global Heart, 9, pp. e4 - e4,

Alhammad NJ; Horsfall M; Zhou J; Lou PW; Coates P; Scott I; Briffa T; Brieger D; French J; Chew DP, 2014, 'O110 High Sensitivity-Troponin Elevation Secondary to Other Diagnosis and Major Adverse Cardiac Event at 12-months', Global Heart, 9, pp. e29 - e30,

Briffa T; Lefkovits J; Broad N; Devlin G; Redfern J; Ellis C; Carr B; French J; Brieger D; Chew D, 2014, 'O165 Relative contribution of clinical, system and geographical factors to Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) care in Australia and New Zealand', Global Heart, 9, pp. e46 - e46,

Hyun K; Redfern J; Aliprandi-Costa B; French J; Gamble G; Lintern K; Howell T; Clark R; Wechkunanukul K; Brieger D, 2014, 'PM318 Variation in care between English speaking and culturally and linguistically diverse patients in SNAPSHOT ACS', Global Heart, 9, pp. e127 - e127,

Kadappu KK; Abayaratna W; Abayaratna K; French JK; Thomas L, 2014, 'PM411 Left atrial and ventricular changes in Chronic Kidney Disease', Global Heart, 9, pp. e145 - e145,

Farshid A; Brieger D; Chew D; Hyun K; Ellis C; Hammett C; Devlin G; Briffa T; Lefkovits J; French J, 2014, 'PT127 Characteristics and clinical course of STEMI patients who received no reperfusion in the ANZ SNAPSHOT ACS Registry', Global Heart, 9, pp. e190 - e191,

Hogan J; Nguyen T; Phan J; Moses D; Dimitri H; Rajaratnam R; Juergens C; French J; Richards D; Thomas L, 2014, 'PT403 Early changes in left ventricular function post STEMI predicts adverse diastolic function', Global Heart, 9, pp. e251 - e251,

Chatterton S; Dignan R; Luu Q; Aty W; French J, 2014, 'PW117 Anti-platelet agent sensitivity measured prospectively by Verify Now in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) predicts transfusion after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)', Global Heart, 9, pp. e283 - e284,

Burgess S; Hee L; Shugman I; Lo S; Nguyen P; Taylor D; Rajaratnam R; Mussap C; Thomas L; Leung D; Hopkins A; Juergens C; French J, 2014, 'PW138 Outcomes in diabetic patients with ST elevation Myocardial Infarction after PCI', Global Heart, 9, pp. e288 - e288,

Ellis C; Gamble G; Devlin G; Elliott J; Hamer A; Williams M; Matsis P; Troughton R; Ranasinghe I; French J; Brieger D; Chew D; White H, 2013, 'The management of acute coronary syndrome patients across New Zealand in 2012: Results of a third comprehensive nationwide audit and observations of current interventional care', New Zealand Medical Journal, 126, pp. 36 - 68

Ranasinghe I; Astley C; Aliprandi-Costa B; Chew D; Ellis CJ; Hammett CJ; Briffa TG; Howell TE; Lintern KJ; Parker H; Carr B; Gamble GD; Tavella R; Redfern J; French J; Brieger D, 2013, 'Abstract 18319: Cardiac Services for Care of Suspected Acute Coronary Syndromes in Australia and New Zealand Hospitals', Circulation, 128,

French JK; Briffa T; Aliprandi-Costa B; Carr B; Brieger D, 2013, 'Abstract 19205: Most Hospitalized Patients With Elevated Cardiac Troponin Levels Die From Non Cardiac Causes', Circulation, 128,

Diodati JG; Saucedo JF; French JK; Fung AY; Cardillo TE; Henneges C; Effron MB; Fisher HN; Angiolillo DJ, 2013, 'Effect on platelet reactivity from a prasugrel loading dose after a clopidogrel loading dose compared with a prasugrel loading dose alone', Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions, 6, pp. 567 - 574,

Chew DP; French J; Briffa TG; Hammett CJ; Ellis CJ; Ranasinghe I; Aliprandi-Costa BJ; Astley CM; Turnbull FM; Lefkovits J; Redfern J; Carr B; Gamble GD; Lintern KJ; Howell TE; Parker H; Tavella R; Bloomer SG; Hyun KK; Brieger DB, 2013, 'Acute coronary syndrome care across Australia and New Zealand: The SNAPSHOT ACS study', Medical Journal of Australia, 199, pp. 185 - 191,

French JK; Chew D; Hammett CJK; Ellis CJ; Turnbull F; Ranasinghe I; Astley C; Costa-Aliprandi B; Briffa T; Brieger D, 2013, 'Acute coronary syndrome care across Australia and New Zealand', European Heart Journal, 34, pp. P4045 - P4045,

Idris H; Shugman I; Saad Y; Lo S; Hopkins A; Hee L; Thomas L; Mussap C; Juergens C; French JK, 2013, 'Has the frequency of peri-procedural myocardial infarction reduced using third universal definition?', European Heart Journal, 34, pp. P1249 - P1249,

Burgess SN; Mussap CJ; French JK, 2013, 'Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes in Patients with Diabetes: Implications of the FREEDOM Trial', Clinical Therapeutics, 35, pp. 1069 - 1075,

Chew DP; French J; Briffa TG; Hammett CJ; Ellis CJ; Ranasinghe I; Aliprandi-Costa BJ; Astley CM; Turnbull FM; Lefkovits J; Redfern J; Carr B; Gamble GD; Lintern KJ; Howell TEJ; Parker H; Tavella R; Bloomer SG; Hyun KK; Brieger DB, 2013, 'Acute coronary syndrome care across Australia and New Zealand: the SNAPSHOT ACS study.', The Medical journal of Australia, 199, pp. 185 - 191

Hee L; Kumar M; Thomas L; Juergens C; Lo S; Hopkins A; French J; Mussap C, 2013, '‘Target-lesion’ SYNTAX Score (tSS) Correlates with Radiation Dose During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. S154 - S154,

Shugman IMM; Hee L; Mussap CJ; Diu P; Lo ST; Hopkins AP; Nguyen P; Taylor D; Rajaratnam R; Leung DY; Thomas L; Juergens CP; French JK, 2013, 'Bare-metal stenting of large coronary arteries in ST-elevation myocardial infarction is associated with low rates of target vessel revascularization', American Heart Journal, 165, pp. 591 - 599,

Idris H; Shugman I; Thomas L; Hee L; Mussap C; Lo S; Leung D; Hopkins A; Juergens C; French J, 2013, 'Clinical Outcomes for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Following Acute Coronary Syndromes Using Selective use of 1st and 2nd Generation Drug-Eluting Stent in Patients at High Risk of Restenosis', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. S130 - S130,

Kumar M; Shugman I; Kaddapu K; Mussap C; Hopkins A; French J; Rajaratnam R, 2013, 'Complex Angiographic Coronary Artery Disease in Non-Diabetics is More Common Among Patients of South Asian Descent Than in Those of Australian European Descent', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. S34 - S34,

Shugman IMM; Idris H; Kadappu KK; Nguyen P; Taylor D; Rajaratnam R; Leung DY; Hopkins AP; Lo ST; Juergens CP; French JK, 2013, 'Evaluation of a policy of selective drug-eluting stent implantation for patients at high risk of restenosis', Heart Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. 523 - 532,

Idris H; Shugman I; Saad Y; Lo S; Hopkins A; Hee L; Mussap C; Leung D; Thomas L; Juergen C; French J, 2013, 'Has the Frequency of Peri-Procedural Myocardial Infarction Reduced Using Third Universal Definition?', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. S137 - S138,

Mallard T; Tsang K; Assad J; Lo S; Juergens C; French J, 2013, 'Heparin is the Anticoagulant of Choice for a Busy Cardiology Unit?', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. S216 - S216,

Ellis C; Gamble G; Hamer A; Matsis P; Williams M; Devlin G; Elliott J; Mann S; French J; Richards M; Troughton R; White H, 2013, 'Improving Interventional Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Patients in New Zealand (NZ): A Comparison of the 2002, 2007 and 2012 National ACS Audits', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. S218 - S218,

Ellis CJ; Gamble GD; Hamer A; Matsis P; Williams MJA; Devlin G; Elliott JM; Mann S; French JK; Richards AM; Troughton R; White HD, 2013, 'Improving Interventional Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Patients in New Zealand (NZ): A Comparison of the 2002, 2007 and 2012 National ACS Audits', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. 557 - 557,

Idris H; Shugman I; Lo S; Hopkins A; Hee L; Mussap C; Leung D; Juergens C; French J; Thomas L, 2013, 'Influence of Age and Gender on Clinical Outcomes Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Coronary Syndromes', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. S139 - S139,

Hee L; Nguyen T; Watmough M; Descallar J; Kapila S; French J; Thomas L, 2013, 'Left Atrial Volume and Left Ventricular Mass: Prognostic Value and Risk Stratification in Chronic Kidney Disease', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. S186 - S186,

Nguyen T; Phan J; Thomas L; Moses D; Serratore M; Hogan J; Schlaphoff G; Dimitri H; Rajaratnam R; Juergens C; French J; Richards D, 2013, 'Peak High Sensitivity Troponin T as a Marker of Infarct Size and Left Ventricular Function in Revascularised Acute ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. S45 - S45,

Saad Y; Kumar M; Shugman I; Pauk I; Leung D; Mussap C; Hopkins A; Rajaratnam R; Lo S; Juergens C; French J, 2013, 'Safety and Efficacy of Same-Day Discharge Following Elective Percutaneous Coronary Intervention', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. S153 - S154,

Ellis CJ; Gamble GD; Devlin G; Elliott JM; Matsis P; Williams MJA; Hamer A; Mann S; French JK; Richards AM; Troughton R; White HD, 2013, 'Significant Delays to Access Cardiac Angiography for Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Patients in New Zealand (NZ): A Comparison of the National 2002, 2007 and (Snapshot) 2012 ACS Audits', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. 556 - 556,

Ellis C; Gamble G; Devlin G; Elliott J; Matsis P; Williams M; Hamer A; Mann S; French J; Richards M; Troughton R; White H, 2013, 'Significant Delays to Access Cardiac Angiography for Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Patients in New Zealand (NZ): A Comparison of the National 2002, 2007 and (SNAPSHOT) 2012 ACS Audits', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. S224 - S225,

Chew D; Astley C; Redfern J; Aliprandi-Costa B; Lefkovits J; Brieger D; Gamble G; Ellis C; Briffa T; French J; Bloomer S, 2013, 'State and Hospital Variations in ACS Care and Outcome: Observations from SNAPHOT ACS', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. S225 - S225,

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