Select Publications


Clark C, 2022, The Lawful Forest, Edinburgh University Press,

Clark C; Page J, 2022, The Lawful Forest A Critical History of Property, Protest and Spatial Justice, Edinburgh Critical Studies in Law, Literature and the Humanities

Page J, 2020, Public Property, Law and Society Owning, Belonging, Connecting in the Public Realm

Page J, 2016, Property Diversity and its Implications, Routledge

Mackie K; Histed E; Page J, 2011, Australian Land Law in Context, Oxford University Press, USA

Book Chapters

Page J; Clark C, 2024, 'Law and Geography', in Newman D; Sandberg R (ed.), Law and Humanities, Anthem Law and Society, London, pp. 69 - 85

Clark C; Keenan S; Page J, 2023, 'Teaching Property Critically in Disparate Parts of the Former British Empire', in Decolonisation, Anti-Racism, and Legal Pedagogy: Strategies, Successes, and Challenges, Routledge (Taylor & Francis), pp. 103 - 116,

Page J, 2022, 'Public property', in The Routledge Handbook of Property, Law and Society, Routledge, pp. 362 - 373,

Page J; Brower A, 2019, 'The Four Dimensions of Public Property', in Hickey R; Conway H (ed.), Modern Studies in Property Law, Hart Publishing Bloomsbury, Oxford

Page J, 2013, 'Towards an Understanding of Public Property', in Hopkins N (ed.), Modern Studies in Property Law, Hart Publishing Bloomsbury, Oxford

Page J; Brower A, 2012, 'Chapter 2: Does (Property) Diversity Beget (Landscape) Sustainability?', in Environmental Governance and Sustainability, Edward Elgar Publishing,

Page J; Brower A, 2012, 'Does (property) diversity beget (landscape) sustainability?', in Environmental Governance and Sustainability, pp. 24 - 45,

Page J, 2012, 'Towards an Understanding of the Small Class Large Class Nexus: A Future for the Undergraduate Law Lecture?', in Kinash S; Wood K (ed.), Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Volume 2, Bond University Press, Gold Coast

Page J, 2011, 'Reconceptualising Property: Towards a Sustainable Paradigm for Property', in Skead N; Mascher S; Carruthers P (ed.), Property and Sustainability, Thomson Reuters, Sydney

Brower A; Page J, 2011, 'Property rights across sustainable landscapes: Competing claims, collapsing dichotomies, and the future of property', in Legal Aspects of Sustainable Development, pp. 305 - 321

Journal articles

Page J; Pelizzon A, 2024, 'Of rivers, law and justice in the Anthropocene', Geographical Journal, 190,

Clark C; O’Bryan K; O’Donnell E; Page J; Pelizzon A, 2024, 'Law and the Environment: An Act of Legal Kintsugi?', Legalities, 4, pp. 119 - 137,

Cooke G; Garbutt R; Kijas J; Pelizzon A; Page J; Wessell A; Parker FB; Reichelt-Brushett A, 2023, 'Speaking with the river: Confluence and interdisciplinarity in rivers and river systems', Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 6, pp. 2721 - 2739,

Stewart R; Charles MB; Page J, 2023, 'A future with no individual ownership is not a happy one: Property theory shows why', Futures, 152, pp. 103209,

RiverOfLife M; Pelizzon A; Poelina A; Akhtar-Khavari A; Clark C; Laborde S; Macpherson E; O’Bryan K; O’Donnell E; Page J, 2021, 'Yoongoorrookoo: The emergence of ancestral personhood', Griffith Law Review, 30, pp. 505 - 529,

Joannes-Boyau R; Pelizzon A; Page J; Rice N; Scheffers A, 2020, 'Owning humankind: fossils, humans and archaeological remains', Heliyon, 6,

Fisher W; Orr J; Page J; Pelizzon A; Walsh H, 2020, 'STUDENT EVALUATIONS: PEDAGOGICAL TOOLS, OR WEAPONS OF CHOICE?', Legal Education Review, 30, pp. 1 - 28,

Clark C; Page J, 2019, 'Of protest, the commons, and customary public rights: An ancient tale of the lawful forest', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 42, pp. 26 - 59

Page J, 2019, 'Property, values, and the empirics of place', Griffith Law Review, 28, pp. 1 - 22,

Page J; Clark C; Emmanouil N; Pelizzon A, 2019, 'Can You Hear the Rivers Sing? Legal Personhood, Ontology, and the Nitty-Gritty of Governance', Ecology law quarterly, 45, pp. 787 - 787

Page J; Brower A, 2017, 'Freeing the Land Beyond the Shadow of the Law: Twenty Years of the Crown Pastoral Land Act', New Zealand Universities Law Review, 27, pp. 975 - 975

Page J; Brower A; Welsch J, 2015, 'The Curious Untidiness of Property & Ecosystem Services: A Hybrid Method of Measuring Place', Pace Environmental Law Review, 32, pp. 756 - 756,

Page J, 2014, 'Counterculture, Property, Place, and Time: Nimbin, 1973', M/C Journal, 17,

Page J; Brower A, 2014, 'Of Earthquakes, Red Zones and Property Rights: the Quake Outcasts Case', New Zealand Universities Law Review, 26, pp. 132 - 132

Martin P; Kennedy A; Page J; Williams J, 2013, 'Environmental property rights in Australia: Constructing a new Tower of Babel', Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 30, pp. 531 - 552

Page J; Brower A, 2012, 'When the Law is Silent: Trespassers W...: Law and Power in Implied Property Rights', Environmental Law Reporter: news and analysis, 42, pp. 10,242 - 10,242

Page J, 2011, 'Reconceptualising Property: Towards a Sustainable Paradigm', Property Law Review, 1, pp. 86 - 86

Page J, 2010, 'Common property and the age of Aquarius', Griffith Law Review, 19, pp. 172 - 196,

Page J, 2009, 'Grazing Rights and Public Lands in New Zealand and the western United States: A Comparative Perspective', The Natural Resources Journal

Page J; Brower A; Martin P; Kennedy A, 2009, 'The Cowboy, the Southern Man, and the Man from Snowy River: the Symbolic Politics of Property in Australia, the U.S. and New Zealand', Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, 21, pp. 455 - 455

Page J; Brower A, 2008, 'Views, property rights, and New Zealand land reform', International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2, pp. 468 - 493,

Page J; Brower A, 2008, 'Property Law in the South Island High Country – Part II', Waikato Law Review, 16, pp. 73 - 73

Page J, 2008, 'The History of the New Zealand Bach', Legal History, 12, pp. 177 - 177

Page J; Brower A, 2007, 'Property Law in the South Island High Country – Statutory Not Common Law Leases', Waikato Law Review, 15, pp. 48 - 48

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