Select Publications
Journal articles
2024, 'Accessing long-term care social insurance benefits in South Korea and its correlates', Japanese Economic Review, 75, pp. 853 - 876,
,2024, 'The impact of pension reform on employment, retirement, and disability insurance claims', Journal of Population Economics, 37,
,2024, 'Health Capacity to Work among Older People in Thailand', Asian Development Review, 41, pp. 169 - 194,
,2022, 'Alcohol consumption as a predictor of mortality and life expectancy: Evidence from older Chinese males', Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 22,
,2022, 'Macro-Demographics and Ageing in Emerging Asia: the Case of Indonesia', Journal of Population Ageing, 15, pp. 7 - 38,
,2022, 'Factors relating to depressive symptoms of caregivers for older care recipients in Indonesia', Aging and Mental Health, 26, pp. 2454 - 2461,
,2021, 'Population ageing, productivity and technological change in asia', China: An International Journal, 19, pp. 33 - 52,
,2021, 'The ageing prisoner population: demographic shifts in Australia and implications for the economic and social costs of health care', International Journal of Prisoner Health, 18, pp. 325 - 334,
,2020, 'Preparing for population ageing: Estimating the cost of formal aged care in China', Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 17, pp. 100183,
,2020, 'Pain and its impact on functional health: 7-year longitudinal findings among middle-aged and older adults in Indonesia', Geriatrics (Switzerland), 5, pp. 1 - 13,
,2019, 'A Note on Means Testing and Temptation', Economic Papers, 38, pp. 247 - 260,
,2017, 'Optimal Capital Income Taxation with Means-tested Benefits', Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 64, pp. 227 - 262,
,2017, 'A sustainable long-term health care system for aging China: A case study of regional practice', Health Systems and Reform, 3, pp. 182 - 190,
,2016, 'Australian Superannuation: The Current State of Play', Australian Economic Review, 49, pp. 483 - 493,
,2016, 'Population ageing in Asia and the Pacific: Dependency metrics for policy', Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 8, pp. 5 - 18,
,2016, 'Pension reform and labor supply', Journal of Public Economics, 142, pp. 39 - 55,
,2015, 'Population ageing and social security in Asia', Asian Economic Policy Review, 10, pp. 199 - 222,
,2015, 'Meeting the migrant pension challenge in China', CESifo Economic Studies, 61, pp. 438 - 464,
,2015, 'Longevity selection and liabilities in public sector pension funds', Journal of Risk and Insurance, 82, pp. 33 - 64,
,2015, 'Informal Long Term Care in China and Population Ageing: Evidence and Policy Implications', Population Review, 54, pp. 28 - 41,
,2015, 'Introduction to special collection six on the labour market, migration and ageing', Population Review, 54, pp. 42 - 46
,2015, 'Superannuation and retirement incomes', JASSA, 2015, pp. 43 - 49
,2014, 'Should China introduce a social pension', ,
,2014, 'Should China introduce a social pension?', Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 4, pp. 76 - 87,
,2013, 'Does retirement age impact mortality?', Journal of Health Economics, 32, pp. 586 - 598,
,2013, 'Individual post-retirement longevity risk management under systematic mortality risk', Insurance Mathematics and Economics, 52, pp. 87 - 97,
,2012, 'Demographic Shift and Financial Markets in APEC: New Age Solutions to Age Old Challenges', Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance, 6, pp. 2153 - 3792,
,2012, 'Demographic Shift and Financial Markets in APEC', Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance,
,2012, 'Demographic Shift and Financial Markets in APEC: New Age Solutions to Age Old Challenges', Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance, 6, pp. 1 - 28
,2012, 'Pensions, Ageing and Retirement in Australia: Long-Term Projections and Policies', Australian Economic Review, 45, pp. 350 - 361,
,2011, 'Occupational pensions, tenure, and taxes', Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 10, pp. 435 - 456,
,2010, 'Book Review', Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 9, pp. 146,
,2008, 'Securitization of longevity risk in reverse mortgages', North American Actuarial Journal, 12, pp. 1 - 29
,2008, 'Notional defined contribution pensions with public reserve funds in ageing economies: An application to Japan', International Social Security Review, 61, pp. 1 - 23,
,2008, 'An Empirical Analysis of Patterns in the Japanese Long-Term Care Insurance System', Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, 33, pp. 694 - 709
,2008, 'Auf fiktiven Konten basierende Renten mit staatlichen Reservefonds in alternden Volkswirtschaften: Das Beispiel Japans', International Social Security Review, 61, pp. 1 - 26,
,2008, 'Auf fiktiven Konten basierende Renten mit staatlichen Reservefonds in alternden Volkswirtschaften: Das Beispiel Japans', Internationale Revue für Soziale Sicherheit, 61, pp. 1 - 26,
,2008, 'Explaining low annuity demand: an optimal portfolio application to Japan', Journal of Risk and Insurance, 75, pp. 493 - 516
,2008, 'Managing public investment funds: best practices and new questions', Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 7, pp. 321 - 356
,2008, 'Notional Defined Contribution Pensions and Public Reserve Funds in Ageing Economics', International Social Security Review, 61, pp. 1 - 23
,2008, 'Pensiones de contribución teórica definida con fondos de reserva públicos en las economías en proceso de envejecimiento: una aplicación para el Japón', Revista Internacional de Seguridad Social, 61, pp. 1 - 27,
,2008, 'Régime de retraite à cotisations définies notionnelles assorti d’un fonds de réserve public dans les économies à la population vieillissante: application au cas du Japon', Revue internationale de sécurité sociale, 61, pp. 1 - 28,
,2008, 'Securitization of Longevity Risk in Reverse Mortgages', North American Actuarial Journal, 12, pp. 345 - 371
,2007, 'SGL Adequacy & retirement: Longevity and Economic Impacts', JASSA - Journal of the Securities Institute of Australia, Autumn2007, pp. 22 - 24
,2006, 'Aged-Care Support in Japan: Perspectives and Challenges', Benefits Quarterly, 22, No. 1, pp. 7 - 18
,2006, 'Demand and Adverse Selection in a Pooled Annuity Fund', Insurance Mathematics and Economics, 39, pp. 251 - 266
,2006, 'Financial Innovation for an Ageing World',
,2006, 'Socially Responsible Investment in Japanese Pensions', ScienceDirect; Pacific-Basic Finance Journal, pp. 427 - 438
,2006, 'unlocking housing equity in japan', Journal of the Japanese and International Economies
,2005, 'Longevity Insurance: A Missing Market', The Singapore Economic Review, 50, pp. 417 - 435