My Expertise
Economics of Population Ageing; Economics of Pensions, Retirement, and Ageing; Retirement Provision and Pension Policy; Superannuation; Public Finance; Computable General Equilibrium; Economic Implications of Demographic Change; Taxation, Fiscal Sustainability
Fields of Research (FoR)
Public economics - taxation and revenueBiography
John Piggott AO FASSA is Director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR) at the University of New South Wales, where he is Scientia Professor of Economics. A former Australian Professorial Fellow, he has published widely on issues in retirement and pension economics and finance; and in public finance more generally; his research has appeared in the leading international economics and...view more
John Piggott AO FASSA is Director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR) at the University of New South Wales, where he is Scientia Professor of Economics. A former Australian Professorial Fellow, he has published widely on issues in retirement and pension economics and finance; and in public finance more generally; his research has appeared in the leading international economics and actuarial academic journals.
John worked with the Japanese government for nearly a decade from 1999 on pension and population ageing issues. From 2008-2010 he was Visiting Scholar at the Wharton School of Business, and in 2018, was awarded a Rockefeller Residency to undertake research into ageing and inequality in Asia.
In 2019, he was appointed co-chair of the Think20 (T20) Task Force on Aging Population during Japan’s G20 Presidency, and is currently a Commissioner on the US National Academy of Medicine’s International Commission on Healthy Longevity. He jointly led the establishment of the International Pension Research Association (IPRA) which was launched at the OECD in Paris in 2019. At a national level, he was a member of both the Henry Tax Review (2008-9) and the Australian Ministerial Superannuation Advisory Committee for 5 years from 2007.
At UNSW Sydney, John served three terms as Head of School of Economics, was Associate Dean Research for the Business Faculty for 7 years, and was Interim Dean of the Faculty for more than 12 months in the lead-up to its integration with AGSM. He was elected to the University Council in 2012, and re-elected in 2014 and 2016. In 2020, he was the recipient of the UNSW Business School’s Staff Excellence Global Impact Award.
Professor Piggott's profile is available here.
My Grants
- ARC 2020-2023: Policy Modelling for Ageing in Emerging Economies: The Case of Indonesia (with Kudrna and others) $261,000 plus $150,000 industry support.
- Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Residency 2018, “Population Ageing, Inequality and Social Policy for the Retired and Elderly: a Multi-disciplinary Analysis with Special Application to the Asia-Pacific”, August-September 2018
- ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research, 2017-2024. Centre director. Twelve chief investigators and 3 partner investigators. $27.25 million plus collaborating and partner organisation support.
- Michigan Retirement Research Centre 2014-2015: Means testing Social Security: Modelling and Policy Analysis (with Woodland and others), USD58,269
- ARC 2015-2017: Mandatory Pre-funded Retirement Income Schemes: Best Policy and Practice (with Sherris and others), $493,000 plus industry support.
- ARC 2016-2017: Long-term care financing and policy: Insights from a pilot program in China (with Sherris and Yao), $130,000 plus industry support.
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2013, ACC, Intra-Household Transfers in China (with Magnani, Lu), $44,000, 2013
- ARC Australian Professorial Fellow, 2011-2015, $400,000.
- ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research, 2011-2017. Centre director. Eight chief investigators and 6 partner investigators. $12.7 million plus collaborating and partner organisation support. Additional funding of $1.25 million awarded 2011.
- ARC 2011-2012: Developing sustainable retirement policy in a Chinese province: the case of Zhejiang; $137,400 plus industry support.
- ARC 2008-2012: “Managing Longevity Risk: Quantification and Implications for Products, Markets, Risk Management and Solvency” (with Sherris, Evans, Kim; Valdez; Mitchell; Hernaes); $1,289,945 plus industry support
- Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Cabinet Office, Japan, 2007-2008: “Intergenerational Issues in Managing Future Fund Reserves” (with Mitchell); JPY6,500,000.
- ARC 2007-2010 Linkage (with Department of Family and Community Services and Indegnous Affairs): An Integrated Approach to the Timing of Retirement: Life Cycle, Labour Force Heterogeneity, Financial Status and Public Support (with Barrett, Woodland, Gregory); $640,000 plus industry support.
- ARC/NHMRC 2006-2010: Ageing Well Ageing Productively (AWAP) Program: “Working Longer: Policy Reforms and Practice Innovations” (with Bohle, Choi, McDonald, Woodland); $2,000,000.
- Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Cabinet Office, Japan, 2006-2007: “Integrating Social Security and Aged Care: Implications for Japan.” (with Mitchell); JPY7,000,000.
- ARC 2005-2007: “Economic, environmental and social psychological evaluation of Senior Living alternatives in Australia” (with Kennedy, Bohle, and Earl); $1,072,000.
- Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Cabinet Office, Japan, 2005-2006: “Notional Defined Contribution Plans, Population Ageing, and Pension Fund Reserves: Implications for Policy.” (with Mitchell); JPY10,400,000.
- ARC 2004-2006 Discovery: Retirement asset decumulation: Adequacy, institutions and products (with Valdez and Mitchell); $285,000.
- Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Cabinet Office, Japan, 2004-2005: Socially Targeted Pension Fund Investments for Pension Stakeholders (with Mitchell); JPY13,000,000
- Zhejiang Province, China, 2003-2004: “Pension reform in Zhejiang province” (with Lu Bei); $20,000.
- Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Cabinet Office, Japan, 2003-2004: “Financial Innovation and Life Cycle Asset Allocation” (with Mitchell); JPY18,000,000.
- ARC 2002-2004 Linkage (with Department of Family and Community Services): The Labour Supply and Savings Behaviour of Older Australians: Behavioural and Policy Impacts. (with Barrett and Woodland); $700,000.
- Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Cabinet Office, Japan, 2002-2003: “Reverse mortgages and the role of housing as a retirement asset” (with Mitchell); JPY18,000,000.
- ARC 2002-2004 Discovery: The Demand and Supply of Retirement Provision. (with Bateman, Morita, Purcal, Mitchell, Whalley); $220,000.
- Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Cabinet Office, Japan, 2000-2002: How much is enough for retirement provision; $170,000.
- ARC 1999-2001: The Economic Analysis of Pension Policy and Retirement in Asia, (with Kingston); $156,000.
- ARC 1997: Pension Reform in Asia, $6,500.
- ARC Collaborative Grant (with AMP) 1996-98: Economic aspects of superannuation (with Kingston); $411,000.
- ARC 1994-96: Economic aspects of private pension policy (with Kingston); $199,000.
- ARC 1992-93: Economic impacts of carbon reduction initiatives, $20,000.
- ARC 1991-93: Economic aspects of private pension policy (with Kingston); $139,000.
- UNSW 1990: Economic aspects of Australian private pension policy, $4,500.
- ARC 1987-90: Applied general equilibrium analysis of government policy, $75,000. Extended to end 1990.
- Commonwealth Department of Health 1983-84: Demand for health insurance in Australia. (Frank Milne and Pravin Trivedi were co-investigators), $20,000.
- ARGC 1981-86: General equilibrium analysis of government policies, app. $80,000.
- Reserve Bank of Australia 1980-82: Applied general equilibrium analysis of Australian taxation policy, app. $50,000.
My Qualifications
BA University of Sydney; MSc London School of Economics; PhD University of London
My Awards
Fellow, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, 1992
Scientia Professor, UNSW, 2011-present
ARC Australian Professorial Fellow, 2011- 2015
UNSW Business School’s Staff Excellence Global Impact Award, 2020
Officer of the Order of Australia (AO), 2020
My Research Supervision
Currently supervising
Rafal Chomik, Ageing and Inequality, enrolled 2018 (supervised jointly with Bruce Bradbury)
Hoang Hoyen, Scientia scholarship, enrolled 2019 (supervised jointly with George Kudrna)
T Le Trang, Scientia scholarship, enrolled 2019 (supervised jointly with George Kudrna)
My Engagement
In the Media
- Small business support in 2021? Experts propose HECS-style loans after JobKeeper - featuring John Piggott - Mozo 14 January
- Completing Australia’s Retirement Income System: Implications of the Retirement Income Review Report - featuring John Piggott and Hazel Bateman - Academy of Social Sciences 16 January
- Retirement Income Review Under Spotlight - featuring John Piggott and Hazel Bateman - Mirage News 9 February
- OPAN chief among those honoured for contributions to aged care - featuring John Piggott and Robert Cumming - Community Care Review, Australian Ageing Agenda 26 January
- Griffith Uni's Cindy Shannon honoured at a time of personal loss - featuring John Piggott - The Australian 28 January
- Super freeze 'unwise' in low-rate environment - featuring John Piggott and Rafal Chomik - The Australian Financial Review 27 February
- Rapidly ageing population - featuring George Kudrna and John Piggott - UNSW Newsroom 22 April
- How to keep JobKeeper going - by John Piggott - The Australian Financial Review 14 May
- Policy tool could help businesses to transition from JobKeeper without financial disruption - featuring John Piggott - UNSW Newsroom 14 May
- HECS-style loans for businesses could help transition from JobKeeper - featuring John Piggott - The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, WA Today, The Brisbane Times, 10daily.com.au (and 34 more) 14 May
- JobKeeper transition should be through HECS style loans - featuring John Piggott - Canberra Times 14 May
- The coronavirus pandemic's impact is expected to be reflected in the Australian Bureau - featuring John Piggott - ABC TV, News 14
- Uni style loans could ease subsidy exit - featuring John Piggott - Canberra Times 14 May
- JobKeeper to loan proposed - featuring John Piggott - West Australian 14 May
- Loan scheme to ease JobKeeper transition - featuring John Piggott - Kingscote Islander 14 May
- JobKeeper transition should be through HECS style loans - featuring John Piggott - Mandurah Mail 14 May plus Port Augusta, Lakes Mail, Victor Harbor Times, Northern Argus, Coastal Leader, Watcha News, Eyre Penninsula Tribune, Murray Valley, Parkes Champion-Post, Cowra Guardian, Kiama Independent, Narooma News, Murray Valley Standard, Bellinhen Courier, Naracoorte Herald, Tenterfield Star, Port Stephens Examiner, Riverina Leader, Braidwood Times, Singleton Argus, Dungog Chronicle, redlandcitybulletin.com.au, Fairfield Champion, Macarthur Advertiser, The Queanbeyan Age, Moree Champion, Boorowa News, Gloucester Advocate, Canowindra News, Crookwell Gazette, The Rural, Town & Country Magazine, Hawkesbury Gazette, The Advocate (Hepburn), West Coast Sentinel, Narromine News, Esperance Express, Eden Magnet, beaudeserttimes.com.au, Wollondilly Advertiser, Avon Valley Advocate, Port Pirie Recorder and 14 more
- Loan scheme to ease JobKeeper transition - featuring John Piggott - Yahoo! Finance Australia, 9News.com.au, 7news.com.au, The Senior, Cessnock Advertiser, Eden Magnet, Fairfield Champion and 83 more 14 May
- Coronavirus: Frydenberg welcomes rush to access super - featuring John Piggott - The Australian 1 June
- Gong for ANU's Bruce Chapman - featuring John Piggott - The Australian 10 June
- What does the roadmap to recovery look like for Australia? - featuring John Piggott - UNSW Newsroom 8 July
- Study finds over 55s who lost jobs due to pandemic have low chance of finding new roles - featuring John Piggott - ABCNews Radio 11 July
- The Drum - featuring John Piggott - ABC 23 July
- Baby Boomers won't cop it: Ken Henry's aged care warning - featuring John Piggott - The Sydney Morning Herald 17 September
- Aged care forms so complex they bamboozled the former treasurer - featuring John Piggott - The Brisbane Times, WA Today 17 September
- Royal Commission: “Absolute madness” to have taxpayer funded aged care for those who can afford to pay for their own care - featuring Michael Sherris and John Piggott - The Weekly Source
- Migration and income growth: policy changes to drive Australia's recovery - featuring John Piggott - BusinessThink 25 September
- How COVID-19 will change Australia's policy landscape - featuring John Piggott - BusinessThink 8 October
- How should leaders approach innovation in the future? - featuring John Piggott - BusinessThink 3 December
- The three retirement pillars: How the experts are grappling with the retirement income review - featuring John Piggott - The Sydney Morning Herald, Brisbane Times 5 December
- Ageing populations, a huge challenge for policymakers - featuring John Piggott - Radio New Zealand 7 February 2019
- So, Hey, Is Australia An Example To Follow For Mandating Employer Retirement Benefits? - featuring John Piggott and Hazel Bateman - Forbes 20 March 2019
- I'm young, why should I care about superannuation? - featuring John Piggott - The National Tribune 22 May 2019
- What should the federal government’s super and retirement planning priorities be? - featuring John Piggott and Rafal Chomik - SuperGuide 11 June 2019
- What should the government’s super and retirement planning priorities be? - featuring John Piggott and Rafal Chomik - Cuffelinks 14 June 2019
- Professor John Piggott on Australia's population - featuring John Piggott - Money News with Ross Greenwood 20 June 2019
- Ross Greenwood interview with John Piggott - featuring John Piggott - 2GB Radio, and broadcasted to 1071 AM (Kingaroy), 2BS (Bathurst), 2CC (Canberra), 2NM (Muswellbrook), 2QN (Deniliquin), 3AW (Melbourne), 4BC (Brisbane), 4VL (Charleville), 4ZR (Roma), Zinc 666 (Mt Isa) 20 June 2019
- Aging populations threaten G20 fiscal sustainability, says taskforce - featuring John Piggott BusinessThink 24 June 2019
- Aging populations threaten G20 fiscal sustainability, says taskforce - featuring John Piggott - Parsseh.com 1 July 2019
- New International Pension Research Association announced - featuring John Piggott and Hazel Bateman - The National Tribune 2 July 2019
- New International Pension Research Association Announced - featuring John Piggott and Hazel Bateman - Austaxpolicy 3 July 2019
- How China’s ageing population will impact on the rest of us - featuring John Piggott - BusinessThink 8 July 2019
- Aging populations threaten G20 fiscal sustainability, says taskforce - featuring John Piggott - Senior Australian news and research 15 July 2019
- How China’s ageing population will impact on the rest of us - featuring John Piggott - Perspectives at Singapore Management University 31 July 2019
- CEPAR researchers appointed to international commission - featuring John Piggott and John Beard - The National Tribune 1 August 2019
- Creating a global roadmap for healthy longevity - featuring John Piggott and John Beard - Senior AU 2 August 2019
- Ageing population happening much faster in China - featuring John Piggott - Townsville Bulletin 25 August 2019
- Aging population happening much faster in China - featuring John Piggott - Ipswich Advertiser 28 August 2019
- Ageing population happening much faster in China - featuring John Piggott - Gladstone Observer 29 August 2019
- Age issue sped up in China - featuring John Piggott - Maroochy Weekly 29 August 2019
- Ageing population happening much faster in China - featuring John Piggott - Daily Mercury 31 August 2019
- Review on retirement cut back - featuring John Piggott - The Australian Financial Review 23 September 2019
- Review on retirement income reined in - featuring John Piggott - The Australian Financial Review 23 September 2019
- Super review strikes at the heart of political divide - featuring John Piggott - The Australian Financial Review 30 September 2019
- Nikkei SAAS conference - featuring John Piggott - Nikkei newspaper 14 November
- Home ownership changes with the generational shift - featuring Rafal Chomik, John Piggott - Real Estate Business 18 November 2019
- Australians not buying houses until much later in life - featuring Rafal Chomik, John Piggott - Savings 18 November 2019
- Housing inequality could ignite the death tax debate - featuring Rafal Chomik, John Piggott - nestegg 18 November 2019
- Is it ever too late to enter the property market? - featuring Rafal Chomik, John Piggott - Money Magazine 18 November 2019
- Are Aussies delaying their home purchases? - featuring Rafal Chomik, John Piggott - Your Mortgage 19 November 2019
- Money News Ross Greenwood Interview with Professor John Piggott - featuring John Piggott - 2GB Radio 19 November 2019
- Greenwood says Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is set to deliver a speech to the Community - featuring John Piggott - 2GB Radio 19 November 2019
- Ageing population a time bomb, only if policy makers don’t anticipate it - featuring John Piggott - UNSW Newsroom 20 November 2019
- Delaying home purchase can have consequences - featuring Rafal Chomik, John Piggott - Smart Property Investment 20 November 2019
- Housing inequality could ignite the death tax debate - featuring Rafal Chomik, John Piggott - Accounts Daily 20 November 2019
- Declining home ownership amongst Australia’s older population - featuring Rafal Chomik, John Piggott - Architecture & Design 20 November 2019
- Ageing population a time bomb, only if policy makers don’t anticipate it - featuring John Piggott - Senior AU 29 November 2019
- Nikkei SAAS conference - featuring John Piggott - The Financial Times 5 December 2019
- Nikkei SAAS conference - featuring John Piggott - Nikkei Asian Review 9 December 2019
- Interview with John Piggott on budget measures - Sky News 9 May 2018
- Money News by Ross Greenwood: Interview with John Piggott - 2GB 20 November 2018
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