Select Publications

Journal articles

Lai J; Lehman ML; Dinger ME; Hendy SC; Mercer TR; Seim I; Lawrence MG; Mattick JS; Clements JA; Nelson CC, 2010, 'A variant of the KLK4 gene is expressed as a cis sense-antisense chimeric transcript in prostate cancer cells', RNA, 16, pp. 1156 - 1166,

Oldmeadow C; Mengersen K; Mattick JS; Keith JM, 2010, 'Multiple evolutionary rate classes in animal genome evolution', Molecular Biology and Evolution, 27, pp. 942 - 953,

Mercer TR; Qureshi IA; Gokhan S; Dinger ME; Li G; Mattick JS; Mehler MF, 2010, 'Long noncoding RNAs in neuronal-glial fate specification and oligodendrocyte lineage maturation', BMC Neuroscience, 11,

De Hoon MJL; Taft RJ; Hashimoto T; Kanamori-Katayama M; Kawaji H; Kawano M; Kishima M; Lassmann T; Faulkner GJ; Mattick JS; Daub CO; Carninci P; Kawai J; Suzuki H; Hayashizaki Y, 2010, 'Cross-mapping and the identification of editing sites in mature microRNAs in high-throughput sequencing libraries', Genome Research, 20, pp. 257 - 264,

Jung CH; Hansen MA; Makunin IV; Korbie DJ; Mattick JS, 2010, 'Identification of novel non-coding RNAs using profiles of short sequence reads from next generation sequencing data', BMC Genomics, 11,

Mattick JS; Taft RJ; Faulkner GJ, 2010, 'A global view of genomic information - moving beyond the gene and the master regulator', Trends in Genetics, 26, pp. 21 - 28,

Fernandez-Valverde SL; Taft RJ; Mattick JS, 2010, 'Dynamic isomiR regulation in Drosophila development', RNA, 16, pp. 1881 - 1888,

Taft RJ; Pang KC; Mercer TR; Dinger M; Mattick JS, 2010, 'Non-coding RNAs: Regulators of disease', Journal of Pathology, 220, pp. 126 - 139,

Amaral PP; Neyt C; Wilkins SJ; Askarian-Amiri ME; Sunkin SM; Perkins AC; Mattick JS, 2009, 'Complex architecture and regulated expression of the Sox2ot locus during vertebrate development', RNA, 15, pp. 2013 - 2027,

Nahkuri S; Taft RJ; Mattick JS, 2009, 'Nucleosomes are preferentially positioned at exons in somatic and sperm cells', Cell Cycle, 8, pp. 3420 - 3424,

Dinger ME; Amaral PP; Mercer TR; Mattick JS, 2009, 'Pervasive transcription of the eukaryotic genome: Functional indices and conceptual implications', Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics, 8, pp. 407 - 423,

Taft RJ; Kaplan CD; Simons C; Mattick JS, 2009, 'Evolution, biogenesis and function of promoter-associated RNAs', Cell Cycle, 8, pp. 2332 - 2338,

Mattick JS, 2009, 'Has evolution learnt how to learn?', EMBO Reports, 10, pp. 665,

Taft RJ; Glazov EA; Cloonan N; Simons C; Stephen S; Faulkner GJ; Lassmann T; Forrest ARR; Grimmond SM; Schroder K; Irvine K; Arakawa T; Nakamura M; Kubosaki A; Hayashida K; Kawazu C; Murata M; Nishiyori H; Fukuda S; Kawai J; Daub CO; Hume DA; Suzuki H; Orlando V; Carninci P; Hayashizaki Y; Mattick JS, 2009, 'Erratum: Tiny RNAs associated with transcription start sites in animals (Nature Genetics (2009) 41 (572-578)).', Nature Genetics, 41, pp. 859,

Taft RJ; Glazov EA; Lassmann T; Hayashizaki Y; Carninci P; Mattick JS, 2009, 'Small RNAs derived from snoRNAs', RNA, 15, pp. 1233 - 1240,

Pang KC; Dinger ME; Mercer TR; Malquori L; Grimmond SM; Chen W; Mattick JS, 2009, 'Genome-wide identification of long noncoding RNAs in CD8+ T cells', Journal of Immunology, 182, pp. 7738 - 7748,

Mattick J, 2009, 'Junk no more - Rnas get networking', Australian Life Scientist, 6, pp. 6 - 10

Suzuki H; Forrest ARR; Van Nimwegen E; Daub CO; Balwierz PJ; Irvine KM; Lassmann T; Ravasi T; Hasegawa Y; De Hoon MJL; Katayama S; Schroder K; Carninci P; Tomaru Y; Kanamori-Katayama M; Kubosaki A; Akalin A; Ando Y; Arner E; Asada M; Asahara H; Bailey T; Bajic VB; Bauer D; Beckhouse AG; Bertin N; Björkegren J; Brombacher F; Bulger E; Chalk AM; Chiba J; Cloonan N; Dawe A; Dostie J; Engström PG; Essack M; Faulkner GJ; Fink JL; Fredman D; Fujimori K; Furuno M; Gojobori T; Gough J; Grimmond SM; Gustafsson M; Hashimoto M; Hashimoto T; Hatakeyama M; Heinzel S; Hide W; Hofmann O; Hörnquist M; Huminiecki L; Ikeo K; Imamoto N; Inoue S; Inoue Y; Ishihara R; Iwayanagi T; Jacobsen A; Kaur M; Kawaji H; Kerr MC; Kimura R; Kimura S; Kimura Y; Kitano H; Koga H; Kojima T; Kondo S; Konno T; Krogh A; Kruger A; Kumar A; Lenhard B; Lennartsson A; Lindow M; Lizio M; MacPherson C; Maeda N; Maher CA; Maqungo M; Mar J; Matigian NA; Matsuda H; Mattick JS; Meier S; Miyamoto S; Miyamoto-Sato E; Nakabayashi K; Nakachi Y; Nakano M; Nygaard S; Okayama T; Okazaki Y; Okuda-Yabukami H; Orlando V; Otomo J; Pachkov M; Petrovsky N, 2009, 'The transcriptional network that controls growth arrest and differentiation in a human myeloid leukemia cell line', Nature Genetics, 41, pp. 553 - 562,

Taft RJ; Glazov EA; Cloonan N; Simons C; Stephen S; Faulkner GJ; Lassmann T; Forrest ARR; Grimmond SM; Schroder K; Irvine K; Arakawa T; Nakamura M; Kubosaki A; Hayashida K; Kawazu C; Murata M; Nishiyori H; Fukuda S; Kawai J; Daub CO; Hume DA; Suzuki H; Orlando V; Carninci P; Hayashizaki Y; Mattick JS, 2009, 'Tiny RNAs associated with transcription start sites in animals', Nature Genetics, 41, pp. 572 - 578,

Guffanti A; Iacono M; Pelucchi P; Kim N; Soldà G; Croft LJ; Taft RJ; Rizzi E; Askarian-Amiri M; Bonnal RJ; Callari M; Mignone F; Pesole G; Bertalot G; Bernardi L; Albertini A; Lee C; Mattick JS; Zucchi I; De Bellis G, 2009, 'A transcriptional sketch of a primary human breast cancer by 454 deep sequencing', BMC Genomics, 10,

Mattick JS, 2009, 'The genetic signatures of noncoding RNAs', PLoS Genetics, 5,

Mercer TR; Dinger ME; Mattick JS, 2009, 'Long non-coding RNAs: Insights into functions', Nature Reviews Genetics, 10, pp. 155 - 159,

Sunwoo H; Dinger ME; Wilusz JE; Amaral PP; Mattick JS; Spector DL, 2009, 'Men ε/β nuclear-retained non-coding RNAs are up-regulated upon muscle differentiation and are essential components of paraspeckles', Genome Research, 19, pp. 347 - 359,

Webster RJ; Giles KM; Price KJ; Zhang PM; Mattick JS; Leedman PJ, 2009, 'Regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling in human cancer cells by MicroRNA-7', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284, pp. 5731 - 5741,

Mattick JS; Amaral PP; Dinger ME; Mercer TR; Mehler MF, 2009, 'RNA regulation of epigenetic processes', BioEssays, 31, pp. 51 - 59,

Dinger ME; Pang KC; Mercer TR; Crowe ML; Grimmond SM; Mattick JS, 2009, 'NRED: A database of long noncoding RNA expression', Nucleic Acids Research, 37,

Mattick JS, 2009, 'Deconstructing the dogma: A new view of the evolution and genetic programming of complex organisms', Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1178, pp. 29 - 46,

Mercer TR; Dinger ME; Mariani J; Kosik KS; Mehler MF; Mattick JS, 2008, 'Noncoding RNAs in long-term memory formation', Neuroscientist, 14, pp. 434 - 445,

Korbie DJ; Mattick JS, 2008, 'Touchdown PCR for increased specificity and sensitivity in PCR amplification', Nature Protocols, 3, pp. 1452 - 1456,

Nahkuri S; Taft RJ; Korbie DJ; Mattick JS, 2008, 'Molecular Evolution of the HBII-52 snoRNA Cluster', Journal of Molecular Biology, 381, pp. 810 - 815,

Dinger ME; Amara PP; Mercer TR; Pang KC; Bruce SJ; Gardiner BB; Askarian-Amiri ME; Ru K; Soldà G; Simons C; Sunkin SM; Crowe ML; Grimmond SM; Perkins AC; Mattick JS, 2008, 'Long noncoding RNAs in mouse embryonic stem cell pluripotency and differentiation', Genome Research, 18, pp. 1433 - 1445,

Amaral PP; Mattick JS, 2008, 'Noncoding RNA in development', Mammalian Genome, 19, pp. 454 - 492,

Keith JM; Adams P; Stephen S; Mattick JS, 2008, 'Delineating slowly and rapidly evolving fractions of the Drosophila genome', Journal of Computational Biology, 15, pp. 407 - 430,

Mattick JS; Mehler MF, 2008, 'RNA editing, DNA recoding and the evolution of human cognition', Trends in Neurosciences, 31, pp. 227 - 233,

Mattick JS; Croft LJ; Pheasant M; Mercer TR; Dinger ME, 2008, 'The mammalian genome as an RNA machine', FASEB JOURNAL, 22,

Amaral PP; Dinger ME; Mercer TR; Mattick JS, 2008, 'The eukaryotic genome as an RNA machine', Science, 319, pp. 1787 - 1789,

Dinger ME; Mercer TR; Mattick JS, 2008, 'RNAs as extracellular signaling molecules', Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 40, pp. 151 - 159,

Stephen S; Pheasant M; Makunin IV; Mattick JS, 2008, 'Large-scale appearance of ultraconserved elements in tetrapod genomes and slowdown of the molecular clock', Molecular Biology and Evolution, 25, pp. 402 - 408,

Mercer TR; Dinger ME; Sunkin SM; Mehler MF; Mattick JS, 2008, 'Specific expression of long noncoding RNAs in the mouse brain', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105, pp. 716 - 721,

Dinger ME; Pang KC; Mercer TR; Mattick JS, 2008, 'Differentiating protein-coding and noncoding RNA: Challenges and ambiguities', PLoS Computational Biology, 4,

Simons C; Makunin IV; Pheasant M; Mattick JS, 2007, 'Maintenance of transposon-free regions throughout vertebrate evolution', BMC Genomics, 8,

Frith MC; Carninci P; Kai C; Kawai J; Bailey TL; Hayashizaki Y; Mattick JS, 2007, 'Splicing bypasses 3′ end formation signals to allow complex gene architectures', Gene, 403, pp. 188 - 193,

Makunin IV; Pheasant M; Simons C; Mattick JS, 2007, 'Orthologous microRNA genes are located in cancer-associated genomic regions in human and mouse', PLoS ONE, 2,

Pheasant M; Mattick JS, 2007, 'Raising the estimate of functional human sequences', Genome Research, 17, pp. 1245 - 1253,

Mattick JS, 2007, 'The human genome as an RNA machine', Scientist, 21, pp. 61 - 63

Mehler MF; Mattick JS, 2007, 'Noncoding RNAs and RNA editing in brain development, functional diversification, and neurological disease', Physiological Reviews, 87, pp. 799 - 823,

Birney E; Stamatoyannopoulos JA; Dutta A; Guigó R; Gingeras TR; Margulies EH; Weng Z; Snyder M; Dermitzakis ET; Thurman RE; Kuehn MS; Taylor CM; Neph S; Koch CM; Asthana S; Malhotra A; Adzhubei I; Greenbaum JA; Andrews RM; Flicek P; Boyle PJ; Cao H; Carter NP; Clelland GK; Davis S; Day N; Dhami P; Dillon SC; Dorschner MO; Fiegler H; Giresi PG; Goldy J; Hawrylycz M; Haydock A; Humbert R; James KD; Johnson BE; Johnson EM; Frum TT; Rosenzweig ER; Karnani N; Lee K; Lefebvre GC; Navas PA; Neri F; Parker SCJ; Sabo PJ; Sandstrom R; Shafer A; Vetrie D; Weaver M; Wilcox S; Yu M; Collins FS; Dekker J; Lieb JD; Tullius TD; Crawford GE; Sunyaev S; Noble WS; Dunham I; Denoeud F; Reymond A; Kapranov P; Rozowsky J; Zheng D; Castelo R; Frankish A; Harrow J; Ghosh S; Sandelin A; Hofacker IL; Baertsch R; Keefe D; Dike S; Cheng J; Hirsch HA; Sekinger EA; Lagarde J; Abril JF; Shahab A; Flamm C; Fried C; Hackermüller J; Hertel J; Lindemeyer M; Missal K; Tanzer A; Washietl S; Korbel J; Emanuelsson O; Pedersen JS; Holroyd N; Taylor R; Swarbreck D; Matthews N; Dickson MC; Thomas DJ; Weirauch MT; Gilbert J, 2007, 'Identification and analysis of functional elements in 1% of the human genome by the ENCODE pilot project', Nature, 447, pp. 799 - 816,

Mattick JS, 2007, 'A new paradigm for developmental biology', Journal of Experimental Biology, 210, pp. 1526 - 1547,

Taft RJ; Pheasant M; Mattick JS, 2007, 'The relationship between non-protein-coding DNA and eukaryotic complexity', BioEssays, 29, pp. 288 - 299,

Pang KC; Stephen S; Dinger ME; Engström PG; Lenhard B; Mattick JS, 2007, 'RNAdb 2.0 - An expanded database of mammalian non-coding RNAs', Nucleic Acids Research, 35,

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