Select Publications

Conference Papers

Disney JH, 2005, 'Globalisation: challenges and opportunities', in Carroli L (ed.), The Ideas Book, University of Queensland Press, Queensland, Australia, pp. 75 - 85, presented at Festival of Ideas, Brisbane, Qld, -

Disney JH, 2004, 'Priorities for National Development', in Special Address, Institute of Public Administration Australia, Special Address, Institute of Public Administration Australia, Adelaide, Sth Aust, presented at Special Address, Institute of Public Administration Australia, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 27 October 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'Regional Poverty and Disadvantage', in Regional Poverty Forum, Hunter Council of Social Service, Regional Poverty Forum, Hunter Council of Social Service, Newcastle, presented at Regional Poverty Forum, Hunter Council of Social Service, Newcastle, 19 October 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'Poverty and Hardship in Australia', in Anti-Poverty Week Forum, Anti-Poverty Week Forum, Melbourne Town Hall, presented at Anti-Poverty Week Forum, Melbourne Town Hall, 18 October 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'The Fight against Poverty', in Anti-Poverty Week Forum, Anti-Poverty Week Forum, Melbourne Town Hall, presented at Anti-Poverty Week Forum, Melbourne Town Hall, 18 October 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'The Fight against Poverty', in Western Australian Council of Social Service Seminar, Western Australian Council of Social Service Seminar, Perth, WA, presented at Western Australian Council of Social Service Seminar, Perth, WA, 06 October 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'Welfare Reform: The Real Issues', in Edith Cowan University, Edith Cowan University, Perth, WA, presented at Edith Cowan University, Perth, WA, 05 October 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'Affordable Housing: Priorities for Auction', in Housing Justice Round Table, Housing Justice Round Table, Melbourne, presented at Housing Justice Round Table, Melbourne, 14 September 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'Strengthening Regional Cooperation', in Australia-Asia New Leaders Forum, Australia-Asia New Leaders Forum, Sydney, presented at Australia-Asia New Leaders Forum, Sydney, 04 September 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'The Neighbours Program and Engagement with Asia', in National Forum on Asian Engagement, National Forum on Asian Engagement, Old Parliament House, Canberra, presented at National Forum on Asian Engagement, Old Parliament House, Canberra, 13 August 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'Affordable Housing in Australia', in Annual Conference, Victorian Council of Social Service, Annual Conference, Victorian Council of Social Service, Melbourne, presented at Annual Conference, Victorian Council of Social Service, Melbourne, 05 August 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'The Labor Leadership and Disadvantaged People', in Gaelic Club Forum, Gaelic Club Forum, presented at Gaelic Club Forum, 23 July 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'Possible solutions to stem tax avoidance and evasion', in Restoring the Integrity of the Taxation System, Restoring the Integrity of the Taxation System, Sydney, pp. 71 - 74, presented at Restoring the Integrity of the Taxation System, Sydney, 23 June 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'Housing Rights', in Queensland Housing Conference, Queensland Housing Conference, Brisbane, Qld, presented at Queensland Housing Conference, Brisbane, Qld, 16 June 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'Food Security at Home and Abroad', in Food, Health and Poverty Forum, Food, Health and Poverty Forum, Adelaide, Sth Aust, presented at Food, Health and Poverty Forum, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 14 May 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'Globalisation and Social Justice', in Australian Rural Leaders Program, Sydney, presented at Australian Rural Leaders Program, Sydney, 30 March 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'Australia and Our Region', in Australian Council of Social Service Seminar, Australian Council of Social Service Seminar, Sydney, presented at Australian Council of Social Service Seminar, Sydney, 15 March 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'Economic Development and Social Justice', in Dunstan Foundation Seminar, Dunstan Foundation Seminar, Adelaide, Sth Aust, presented at Dunstan Foundation Seminar, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 26 February 2004

Disney JH, 2004, 'Housing and Poverty', in Dunstan Foundation Seminar, Dunstan Foundation Seminar, Adelaide, Sth Aust, presented at Dunstan Foundation Seminar, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 26 February 2004

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