Select Publications

Journal articles

Kraan CM; Hocking DR; Georgiou-Karistianis N; Metcalfe SA; Archibald AD; Fielding J; Trollor J; Bradshaw JL; Cohen J; Cornish KM, 2014, 'Age and CGG-repeat length are associated with neuromotor impairments in at-risk females with the FMR1 premutation', Neurobiology of Aging, 35, pp. 2179.e7 - 2179.e13,

Wong AKW; Lord SR; Trollor JN; Sturnieks DL; Delbaere K; Menant J; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Close JCT, 2014, 'High arterial pulse wave velocity is a risk factor for falls in community-dwelling older people', Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 62, pp. 1534 - 1539,

Kraan CM; Hocking DR; Georgiou-Karistianis N; Metcalfe SA; Archibald AD; Fielding J; Trollor J; Bradshaw JL; Cohen J; Cornish KM, 2014, 'Impaired response inhibition is associated with self-reported symptoms of depression, anxiety, and ADHD in female FMR1 premutation carriers', American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 165, pp. 41 - 51,

Brodaty H; Mothakunnel A; de Vel-Palumbo M; Ames D; Ellis KA; Reppermund S; Kochan NA; Savage G; Trollor JN; Crawford J; Sachdev PS, 2014, 'Influence of population versus convenience sampling on sample characteristics in studies of cognitive aging', Annals of Epidemiology, 24, pp. 63 - 71,

Trollor J, 2014, 'Making mental health services accessible to people with an intellectual disability', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 48, pp. 395 - 398,

Kraan CM; Hocking DR; Bradshaw JL; Georgiou-Karistianis N; Metcalfe SA; Archibald AD; Fielding J; Trollor J; Cohen J; Cornish KM, 2014, 'Symbolic sequence learning is associated with cognitive-affective profiles in female FMR1 premutation carriers', Genes, Brain and Behavior, 13, pp. 385 - 393,

Batouli SAH; Trollor JN; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2014, 'The heritability of volumes of brain structures and its relationship to age: A review of twin and family studies', Ageing Research Reviews, 13, pp. 1 - 9,

Batouli SAH; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Trollor JN; Wright MJ; Ames D, 2014, 'Heritability of brain volumes in older adults: The Older Australian Twins Study', Neurobiology of Aging, 35, pp. 937e5 - 937e18,

Fuchs T; Trollor JN; Crawford J; Baune BT; Samaras K; Campbell L; Breit SN; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Smith E; Brown DA, 2014, 'Macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 is associated with cognitive impairment and predicts cognitive decline – The Sydney Memory and Aging Study', Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research, 20, pp. 9 - 9,

Samaras K; Lutgers HL; Kochan NA; Crawford JD; Campbell LV; Wen W; Slavin MJ; Baune BT; Lipnicki DM; Brodaty H; Trollor JN; Sachdev PS, 2014, 'The impact of glucose disorders on cognition and brain volumes in the elderly: the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study', AGE, 36, pp. 977 - 993,

Liu T; Sachdev PS; Lipnicki DM; Jiang J; Geng G; Zhu W; Reppermund S; Tao D; Trollor JN; Brodaty H; Wen W, 2013, 'Limited relationships between two-year changes in sulcal morphology and other common neuroimaging indices in the elderly', NeuroImage, 83, pp. 12 - 17,

Sachdev PS; Lee T; Wen W; Ames D; Batouli AH; Bowden J; Brodaty H; Chong E; Crawford J; Kang K; Mather K; Lammel A; Slavin MJ; Thalamuthu A; Trollor J; Wright MJ; OATS Research Team ; Kumfor F; Kwok J; Menant J, 2013, 'The contribution of twins to the study of cognitive ageing and dementia: The Older Australian Twins Study', International Review of Psychiatry, 25, pp. 738 - 747,

Kraan CM; Hocking DR; Georgiou-Karistianis N; Metcalfe SA; Archibald AD; Fielding J; Trollor J; Bradshaw JL; Cohen J; Cornish KM, 2013, 'Cognitive-motor interference during postural control indicates at-risk cerebellar profiles in females with the FMR1 premutation', Behavioural Brain Research, 253, pp. 329 - 336,

Johnson K; Bowden M; Coyne D; Trollor J, 2013, 'Competency based advanced training in Intellectual Disability Psychiatry: A NSW prototype', Australasian Psychiatry, 21, pp. 393 - 396,

Fuchs T; Trollor JN; Crawford J; Baune BT; Samaras K; Campbell L; Breit SN; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Smith E; Brown D, 2013, 'Macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 is associated with cognitive impairment and predicts cognitive decline – the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study', Aging Cell, 12, pp. 882 - 889,

Lee T; Lipnicki DM; Crawford JD; Henry JD; Trollor JN; Ames D; Wright MJ; Sachdev PS; OATS Research Team , 2013, 'Leisure Activity, Health, and Medical Correlates of Neurocognitive Performance Among Monozygotic Twins: The Older Australian Twins Study.', J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 69, pp. 514 - 522,

Wong K; Lord SR; Sturnieks DL; Delbaere K; Trollor JN; Close J, 2013, 'Angiotensin System-Blocking Medications Are Associated with Fewer Falls over 12 Months in Community-Dwelling Older People', Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 61, pp. 776 - 781,

Mothakunnel A; Ames D; Brodaty H; de vel Palumbo M; Ellis KA; Kang K; Kochan N; Macaulay L; Maruff P; Smith SR; Reppermund S; Sachdev P; Savage G; Trollor J, 2013, 'Convenience sample versus epidemiological sample for the study of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer'/INS;s disease — /INS;Fewer differences than expected', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 333, pp. e304 - e304,

Evans E; Bhardwaj A; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Draper B; Trollor J, 2013, 'Dementia in people with intellectual disability: Insights and challenges in epidemiological research with an at-risk population', International Review of Psychiatry, 25, pp. 755 - 763,

Sachdev P; Lipnicki D; Crawford J; Reppermund S; Kochan N; Trollor J; Wen W; Draper B; Slavin M; Kang K; Lux O; Mather K; Brodaty H, 2013, 'Factors predicting reversion from mild cognitive impairment to normal cognition: a population-based study.', PLoS One, 8, pp. e59649,

Zhang H; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Kochan NA; Crawford JD; Brodaty H; Slavin MJ; Reppermund S; Kang K; Trollor JN, 2013, 'Grey matter correlates of three language tests in non-demented older adults', PLoS One, 8, pp. e80215 - e80215,

Reppermund S; Brodaty H; Crawford J; Kochan NA; Draper B; Slavin MJ; Trollor JN; Sachdev PS, 2013, 'Impairment in instrumental activities of daily living with high cognitive demand is an early marker of mild cognitive impairment: the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study', Psychological Medicine, 43, pp. 2437 - 2445,

Liu T; Sachdev PS; Lipnicki D; Jiang J; Kochan NA; Reppermund S; Trollor JN; Brodaty H; Wen W; Cui Y, 2013, 'Longitudinal changes in sulcal morphology associated with late-life aging and MCI', NeuroImage, 74, pp. 337 - 342,

Zhuang L; Sachdev PS; Trollor JN; Reppermund S; Kochan NA; Brodaty H; Wen W, 2013, 'Microstructural white matter changes, not hippocampal atrophy, detect early amnestic mild cognitive impairment', PLoS ONE, 8, pp. e58887,

Brodaty H; Heffernan M; Kochan NA; Draper B; Trollor JN; Reppermund S; Slavin MJ; Sachdev PS, 2013, 'Mild Cognitive Impairment in a community sample: The Sydney Memory and Ageing Study', Alzheimers and Dementia, 9, pp. 310 - 317,

Shah Z; Reppermund S; Brodaty H; Crawford J; Draper B; Trollor JN; Sachdev PS; Shahnawaz Z, 2013, 'Prevalence and characteristics of depressive symptoms in mild cognitive impairment: The Sydney Memory and Ageing Study', ACTA Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 127, pp. 394 - 402,

Baldry E; Clarence M; Dowse L; Trollor J, 2013, 'Reducing vulnerability to harm in adults with cognitive disabilities in the Australian criminal justice system', Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disability, 10, pp. 222 - 229,

Lipnicki D; Sachdev PS; Crawford J; Reppermund S; Kochan NA; Trollor JN; Draper B; Slavin MJ; Kang K; Lux O; Mather KA; Brodaty H, 2013, 'Risk Factors for Late-Life Cognitive Decline and Variation with Age and Sex in the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study', PLoS ONE, 8, pp. e65841,

Tsang R; Sachdev P; Reppermund S; Kochan N; Kang K; Crawford J; Wen W; Draper B; Trollor J; Slavin M; Mather K; Assareh A; Seeher K; Brodaty H, 2013, 'Sydney Memory and Ageing Study: an epidemiological cohort study of brain ageing and dementia', International Review of Psychiatry, 25, pp. 711 - 725,

Singer J; Trollor JN; Crawford J; O''Rourke MF; Baune B; Brodaty H; Samaras K; Kochan NA; Campbell LV; Sachdev PS; Smith E; O'Rourke M, 2013, 'The association between pulse wave velocity and cognitive function: the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study', PLoS ONE, 8, pp. e61855,

, 2012, 'Erratum: Genetic influences on four measures of executive functions and their covariation with general cognitive ability: The older Australian twins study(Behav Genet, (2012), 42, 4, (528-538), 10.1007/s10519-012-9526-1)', Behavior Genetics, 42, pp. 539 - 540,

Zhuang L; Wen W; Trollor JN; Kochan NA; Reppermund S; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2012, 'Abnormalities of the fornix in mild cognitive impairment are related to episodic memory loss', Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 29, pp. 629 - 639,

Wen W; Lipnicki D; Beg MF; Jin JS; Luo SH; Zhu W; Kochan NA; Reppermund S; Zhuang L; Raamana PR; Liu T; Trollor JN; Wang L; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Cui Y, 2012, 'Automated detection of amnestic mild cognitive impairment in community-dwelling elderly adults: A combined spatial atrophy and white matter alteration approach', NeuroImage, 59, pp. 1209 - 1217,

Thillainadesan S; Wen W; Zhuang L; Crawford J; Kochan NA; Reppermund S; Slavin MJ; Trollor JN; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2012, 'Changes in mild cognitive impairment and its subtypes as seen on diffusion tensor imaging', International Psychogeriatrics, 24, pp. 1483 - 1489,

Trollor JN; Chen X; Chitty K; Sachdev PS, 2012, 'Comparison of neuroleptic malignant syndrome induced by first- and second-generation antipsychotics', British Journal of Psychiatry, 201, pp. 52 - 56,

Lee T; Mosing MA; Henry JD; Trollor JN; Lammel A; Ames DJ; Martin NG; Wright MJ; Sachdev PS, 2012, 'Genetic Influences on Five Measures of Processing Speed and Their Covariation with General Cognitive Ability in the Elderly: The Older Australian Twins Study', Behavior Genetics, 42, pp. 96 - 106,

Lee T; Mosing MA; Henry JD; Trollor JN; Ames D; Martin N; Wright M; Sachdev PS, 2012, 'Genetic influences on four measures of executive functions and their covariation with general cognitive ability: The Older Australian Twins Study', Behavior Genetics, 42, pp. 528 - 538,

Zhang H; Trollor JN; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Kochan NA; Crawford J; Brodaty H; Slavin MJ; Reppermund S; Draper B; Zhu W; Kang K, 2012, 'Gray Matter Atrophy Patterns of Mild Cognitive Impairment Subtypes', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 315, pp. 26 - 32,

Baune BT; Smith E; Reppermund S; Air TM; Samaras K; Lux O; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Trollor JN, 2012, 'Inflammatory biomarkers predict depressive, but not anxiety symptoms during aging: The prospective Sydney Memory and Aging Study', Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37, pp. 1521 - 1530,

Lee T; Crawford JD; Henry JD; Trollor JN; Kochan NA; Wright MJ; Ames D; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2012, 'Mediating effects of processing speed and executive functions in age-related differences in episodic memory performance: a cross-validation study.', Neuropsychology, 26, pp. 776 - 784

Zhuang L; Sachdev PS; Trollor JN; Kochan NA; Reppermund S; Brodaty H; Wen W, 2012, 'Microstructural white matter changes in cognitively normal individuals at risk of cognitive decline', Neurology, 79, pp. 748 - 754,

Brodaty H; Heffernan M; Draper B; Reppermund S; Kochan NA; Slavin MJ; Trollor JN; Sachdev PS, 2012, 'Neuropsychiatric symptoms in older people with and without cognitive impairment', Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 31, pp. 411 - 420,

Sachdev P; Brodaty H; Trollor J; Reppermund S; Kochan N; Lipnicki D; Crawford J; Draper B; Slavin M; Kang K; Lux O; Mather K; Wen W, 2012, 'P2‐168: Recent findings from the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study (Sydney MAS)', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 8,

Mather K; Armstrong N; Assareh A; Kwok J; Crawford J; Reppermund S; Trollor J; Kochan N; Kang K; Slavin M; Draper B; Brodaty H; Schofield P; Sachdev P, 2012, 'P4‐111: Olfaction identification in older adults: A genome‐wide association study', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 8,

Cui Y; Sachdev PS; Lipnicki D; Jin JS; Luo S; Zhu W; Kochan NA; Reppermund S; Liu T; Trollor JN; Brodaty H; Wen W, 2012, 'Predicting the development of mild cognitive impairment: A new use of pattern recognition', Neuroimage, 60, pp. 894 - 901,

Menant J; Close J; Delbaere K; Sturnieks DL; Trollor JN; Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Lord , 2012, 'Relationships between serum vitamin D levels, neuromuscular and neuropsychological function and falls in older men and women', Osteoporosis International, 23, pp. 981 - 989,

Sachdev PS; Lipnicki D; Crawford J; Reppermund S; Kochan NA; Trollor JN; Draper B; Slavin MJ; Kang K; Lux O; Mather KA; Brodaty H, 2012, 'Risk profiles for mild cognitive impairment vary by age and sex: The sydney memory and ageing study', American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20, pp. 854 - 865,

Sachdev PS; Lipnicki D; Crawford J; Reppermund S; Kochan NA; Trollor JN; Draper B; Slavin MJ; Kang K; Lux O; Mather K; Brodaty H; Bowman A; Burns K; Broe T; Dekker J; De permentier M; Fairjones S; Fletcher JP; French T; FOster C; Nugnt-cleary-fox E; Gooi C; Harvey E; Helyer R; Hsieh S; Hughes L; Jacek S; JOhnston M; McCade D; Meeth S; Milne E; Moir A; O''Grady R; Pfaeffli K; Pose C; Reuser L; Rose A; Schofield PR; Shahnawaz Z; Sharpley A; THompson C; Queisser W; Wong S, 2012, 'Risk Profiles of Subtypes of Mild Cognitive Impairment: The Sydney Memory and Ageing Study', Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 60, pp. 24 - 33,

Evans EJ; Howlett S; Kremser T; Simpson J; Kayess R; Trollor JN, 2012, 'Service Development for Intellectual Disability Mental Health: A Human Rights Approach', Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56, pp. 1098 - 1109,

Suo C; Leon I; Brodaty H; Trollor JN; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Valenzuela MJ, 2012, 'Supervisory experience at work is linked to low rate of hippocampal atrophy in late life', Neuroimage, 63, pp. 1542 - 1551,

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