Select Publications


Richters J, 2006, Annual report of behaviour 2006: HIV/AIDS, hepatitis & sexually transmissible infections in Australia, Original, National Centre in HIV Social Research, Sydney

Richters J; Rissel C, 2005, Doing it down under: The sexual lives of Australians, Original, Allen and Unwin, St Leonards, NSW

Book Chapters

Richters J, 2022, 'The social meanings and practices of orgasm', in Introducing the New Sexuality Studies, Routledge, pp. 118 - 125,

Callander D; DeVeau R; Prestage G; Richters J; Donovan B, 2021, 'Male sex work in Australia: Impact of legalization, criminalization, and peer support in community and public health', in Scott J; Grov C; Minichiello V (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Male Sex Work, Culture, and Society, Routledge, pp. 571 - 582,

Callander D; DeVeau R; Prestage G; Richters J; Donovan B, 2021, 'Male sex work in Australia', in The Routledge Handbook of Male Sex Work, Culture, and Society, Routledge, pp. 571 - 582,

Richters J, 2016, 'Orgasm', in Fischer BL; Seidman S (ed.), Introducing the new sexuality studies, Routledge, New York, pp. 97 - 104

Simpson PL; Reekie J; Butler T; Richters J; Yap L; Donovan B, 2016, 'Sexual coercion in men's prisons', in Dwyer A; Ball M; Crofts T (ed.), Queering Criminology, pp. 204 - 228

Simpson P; Reekie J; Butler T; Richters J; Yap L; Donovan B, 2016, 'Sexual Coercion in Men’s Prisons', in Queering Criminology, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 204 - 228,

Richters J, 2015, 'Sexuality in Australia', in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Second Edition, pp. 833 - 839,

Richters J, 2015, 'Who are the bisexuals?', in Temple-Smith M (ed.), Sexual health in Australia, IP Communications, Sydney

Smith AMA; Richters J; Grulich AE; Rissel CE; de Visser RO; Badcock PB, 2014, 'The sexual practices of the Australian population', in Temple-Smith M (ed.), Sexual Health A multidisciplinary approach, IP Communications, Melbourne, pp. 22 - 40

Richters J, 2014, 'Who are the bisexuals?', in Temple-Smith M (ed.), Sexual health: a multidisciplinary approach, IP Communications, Sydney

Crosbie K; Richters J; Hooker C; Leask J, 2013, 'Chapter 7 Filthy Fingernails and Friendly Germs Lay Concepts of Contagious Disease Transmission in Developed Countries', in When Culture Impacts Health, Elsevier, pp. 67 - 83,

Crosbie K; Richters J; Hooker C; Leask J, 2013, 'Filthy Fingernails and Friendly Germs: Lay Concepts of Contagious Disease Transmission in Developed Countries', in Banwell C; Ulijaszek S; Dixon J (ed.), When Culture Impacts Health: Global Lessons for Effective Health Research, Elsevier Inc, London, Waltham, San Diego, pp. 67 - 83,

Richters J, 2011, 'Orgasm', in Seidman S; Fischer N; Meeks C (ed.), INTRODUCING THE NEW SEXUALITY STUDIES, 2ND EDITION, ROUTLEDGE, pp. 100 - 105,

Richters J, 2007, 'Orgasm', in Handbook of the New Sexuality Studies, Routledge, pp. 114 - 120,

Richters J, 2006, 'Orgasm', in Introducing the new sexuality studies: original essays and interviews, edn. Original, Routledge Press, London, pp. 107 - 113

Smith A; Rissel C; Richters J; Grulich AE; de Visser R, 2005, 'Sex in Australia: The findings of the Australian Study of health and relationships', in Temple Smith M; Gifford S (ed.), Sexual health: An Australian perspective, edn. Original, IP Communications, Melbourne, pp. 36 - 49

Richters J, 1998, 'Authorship', in Kerr C; Taylor R; Heard G (ed.), A handbook of public health methods, edn. Original, McGraw-Hill, Sydney, pp. 568 - 570

Journal articles

Richters J; Yeung A; Rissel C; McGeechan K; Caruana T; de Visser R, 2022, 'Sexual Difficulties, Problems, and Help-Seeking in a National Representative Sample: The Second Australian Study of Health and Relationships', Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51, pp. 1435 - 1446,

Richters J; Carter A; Caruana T; Bateson D; de Visser R; Rissel C; Yeung A; Guy R; McGeechan K, 2022, 'Reproductive experiences and outcomes among a representative sample of women: the Second Australian Study of Health and Relationships', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 46, pp. 69 - 74,

Watchirs Smith L; Liu B; Degenhardt L; Richters J; Bateson D; Yeung A; Guy R, 2022, 'Identifying gaps in dual protection from sexually transmissible infections and unintended pregnancies among Australian women: An observational study', Sexual Health, 18, pp. 475 - 486,

Carter A; Newman C; de Visser R; Yeung A; Rissel C; Grulich A; Haire B; Bateson D; Vaughn C; McGeechan K; Donovan B; Richters J; Guy R, 2021, 'Unwanted Sex Due to Intoxication among Australians Aged 16–69 Years', Journal of Sex Research, 58, pp. 74 - 85,

Yap L; Simpson P; Richters J; Donovan B; Grant L; Butler T, 2020, 'Disclosing sexuality: Gay and bisexual men’s experiences of coming out, forced out, going back in and staying out of the ‘closet’ in prison', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 22, pp. 1222 - 1234,

de Visser R; Richters J; Rissel C; Grulich A; Simpson J; Rodrigues D; Lopes D, 2020, 'Romantic Jealousy: A Test of Social Cognitive and Evolutionary Models in A Population-Representative Sample of Adults', Journal of Sex Research, 57, pp. 498 - 507,

Robertson C; Lin A; Smith G; Yeung A; Strauss P; Nicholas J; Davis E; Jones T; Gibson L; Richters J; Bock MD, 2020, 'The Impact of Externally Worn Diabetes Technology on Sexual Behavior and Activity, Body Image, and Anxiety in Type 1 Diabetes', Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 14, pp. 303 - 308,

Mooney-Somers J; Lau A; Bateson D; Richters J; Stewart M; Black K; Nothnagle M, 2019, 'Enhancing use of emergency contraceptive pills: A systematic review of women’s attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and experiences in Australia', Health Care for Women International, 40, pp. 174 - 195,

Leeuwen VT; Bateson DJ; Le Hunte B; Barratt A; Black KI; Kelly M; Inoue K; Rutherford AR; Stewart M; Richters J, 2019, 'Contraceptive advertising--A critical multimodal analysis', Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 13, pp. 321 - 342,

Smith LW; Guy R; Degenhardt L; Yeung A; Rissel C; Richters J; Liu B, 2018, 'Meeting sexual partners through internet sites and smartphone apps in Australia: National representative study', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20,

Badcock PB; Patrick K; Smith AMA; Simpson JM; Pennay D; Rissel CE; de Visser RO; Grulich AE; Richters J, 2017, 'Differences Between Landline and Mobile Phone Users in Sexual Behavior Research', Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, pp. 1711 - 1721,

De Visser R; Richters J; Yeung A; Rissel C; Simpson J, 2017, 'PS-01-006 Sexual Difficulties: Prevalence, Impact, and Help-Seeking in A Population-Representative Sample', The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14, pp. e108 - e108,

Yeung A; Aggleton P; Richters J; Grulich A; de Visser R; Simpson J; Risell C, 2017, 'Sex education: Findings from the Second Australian Study of Health and Relationships', Sexual Health, 14, pp. 293 - 295,

Rissel C; Donovan B; Yeung A; de Visser RO; Grulich A; Simpson JM; Richters J, 2017, 'Decriminalization of Sex Work Is Not Associated with More Men Paying for Sex: Results from the Second Australian Study of Health and Relationships', Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 14, pp. 81 - 86,

Rissel C; Richters J; de Visser RO; McKee A; Yeung A; Caruana T, 2017, 'A Profile of Pornography Users in Australia: Findings From the Second Australian Study of Health and Relationships', Journal of Sex Research, 54, pp. 227 - 240,

Kelly M; Inoue K; Barratt A; Bateson D; Rutherford A; Richters J, 2017, 'Performing (heterosexual) femininity: female agency and role in sexual life and contraceptive use–a qualitative study in Australia', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 19, pp. 240 - 255,

Kelly M; Inoue K; Black KI; Barratt A; Bateson D; Rutherford A; Stewart M; Richters J, 2017, 'Doctors' experience of the contraceptive consultation: A qualitative study in Australia', Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care, 43, pp. 119 - 125,

Wen LM; Rissel C; Cheng Y; Richters J; De Visser RO, 2017, 'Tobacco smoking and sexual difficulties among Australian adults: A cross-sectional study', Sexual Health, 14, pp. 313 - 319,

Richters J; Fitzadam S; Yeung A; Caruana T; Rissel C; Simpson JM; de Visser RO, 2016, 'Contraceptive practices among women: the second Australian study of health and relationships', Contraception, 94, pp. 548 - 555,

De Visser R; Richters J; Rissel CE; Grulich AE; Simpson JM, 2016, 'Evolutionary and Social Cognitive Models of Jealousy: A Test in a Population-Representative Sample of Adults', Klinička psihologija, 9, pp. 120 - 120,

De Visser R; Richters J; Rissel C; Grulich A; Simpson J, 2016, 'Which People with Bisexual Experience Identify as Bisexual? Insights from a Population-Representative Sample in Australia', Klinička psihologija, 9, pp. 121 - 121,

Wilson M; Simpson PL; Butler T; Richters J; Yap L; Donovan B, 2016, '‘You’re a woman, a convenience, a cat, a poof, a thing, an idiot’: transgender women negotiating sexual experiences in men’s prisons in Australia', Sexualities: studies in culture and society, First published date: November-22-2016,

Inoue K; Kelly M; Barratt A; Bateson D; Rutherford A; Black KI; Stewart M; Richters J, 2016, 'Australian women's attitudes towards and understandings of the subdermal contraceptive implant: a qualitative study of never-users', Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care, pp. jfprhc-2014-101132 - jfprhc-2014-101132,

Inoue K; Kelly M; Barratt A; Bateson D; Rutherford A; Black KI; Stewart M; Richters J, 2016, 'Australian women's experiences of the subdermal contraceptive implant: A qualitative perspective', Australian Family Physician, 45, pp. 734 - 739

van Leeuwen T; Bateson DJ; Le Hunte B; Barratt A; Black KI; Kelly M; Inoue K; Rutherford A; Stewart M; Richters J, 2016, 'Contraceptive advertising - A critical multimodal analysis', Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 13, pp. 321 - 342,

Inoue K; Kelly M; Bateson D; Rutherford A; Stewart M; Richters J, 2016, 'Contraceptive choices and sexual health of Japanese women living in Australia: A brief report from a qualitative study', Australian Family Physician, 45, pp. 523 - 527,

Smith LW; Liu B; Degenhardt L; Richters J; Patton G; Wand H; Cross D; Hocking JS; Skinner SR; Cooper S; Lumby C; Kaldor JM; Guy R, 2016, 'Is sexual content in new media linked to sexual risk behaviour in young people? A systematic review and meta-analysis', Sexual Health, 13, pp. 501 - 515,

Simpson PL; Reekie J; Butler T; Richters J; Yap L; Grant L; Richards A; Donovan B, 2016, 'Factors associated with sexual coercion in a representative sample of men in Australian prisons', Archives of Sexual Behavior: an interdisciplinary research journal, 45, pp. 1195 - 1205,

Inoue K; Barratt A; Richters J, 2015, 'Does research into contraceptive method discontinuation address women's own reasons? A critical review', Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care, 41, pp. 292 - 299,

Sharp E; Richter J; Rutherford A, 2015, '“Um… I’m Pregnant.” Young Men’s Attitudes Towards Their Role in Abortion Decision-Making', Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 12, pp. 155 - 162,

Sharp E; Richters J; Rutherford A, 2015, 'Erratum to: “Um… I’m Pregnant.” Young Men’s Attitudes Towards Their Role in Abortion Decision-Making [Sex Res Soc Policy, (2014), DOI 10.1007/s13178-014-0166-5]', Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 12, pp. 163,

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