Select Publications

Journal articles

Boydell KM; Honey A; Glover H; Gill K; Tooth B; Coniglio F; Hines M; Dunn L; Scanlan JN, 2021, 'Making lived-experience research accessible: A design thinking approach to co-creating knowledge translation resources based on evidence', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,

Wells R; Barker S; Boydell K; Buus N; Rhodes P; River J, 2021, 'Dialogical inquiry: multivocality and the interpretation of text', Qualitative Research, 21, pp. 498 - 514,

Beames JR; Johnston L; O'Dea B; Torok M; Christensen H; Boydell KM; Werner-Seidler A, 2021, 'Factors that help and hinder the implementation of digital depression prevention programs: School-based cross-sectional study', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23,

Boydell KM; Hodgins M, 2021, 'Special issue on “qualitative inquiry in mental health research with young people”', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,

Dadich A; Boydell KM; Habak S; Watfern C, 2021, 'Positive organisational arts-based youth scholarship: Redressing discourse on danger, disquiet, and distress during COVID-19', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,

Macken S; Nathan S; Jersky M; Boydell KM; Gibson A, 2021, 'Body Mapping in a Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program: Eliciting New Identity and Experience', International journal of environmental research and public health, 18, pp. 4942,

Fogarty A; Steel Z; Ward PB; Boydell KM; McKeon G; Rosenbaum S, 2021, 'Trauma and mental health awareness in emergency service workers: A qualitative evaluation of the behind the seen education workshops', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,

Wells R; Murad M; Higgins M; Smith L; Lenette C; Lappin J; Dew A; Boydell K; Bibby H; Cassaniti M; Isaacs D; Raman S; Zwi K; Bibby H, 2021, 'Exploring the intersection of human rights, health, disability and refugee status: An arts-based approach', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 26, pp. 387 - 404,

Watfern C; Doran B; Dadich A; Triandafilidis Z; Habak S; Boydell KM, 2021, 'The HIVE: a co-created art installation about health', Public Health, 193, pp. 26 - 28,

Baldwin PA; Rasmussen V; Trollor JN; Zhao JL; Anderson J; Christensen H; Boydell K, 2021, 'Idtwo: A protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a web-based mental health intervention for australians with intellectual disability', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, pp. 1 - 13,

Beames JR; Lingam R; Boydell K; Calear AL; Torok M; Maston K; Zbukvic I; Huckvale K; Batterham PJ; Christensen H; Werner-Seidler A, 2021, 'Protocol for the process evaluation of a complex intervention delivered in schools to prevent adolescent depression: The Future Proofing Study', BMJ Open, 11, pp. e042133,

Vella SA; Swann C; Batterham M; Boydell KM; Eckermann S; Ferguson H; Fogarty A; Hurley D; Liddle SK; Lonsdale C; Miller A; Noetel M; Okely AD; Sanders T; Schweickle MJ; Telenta J; Deane FP, 2021, 'An Intervention for Mental Health Literacy and Resilience in Organized Sports', Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 53, pp. 139 - 149,

Habak S; Bennett J; Davies A; Davies M; Christensen H; Boydell K, 2020, 'Edge of the present: A virtual reality tool to cultivate future thinking, positive mood and wellbeing', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, pp. 1 - 13,

Dew A; Lenette C; Smith L; Boydell K; Bibby H; Lappin J; Coello M; Raman S; Velkou K; Wells R; Momartin S; Blunden H; Higgins M; Murad M; Barry J; Mohammad Y; Bibby H, 2020, '“To the Arabic community disability is not normal”: Understandings of disability among Iraqi and Syrian people from refugee backgrounds.', Journal of Refugee Studies, 34, pp. 2849 - 2870,

Beames JR; Johnston L; O'Dea B; Torok M; Christensen H; Boydell KM; Werner-Seidler A, 2020, 'Factors That Help and Hinder the Implementation of Digital Depression Prevention Programs: School-Based Cross-sectional Study (Preprint)', ,

Honey A; Boydell KM; Coniglio F; Do TT; Dunn L; Gill K; Glover H; Hines M; Scanlan JN; Tooth B, 2020, 'Lived experience research as a resource for recovery: A mixed methods study', BMC Psychiatry, 20, pp. 456,

Boydell K; Bennett J; Dew A; Lappin J; Lenette C; Ussher J; Vaughan P; Wells R, 2020, 'Women and Stigma: A Protocol for Understanding Intersections of Experience through Body Mapping', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, pp. 5432 - 5432,

Boydell K, 2020, 'Using performative art to communicate research: Dancing experiences of psychosis', LEARNing Landscapes, 13, pp. 77 - 85,

Ferrari M; McIlwaine SV; Reynolds JA; Archie S; Boydell K; Lal S; Shah JL; Henderson J; Alvarez-Jimenez M; Andersson N; Boruff J; Nielsen RKL; Iyer SN, 2020, 'Digital game interventions for youth mental health services (gaming my way to recovery): Protocol for a scoping review', JMIR Research Protocols, 9, pp. e13834,

Stasiulis E; Gibson BE; Webster F; Boydell KM, 2020, 'Resisting governance and the production of trust in early psychosis intervention', Social Science and Medicine, 253,

Macdonald D; Dew A; Boydell KM, 2020, 'Structuring photovoice for community impact: A protocol for research with women with physical disability', Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 21,

Werner-Seidler A; Huckvale K; Larsen ME; Calear AL; Maston K; Johnston L; Torok M; O'Dea B; Batterham PJ; Schweizer S; Skinner SR; Steinbeck K; Ratcliffe J; Oei JL; Patton G; Wong I; Beames J; Wong QJJ; Lingam R; Boydell K; Salmon AM; Cockayne N; Mackinnon A; Christensen H, 2020, 'A trial protocol for the effectiveness of digital interventions for preventing depression in adolescents: The Future Proofing Study', Trials, 21, pp. 2,

Garrido S; Millington C; Cheers D; Boydell K; Schubert E; Meade T; Nguyen QV, 2019, 'What Works and What Doesn’t Work? A Systematic Review of Digital Mental Health Interventions for Depression and Anxiety in Young People', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10,

Pignatiello A; Stasiulis E; Solimine C; Ayad O; Boydell KM, 2019, 'Lessons learned in a physician referral to pediatric telemental health services program', Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 28, pp. 99 - 104,

Vella SA; Swann C; Boydell KM; Eckermann S; Fogarty A; Hurley D; Liddle SK; Lonsdale C; Sanders T; Schweickle MJ; Telenta J; Deane FP, 2019, 'Sports-based mental health promotion in Australia: Formative evaluation', Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 45,

Garrido S; Cheers D; Boydell K; Nguyen QV; Schubert E; Dunne L; Meade T, 2019, 'Young people's response to six smartphone apps for anxiety and depression: Focus group study', JMIR Mental Health, 6,

Werner-Seidler A; Huckvale K; Larsen ME; Calear AL; Maston K; Johnston L; Torok M; O’Dea B; Batterham PJ; Schweizer S; Skinner SR; Steinbeck K; Ratcliffe J; Oei J-L; Patton G; Wong I; Beames J; Wong QJJ; Lingam R; Boydell K; Salmon AM; Cockayne N; Mackinnon A; Christensen H, 2019, 'A Trial Protocol for the Effectiveness of Digital Interventions for Preventing Depression in Adolescents: The Future Proofing Study', ,

Boydell K; Bennett J; Davidson L, 2019, 'Exploring the Impact of the Big Anxiety: Festival of arts + science + people', American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 22, pp. 210 - 230,

Macken S, 2019, 'Body Mapping: Piloting an approach to explore the experiences of young people in drug and alcohol residential treatment', Wagga Wagga Journal of Medicine, 03, pp. 5 - 5,

Spiegel JB; Ortiz Choukroun B; Campaña A; Boydell KM; Breilh J; Yassi A, 2019, 'Social transformation, collective health and community-based arts: ‘Buen Vivir’ and Ecuador's social circus programme', Global Public Health, 14, pp. 899 - 922,

Boydell K, 2019, 'The journey to a wider understanding of ways of knowing: Knowledge translation and the arts', LEARNing Landscapes, 12

Bar-Zeev Y; Bovill M; Bonevski B; Gruppetta M; Oldmeadow C; Palazzi K; Atkins L; Reath J; Gould GS; O'Mara P; Clarke M; Oldmeadow C; Clough A; Carson K; Boydell K; Lim LL; Smith R; Cadet-James Y; Bittoun R; Atkin L; Cowling B; Orcher L, 2019, 'Improving smoking cessation care in pregnancy at Aboriginal Medical Services: 'ICAN QUIT in Pregnancy' step-wedge cluster randomised study', BMJ OPEN, 9,

Ferrari M; McIlwaine SV; Reynolds JA; Archie S; Boydell K; Lal S; Shah JL; Henderson J; Alvarez-Jimenez M; Andersson N; Boruff J; Nielsen RKL; Iyer SN, 2019, 'Digital Game Interventions for Youth Mental Health Services (Gaming My Way to Recovery): Protocol for a Scoping Review (Preprint)', ,

Da Silva M; Zlotnik Shaul R; Simpson C; Boydell K, 2019, 'Dual-Role Research and Consent by Unique Specialists', American Journal of Bioethics, 19, pp. 46 - 48,

Watfern C; Heck C; Rule C; Baldwin P; Boydell KM, 2019, 'Feasibility and acceptability of a mental health website for adults with an intellectual disability: Qualitative evaluation', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21,

Gould GS; Bovill M; Pollock L; Bonevski B; Gruppetta M; Atkins L; Carson-Chahhoud K; Boydell KM; Gribbin GR; Oldmeadow C; Hall A; Bar-Zeev Y, 2019, 'Feasibility and acceptability of Indigenous Counselling and Nicotine (ICAN) QUIT in Pregnancy multicomponent implementation intervention and study design for Australian Indigenous pregnant women: A pilot cluster randomised step-wedge trial', Addictive Behaviors, 90, pp. 176 - 190,

Adams S; Nicholas D; Mahant S; Weiser N; Kanani R; Boydell K; Cohen E, 2019, 'Care maps and care plans for children with medical complexity', Child: Care, Health and Development, 45, pp. 104 - 110,

Boydell KM; Davidson L; Bennett J, 2019, 'Exploring the Impact of the Big Anxiety: Festival of arts + science + people', American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 22, pp. 210 - 230

Macdonald D; Dew A; Boydell KM, 2019, 'Representation and knowledge exchange: A scoping review of photovoice and disability', Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 10, pp. 185 - 201,

Werner-Seidler A; Huckvale K; Larsen M; Calear A; Maston K; Johnston L; Torok M; O’Dea B; Batterham P; Schweizer S; Skinner R; Steinbeck K; Ratcliffe J; Oei J-L; Patton G; Wong I; Beames J; Wong Q; Lingam R; Boydell K; Salmon A; Cockayne N; Mackinnon A; Christensen H, 2019, 'A Trial Protocol for the Effectiveness of Digital Interventions for Preventing Depression in Adolescents: The Future Proofing Study', ,

Bellingham B; Buus N; McCloughen A; Dawson L; Schweizer R; Mikes-Liu K; Peetz A; Boydell K; River J, 2018, 'Peer work in Open Dialogue: A discussion paper', International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 27, pp. 1574 - 1583,

Boydell KM; Ball J; Curtis J; De Jager A; Kalucy M; Lappin J; Rosenbaum S; Tewson A; Vaughan P; Ward PB; Watkins A, 2018, 'A Novel Landscape for Understanding Physical and Mental Health: Body Mapping Research with Youth Experiencing Psychosis', Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 3, pp. 236 - 261,

Young NL; Wabano MJ; Jacko D; Barbic SP; Boydell K; Thavorn K; Roy-Charland A; Momoli F; Anderson M; Trudeau T; Peltier S; Mushquash C; Szatmari P; Williamson P; Dénommée J, 2018, 'Community-Based screening and triage versus standard referral of Aboriginal children', International Journal of Indigenous Health, 13, pp. 65 - 86,

Stasiulis E; Gladstone B; Boydell K; O'Brien C; Pope E; Laxer RM, 2018, 'Children with facial morphoea managing everyday life', British Journal of Dermatology, 179, pp. e97 - e97,

Stasiulis E; Gladstone B; Boydell K; O'Brien C; Pope E; Laxer RM, 2018, 'Children with facial morphoea managing everyday life: a qualitative study', British Journal of Dermatology, 179, pp. 353 - 361,

Young NL; Wabano MJ; Jacko D; Barbic SP; Boydell K; Thavorn K; Roy-Charland A; Momoli F; Anderson M; Trudeau T; Peltier S; Mushquash C; Szatmari P; Denomrnee J; Williamson P, 2018, 'Community-Based screening and triage versus standard referral of Aboriginal children: a prospective cohort study protocol', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDIGENOUS HEALTH, 13, pp. 65 - 86,

Stasiulis E; Gladstone B; Boydell K; O'Brien C; Pope E; Laxer R, 2018, '面部硬皮病儿童患者如何应对日常生活', British Journal of Dermatology, 179, pp. e117 - e117,

Yama BA; Hodgins M; Boydell K; Schwartz SB, 2018, 'A qualitative exploration: Questioning multisource feedback in residency education', BMC Medical Education, 18, pp. 170,

Nicolopoulos A; Boydell K; Shand F; Christensen H, 2018, 'Why Suicide?: Reasons for Suicide Attempts as Self-Reported by Youth: A Systematic Evaluation of Qualitative Studies', Adolescent Research Review, 3, pp. 155 - 172,

Larsen M; Vaughan P; Bennett J; Boydell K, 2018, 'The ‘BIG Anxiety Project’: Using the arts to visually explore public experiences and attitudes to anxiety', Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 9, pp. 85 - 97,

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