Select Publications

Book Chapters

Higgins M; Murad M; Robinson K; Dew A; Boydell K; McKay F; Watson J; Coello M; Smith L; Johnson K; Wells R, 2023, 'Engaged advocacy: A framework for inclusion of people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds in disability policy', in Research Handbook on Disability Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 305 - 321,

Watfern C; Bennett J; Habak S; Boydell K, 2022, 'Edge of the present: Mixed reality, suicidality and future thinking', in Bennett J (ed.), The Big Anxiety: Taking Care of Mental Health in Times of Crisis, Bloomsbury Academic, London & New York, pp. 28 - 37,

Vaughan P; le de Jager A; Boydell KM, 2022, 'Body mapping and youth experiencing psychosis', in Handbook of Social Inclusion: Research and Practices in Health and Social Sciences, pp. 1173 - 1192,

Boydell KM; Sinopoli VM; Stasiulis E; Gladstone BM; Tilleczek K; Gibson AF; Tilleczek W; Hodgins M, 2021, 'Graffiti Walls', in Creative Approaches to Health Education, Routledge, pp. 73 - 86,

Vaughan P; de Jager A; Boydell KM, 2021, 'Body Mapping and Youth Experiencing Psychosis', in Handbook of Social Inclusion, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1 - 20,

Boydell KM; Collings S; Dew A; Senior K; Smith L, 2020, 'Applying body mapping to research with marginalised and vulnerable groups', in Applying Body Mapping In Research, Routledge, pp. 6 - 17,

Cox S; Guillemin M; Boydell KM, 2020, 'Body mapping in process', in Applying Body Mapping In Research, Routledge, pp. 37 - 46,

Boydell KM; Orchard T, 2020, 'Concluding remarks', in Applying Body Mapping In Research, Routledge, pp. 123 - 129,

Boydell KM, 2020, 'Introduction', in Applying Body Mapping In Research, Routledge, pp. 1 - 5,

Boydell K; de Jager A; Tewson A; Vaughan P, 2020, 'Audience response to the dissemination of body mapping research via installation art', in Applying Body Mapping In Research,

Spiegel JB; Ortiz Choukroun B; Campaña A; Boydell KM; Breilh J; Yassi A, 2020, 'Social transformation, collective health and community-based arts: ‘Buen Vivir’ and Ecuador's social circus programme', in Social Inequities and Contemporary Struggles for Collective Health in Latin America, Routledge, pp. 123 - 146,

Boydell KM, 2020, 'The Art of Social Prescription', in Beyond the Psychology Industry, Springer International Publishing, pp. 41 - 48,

Marcuse J; Fels L; Boydell KM; Spiegel JB, 2019, '5 Through Their Own Bodies, Eyes, and Voices: Social Circus, Social Inquiry, and the Politics of Facilitating “Collectivity”', in The Art of Collectivity, McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 127 - 171,

Boydell K; SPIEGEL J; YASSI A, 2019, 'The Art of Transdisciplinary Community-based Research: A Rhizomatic Approach', in The Art of Collectivity Social Circus and the Cultural Politics of a Post-Neoliberal Vision, McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP

MARCUSE J; Fels L; Boydell K; SPIEGEL J, 2019, 'Through Their Own Bodies, Eyes, and Voices: Social Circus, Social Inquiry, and the Politics of Facilitating “Collectivity”', in The Art of Collectivity: Social Circus and the Cultural Politics of a Post-Neoliberal Vision, pp. 127 - 153,

Boydell KM; Solimine C; Jackson S, 2016, 'Visually embodying psychosis: The ethics of performing difficult experiences', in Ethics and Visual Research Methods: Theory, Methodology, and Practice, pp. 201 - 210,

Boydell K, 2015, 'Ethical issues in arts-based health research', in Clift SM; Camic PM (ed.), Creative Arts in Public Health: International Perspectives, Oxford University Press, London, UK,

Boydell K, 2015, 'Ethical issues in arts-based health research', in Clift S; Camic P (ed.), Oxford Textbook of Creative Arts, Health, and Wellbeing International Perspectives on Practice, Policy and Research, Oxford University Press, USA, pp. 83 - 94

Boydell KM; Gladstone BM; Stasiulis E; Volpe T; Dhayanandhan B; Cole AL, 2015, 'The Co-Creation of a Mural Depicting Experiences Of Psychosis', in Creating Together, Wilfrid Laurier Press, pp. 39 - 50,

Boydell KM, 2013, 'Using Visual Arts to Enhance Mental Health Literacy in Schools', in Youth, Education, and Marginality, Wilfrid Laurier Press, pp. 229 - 239,

Boydell KM; Stasiulis E; Gladstone BM; Volpe T; Addington J; Goering P; Krupa T; McCay E, 2012, 'Recognition of Psychosis in the Pathway to Mental Health Care', in Hearing Voices, Wilfrid Laurier Press, pp. 9 - 24,

Boydell KM; Volpe T; Pignatiello A, 2009, 'Pediatric Telepsychiatry as Innovation in Healthcare Delivery', in Handbook of Research on Information Technology Management and Clinical Data Administration in Healthcare, IGI Global, pp. 814 - 826,

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