Select Publications

Book Chapters

Bagga N; Lui K; Liubšys A; Rahman MM; Singh S; Mynak ML; Maheshwari A, 2024, '16 Human Milk', in Principles of Neonatology, Elsevier, pp. 112 - 119,

Bagga N; Lui K; Liubšys A; Rahman MM; Mynak ML; Maheshwari A, 2024, '17 Storage and Use of Human Milk in Neonatal Intensive Care Units', in Principles of Neonatology, Elsevier, pp. 120 - 127,

Mishra V; Lui K; Schelonka RL; Maheshwari A; Jain R, 2024, '24 Infants of Diabetic Mothers', in Principles of Neonatology, Elsevier, pp. 200 - 206,

Parimi PS; Fabres J; Ethawi Y; Alallah J; Fredenburg M; Jain R; Rahman MM; Lui K; Liubšys A; Mynak ML; Goldenberg B; Buonocore G; Maheshwari A, 2024, 'CHAPTER 101 Leadership and OrganizationalCulture in Healthcare', in Principles of Neonatology, Elsevier, pp. 856 - 860,

Bagga N; Lui K; Liubšys A; Rahman MM; Singh S; Mynak ML; Maheshwari A, 2023, 'Human Milk', in Principles of Neonatology, pp. 112 - 119,

Mishra V; Lui K; Schelonka RL; Maheshwari A; Jain R, 2023, 'Infants of Diabetic Mothers', in Principles of Neonatology, pp. 200 - 206,

Parimi PS; Fabres J; Ethawi Y; Alallah J; Fredenburg M; Jain R; Rahman MM; Lui K; Liubšys A; Mynak ML; Goldenberg B; Buonocore G; Maheshwari A, 2023, 'Leadership and OrganizationalCulture in Healthcare', in Principles of Neonatology, pp. 856 - 860,

Bagga N; Lui K; Liubšys A; Rahman MM; Mynak ML; Maheshwari A, 2023, 'Storage and Use of Human Milk in Neonatal Intensive Care Units', in Principles of Neonatology, pp. 120 - 127,

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