ORCID as entered in ROS
Select Publications
2017, 'A moment of hope: thanksgiving services for families of donors', in Strkalj G; Pather N (ed.), Commemorations and Memorials: Exploring the Human Face of Anatomy, World Scientific, pp. 173 - 180, http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/9789813143159_bmatter
,2017, 'A Moment of hope: Thanksgiving services for families of donors', in Commemorations and Memorials: Exploring the Human Face of Anatomy, pp. 173 - 180, http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/9789813143159_0012
,2017, '2.17 The Monotreme Nervous System', in Evolution of Nervous Systems, Elsevier, pp. 349 - 362, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-804042-3.00051-8
,2016, 'The Monotreme Nervous System', in Kaas J (ed.), Evolution of Nervous Systems, Academic Press, pp. 349 - 362, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-804042-3.00051-8
,2013, 'Atlas and tables of peripheral nervous system anatomy', in Ashwell KWS (ed.), Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO, Collingwood, pp. 299 - 314
,2013, 'Auditory and vestibular systems', in Ashwell KWS (ed.), Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO, Collingwood, pp. 219 - 234
,2013, 'Cerebral cortex and claustrum/endopiriform complex', in Ashwell KWS (ed.), Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO, Collingwood, pp. 131 - 160
,2013, 'Chapter 09: Somatosensory and Electrosensory Systems', in Ashwell KWS (ed.), Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO Publishing, Sydney, pp. 179 - 218
,2013, 'Chapter 16: Atlas of the Adult and Developing Brain and Spinal Cord of the Short-beaked Echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus)', in Ashwell KWS (ed.), Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO Publishing, Sydney, pp. 315 - 386
,2013, 'Chapter 17: Atlas of the Adult and Developing Brain of the Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)', in Ashwell KWS (ed.), Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO Publishing, Sydney, pp. 387 - 436
,2013, 'Chemical senses: olfactory and gustatory systems', in Ashwell KWS (ed.), Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO, Collingwood, pp. 235 - 250
,2013, 'Diencephalon and deep telencephalic structures', in Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO, Collingwood, pp. 107 - 130
,2013, 'Embryology and post-hatching development of the monotremes', in Ashwell KWS (ed.), Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO, pp. 31 - 46
,2013, 'Monotremes and the evolution of sleep', in Ashwell KWS (ed.), Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO, Collingwood, pp. 275 - 284
,2013, 'Overview of monotreme nervous system structure and evolution', in Ashwell KWS (ed.), Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO, Collingwood, pp. 47 - 68
,2013, 'Peripheral nervous system, spinal cord, brainstem and cerebellum', in Ashwell KWS (ed.), Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO, Collingwood, pp. 69 - 106
,2013, 'Reflections: monotreme neurobiology in context', in Ashwell KWS (ed.), Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO, Collingwood, pp. 285 - 298
,2013, 'Somatosensory and Electrosensory Systems', in Ashwell KWS (ed.), Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO Publishing, Sydney, pp. 179 - 218
,2013, 'The hypothalamus, neuroendocrine interface and autonomic regulation', in Ashwell KWS (ed.), Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO, Collingwood, pp. 251 - 274
,2013, 'Visual system', in Ashwell KWS (ed.), Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in Our Distant Mammalian Cousins, CSIRO, Collingwood, pp. 161 - 178
,2012, 'Chapter 2 Development of the Peripheral Nervous System', in The Human Nervous System, Elsevier, pp. 14 - 30, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-374236-0.10002-1
,2012, 'Chapter 26 The Olfactory System', in The Mouse Nervous System, Elsevier, pp. 653 - 660, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-369497-3.10026-3
,2012, 'Chapter 3 Fetal Development of the Central Nervous System', in The Human Nervous System, Elsevier, pp. 31 - 79, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-374236-0.10003-3
,2012, 'Chapter 31 Trigeminal Sensory System', in The Human Nervous System, Elsevier, pp. 1110 - 1143, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-374236-0.10031-8
,2012, 'Development of the Peripheral Nervous System', in Mai JK; Paxinos G (ed.), The Human Nervous System, Academic Press, London, pp. 14 - 30, http://elsevier.insidethecover.com/searchbook.jsp?isbn=9780123742360
,2012, 'Fetal Development of the Central Nervous System', in Mai JK; Paxinos G (ed.), The Human Nervous System, Academic Press, London, pp. 31 - 79, http://elsevier.insidethecover.com/searchbook.jsp?isbn=9780123742360
,2012, 'The Olfactory System', in Watson C; Paxinos G; Puelles L (ed.), The Mouse Nervous System, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 653 - 660
,2012, 'Trigeminal Sensory System', in Mai JK; Paxinos G (ed.), The Human Nervous System, Academic Press, London, pp. 1110 - 1143, http://elsevier.insidethecover.com/searchbook.jsp?isbn=9780123742360
,2010, 'Atlas of the brain of the developing tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii)', in The Neurobiology of Australian Marsupials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 245 - 248
,2010, 'Atlas of the brain of the stripe-faced dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura).', in The Neurobiology of Australian Marsupials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 241 - 242
,2010, 'Cerebellum, vestibular and precerebellar nuclei', in The Neurobiology of Australian Marsupials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 82 - 94
,2010, 'Cerebral cortex and claustrum/endopiriform complex', in The Neurobiology of Australian Marsupials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 129 - 151
,2010, 'Classification, evolution and behavioural ecology of Australian marsupials', in The Neurobiology of Australian Marsupials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 3 - 17
,2010, 'Deep telencephalic structures: striatum, pallidum, amygdala, septum and subfornical organ', in The Neurobiology of Australian Marsupials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 119 - 128
,2010, 'Development and sexual dimorphism', in The Neurobiology of Australian Marsupials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 40 - 57
,2010, 'Diencephalon and associated structures: prethalamus, thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, epithalamus and pretectal area', in The Neurobiology of Australian Marsupials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 95 - 118
,2010, 'Motor system and spinal cord', in The Neurobiology of Australian Marsupials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 202 - 215
,2010, 'Olfactory system', in The Neurobiology of Australian Marsupials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 192 - 201
,2010, 'Overview of marsupial brain organisation and evolution', in The Neurobiology of Australian Marsupials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 18 - 39
,2010, 'Stereotaxic atlas of the brain of the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii)', in The Neurobiology of Australian Marsupials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 242 - 245
,2010, 'Ventral hindbrain and forebrain', in The Neurobiology of Australian Marsupials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 61 - 81
,2009, 'Chapter 2 Development of the Spinal Cord', in The Spinal Cord, Elsevier, pp. 8 - 16, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-374247-6.50006-7
,2009, 'Development of the Spinal Cord', in Watson C; Paxinos G; Kayalioglu G (ed.), The Spinal Cord, Elsevier - Academic press, San Diego, pp. 8 - 14
,2004, 'Chapter 29 Trigeminal Sensory System', in The Human Nervous System, Elsevier, pp. 1093 - 1124, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-012547626-3/50030-2
,2004, 'Chapter 3 Fetal Development of the Central Nervous System', in The Human Nervous System, Elsevier, pp. 49 - 94, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-012547626-3/50004-1
,2004, 'Chapter 4 Development of the Peripheral Nervous System', in The Human Nervous System, Elsevier, pp. 95 - 110, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-012547626-3/50005-3
,2004, 'Development of the Peripheral Nervous System', in Paxinos G; Mai JK (ed.), The Human Nervous System, Elsevier, USA, pp. 95 - 110
,2004, 'Fetal Development of the Central Nervous System', in Paxinos G; Mai JK (ed.), The Human Nervous System, Elsevier, USA, pp. 49 - 94
,2004, 'Trigeminal Sensory System', in Paxinos G; Mai JK (ed.), The Human Nervous System, Elsevier, USA, pp. 1093 - 1124
,2002, 'Chemical Neuroanatomy', in Ramachandran VM (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, Academic Press-Elsevier Science, San Diego, California, pp. 759 - 759