Select Publications


Flatau P; Lester L; Brown JT; Kyron M; Callis Z; Muir K, 2022, High Net Wealth Giving in Australia: A Review of the Evidence, Centre for Social Impact: UNSW and UWA, Sydney,

Brown JT; Thorp S; Heard C; Garrow M; Muir K, 2022, Indirect costs in the Australian for-purpose sector: Paying what it takes for Australian for-purpose organisations to create long-term impact, Social Ventures Australia & Centre for Social Impact, UNSW, Sydney, Australia,,

Muir K; Carey G; Weier M; Barraket J; Flatau P, 2020, Pulse of the For Purpose Sector Final Report,,

Carey G; Weier M; Muir K; Barnes E, 2020, MOVING THE CONVERSATION FORWARD A decade of reform recommendations for the community services sector,

Spinney A; Beer A; MacKenzie D; McNelis S; Meltzer A; Muir K; Peters A; Valentine K, 2020, Ending homelessness in Australia: A redesigned homelessness service system,

Ramia I; Muir K; McGannon C; Thorp S; Adams M; Flynn P; Riddell S, 2020, Will Australian charities be COVID-19 casualties or partners in recovery? A financial health check. Social Ventures Australia.

Powell A; Meltzer A; Martin C; Stone W; Liu E; Flanagan K; Muir K; Tually S, 2019, The construction of social housing pathways across Australia, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne, 316,,

Weier M; Dolan K; Powell A; Muir K; Young A, 2019, Money stories: Financial resilience among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians,,

Weier M; Marjolin A; Powell A; Muir K, 2018, Financial security and the influence of economic resources,,

Muir K; Martin C; Liu E; Kaleveld L; Flatau P; Etuk L; Pawson H, 2018, Amplify Insights: Housing Affordability and Homelessness, Centre for Social Impact UNSW, Sydney,,

Muir K; Michaux F; Sharam A; Flatau P; Meltzer A; Moran M; Heaney R; North G; Findlay S; Webb E; Mason C; Stone W; Ward-Christie L; Zaretzky K; Ramia I, 2018, Inquiry into social impact investment for housing and homelessness outcomes, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI),,

Powell A; Salignac F; Meltzer A; Muir K; Weier M, 2018, Background report on young people’s economic engagement,,

Muir K; Hamilton MG; Noone J; Marjolin A; Salignac F; Saunders P, 2017, Exploring Financial Wellbeing in the Australian Context, Centre for Social Impact & Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Muir K; Moran M; Michaux F; Findlay S; Meltzer A; Mason C; Ramia I; Heaney R, 2017, The opportunities, risks and possibilities of social impact investment for housing and homelessness, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI),,

Sawrikar P; Muir K; Craig L, 2017, Focus group research for beyondblue with consumers and carers, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,,

Marjolin A; Muir K; ramia I, 2017, Access to financial products and services: Financial Resilience and Access to Financial Products and Services - Part 2, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,,

Marjolin A; Ramia ; Muir ; Powell A, 2017, Financial Resilience and Employment: Financial Resilience in Australia 2016 - Part 3, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,,

Walker A; Wilcox T; Powell A; Muir K, 2017, The Navigator: Your guide to leadership for social purpose, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW, Sydney,,

Marjolin ; Muir K; Ramia I; Powell A, 2017, Why is financial stress increasing? Financial Resilience in Australia 2016 - Part 1, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,,

Bennett S; Reeve R; Muir K; Marjolin A; Powell A, 2016, Orienting your journey: An approach for indicator assessment and selection, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW, Sydney,,

Muir K; Reeve R; Connolly C; Marjolin A; Salignac F; Ho KA, 2016, Financial Resilience in Australia 2015,

Muir K; Marjolin A; Reeve R; Powell A; Etuk L, 2016, Evaluation Framework Part I: FIAP Concepts and Population Baseline, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,,

Salignac F; Muir K; Butler R; Reeve R; Marjolin A; Smith C, 2016, The Financial Economy and Indigenous Young People in Australia,

Hilferty F; cassells R; muir K; duncan A; christensen D; mitrou F; mavisakalyan A; hafekost K; tarvedi Y; wingrove C; katz I, 2015, Is headspace making a difference to young people's lives? Final report of the independent evaluation of the headspace program, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 08/2015,

Muir K; Craig L; Meltzer A; Butler R, 2015, We can’t afford not to: Supporting young people within their families and communities from early adolescence to early adulthood.

Hilferty F; Muir K; Katz I; Christensen D; Mitrou F, 2015, Independent evaluation of the headspace program: Stage 2 Progress Report 2, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney

Marjolin A; Powell A; Muir K, 2015, The Travel Companion: your guide to working with others for social outcomes, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW, Sydney,,

Muir K; Bennett S; Reeve R; Powell A; Young A, 2015, Uniting by cause to impact at scale: A shared outcomes measurement blueprint for Australia, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW, Sydney,,

Muir K; Bennett S, 2014, The Compass: Your Guide to Social Impact Measurement,,

Bennett S; Muir K; Marjolin A; Jenkins B, 2014, Feasibility Study - Assessing the Impact of Community Housing,

Hilferty F; Muir K; Katz I; Christensen D; Mitrou F, 2014, Independent evaluation of the headspace program: Stage 2 Progress Report 1, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney

Hilferty F; Muir K; Katz I; Wong M; Eastman C; Gendera S; Griffiths A, 2013, Independent evaluation of the headspace program: Stage 1 Report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney

Muir K; Hilferty F; Katz I; Mitrou F; Christensen D; Smyth C; Zubrick S; Lawrence D, 2013, Independent evaluation of the headspace program: Evaluation Framework, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney

Powell A; Muir K; Adamson E; Flaxman S; Gendera S; Heese K; Oprea I; Zhu A; Vespignani J; Behrend Z; Malins T; Lind L; Williams B; Holmes J, 2011, A Picture of NSW Children, NSW Commission for Children and Young People, Sydney,

McDermott SC; Bruce J; Oprea I; Fisher KR; Muir K, 2011, Evaluation of the Whole of Mental Health, Housing and Accommodation Support Initiative (HASI), Second Report, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, 5

McDermott ; Bruce ; Muir K; Johansson K, 2010, Evaluation of the Mental Health, Housing and Accommodation Support Initiative (HASI) (first report), 6/2010

Goldblatt BA; Muir K; Meltzer A; Dinning B, 2010, NSW Continuous Care Pilot Evaluation: Final Report, Multilple Sclerosis Limited,

Meltzer A; Muir K; Dinning B, 2010, Report on the consultation data for the revision of the National Standards for Disability Services: Final Report, Department of Human Services, Victoria,

Hamilton M; Gendera S; Muir K, 2009, Stakeholder consultation report: implementation and evaluation of NSW CAP, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney

Muir K; Katz I; Purcal C; Patulny R; Flaxman S; Abello D; Cortis N; Thomson CM; Oprea I; Wise S; Edwards B; Gray M; Hayes A, 2009, Appendix A: Local Answers Progress Reports Summary [SFCS Evaluation], Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra, Occasional Paper 24,

Patulny RV; Flaxman S; Purcal C; Muir K; Oprea I; Longden TA, 2009, Appendix C: CfC Service Coordination Study [SFCS Evaluation], Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra, Occassional Paper 24,

Patulny RV; Oprea I; Muir K, 2009, Appendix D (PDF): CfC Program Costs and Effects, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra, FaHCSIA Occasional Papers, Occassional Paper 24,

Muir K; Katz I; Purcal C; Patulny R; Flaxman S; Abello D; Cortis N; Thomson CM; Oprea I; Wise S; Edwards B; Gray M; Hayes A, 2009, Appendix F: SFCS evaluation instruments [SFCS Evaluation], Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra, Occassional Paper 24,

Muir K; Powell A; Patulny RV; Flaxman S; McDermott SC; Gendera S; Abello D; Katz I, 2009, Headspace Evaluation Report Independent Evaluation of headspace: the National Youth Mental Health Foundation, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, 19/09,

Muir K; McDermott SC; Gendera S; Flaxman S; Patulny RV; Abello D; Katz I, 2009, Independent evaluation of headspace: the National Youth Mental Health Foundation: interim evaluation report, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, Report 5/09,

Flaxman S; Muir K; Oprea I, 2009, Indigenous families and children: coordination and provision of services, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra, FaHCSIA Occasional Papers, 23,

Muir K; Katz I; Purcal C; Patulny R; Flaxman S; Abello D; Cortis N; Thomson CM; Oprea I; Wise S; Edwards B; Gray M; Hayes A, 2009, National Evaluation (2004-2008) of the Stronger Families and Communities Strategy 2004-2009, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra, Occassional Paper 24,

Muir K; Mullan K; Powell A; Flaxman S; Thompson DA; Griffiths MJ; Bedford M, 2009, State of Australia's young people: a report on the social, economic, health and family lives of young people, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney,,

Sawrikar P; Griffiths MJ; Muir K; Bedford M, 2008, Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) young people and mentoring : the case of Horn of African young people in Australia, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra,,

Muir K, 2008, Family resilience where families have a child (0-8 years) with a disability: literature review, Social Policy and Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Report, SPRC Report 9/08,

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