Select Publications
Journal articles
2007, '2004 Pathway Tunisia Hotel Sidi Driss', Pathway, pp. 1 - 1
,2007, 'IFCC position paper: report of the IFCC taskforce on ethics: introduction and framework.', Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine : CCLM / FESCC, 45, pp. 1098 - 1104
,, 2007, 'Lonely Planet Tunisia 2007', , pp. 1 - 2
2006, 'Ethical considerations in the use of DNA for the diagnosis of diseases.', Clinical Biochemistry Reviews, 27, pp. 53 - 61
,2005, 'Cost-effectiveness of a school-based Tay-Sachs and cystic fibrosis genetic carrier screening program.', Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics, 7, pp. 484 - 494
,2004, 'Making national DNA databases safer. (vol 362, pg 1761, 2003)', LANCET, 363, pp. 902 - 902,
,2004, 'Are serum cortisol levels a reliable indicator of wellbeing in the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii?', Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology, 138, pp. 341 - 348
,2004, 'Carrier screening for Canavan disease in Australia.', Journal of inherited metabolic disease, 27, pp. 289 - 290
,2004, 'Improving the quality of information on pathology request forms.', Ann Clin Biochem, 41, pp. 53 - 56
,2003, 'A genetic screening programme for Tay-Sachs disease and cystic fibrosis for Australian Jewish high school students.', Journal of medical genetics, 40, pp. e45 - e45
,2003, 'Making national DNA databases safer.', Lancet, 362, pp. 1761 - 1762
,2003, 'The "GeneTrustee": a universal identification system that ensures privacy and confidentiality for human genetic databases.', Journal of law and medicine, 10, pp. 506 - 513
,2002, 'Haematology and Serum Biochemistry of the Tammar Wallaby, Macropus eugenii', Comparative Clinical Pathology, 11, pp. 229 - 237
,2002, 'ISO compliant laboratory quality systems and incident monitoring improve the implementation of laboratory information systems', Accred Qual Assur, 7, pp. 237 - 241
,2002, 'Optimizing the availability of ’stat’ laboratory tests using Shewhart ’C’ control charts.', Ann Clin Biochem, 39, pp. 140 - 144
,2001, 'EBM in the laboratory', The Medical Journal of Australia
,2001, 'The frequency of founder mutations in the BRCA1, BRCA2, and APC genes in Australian Ashkenazi Jews: implications for the generality of U.S. population data', Cancer, 92, pp. 440 - 445
,2000, 'Community genetics testing programs in Australia', Australian Journal of Medical Science, 21, pp. 50
,2000, 'Customer-focussed design of integrated laboratories', Australian Journal of Medical Science, 21, pp. 51
,2000, 'Genetics broker- the simple solution to the DNA debate', The Sydney Morning Herald, pp. 17 - 17
,2000, 'Measurement of total protein is not a useful inclusion in liver function test profiles', Clinical Chemistry, 46, pp. 1022 - 1023
,1999, 'Plasma fibrinogen and other cardiovascular disease risk factors and cataract.', Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 6, pp. 279 - 290
,1998, 'Diabetes in an older Australian population', Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 41, pp. 177 - 184
,1998, 'Hematological indices in an older population sample: derivation of healthy reference values', Clinical Chemistry, 44, pp. 96 - 101
,1998, 'Taking charge', The Medical Journal of Australia
,1997, 'Equivalence of critical error calculations and process capability index C-pk', CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, 43, pp. 1100 - 1101,
,1997, 'Equivalence of critical error calculations and process capability index Cpk.', Clinical chemistry, 43, pp. 1100 - 1101,
,1997, '\textbfEquivalence of Critical Error \textbfCalculations and Process Capability \textbfIndex C pk ', Clinical Chemistry, 43, pp. 1100 - 1101
,1997, 'Implementation of ISO 9001 in a medical testing laboratory', Accred Qual Assur, 2, pp. 76 - 81
,1997, 'Serum analytes in the Tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii', Aust Vet J, 75, pp. 141 - 142
,1996, 'Genetic testing.', Lancet, 347, pp. 685,
,1996, 'A pilot study on the percutaneous absorption of microfine titanium dioxide from sunscreens.', The Australasian journal of dermatology, 37, pp. 185 - 187
,1996, 'Application of process capability indices to quality control in a clinical chemistry laboratory', Clinical Chemistry, 42, pp. 2035 - 2037
,1996, 'Error rates in Australian chemical pathology laboratories', The Medical Journal of Australia, 165, pp. 582 - 584
,1996, 'Error rates in Australian chemical pathology laboratories.', The Medical Journal of Australia, 165, pp. 128 - 130
,1996, 'Genetic testing', Lancet, 347, pp. 685 - 686
,1996, 'Using Shewhart p control charts of external quality-assurance program data to monitor analytical performance of a clinical chemistry laboratory', Clinical Chemistry, 42, pp. 1478 - 1482
,1995, 'Application of CQI tools to the reduction in risk of needlestick injury.', Infection control and hospital epidemiology, 16, pp. 503 - 505
,1995, 'Improving Laboratory Turnaround Time', CQI Annual, pp. 117 - 120
,1995, 'Nonenzymatic extraction of DNA from blood collected into serum separator tubes.', Clinical Chemistry, 41, pp. 1045 - 1046
,1995, 'PCR analysis of hair root specimens to detect Tay-Sachs disease carriers in Ashkenazi Jews.', Clinical Chemistry, 41, pp. 321 - 322
,1995, 'Simple computer spreadsheet for standardized interpretation of oral glucose tolerance tests.', Pathology, 27, pp. 140 - 141
,1995, 'The Tay-Sachs disease prevention program in Australia: Sydney pilot study.', The Medical Journal of Australia, 163, pp. 298 - 300
,1994, 'Applying the Australian Quality Award Assessment Criteria to Clinical Biochemistry', The Clinical Biochemist Newsletter, 113, pp. 29 - 31
,1994, 'Applying the Australian Quality Awards criteria to a clinical chemistry department', Qual Manag Health Care, 3, pp. 1 - 15
,1994, 'Applying the Australian Quality Awards Criteria to a Clinical Chemistry Department', Quality Management in Health Care, 3, pp. 1 - 15,
,1994, 'Taming the supplies and inventory process at Westmead Hospital', Qual Lett Healthc Lead, 6, pp. 83 - 86
,1993, 'A model quality system for Total Quality Management in the pathology laboratory', Clinical Biochemistry Reviews, 14, pp. 47 - 51
,1993, 'Familial hypobetalipoproteinaemia: a rare presentation to the lipid clinic', The Medical Journal of Australia, 159, pp. 272 - 274
,1993, 'Introduction of total quality management into a clinical chemistry laboratory', Aust Clin Rev, 13, pp. 3 - 10