
My Expertise

Social psychology and affective science.

Areas of interest: positive emotions (e.g., pride, gratitude, compassion); prosocial behaviour (e.g., charitable giving, blood donation, volunteering); loneliness; nonverbal behavior (e.g., facial expressions of emotion, eye contact)

Fields of Research (FoR)

Social and Community Psychology

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I am a social psychologist whose research explores how emotions shape and are shaped by social processes. Specifically, my research focuses on the adaptive functions of positive social emotions such as pride and gratitude. This program of research covers intrapersonal (within person), interpersonal (between individuals), and intergroup (between groups) processes.

My Grants

  • ARC Linkage Project (LP140100034) 2014-2016: The...view more


School of Psychology
University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW 2052
Mathews Building
Room 1302A


02 9385 1643
02 9385 3641


by Professor Lisa Anne Williams