Select Publications

Book Chapters

Bliss-Moreau E; Williams LA; Karaskiewicz CL, 2021, 'Evolution of Emotion in Social Context', in Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer International Publishing, pp. 2487 - 2499,

Bliss-Moreau E; Williams L; Karaskiewicz C, 2018, 'Evolution of Emotion in Social Context', in Shackelford TK; Weekes-Shackelford VA (ed.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer, Cham,

Williams LA, 2018, 'Emotions of Excellence: Communal and Agentic Functions of Pride, Moral Elevation, and Admiration', in Lench H (ed.), The Function of Emotions When and Why Emotions Help Us, Springer, pp. 235 - 252,

Bliss-Moreau E; Williams LA; Karaskiewicz CL, 2018, 'Evolution of Emotion in Social Context', in Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1 - 13,

Williams LA; Davies J, 2017, 'Beyond the self: Pride felt in relation to others', in Carter JA; Gordon EC (ed.), The moral psychology of pride, Rowman & Littlefield International, London, pp. 43 - 68,

Williams LA; Barrett-Cheetham E, 2015, 'Social psychological perspectives on compassion', in On compassion, Createspace Publishers

Williams LA; DeSteno D, 2014, 'How Positive Social Emotions Motivate Actions for the Future Self', in Positive Emotion, Oxford University Press, pp. 206 - 224,

Williams LA; DeSteno D, 2014, 'Building bonds, attaining ambitions, and establishing esteem: How positive emotions serve intrapersonal needs', in Gruber J; Moskowitz JT (ed.), Positive emotion: Integrating the light sides and dark sides, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 206 - 224,

Journal articles

Williams LA; Tzelios K; Masser B; Thijsen A; van Dongen A; Davison TE, 2024, 'A virtual reality paradigm simulating blood donation serves as a platform to test interventions to promote donation', Scientific Reports, 14,

Kim F; Williams LA; Johnston EL; Fan Y, 2024, 'Bias intervention messaging in student evaluations of teaching: The role of gendered perceptions of bias', Heliyon, 10,

Iannuzzelli R; Gonsalkorale K; Williams LA, 2024, 'Motives matter: The psychological experience of ostracizing among sources', PLoS ONE, 19,

Williams LA; Nicholls K; Williams JRW, 2024, 'psychological responses to blood donated by men who have sex with men', Blood Transfusion, 22, pp. 96 - 105,

Ferguson E; Lawrence C; Bowen S; Gemelli CN; Rozsa A; Niekrasz K; van Dongen A; Williams LA; Thijsen A; Guerin N; Masser B; Davison TE, 2023, 'Warming up cool cooperators', Nature Human Behaviour, 7, pp. 1917 - 1932,

Thijsen A; Masser B; Davison TE; van Dongen A; Williams LA, 2023, 'Beyond fear: A longitudinal investigation of emotions and risk of a vasovagal reaction in first-time whole-blood donors', Transfusion, 63, pp. 163 - 170,

Marey T; Baker S; Williams LA; Tzelios K, 2023, 'Equity and STEM in elite contexts: challenging institutional assumptions and critiquing student support', International Journal of Inclusive Education, 27, pp. 1576 - 1591,

Tzelios K; Williams LA; Omerod J; Bliss-Moreau E, 2022, 'Evidence of the unidimensional structure of mind perception', Scientific Reports, 12,

Williams LA, 2021, 'From human wellbeing to animal welfare', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 131, pp. 941 - 952,

Van Dongen A; Williams LA; Masser BM; Briggs N; Thijsen A; Davison TE, 2021, 'The Impact of Temporal Trajectories of Emotional Experience on Blood Donor Return', Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 55, pp. 686 - 692,

Gruber J; Mendle J; Lindquist KA; Schmader T; Clark LA; Bliss-Moreau E; Akinola M; Atlas L; Barch DM; Barrett LF; Borelli JL; Brannon TN; Bunge SA; Campos B; Cantlon J; Carter R; Carter-Sowell AR; Chen S; Craske MG; Cuddy AJC; Crum A; Davachi L; Duckworth AL; Dutra SJ; Eisenberger NI; Ferguson M; Ford BQ; Fredrickson BL; Goodman SH; Gopnik A; Greenaway VP; Harkness KL; Hebl M; Heller W; Hooley J; Jampol L; Johnson SL; Joormann J; Kinzler KD; Kober H; Kring AM; Paluck EL; Lombrozo T; Lourenco SF; McRae K; Monin JK; Moskowitz JT; Natsuaki MN; Oettingen G; Pfeifer JH; Prause N; Saxbe D; Smith PK; Spellman BA; Sturm V; Teachman BA; Thompson RJ; Weinstock LM; Williams LA, 2021, 'The Future of Women in Psychological Science', Perspectives on Psychological Science, 16, pp. 483 - 516,

Tzelios K; Williams LA, 2021, 'The psychological impact of digital signatures: A multistudy replication.', Technology Mind and Behavior, 1,

Tzelios K; Williams LA, 2020, 'Supplemental Material for The psychological impact of digital signatures: A multistudy replication.', Technology, Mind, and Behavior, 1,

France CR; France JL; Himawan LK; Jeitani A; Williams LA, 2020, 'Emotional mechanisms and format effects of motivational questions for blood donation', Transfusion, 60, pp. 1998 - 2009,

Bliss-Moreau E; Williams LA; Santistevan AC, 2020, 'The immutability of valence and arousal in the foundation of emotion', Emotion, 20, pp. 993 - 1004,

Masser B; Ferguson E; Merz EM; Williams L, 2020, 'Beyond Description: The Predictive Role of Affect, Memory, and Context in the Decision to Donate or Not Donate Blood', Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy, 47, pp. 175 - 185,

Williams LA; Brosnan SF; Clay Z, 2020, 'Anthropomorphism in comparative affective science: Advocating a mindful approach', Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 115, pp. 299 - 307,

Williams L; Sun J; Masser B, 2019, 'Integrating self‐determination theory and the theory of planned behaviour to predict intention to donate blood', Transfusion Medicine, 29, pp. 59 - 64,

Garg N; Williams LA; Lerner J, 2018, 'The Misery-Is-Not-Miserly Effect Revisited: Replication Despite Opportunities for Compensatory Consumption', PLoS ONE, 13, pp. e0199433,

Greenaway KH; Kalokerinos EK; Williams LA, 2018, 'Context is Everything (in Emotion Research)', Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 12,

Klein RA; Vianello M; Hasselman F; Adams BG; Adams RB; Alper S; Aveyard M; Axt JR; Babalola MT; Bahník Š; Batra R; Berkics M; Bernstein MJ; Berry DR; Bialobrzeska O; Binan ED; Bocian K; Brandt MJ; Busching R; Rédei AC; Cai H; Cambier F; Cantarero K; Carmichael CL; Ceric F; Chandler J; Chang JH; Chatard A; Chen EE; Cheong W; Cicero DC; Coen S; Coleman JA; Collisson B; Conway MA; Corker KS; Curran PG; Cushman F; Dagona ZK; Dalgar I; Dalla Rosa A; Davis WE; de Bruijn M; De Schutter L; Devos T; de Vries M; Doğulu C; Dozo N; Dukes KN; Dunham Y; Durrheim K; Ebersole CR; Edlund JE; Eller A; English AS; Finck C; Frankowska N; Freyre M; Friedman M; Galliani EM; Gandi JC; Ghoshal T; Giessner SR; Gill T; Gnambs T; Gómez Á; González R; Graham J; Grahe JE; Grahek I; Green EGT; Hai K; Haigh M; Haines EL; Hall MP; Heffernan ME; Hicks JA; Houdek P; Huntsinger JR; Huynh HP; Ijzerman H; Inbar Y; Innes-Ker Å; Jiménez-Leal W; John MS; Joy-Gaba JA; Kamiloğlu RG; Kappes HB; Karabati S; Karick H; Keller VN; Kende A; Kervyn N; Knežević G; Kovacs C; Krueger LE; Kurapov G; Kurtz J; Lakens D; Lazarević LB; Williams L, 2018, 'Many labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across samples and settings', Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1, pp. 443 - 490,

Crone DL; Williams LA, 2017, 'Crowdsourcing participants for psychological research in Australia: A test of Microworkers', Australian Journal of Psychology, 69, pp. 39 - 47,

Williams LA; Schofield TP; Whitford TJ, 2017, 'Romantic red: Testing the characteristics of color–attraction effects in a novel paradigm', Collabra: Psychology, 3,

Williams LA; Masser B; Van Dongen A; Thijsen A; Davison T, 2017, 'The emotional psychology of blood donors: a time-course approach', ISBT Science Series, 13, pp. 93 - 100,

Barrett-Cheetham E; Williams LA; Bednall TC, 2016, 'A differentiated approach to the link between positive emotion, motivation, and eudaimonic well-being', Journal of Positive Psychology, 11, pp. 595 - 608,

Williams LA; Bliss-Moreau E, 2016, 'Humans are ultrasocial and emotional', The Behavioral and brain sciences, 39, pp. e117,

Williams LA; Masser B; Sun J, 2015, 'Revisiting the effect of anthropomorphizing a social cause campaign', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0138886,

Gooley SL; Zadro L; Williams LA; Svetieva E; Gonsalkorale K, 2015, 'Ostracizing for a Reason: A Novel Source Paradigm for Examining the Nature and Consequences of Motivated Ostracism', Journal of Social Psychology, 155, pp. 410 - 431,

Masser B; Smith G; Williams LA, 2014, 'Donor Research in Australia: Challenges and Promise', Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy, 41, pp. 296 - 301,

Bliss-Moreau E; Williams LA, 2014, 'Tag, you're it: Affect tagging promotes goal formation and selection', Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37, pp. 138 - 139,

Williams LA; Bartlett MY, 2014, 'Warm Thanks: Gratitude Expression Facilitates Social Affiliation in New Relationships via Perceived Warmth.', Emotion,

Desteno D; Bartlett M; Baumann J; Williams L; Dickens L, 2010, 'Gratitude as moral sentiment: Emotion-guided cooperation in economic exchange', Emotion, 10, pp. 289 - 293

Williams L; Desteno D, 2010, 'Pride in parsimony', Emotion Review, 2, pp. 180 - 181

Dasgupta N; Desteno D; Williams L; Hunsinger M, 2009, 'Fanning the Flames of Prejudice: The Influence of Specific Incidental Emotions on Implicit Prejudice', Emotion, 9, pp. 585 - 591,

Williams L; Desteno D, 2009, 'Pride: adaptive social emotion or seventh sin?', Psychological Science, 20, pp. 284 - 288

Williams L; Desteno D, 2008, 'Pride and Perseverance: The Motivational Role of Pride', Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94, pp. 1007 - 1017,

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