Select Publications


McNamara L; Matthews I; Sentas V; Williams L, 2022, Submission to the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission NSW: Review of the operation of amendments to the consorting law under Part 3A Division 7 of the Crimes Act 1900, Centre for Crime, Law and Justice, UNSW

Stubbs J; Findlay L; McNamara L; Steel A, 2019, Submission to the NSW Sentencing Council’s review of sentencing for the offences of murder and manslaughter, including penalties imposed for domestic and family violence homicides and the standard non-parole periods for murder,

Appleby G; McNamara L; Sentas V, 2019, Submission to the Department of Justice, Strategic Legislation and Policy on the Workplaces (Protection from Protesters) Amendment Bill 2019 (Tas),

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