Select Publications


Kang HH; Cheng MM, 2002, Business reporting and intangible assets: empirical evidence from Australia and Korea, Korea-Australasia Research Centre (KAREC), University of NSW

Book Chapters

Cheng M, 2024, 'Doing experimental research on performance measurement (with a little help from technology)', in Lillis A; Grafton J (ed.), Handbook on Performance Measurement for Management Control, Edward Elgar,

Cheng MM-S, 2012, 'Strategic Performance Measurement Systems and Managerial Judgements', in Gregoriou GN; Finch N (ed.), BEST PRACTICES IN MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING, PALGRAVE, pp. 166 - 181,

Cheng MM, 2012, 'Strategic performance measurement systems and managerial judgments', in Gregoriou GN; Finch N (ed.), Best Practices in Management Accounting, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, pp. 166 - 181,

Journal articles

Cheng MM; Wu S; Yang D, 2024, 'Keeping Up with the Joneses during an Economic Crisis: The Effect of Different Types of Pay Cuts on Employee Performance', Journal of Management Accounting Research, 36, pp. 135 - 152,

Ko JCW; Cheng MM; Green WJ, 2024, 'Stakeholder Focus or Strategy Focus? An Eye-Tracker Study on the Effect of Presentation Format on Nonprofessional Investors’ Information Processing Patterns', European Accounting Review, 33, pp. 1521 - 1548,

Cheng MM; Perego P; Soderstrom NS, 2023, 'Sustainability and Management Accounting Research', Journal of Management Accounting Research, 35, pp. 1 - 11,

Wang KK; Cheng MM; Chang LJ, 2023, 'Reducing Strategy Surrogation: The Effects of Performance Measurement System Flexibility and Environmental Dynamism', Accounting Review, 98, pp. 435 - 456,

Loh CY; Cheng MM; Coyte R, 2023, 'The effect of mood and information sequence on third party evaluation of escalating capital investment projects', Management Accounting Research, 58,

Cheng M, 2022, 'How do you like your digital advisors? A review of research on the behavioral responses to decision algorithms in the management accounting context', China Management Accounting Review, 3, pp. 119 - 132,

Anderson SW; Cheng MM; Phua YS, 2022, 'Influence of Control Precision and Prior Collaboration Experience on Trust and Cooperation in Inter-Organizational Relationships', Accounting Review, 97, pp. 1 - 22,

Casas-Arce P; Cheng MM; Grabner I; Modell S, 2022, 'Managerial Accounting for Decision-Making and Planning', Journal of Management Accounting Research, 34, pp. 1 - 7,

Green WJ; Cheng MM, 2019, 'Materiality judgments in an integrated reporting setting: The effect of strategic relevance and strategy map', Accounting, Organizations and Society, 73, pp. 1 - 14,

Cheng M; Dinh T; Schulz W; Assel M, 2019, 'The effect of bonus deferral on managers’ investment decisions.', Behavioral Research in Accounting,

Loh CY; Coyte R; Cheng MM, 2018, 'Is a fresh pair of eyes always better? The effect of consultant type and assigned task purpose on communicating project escalation concerns', Management Accounting Research, pp. 1 - 14,

Cheng MM; Humphreys KA; Zhang YY, 2018, 'The interplay between strategic risk profiles and presentation format on managers' strategic judgments using the balanced scorecard', Accounting, Organizations and Society,

Cheng MM; Tan HT; Trotman KT; Tse A, 2017, 'The impact of the timing of a prior year’s auditor concessions on financial officers’ judgments', Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 36, pp. 43 - 62,

Anderson SW; Chang HF; Cheng MM; Phua YS, 2017, 'Getting to Know You: Trust Formation in New Buyer-Supplier Relationships and the Investment Consequences for Management Control and Collaboration', Contemporary Accounting Research, 34, pp. 940 - 965,

Ang N; Cheng M, 2016, 'Does Self-certification Encourage or Reduce Escalation of Commitment?', Behavioral Research in Accounting, 28, pp. 1 - 16,

Cheng MM; Humphreys KA, 2016, 'Managing strategic uncertainty: The diversity and use of performance measures in the balanced scorecard', Managerial Auditing Journal, 31, pp. 512 - 534,

Cheng MM; Green WJ; Ko JCW, 2015, 'The impact of strategic relevance and assurance of sustainability indicators on investors’ decisions', Auditing, 34, pp. 131 - 162,

Cheng M; Green W; Conradie P; Konishi N; Romi A, 2014, 'The International Integrated Reporting Framework: Key Issues and Future Research Opportunities', Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 25, pp. 90 - 119,

Cheng MM; Coyte R, 2014, 'The effects of incentive subjectivity and strategy communication on knowledge-sharing and extra-role behaviours', Management Accounting Research, 25, pp. 119 - 130,

Mahama H; Cheng MM, 2013, 'The Effect of Managers' Enabling Perceptions on Costing System Use, Psychological Empowerment, and Task Performance', Behavioral Research in Accounting, 25, pp. 89 - 114,

Chang LJ; Cheng MM; Trotman KT, 2013, 'The effect of outcome and process accountability on customer-supplier negotiations', Accounting Organizations and Society, 38, pp. 93 - 107,

Cheng MM; Humphreys KA, 2012, 'The differential improvement effects of the strategy map and scorecard perspectives on managers’ strategic judgments.', Accounting Review, 87, pp. 899 - 924,

Cheng MM; Mahama H, 2011, 'The impact of capital proposal guidelines and perceived preparer biases on reviewers’ investment evaluation decisions', Australian Journal of Management, 36, pp. 349 - 370

Cheng MM; Schulz A; Booth P, 2009, 'Knowledge transfer in project reviews: the effect of self-justification bias and moral hazard', Accounting and Finance, 49, pp. 75 - 93

Simnett R; Kang HH; Roebuck PJ; Cheng MM, 2009, 'The Employment Landscape for Accounting Graduates and Work Experience Relevance.', Australian Accounting Review, 19, pp. 342 - 351,

Cheng MM; Hsieh C, 2009, 'Transfer price negotiation in the presence of unequal bargaining power: the effect of peer evaluation scheme on inter-divisional profit distribution', Australian Accounting Review, 19, pp. 195 - 206

Chang LJ; Cheng MM; Trotman KT, 2008, 'The effect of framing and negotiation partner's objective on judgments about negotiated transfer prices', Accounting Organizations and Society, 33, pp. 704 - 717

Kang HH; Cheng MM; Gray SJ, 2007, 'Corporate governance and board composition: Diversity and independence of Australian boards', Corporate Governance - An International Review, 15, pp. 194 - 207,

Cheng MM; Luckett PF; Mahama H, 2007, 'The Effect of perceived Conflict among Multiple Performance Goals and Goal Difficulty on Task Performance', Accounting and Finance, 47, pp. 221 - 242

Cheng MM; Luckett PF; Schulz A, 2003, 'The effects of cognitive style diversity on decision-making dyads: an empirical analysis in the context of a complex task', Behavioral Research in Accounting, 15, pp. 13 - 36,

Cheng MM; Schulz A; Luckett PF; Booth P, 2003, 'The effects of hurdle rates on the level of escalation of commitment in capital budgeting', Behavioral Research in Accounting, 15, pp. 37 - 60,

Cheng MM; Schulz A, 2002, 'Persistence in capital budgeting reinvestment antecedent and information asymmetry moderator: A note', Accounting and Finance, 42, pp. 73 - 86

Cheng MM; Humphreys KA, 'Improving Managerial Judgments of Information Relevance and Strategy Appropriateness Using the BSC and the Strategy Map', SSRN Electronic Journal,

Theses / Dissertations

Cheng MM, 2005, An empirical investigation into the behavioural effects of multiple performance measurement systems


Anderson SW; Chang F; Cheng MM; Phua YS, Getting to Know You: Trust Formation in New Interfirm Relationships and the Consequences for Investments in Management Control and the Collaboration,

Cheng MM; Ko JCW; Green W, Stakeholder Focus or Strategy Focus? An Eye-Tracker Study on the Effect of Presentation Format on Nonprofessional Investors’ Information Processing Patterns,

Cheng MM; Perego P; Soderstrom NS, Sustainability and Management Accounting Research,


Cheng M, 2017, Autographic design: how a simple system of self-certification can deter people from putting their interests above those of the organisation.

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