Select Publications

Journal articles

Lundström E; Isaksson E; Greilert Norin N; Näsman P; Wester P; Mårtensson B; Norrving B; Wallén H; Borg J; Hankey GJ; Hackett ML; Mead GE; Dennis MS; Sunnerhagen KS, 2021, 'Effects of Fluoxetine on Outcomes at 12 Months After Acute Stroke: Results From EFFECTS, a Randomized Controlled Trial', Stroke, 52, pp. 3082 - 3087,

Kallakuri S; Kaur A; Hackett ML; Maulik PK, 2021, 'Operational challenges in the implementation of an anti-stigma campaign in rural Andhra Pradesh, India', Journal of Public Health (United Kingdom), 43, pp. II26 - II34,

Almeida OP; Hankey GJ; Ford A; Etherton-Beer C; Flicker L; Hackett M; Jan S; Delcourt C; Zagami A, 2021, 'Depression Outcomes among Patients Treated with Fluoxetine for Stroke Recovery: The AFFINITY Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA Neurology, 78, pp. 1072 - 1079,

Ouyang M; Roffe C; Billot L; Song L; Wang X; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Lavados PM; Robinson T; Middleton S; Olavarría VV; Watkins CL; Lee TH; Brunser AM; Pontes-Neto OM; Hackett ML; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2021, 'Oxygen desaturation and adverse outcomes in acute stroke: Secondary analysis of the HeadPoST study', Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 207, pp. 106796,

Gong J; Harris K; Hackett M; Peters SAE; Brodaty H; Cooper M; Hamet P; Harrap S; Mancia G; MacMahon S; Chalmers J; Woodward M, 2021, 'Sex differences in risk factors for cognitive decline and dementia, including death as a competing risk, in individuals with diabetes: Results from the ADVANCE trial', Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 23, pp. 1775 - 1785,

Cox KL; Allida SM; Hackett ML, 2021, 'Text messages to reduce depressive symptoms: Do they work and what makes them effective? A systematic review', Health Education Journal, 80, pp. 253 - 271,

Zhou Z; Delcourt C; Xia C; Yoshimura S; Carcel C; Torii-Yoshimura T; You S; Malavera A; Chen X; Hackett ML; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Xu J; Robinson TG; Parsons MW; Demchuk AM; Lindley RI; Mair G; Wardlaw JM; Anderson CS, 2021, 'Low-Dose vs Standard-Dose Alteplase in Acute Lacunar Ischemic Stroke: The ENCHANTED Trial', Neurology, 96, pp. E1512 - E1526,

Zhou Z; Delcourt C; Xia C; Yoshimura S; Carcel C; Torii-Yoshimura T; You S; Malavera A; Chen X; Hackett M; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Xu J; Robinson TG; Parsons MW; Demchuk AM; Lindley R; Mair G; Wardlaw JM; Anderson CS, 2021, 'Low Dose versus Standard Dose Alteplase in Acute Lacunar Ischemic Stroke.', STROKE, 52,

Dillon L; Gandhi S; Tang D; Liew G; Hackett M; Craig A; Mitchell P; Keay L; Gopinath B, 2021, 'Perspectives of people with late age-related macular degeneration on mental health and mental wellbeing programmes: a qualitative study', Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 41, pp. 255 - 265,

Eades AM; Hackett M; Raven M; Liu H; Cass A, 2021, 'The impact of vicarious trauma on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health researchers', Public Health Research and Practice, 31,

Wang X; Moullaali TJ; Ouyang M; Billot L; Sandset EC; Song L; Delcourt C; Hackett ML; Watkins CL; Robinson TG; Yang J; Lavados PM; Brunser A; Olavarriá VV; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Arima H; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto OM; Pandian JD; Rogers K; Anderson CS, 2021, 'Influence of including Patients with Premorbid Disability in Acute Stroke Trials: The HeadPoST Experience', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 50, pp. 78 - 87,

Ouyang M; Munoz-Venturelli P; Billot L; Wang X; Song L; Arima H; Lavados PM; Hackett ML; Olavarria VV; Brunser A; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto OM; Lee TH; Watkins CL; Robinson T; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2021, 'Lowblood pressure and adverse outcomes in acute stroke:HeadPoSTstudy explanations', Journal of Hypertension, 39, pp. 273 - 279,

Ouyang M; Billot L; Song L; Wang X; Roffe C; Arima H; Lavados PM; Hackett ML; Olavarría VV; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto OM; Lee TH; Watkins CL; Robinson TG; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2021, 'Prognostic significance of early urinary catheterization after acute stroke: Secondary analyses of the international HeadPoST trial', International Journal of Stroke, 16, pp. 200 - 206,

Chen X; Li J; Anderson CS; Lindley RI; Hackett ML; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Wang X; Arima H; Chalmers J; Delcourt C, 2021, 'Validation of the simplified modified Rankin scale for stroke trials: Experience from the ENCHANTED alteplase-dose arm', International Journal of Stroke, 16, pp. 222 - 228,

Liang C; Van Laar Veth AJ; Li Q; Zheng D; Hackett ML, 2021, 'Effect of mood on long-term disability in younger stroke survivors: results from the Psychosocial Outcomes In StrokE (POISE) study', Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 29, pp. 286 - 294,

Hankey GJ; Hackett ML; Almeida OP; Flicker L; Mead GE; Dennis MS; Etherton-Beer C; Ford AH; Billot L; Jan S; Lung T; Lundström E; Sunnerhagen KS; Anderson CS; Thang-Nguyen H; Gommans J; Yi Q; Calic Z; ORourke F; Katrak P; Massey J; Carcel C; Delcourt C; Zagami A, 2021, 'Twelve-Month Outcomes of the affinity trial of fluoxetine for functional recovery after acute stroke: Affinity trial steering committee on behalf of the AFFINITY Trial Collaboration', Stroke, 52, pp. 2502 - 2509,

Farnbach S; Fernando J; Coyte J; Simms M; Hackett M, 2021, '“I Tried to Get Help About My Addiction but He Just Gave Me Tablets:” Male Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Clients’ Experiences and Preferences Speaking About Substance Use in Primary Care', ,

Gong J; Harris K; Hackett M; Peters SAE; Brodaty H; Cooper M; Hamet P; Harrap S; Mancia G; MacMahon S; Chalmers J; Woodward M, 2021, 'Cover Image, Volume 23, Issue 8', Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 23,

Ouyang M; Zhang Y; Wang X; Song L; Billot L; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Arima H; Hackett ML; Olavarría VV; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Middleton S; Watkins CL; Pontes-Neto OM; Lee TH; Brunser AM; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2020, 'Quantifying regional variations in components of acute stroke unit (ASU) care in the international HeadPoST study', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 419, pp. 117187,

Brunser AM; Ouyang M; Arima H; Lavados PM; Robinson T; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Olavarría VV; Billot L; Hackett ML; Song L; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto O; Lee TH; Watkins C; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2020, 'No benefit of flat head positioning in early moderate-severe acute ischaemic stroke: A HeadPoST study subgroup analysis', Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 5, pp. 406 - 409,

Cadilhac DA; Andrew NE; Busingye D; Cameron J; Thrift AG; Purvis T; Li JC; Kneebone I; Thijs V; Hackett ML; Lannin NA; Kilkenny MF, 2020, 'Pilot randomised clinical trial of an eHealth, self-management support intervention (iVERVE) for stroke: feasibility assessment in survivors 12–24 months post-event', Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 6, pp. 172,

Mead GE; Graham C; Billot L; Näsman P; Lundström E; Lewis S; Hankey GJ; Hackett ML; Forbes J; Dennis M, 2020, 'Update to the FOCUS, AFFINITY and EFFECTS trials studying the effect(s) of fluoxetine in patients with a recent stroke: statistical analysis plan for the trials and for the individual patient data meta-analysis', Trials, 21, pp. 971,

Cullen P; Mackean T; Worner F; Wellington C; Longbottom H; Coombes J; Bennett-Brook K; Clapham K; Ivers R; Hackett M; Longbottom M, 2020, 'Trauma and violence informed care through decolonising interagency partnerships: A complexity case study of waminda’s model of systemic decolonisation', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, pp. 1 - 21,

Farnbach S; Gee G; Eades AM; Evans JR; Fernando J; Hammond B; Simms M; DeMasi K; Glozier N; Hackett ML; Teixeira-Pinto A; Skinner T; Askew D; Cass A; Brown A, 2020, 'What are the resourcing requirements for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care research project?', Public Health Research and Practice, 30,

Chen X; Delcourt C; Sun L; Zhou Z; Yoshimura S; You S; Malavera A; Torii-Yoshimura T; Carcel C; Arima H; Hackett ML; Robinson T; Song L; Wang X; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Brain Imaging Signs and Health-Related Quality of Life after Acute Ischemic Stroke: Analysis of ENCHANTED Alteplase Dose Arm', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 49, pp. 427 - 436,

Allida S; Cox KL; Hsieh CF; Lang H; House A; Hackett ML, 2020, 'Pharmacological, Psychological, and Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Interventions for Treating Depression After Stroke', Stroke, 51, pp. E259 - E260,

Xu Y; Hackett ML; Nikpour A; Somerville E; Bleasel A; Ireland C; Ghougassian DF; Anderson CS; Glozier N, 2020, 'Course and impact of sleep disturbance in newly diagnosed epilepsy: A prospective registry study', Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 195, pp. 105963,

Hankey GJ; Hackett ML; Almeida OP; Flicker L; Mead GE; Dennis MS; Etherton-Beer C; Ford AH; Billot L; Jan S; Lung T; Murray V; Lundström E; Anderson CS; Herbert R; Carter G; Donnan GA; Nguyen HT; Gommans J; Yi Q; Li Q; Bompoint S; Barrett S; Claxton A; O'Dea J; Tang M; Williams C; Peterson S; Drummond C; Hong UH; Le LTM; Ngo TTB; Mai YB; Han HT; Truong NQ; Nguyen HT; Ngo HT; Nguyen TB; Ha OTK; Nguyen TLH; Lindley RI; New P; Lee A; Tran TT; Le LTTM; Kieu TLV; Nguyen SV; Nguyen TAD; Dang TN; Phan HTT; Vo LTN; Nguyen MH; Dang HC; Tran HT; Dam LTC; Ngo TTK; Pham TNT; Pham BN; Dao NTT; Le LTC; Do CM; Huynh HQ; Tran GTK; Le OT; Tran LTK; Duong CD; Kieu DV; Le N; Nguyen HN; Le BV; Nguyen LT; Nguyen LV; Dinh TQ; Vo TV; Bui TN; Hoang UTT; Nguyen HTB; Nguyen HTT; Lam NT; Le KK; Trinh PT; Huynh HQ; Nguyen TTT; Lu HN; Pham TH; Nguyen SH; Le NH; Nguyen GT; Doan BT; Pham SP; Luong DH; Mai HV; Tran TV; Do PT; Le HT; Nguyen CV; Nguyen PD; Mai TD; Dao PV; Markus R; Calic Z; Katrak P; Faux S; Delcourt C; Carcel C; McDougall A; ORourke F; Cordato D; Jude M; Zagami A; Massey J, 2020, 'Safety and efficacy of fluoxetine on functional outcome after acute stroke (AFFINITY): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial', The Lancet Neurology, 19, pp. 651 - 660,

Lundström E; Isaksson E; Näsman P; Wester P; Mårtensson B; Norrving B; Wallén H; Borg J; Dennis M; Mead G; Hankey GJ; Hackett ML; Sunnerhagen KS, 2020, 'Safety and efficacy of fluoxetine on functional recovery after acute stroke (EFFECTS): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial', The Lancet Neurology, 19, pp. 661 - 669,

Legg LA; Tilney R; Hsieh CF; Wu S; Lundström E; Rudberg AS; Kutlubaev MA; Dennis M; Soleimani B; Barugh A; Hackett ML; Hankey GJ; Mead GE, 2020, 'Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors for Stroke Recovery', Stroke, 51, pp. E142 - E143,

Dillon L; Tang D; Liew G; Hackett M; Craig A; Gopinath B; Keay L, 2020, 'Facilitators and barriers to participation in mental well-being programs by older Australians with vision impairment: community and stakeholder perspectives', Eye (Basingstoke), 34, pp. 1287 - 1295,

Gillespie DC; Barber M; Brady MC; Carson A; Chalder T; Chun Y; Cvoro V; Dennis M; Hackett M; Haig E; House A; Lewis S; Parker R; Wee F; Wu S; Mead G, 2020, 'Study protocol for POSITIF, a randomised multicentre feasibility trial of a brief cognitive-behavioural intervention plus information versus information alone for the treatment of post-stroke fatigue', Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 6,

Mead GE; Legg L; Tilney R; Hsieh CF; Wu S; Lundström E; Rudberg AS; Kutlubaev M; Dennis MS; Soleimani B; Barugh A; Hackett ML; Hankey GJ, 2020, 'Fluoxetine for stroke recovery: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials', International Journal of Stroke, 15, pp. 365 - 376,

Allida S; Cox KL; Hsieh CF; House A; Hackett ML, 2020, 'Pharmacological, psychological and non-invasive brain stimulation interventions for preventing depression after stroke', The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 5, pp. CD003689,

Lundström E; Isaksson E; Näsman P; Wester P; Mårtensson B; Norrving B; Wallén H; Borg J; Dennis M; Mead G; Hankey GJ; Hackett ML; Sunnerhagen KS, 2020, 'Erratum: Update on the EFFECTS study of fluoxetine for stroke recovery: A randomised controlled trial in Sweden (Trials (2020) 21:233 DOI: 10.1186/s13063-020-4124-7)', Trials, 21, pp. 388,

Lundström E; Isaksson E; Näsman P; Wester P; Mårtensson B; Norrving B; Wallén H; Borg J; Dennis M; Mead G; Hankey GJ; Hackett ML; Sunnerhagen KS; Laska AC; Gudmundsson B; Cederin B; Esbjörnsson M; Wiberg B; Lantz M; Teichert J; Bergmann M; Welin L; Löfmark U; Bysell SE; Hu X; Andersson A; Gunnarsson M; Sandgren P; Ask E; Sommer PT; Danielsson B; Hopia L; Arvidsson A; Björck F; Brederlau A; Ulfarsson T; Taklif M; Gibson M; Eklund B; Hedström B; Richardsson E; Merrick D; Broman P; Mademyr-Larsson M; Ranhem A; Ronnheden C; Johansson M; Onkenhout A, 2020, 'Update on the EFFECTS study of fluoxetine for stroke recovery: A randomised controlled trial in Sweden', Trials, 21,

Hassett L; van den Berg M; Lindley RI; Crotty M; McCluskey A; van der Ploeg HP; Smith ST; Schurr K; Howard K; Hackett ML; Killington M; Bongers B; Togher L; Treacy D; Dorsch S; Wong S; Scrivener K; Chagpar S; Weber H; Pinheiro M; Heritier S; Sherrington C, 2020, 'Digitally enabled aged care and neurological rehabilitation to enhance outcomes with Activity and MObility UsiNg Technology (AMOUNT) in Australia: A randomised controlled trial', PLoS medicine, 17, pp. e1003029,

Ouyang M; Boaden E; Arima H; Lavados PM; Billot L; Hackett ML; Olavarría VV; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Song L; Rogers K; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto OM; Lee TH; Watkins C; Robinson T; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Dysphagia screening and risks of pneumonia and adverse outcomes after acute stroke: An international multicenter study', International Journal of Stroke, 15, pp. 206 - 215,

Tesema AG; Kahsay ZH; Lemma GG; Gebretsadik WH; Weldemaryam MM; Alemayohu GG; Hackett ML, 2020, 'Prevalence of factors associated with and level of dependence of psychoactive substance use among mekelle university students, Ethiopia', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17,

Allida S; Cox KL; Hsieh CF; Lang H; House A; Hackett ML, 2020, 'Pharmacological, psychological, and non-invasive brain stimulation interventions for treating depression after stroke', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2020, pp. cd003437,

Eades A; Hackett ML; Liu H; Brown A; Coffin J; Cass A, 2020, 'Qualitative study of psychosocial factors impacting on Aboriginal women's management of chronic disease', International Journal for Equity in Health, 19,

Chen X; Wang X; Delcourt C; Li J; Arima H; Hackett ML; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Ethnicity and Other Determinants of Quality of Functional Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke: The ENCHANTED Trial', Stroke, 51, pp. 588 - 593,

Dennis M; Forbes J; Graham C; Hackett M; Hankey GJ; House A; Lewis S; Lundström E; Sandercock P; Mead G, 2020, 'Fluoxetine to improve functional outcomes in patients after acute stroke: The focus rct', Health Technology Assessment, 24, pp. 1 - 94,

Walker N; Mackean T; Longbottom M; Coombes J; Bennett-Brook K; Clapham K; Ivers R; Hackett M; Redfern J; Cullen P, 2020, 'Responses to the primary health care needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women experiencing violence: A scoping review of policy and practice guidelines', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32, pp. 40 - 53,

Carcel C; Wang X; Sandset EC; Delcourt C; Arima H; Lindley R; Hackett ML; Lavados P; Robinson TG; Muñoz Venturelli P; Olavarría VV; Brunser A; Berge E; Chalmers J; Woodward M; Anderson CS, 2019, 'Sex differences in treatment and outcome after stroke: Pooled analysis including 19,000 participants', Neurology, 93, pp. E2170 - E2180,

Legg LA; Tilney R; Hsieh CF; Wu S; Lundström E; Rudberg AS; Kutlubaev MA; Dennis M; Soleimani B; Barugh A; Hackett ML; Hankey GJ; Mead GE, 2019, 'Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for stroke recovery', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2019,

Dennis M; Forbes J; Graham C; Hackett ML; Hankey GJ; House A; Lewis S; Lundström E; Sandercock P; Mead G, 2019, 'Fluoxetine and Fractures After Stroke: Exploratory Analyses From the FOCUS Trial', Stroke, 50, pp. 3280 - 3282,

Farnbach S; Gee G; Eades AM; Evans JR; Fernando J; Hammond B; Simms M; Demasi K; Hackett ML; Teixeira-Pinto A; Glozier N; Skinner T; Askew D; Cass A; Brown A, 2019, ''We're here to listen and help them as well': A qualitative study of staff and Indigenous patient perceptions about participating in social and emotional wellbeing research at primary healthcare services', BMC Psychiatry, 19,

Farnbach S; Gee G; Eades AM; Evans JR; Fernando J; Hammond B; Simms M; Demasi K; Glozier N; Brown A; Hackett ML; Teixeira-Pinto A; Skinner T; Askew D; Cass A, 2019, 'Process evaluation of the Getting it Right study and acceptability and feasibility of screening for depression with the aPHQ-9', BMC Public Health, 19, pp. 1270,

Xu Y; Shanthosh J; Zhou Z; Somerville E; Anderson CS; Glozier N; Hackett ML, 2019, 'Prevalence of Driving and Traffic Accidents among People with Seizures: A Systematic Review', Neuroepidemiology, 53, pp. 1 - 12,

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