I am the Head, Student and Fellows Program at The George Institute for Global Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health, UNSW and the postgraduate research co-ordinator. I am responsible for designing, leading, and delivering a distinctive and vibrant Institute postgraduate, postdoctoral and future leader research experience. I provide management of HDR candidates, visiting fellows and postgraduate research training.
I also lead a program of...view more
I am the Head, Student and Fellows Program at The George Institute for Global Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health, UNSW and the postgraduate research co-ordinator. I am responsible for designing, leading, and delivering a distinctive and vibrant Institute postgraduate, postdoctoral and future leader research experience. I provide management of HDR candidates, visiting fellows and postgraduate research training.
I also lead a program of research focusing on developing simple, cost effective strategies (which can be integrated with other secondary prevention strategies) to prevent depression and significantly improve the outcome for people with chronic disease.
I work one day per week as a Professor of Epidemiology in the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing at The University of Central Lancashire in the United Kingdom.
My Grants
2023-present CI NIHR HTA program NIHR152423. EASE: Evaluating Antidepressants for emotionaliSm after strokE: A multi-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to establish the effect(s) of administration of sertraline (50 mg once daily for Six Months) in people with a recent stroke and post-stroke emotionalism
2022-present AI NHMRC A Centre of Research Excellence to Accelerate Stroke Trial Innovation and Translation
2021-present AI NHMRC Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies (2021-2026) APP2001568. A large-scale clinical effectiveness (health services) trial to determine whether personalised health care packages, combined with digitally supported measurement-based care, improve functional outcomes in young people with mood disorders
2021-present CI MRFF Research Grants (2022-2023) APP2007669. Guardian Angel: Implementation of a peer support program for people with heart disease
2021-present CI MRFF Research Grants (2021-2025) APP2006135. Health4Me: Improving adolescent physical activity and nutrition behaviours via primary care
2020-2022 CI NIHR Global Health Research Group: IMPROVIS-ATION: Improving Stroke Care in India – Advancing the INSTRuCT Operations & Network
2019 UNSW Seed Funding Scheme: Mental Health and Wellbeing - early intervention and prevention (older people)
2017-202 CI National Institute of Health Research (UK), Global Health Research - stroke research group. The aim is to bring together researchers and clinicians in the UK, Australia and India to improve the management of stroke in India.
2016-2020 CI Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland. 'POSITIF' Multi-centre feasibility study. The aim is to test the feasibility of a brief psychological intervention to reduce fatigue after stroke.
2015-2021 CI NHMRC project grant. International multi-centre, randomised controlled trial. The aim is to determine the effectiveness of ketamine in people with treatment-resistant depression.
2014-2017CI Swedish Research Council Framework grant. 'EFFECTS' Multi-centre, randomised controlled trial. The aim is to determine the effectiveness of fluoxetine to improve physical function for people after acute stroke.
2014-2018 CI NIHR HTA Program grant. 'FOCUS'. Multi-centre, randomised controlled trial. The aim is to determine the effectiveness of fluoxetine to improve physical function for people after acute stroke.
2011-2019 co-PI NHMRC project grant 'AFFINITY'. International multi-centre, randomised controlled trial. The aim is to determine the effectiveness of fluoxetine to improve physical function for people after acute stroke.
2014-2017 CIA NHMRC project grant 'Getting it right'. The aim is to determine the validity of a culturally-specific measure to identify depression in Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people with or without chronic disease - the aPHQ-9.
2013-2016 CIA NHMRC project grant 'HeadPoST'. Large scale, multi-centre, international cluster cross-over trial. The aim is to determine the effectiveness of head positioning after acute stroke.
2013-2016 CI NHMRC project grant 'ATTEND'. Multi-centre, randomised controlled trial. The aim was to determine the effectiveness of family-led rehabilitation after stroke in India.
My Qualifications
2006: University of Auckland, Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine)
My Awards
2021: Nominated by peers, shortlisted and finalist: Australian Cardiovascular Alliance (ACvA) mentor award ‘for individuals who during their careers demonstrate extraordinary leadership and practical help and guidance’
2018: National Health and Medical Research Council Career Development Fellowship, Population Health (Level 2), APP1141328. Improving the identification, management and outcome of people with depression and other chronic diseases
2016: The George Institute for Global Health: ‘Humanitarian commitment’ peer award for ‘someone who is exceptionally committed to helping vulnerable populations worldwide’
2016: Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association – SUPRA. Supervisor of the year award, Faculty of Medicine
2014: National Heart Foundation, Future Leader Fellowship, Level 2 #100034. Improving the identification and management of depression in people with cardiovascular disease
2010: National Health and Medical Research Council Career Development Fellowship, Population Health (Level 1), APP632925. The prevention and management of depression in people with vascular disease.
2006: National Health and Medical Research Council, Public Health (Australia) Fellowship APP402849. Strategies to reduce the impact of vascular depression.
2006: The University of Auckland, New Zealand. Dean’s List in recognition of excellence achieved in a Doctor of Philosophy thesis “Abnormal mood following stroke: frequency, characteristics and predictors”
My Research Supervision
Supervision keywords
Areas of supervision
Stroke outcome; Depression; Emotionalism; Mood disorders; Mental health; Cardiovascular disease; Clinical trials; Epidemiology; Public health; Systematic reviews
Currently supervising
I currently supervise PhD students who are conducting research in the areas of dementia and cognitive decline in women, mental health and stigma in adolescents in India, postpartum mental health of women after gestational complications, Bridging Health Literacy Gap to Improve Caregivers’ Feeding Practice for Infant and Young Children (0-24 Months) In Tigray, Ethiopia.
I have previously supervised candidates conducting research in stroke outcome, public health law, primary health care, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, health systems, healthcare in complex emergencies, information provision and epilepsy.
Level 18, International Towers 3,
300 Barangaroo Ave,
Barangaroo NSW 2000
Map reference (Google map)
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