Select Publications


Butten K; Johnson NW; Hall KK; Toombs M; King N; O’Grady K-AF, 2020, Yarning about oral health: perceptions of urban Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women,

Butten K; Johnson NW; Hall KK; Toombs M; King N; O’Grady K-AF, 2020, Yarning about oral health: perceptions of urban Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women,

Butten K; Johnson NW; Hall KK; Toombs M; King N; O’Grady K-AF, 2019, Yarning about oral health: perceptions of urban Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women,

Wigg A; Narayana S; Hartel G; Medlin L; Pratt G; Powell EE; Clark P; Davis J; Campbell K; Toombs M; Larkin M; Valery P, Hepatocellular Carcinoma Among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of Australia,

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