Select Publications

Book Chapters

Wiles K; Brown MA, 2023, 'Kidney Physiology and Complications in Normal Pregnancy', in Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology, pp. 519 - 537.e2,

Wiles K; Brown MA; Bramham K, 2023, 'Pregnancy With Preexisting Kidney Disease', in Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology, pp. 538 - 547.e2,

Li K; Brown M, 2022, 'Overview of Kidney Supportive Care', in , Wiley, pp. 179 - 193,

Li K; Brown M, 2022, 'Overview of Kidney Supportive Care', in Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition: Volumes 1,2, pp. 181 - 193,

Pettit F; Mangos G; Brown MA, 2018, 'Cardiovascular Disease Following Hypertensive Pregnancy', in Saito S (ed.), Preeclampsia: Basic, Genomic, and Clinical, SPRINGER-VERLAG SINGAPORE PTE LTD, pp. 273 - 290,

Mackillop L; Brown M, 2018, 'CKD and Pregnancy Patterns of Care and General Principles of Management', in Renal Disease in Pregnancy, pp. 47 - 61,

Brown MA, 2014, 'Chronic kidney disease in pregnancy: Patterns of care and general principles of management', in Renal Disease in Pregnancy, pp. 31 - 44,

Brown MA, 2010, 'Chapter 43: Pregnancy with pre-existing renal disease', in Floege J; Johnson RJ; Feehally J (ed.), Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology,, Mosby, pp. 516 - 528

Brown MA; Mangos GJ; Peek MJ; Plaat F, 2010, 'Chapter 7. Renal Disease in Pregnancy', in Powrie RO; Greene MF (ed.), , wiley-blackwell, Oxford, UK., pp. 182 - 208,

Brown MA, 2005, 'Hypertension in pregnancy', in Natsis C (ed.), Woman`s Health: A core curriculum, Elsevier Mosby, Sydney, Australia, pp. 116 - 119

Brown MA; Bowyer L, 2003, 'Renal Complications in the normal pregnancy', in Johnson RJ; Feehally J (ed.), Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology (2nd), Mosby International, London, UK, pp. 1 - 14

Brown MA, 2000, 'Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy', in MIMS Disease Index on CD, MIMS, St Leonards, NSW, pp. ? - ?

Brown MA; Bowyer L, 2000, 'Renal complications in the normal pregnancy', in Johnson RJ; Feehally J (ed.), Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology (2nd), Mosby International, London, UK, pp. 1 - 14

Whitworth JA; Brown MA; Kelly JJ; Williamson PM, 1996, 'ACTH and steroid-induced hypertension in humans', in Vinson GP; Anderson DC (ed.), Adrenal Glands, Vascular System and Hypertension, Journal of Endocrinology, Bristol UK, pp. 135 - 148

Journal articles

Esber Y; Gow ML; McLennan S; Sushil S; Roberts LM; Brown M; Mangos G; Pettit F; Davis GK; O'Sullivan AJ; Henry A, 2025, 'Metabolic outcomes in women 6 months and 2 years after preeclampsia versus normotensive pregnancy: A P4 study', Clinical Obesity, 15,

Chen JHC; Johnson DW; Roberts MA; Brown MA; Brennan F; Wong G; Hassan HC; Yeung W-CG; Kennard A; Davies CE; Boudville N; Lok CE; Lim WH, 2025, 'Associations between initial dialysis access types and death from dialysis withdrawal in incident patients with kidney failure', Clinical Kidney Journal,

Li KC; Brennan F; Brown MA, 2024, 'Kidney failure end-of-life care: impact of advance care planning – retrospective observational study', BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 14, pp. E520 - E523,

Siriwardana AN; Hoffman AT; Morton RL; Smyth B; Brown MA, 2024, 'Estimating a Minimal Important Difference for the EQ-5D-5L Utility Index in Dialysis Patients', Value in Health, 27, pp. 469 - 477,

Montgomery-Csobán T; Kavanagh K; Murray P; Robertson C; Barry SJE; Vivian Ukah U; Payne BA; Nicolaides KH; Syngelaki A; Ionescu O; Akolekar R; Hutcheon JA; Magee LA; von Dadelszen P; Brown MA; Davis GK; Parker C; Walters BN; Sass N; Ansermino JM; Cao V; Cundiff GW; von Dadelszen ECM; Douglas MJ; Dumont GA; Dunsmuir DT; Joseph KS; Lalji S; Lee T; Li J; Lim KI; Lisonkova S; Lott P; Menzies JM; Millman AL; Palmer L; Qu Z; Russell JA; Sawchuck D; Shaw D; Still DK; Ukah UV; Wagner B; Walley KR; Hugo D; Gruslin TLA; Tawagi G; Smith GN; Côté AM; Moutquin JM; Ouellet AB; Lee SK; Duan T; Zhou J; Haniff TLF; Mahajan S; Noovao A; Karjalainend H; Kortelainen A; Laivuori H; Ganzevoort JW; Groen H; Kyle PM; Moore MP; Pullar B; Bhutta ZA; Qureshi RN; Sikandar R; Bhutta TLSZ; Cloete G; Hall DR; van Papendorp TLE; Steyn DW; Biryabarema C; Mirembe F; Nakimuli A; Allotey J; Thangaratinam S; de Swiet M; Walker JJ; Robson SC; Broughton-Pipkin F; Loughna P; Vatish M; Redman CWG; Tsigas EZ; Woelkers DA; Lindheimer MD; Grobman WA; Sibai BM; Merialdi M; Widmer M, 2024, 'Machine learning-enabled maternal risk assessment for women with pre-eclampsia (the PIERS-ML model): a modelling study', The Lancet Digital Health, 6, pp. e238 - e250,

Henry A; Mangos G; Roberts LM; Brown MA; Pettit F; O'Sullivan AJ; Crowley R; Youssef G; Davis GK, 2024, 'Preeclampsia-Associated Cardiovascular Risk Factors 6 Months and 2 Years After Pregnancy: The P4 Study', Hypertension, 81, pp. 851 - 860,

McLean C; Randall AM; Ryan M; Smyth B; Thomsett M; Brown MA; Dawson JK, 2024, 'The Association of Frailty and Malnutrition With Dietary Intake and Gastrointestinal Symptoms in People With Kidney Failure: 2-Year Prospective Study', Journal of Renal Nutrition, 34, pp. 177 - 184,

Gow ML; Vakil P; Roberts L; Davis G; Khouri JM; Dosen A; Brown MA; Craig ME; Henry A, 2024, 'Childhood growth outcomes 2 years after hypertensive versus normotensive pregnancy: a P4 study', Pediatric Research, 95, pp. 275 - 284,

Davison SN; Pommer W; Brown MA; Douglas CA; Gelfand SL; Gueco IP; Hole BD; Homma S; Kazancıoğlu RT; Kitamura H; Koubar SH; Krause R; Li KC; Lowney AC; Nagaraju SP; Niang A; Obrador GT; Ohtake Y; Schell JO; Scherer JS; Smyth B; Tamba K; Vallath N; Wearne N; Zakharova E; Zúñiga C; Brennan FP, 2024, 'Conservative kidney management and kidney supportive care: core components of integrated care for people with kidney failure', Kidney International, 105, pp. 35 - 45,

Jesudason S; Safi N; Li Z; Brown M; Hague W; Makris A; McDonald S; Peek MJ; Sullivan E, 2024, 'Significant kidney disease in pregnancy: Feasibility and outcomes of a national population-based study using the Australasian Maternity Outcomes Surveillance System', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,

So S; Brown MA; Li K, 2023, 'Factors associated with quality of life in patients with kidney failure managed conservatively and with dialysis: a cross-sectional study', BMC Nephrology, 24,

McAlister S; Smyth B; Koprivic I; Luca Di Tanna G; McGain F; Charlesworth K; Brown MA; Konecny P, 2023, 'Carbon emissions and hospital pathology stewardship: a retrospective cohort analysis', Internal Medicine Journal, 53, pp. 584 - 589,

Chou A; Li C; Farshid S; Hoffman A; Brown M, 2023, 'Survival, symptoms and hospitalization of older patients with advanced chronic kidney disease managed without dialysis', Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 38, pp. 405 - 413,

Li KC; Brown MA, 2023, 'Conservative Kidney Management: When, Why, and For Whom?', Seminars in Nephrology, 43,

Sheikh J; Allotey J; Kew T; Fernández-Félix BM; Zamora J; Khalil A; Thangaratinam S; Abdollahain M; Savitri AI; Salvesen KÅ; Bhattacharya S; Uiterwaal CSPM; Staff AC; Andersen LB; Olive EL; Daskalakis G; Macleod M; Thilaganathan B; Ramírez JA; Massé J; Audibert F; Magnus PM; Sletner L; Baschat A; Ohkuchi A; McAuliffe FM; West J; Askie LM; Mone F; Farrar D; Zimmerman PA; Smits LJM; Riddell C; Kingdom JC; van de Post J; Illanes SE; Holzman C; van Kuijk SMJ; Carbillon L; Villa PM; Eskild A; Chappell L; Prefumo F; Velauthar L; Seed P; van Oostwaard M; Verlohren S; Poston L; Ferrazzi E; Vinter CA; Nagata C; Brown M; Vollebregt KC; Takeda S; Langenveld J; Widmer M; Saito S; Haavaldsen C; Carroli G; Olsen J; Wolf H; Zavaleta N; Eisensee I; Vergani P; Lumbiganon P; Makrides M; Facchinetti F; Sequeira E; Gibson R; Ferrazzani S; Frusca T; Figueiró-Filho EA; Lapaire O; Laivuori H; Lykke JA; Conde-Agudelo A; Galindo A; Mbah A; Betran AP; Herraiz I; Trogstad L; Smith GGS; Steegers EAP; Salim R; Huang T; Adank A; Zhang J; Meschino WS; Browne JL; Allen RE; Da Silva Costa F; Browne KKG; Jørgensen JS; Forest JC; Rumbold AR; Mol BW; Giguère Y; Ganzevoort W; Odibo AO; Myers J, 2022, 'Effects of race and ethnicity on perinatal outcomes in high-income and upper-middle-income countries: an individual participant data meta-analysis of 2 198 655 pregnancies', The Lancet, 400, pp. 2049 - 2062,

Rossiter C; Henry A; Roberts L; Brown MA; Gow M; Arnott C; Salisbury J; Ruhotas A; Hehir A; Denney-Wilson E, 2022, 'Optimising mothers’ health behaviour after hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: a qualitative study of a postnatal intervention', BMC Public Health, 22, pp. 1259,

So S; Li K; Hoffman AT; Josland E; Brown MA, 2022, 'Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Managed with or without Dialysis: An Observational Study', Kidney360, 3, pp. 1890 - 1898,

Brennan F; Brown MA, 2022, 'Palliative Care for Hemodialysis Patients?', Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 17, pp. 1433 - 1435,

Brennan F; Dawson J; Brown MA, 2022, 'A Novel Clinical Tool for the Management of Taste Changes in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: The Chronic Kidney Disease Taste Plate', Journal of Renal Nutrition, 32, pp. 483 - 488,

Johnson S; Gordijn S; Damhuis S; Ganzevoort W; Brown M; von Dadelszen P; Magee LA; Khalil A, 2022, 'Diagnosis and Monitoring of White Coat Hypertension in Pregnancy: an ISSHP Consensus Delphi Procedure', Hypertension, 79, pp. 993 - 1005,

Chen JHC; Brown MA; Jose M; Brennan F; Johnson DW; Roberts MA; Wong G; Hassan HC; Kennard A; Walker R; Davies CE; Boudville N; Borlace M; Hawley C; Lim WH, 2022, 'Erratum: Temporal changes and risk factors for death from early withdrawal within 12 months of dialysis initiation-a cohort study (Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gfab207)', Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 37, pp. 1000 - 1000,

Chou A; Li KC; Brown MA, 2022, 'Survival of Older Patients With Advanced CKD Managed Without Dialysis: A Narrative Review', Kidney Medicine, 4,

Gow ML; Roberts L; Henry A; Davis G; Mangos G; Pettit F; Khouri JM; Dosen A; Brown MA; Craig ME, 2022, 'Growth from birth to 6 months of infants with and without intrauterine preeclampsia exposure', Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 13, pp. 151 - 155,

Kockx M; Roberts L; Wang J; Tran C; Brown MA; Kritharides L, 2022, 'Effects of pre-eclampsia on HDL-mediated cholesterol efflux capacity after pregnancy', Atherosclerosis Plus, 48, pp. 12 - 19,

Chen JHC; Brown MA; Jose M; Brennan F; Johnson DW; Roberts MA; Wong G; Cheikh Hassan H; Kennard A; Walker R; Davies CE; Boudville N; Borlace M; Hawley C; Lim WH, 2022, 'Temporal changes and risk factors for death from early withdrawal within 12 months of dialysis initiation - a cohort study', Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 37, pp. 760 - 769,

Magee LA; Brown MA; Hall DR; Gupte S; Hennessy A; Karumanchi SA; Kenny LC; McCarthy F; Myers J; Poon LC; Rana S; Saito S; Staff AC; Tsigas E; von Dadelszen P, 2022, 'The 2021 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy classification, diagnosis & management recommendations for international practice', Pregnancy Hypertension, 27, pp. 148 - 169,

Kennedy R; Roberts L; Davis G; Mangos G; Pettit F; Brown MA; O'Sullivan AJ; Henry A, 2022, 'The P4 study: Subsequent pregnancy maternal physiology after hypertensive and normotensive pregnancies', Pregnancy Hypertension, 27, pp. 29 - 34,

Allotey J; Whittle R; Snell KIE; Smuk M; Townsend R; von Dadelszen P; Heazell AEP; Magee L; Smith GCS; Sandall J; Thilaganathan B; Zamora J; Riley RD; Khalil A; Thangaratinam S; Coomarasamy A; Kwong A; Savitri AI; Salvesen KÅ; Bhattacharya S; Uiterwaal CSPM; Staff AC; Andersen LB; Olive EL; Redman C; Sletner L; Daskalakis G; Macleod M; Abdollahain M; Ramírez JA; Massé J; Audibert F; Magnus PM; Jenum AK; Baschat A; Ohkuchi A; McAuliffe FM; West J; Askie LM; Mone F; Farrar D; Zimmerman PA; Smits LJM; Riddell C; Kingdom JC; van de Post J; Illanes SE; Holzman C; van Kuijk SMJ; Carbillon L; Villa PM; Eskild A; Chappell L; Prefumo F; Velauthar L; Seed P; van Oostwaard M; Verlohren S; Poston L; Ferrazzi E; Vinter CA; Nagata C; Brown M; Vollebregt KC; Takeda S; Langenveld J; Widmer M; Saito S; Haavaldsen C; Carroli G; Olsen J; Wolf H; Zavaleta N; Eisensee I; Vergani P; Lumbiganon P; Makrides M; Facchinetti F; Sequeira E; Gibson R; Ferrazzani S; Frusca T; Norman JE; Figueiró EA; Lapaire O; Laivuori H; Lykke JA; Conde-Agudelo A; Galindo A; Mbah A; Betran AP; Herraiz I; Trogstad L; Smith GGS; Steegers EAP; Salim R; Huang T; Adank A; Zhang J; Meschino WS, 2022, 'External validation of prognostic models to predict stillbirth using International Prediction of Pregnancy Complications (IPPIC) Network database: individual participant data meta-analysis', Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 59, pp. 209 - 219,

Kwan E; Draper B; Endre ZH; Harvey SB; Brown MA, 2021, 'Prevalence, types and recognition of cognitive impairment in dialysis patients in South Eastern Sydney', Internal Medicine Journal, 51, pp. 2034 - 2041,

McLennan SL; Henry A; Roberts LM; Siritharan SS; Ojurovic M; Yao A; Davis GK; Mangos G; Pettit F; Brown MA; O'Sullivan AJ, 2021, 'Maternal Adiposity and Energy Balance after Normotensive and Preeclamptic Pregnancies', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 106, pp. E2941 - E2952,

Dawson J; Campbell KL; Craig JC; Tong A; Teixeira-Pinto A; Brown MA; Howard K; Howell M; Khalid R; Sud K; Thiagalingam A; Chow CK; Lee VW, 2021, 'A Text Messaging Intervention for Dietary Behaviors for People Receiving Maintenance Hemodialysis: A Feasibility Study of KIDNEYTEXT', American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 78, pp. 85 - 95.e1,

Davis GK; Henry A; Arnott C; Brown MA, 2021, 'The long-term cardiovascular impact of hypertension in pregnancy – A missed opportunity', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 61, pp. 474 - 477,

Ducharlet K; Trivedi M; Gelfand SL; Liew H; McMahon LP; Ashuntantang G; Brennan F; Brown M; Martin DE, 2021, 'Moral Distress and Moral Injury in Nephrology During the COVID-19 Pandemic', Seminars in Nephrology, 41, pp. 253 - 261,

So S; Brennan FP; Brown MA, 2021, 'Cognitive Biases in Medicine: The Potential Impact on the Diagnosis of Restless Legs Syndrome in Chronic Kidney Disease', Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 61, pp. 870 - 877,

Lunney M; Bello AK; Levin A; Tam-Tham H; Thomas C; Osman MA; Ye F; Bellorin-Font E; Gharbi MB; Ghnaimat M; Htay H; Cho Y; Jha V; Ossareh S; Rondeau E; Sola L; Tchokhonelidze I; Tesar V; Tungsanga K; Kazancioglu RT; Wang AYM; Yang CW; Zemchenkov A; Zhao MH; Jager KJ; Jindal KK; Okpechi IG; Brown EA; Brown M; Tonelli M; Harris DC; Johnson DW; Caskey FJ; Davison SN, 2021, 'Availability, accessibility, and quality of conservative kidney management worldwide', Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 16, pp. 79 - 87,

So S; Brennan FP; Li KC; Brown MA, 2021, 'End-stage kidney disease The last 12 months', Australian Journal of General Practice, 50, pp. 193 - 198,

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