Select Publications

Book Chapters

Ferson MJ, 2013, 'Notification and disease control: Obligations of the medical practitioner under public health legislation', in Legal and Forensic Medicine, pp. 707 - 726,

Ferson MJ, 2013, 'Notification and Disease Control: Obligations of the Medical Practitioner Under Public Health Legislation', in Beran RG (ed.), Legal and Forensic Medicine, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 707 - 725,

Journal articles

McIndoe L; Wilson E; Ferson MJ; Sheppeard V, 2024, 'Beyond Averages: Unpacking Disparities in School-Based Vaccination Coverage in Eastern Sydney: An Ecological Analysis', Vaccines, 12,

Capon A; Chaverot S; Katelaris AL; Ferson M; Klees N; Selvey C; Sheppeard V, 2023, 'The value of universal screening for COVID-19 cases on cruise ships during outbreaks.', Public Health Res Pract, 33,

Trevitt BT; Katelaris AL; Bateman-Steel C; Chaverot S; Flanigan S; Cains T; Martinez E; Ginn A; Sintchenko V; Jones A; Lachireddy K; Ferson MJ; Sheppeard V, 2023, 'Community Outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections Associated with Contaminated Piercing Aftercare Solution, Australia, 2021', Emerging Infectious Diseases, 29, pp. 2008 - 2015,

Flanigan SA; Cains TJ; McIndoe LN; Ferson MJ, 2023, 'An audit assessing regulatory compliance of businesses that perform colonic lavage', Public Health Research and Practice, 33,

Ferson MJ; Johnson R; Cains T, 2023, 'Cremation and the medical practitioner', Medical Journal of Australia, 218, pp. 190 - 191,

Capon A; Cains T; Draper J; Sintchenko V; Ferson M; Sheppeard V, 2023, 'Investigation of a legionellosis outbreak in Sydney CBD - a brief report.', Aust N Z J Public Health, 47, pp. 100018,

Cains T; Shalak H; Timms VJ; Kiss A; Smith A; Sintchenko V; Bateman-Steel C; Ferson MJ, 2022, 'Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 infection associated with the use of an apartment building spa pool', Communicable diseases intelligence (2018), 46,

Capon AG; Katelaris AL; Sullivan E; Gonzalez N; Zhu A; Browne M; Mihajlovic M; Ferson MJ; Sheppeard V, 2022, 'The value of active follow up of a newly acquired hepatitis B infection - lessons for current approaches', Communicable diseases intelligence (2018), 46,

Werder O; Holland K; Kiaos T; Ferson MJ, 2022, 'Between the sea and the sky: A social practice investigation into health behaviours during cruise travel', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33, pp. 367 - 378,

Stelzer-Braid S; Yeang M; Britton PN; Kim KW; Varadhan H; Andrews PI; Briest R; Branley J; Balgahom R; Burrell R; Gehrig N; Newcombe J; Kesson A; Kok J; Maley M; Van Hal S; MacIntyre CR; Craig ME; Ferson MJ; Rawlinson WD, 2022, 'Circulation of enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) causing respiratory illness in New South Wales, Australia, between August 2018 and November 2019', Pathology, 54, pp. 784 - 789,

Ferson MJ; Flanigan S; Cains T, 2022, 'Lead poisoning outbreak from consumption of contaminated Ayurvedic medication', Medical Journal of Australia, 216, pp. 212 - 213,

Capon A; Sheppeard V; Gonzalez N; Draper J; Zhu A; Browne M; Sullivan E; Mihajlovic M; Rockett R; Ferson MJ, 2021, 'Bondi and beyond. Lessons from three waves of COVID-19 from 2020', Public Health Research and Practice, 31,

Merritt TD; Dalton CB; Kakar SR; Ferson MJ; Stanley P; Gilmour RE, 2021, 'Influenza outbreaks in aged care facilities in New South Wales in 2017: impact and lessons for surveillance', Communicable diseases intelligence (2018), 45,

Gadsden T; Bateman-Steel CR; Chaverot S; Ressler KA; Chee K; Redwood L; Ferson MJ, 2021, 'Using a computerised database (REDCap) to monitor influenza vaccination coverage of healthcare workers and staff in South Eastern Sydney Local Health District', Australian Health Review, 45, pp. 97 - 103,

Capon A; Ousta D; Ferson M; Ingleton A; Sheppeard V, 2021, 'A multiple site community outbreak of COVID-19 in Sydney, Australia.', Aust N Z J Public Health, 45, pp. 129 - 132,

Capon A; Houston J; Rockett R; Sheppeard V; Chaverot S; Arnott A; Parashko T; Ferson M, 2021, 'Risk factors leading to COVID-19 cases in a Sydney restaurant.', Aust N Z J Public Health, 45, pp. 512 - 516,

Chee K; Workman C; Irvine S; Ferson MJ, 2020, 'Mumps outbreak in a rugby league team despite pre-existing immunity', Medical Journal of Australia, 213, pp. 225 - 226,

Li Y; Reeves RM; Wang X; Bassat Q; Brooks WA; Cohen C; Moore DP; Nunes M; Rath B; Campbell H; Nair H; Acacio S; Alonso WJ; Antonio M; Ayora Talavera G; Badarch D; Baillie VL; Barrera-Badillo G; Bigogo G; Broor S; Bruden D; Buchy P; Byass P; Chipeta J; Clara W; Dang DA; de Freitas Lázaro Emediato CC; de Jong M; Díaz-Quiñonez JA; Do LAH; Fasce RA; Feng L; Ferson MJ; Gentile A; Gessner BD; Goswami D; Goyet S; Grijalva CG; Halasa N; Hellferscee O; Hessong D; Homaira N; Jara J; Kahn K; Khuri-Bulos N; Kotloff KL; Lanata CF; Lopez O; Lopez Bolaños MR; Lucero MG; Lucion F; Lupisan SP; Madhi SA; Mekgoe O; Moraleda C; Moyes J; Mulholland K; Munywoki PK; Naby F; Nguyen TH; Nicol MP; Nokes DJ; Noyola DE; Onozuka D; Palani N; Poovorawan Y; Rahman M; Ramaekers K; Romero C; Schlaudecker EP; Schweiger B; Seidenberg P; Simoes EAF; Singleton R; Sistla S; Sturm-Ramirez K; Suntronwong N; Sutanto A; Tapia MD; Thamthitiwat S; Thongpan I; Tillekeratne G; Tinoco YO; Treurnicht FK; Turner C; Turner P; van Doorn R; Van Ranst M; Visseaux B; Waicharoen S; Wang J; Yoshida LM; Zar HJ, 2019, 'Global patterns in monthly activity of influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, and metapneumovirus: a systematic analysis', The Lancet Global Health, 7, pp. e1031 - e1045,

Ferson MJ; Ressler K-A; Nurkic A; Spokes PJ, 2019, 'Gonorrhoea enhanced surveillance for indigenous status and risk factors in the south-eastern Sydney population.', Commun Dis Intell (2018), 43,

Law C; McGuire R; Ferson MJ; Reid S; Gately C; Stephenson J; Campbell-Lloyd S; Gabriel S; Housen T; Sheppeard V; Corben P; Durrheim DN, 2019, 'Children overdue for immunisation: a question of coverage or reporting? An audit of the Australian Immunisation Register', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 43, pp. 214 - 220,

Cashman P; Moberley S; Chee K; Stephenson J; Chaverot S; Martinelli J; Gadsden T; Bateman-Steel C; Redwood L; Howard Z; Ferson MJ; Durrheim DN, 2019, 'Participant centred safety surveillance of health care workers receiving influenza vaccination', Vaccine, 37, pp. 2427 - 2429,

Lun JH; Hewitt J; Sitabkhan A; Eden JS; Enosi Tuipulotu D; Netzler NE; Morrell L; Merif J; Jones R; Huang B; Warrilow D; Ressler KA; Ferson MJ; Dwyer DE; Kok J; Rawlinson WD; Deere D; Crosbie ND; White PA, 2018, 'Emerging recombinant noroviruses identified by clinical and waste water screening article', Emerging Microbes and Infections, 7, pp. 1 - 14,

Glasgow KM; Bateman-Steel CR; Pope B; Ferson MJ, 2018, 'The right kind of viral: boosted Facebook advertisements for health protection messages', Medical Journal of Australia, 209, pp. 447,

Scott I; McGavigan A; Ferson M; Woolley I; Burt MG; Russell A; Bridgman P; Ting J; Blacker D; Bonomo Y; Martin J; Szer J, 2018, 'Selected state of the art research in internal medicine, 2017', Internal Medicine Journal, 48, pp. 619 - 623,

Chee K; Gadsden T; Bateman-Steel C; Short E; Ferson M, 2018, 'Improving influenza vaccination coverage data for healthcare workers in South Eastern Sydney Local Health District using REDCap', Infection, Disease & Health, 23, pp. S18 - S18,

Knippenberg B; Ferson MJ, 2017, 'Public health impact of the Enteroviruses and Parechoviruses', MICROBIOLOGY AUSTRALIA, 38, pp. 198 - 200,

Lun JH; Ressler K-A; Ferson MJ; White PA, 2017, 'Norovirus and cruise ships', Microbiology Australia, 38, pp. 187 - 187,

Regan DG; Wood JG; Benevent C; Ali H; Smith LW; Robertson PW; Ferson MJ; Fairley CK; Donovan B; Law MG; Han A, 2016, 'Estimating the critical immunity threshold for preventing hepatitis A outbreaks in men who have sex with men', Epidemiology and Infection, 144, pp. 1528 - 1537,

Yapa CM; Furlong C; Rosewell A; Ward KA; Adamson S; Shadbolt C; Kok J; Tracy SL; Bowden S; Smedley EJ; Ferson MJ; Sheppeard V; McAnulty JM, 2016, 'First reported outbreak of locally acquired hepatitis E virus infection in Australia', The Medical journal of Australia, 204, pp. 274

Yapa CM; Furlong C; Rosewell A; Ward KA; Adamson S; Shadbolt C; Kok J; Tracy SL; Bowden S; Smedley EJ; Ferson MJ; Sheppeard V; McAnulty JM, 2016, 'First reported outbreak of locally acquired hepatitis E virus infection in Australia', The Medical journal of Australia, 204, pp. 274

Homaira N; Oei J-L; Mallitt K-A; Latif MA; Hilder L; Bajuk B; Ferson M; Nurkic A; Chambers GM; Rawlinson ; Snelling ; Jaffe A, 2015, 'High burden of RSV hospitalization in very young children: a data linkage study', Epidemiology and Infection,

Ferson MJ; Orr K, 2015, 'Some truths about the “low” childhood vaccination coverage in Sydney’s Eastern suburbs', Medical Journal of Australia, 203, pp. 153,

Lowbridge C; McIntyre PB; Gilmour R; Chiu C; Seale H; Ferson MJ; Gilbert GL, 2015, 'Long term population impact of seven-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine with a "3+0″ schedule-How do "2+1″ and "3+1″ schedules compare?', Vaccine, 33, pp. 3234 - 3241,

Davey HM; Muscatello DJ; Wood JG; Snelling TL; Ferson MJ; Macartney KK, 2015, 'Impact of high coverage of monovalent human rotavirus vaccine on Emergency Department presentations for rotavirus gastroenteritis', Vaccine, 33, pp. 1726 - 1730,

Post JJ; Goldberg H; Kaufman G; Plit M; Ressler KA; Ferson MJ, 2015, 'HIV testing rates and co-infection among patients with tuberculosis in south-eastern Sydney, 2008–2013', Medical Journal of Australia, 202, pp. 255 - 257,

Bateman-Steel CR; Smedley EJ; Kong M; Ferson MJ, 2015, 'Hepatitis C enhanced surveillance: Results from a southeastern Sydney pilot program', Public Health Research and Practice, 25, pp. e2521520,

Cumming G; Khatami A; McMullan BJ; Musto J; Leung K; Nguyen O; Ferson MJ; Papadakis G; Sheppeard V, 2015, 'Parechovirus genotype 3 outbreak among infants, New South Wales, Australia, 2013–2014', Emerging Infectious Diseases, 21, pp. 1144 - 1152,

Ressler KA; Ferson MJ; Smedley EJ, 2014, 'Gonorrhoea infection, reinfection and co-infection in men in inner Sydney: A populationbased analysis', Medical Journal of Australia, 200, pp. 26,

Botham SJ; Ressler KA; Maywood P; Hope KG; Bourne CP; Conaty SJ; Ferson MJ; Mayne DJ, 2013, 'Men who have sex with men, infectious syphilis and HIV coinfection in inner Sydney: Results of enhanced surveillance', Sexual Health, 10, pp. 291 - 298,

Ferson MJ; passmore E; tobin S, 2013, 'Meningococcal disease in NSW, 1991–2011: trends in relation to meningococcal C vaccination', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 24, pp. 119 - 124,

Lowbridge CP; Tobin S; Seale H; Ferson MJ, 2012, 'EpiReview: notifications of Q fever in NSW, 2001-2010.', New South Wales public health bulletin, 23, pp. 31 - 35,

Jayamaha J; Binns P; Fennell M; Ferson MJ; Newton PJ; Tran T; Catton M; Robertson PW; Rawlinson WD, 2012, 'Laboratory diagnosis, molecular characteristics, epidemiological and clinical features of an outbreak of measles in a low incidence population in Australia', Journal of Clinical Virology, 54, pp. 168 - 173,

Passmore E; Booy R; Ferson MJ, 2012, 'Meningococcal disease', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 23, pp. 36 - 36,

Nirui M; Dudley M; Ferson M, 2011, 'Health and wellbeing of the invisible: Homeless women with young children', Australasian Psychiatry, 19, pp. 536,

Jardine A; Ressler KA; Botham S; Irwin MJ; Shadbolt C; Vally H; Ferson MJ, 2011, 'An outbreak of salmonella typhimurium 108/170 at a privately catered barbeque at a sydney sports club', Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 8, pp. 1215 - 1219,

Spokes PJ; Ferson MJ; Ressler KA, 2011, 'Staff immunisation: Policy and practice in child care', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 47, pp. 530 - 534,

Ferson MJ, 2011, 'Public health physicians: Here to help', Internal Medicine Journal, 41, pp. 371 - 372,

Mayne D; Ressler K; Smith D; Hockey G; Botham S; Ferson MJ, 2011, 'A community outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in Sydney associated with a public swimming facility: A case-control study', Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases, 2011, pp. 1 - 6,

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