Select Publications

Journal articles

Poulos RG; Ferson M; Orr K; Mccarthy M; Botham S; Stern J; Lucey A, 2010, 'Vaccination against hepatitis A and B in persons subject to homelessness in inner Sydney: Vaccine acceptance, completion rates and immunogenicity', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 34, pp. 130 - 135,

Bowen AC; Ferson MJ; Palasanthiran P, 2009, 'Consequences of an unrecognized measles exposure in an emergency department', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 21, pp. 491 - 496,

Ferson MJ; Robertson PW, 2009, 'Pertusis outbreaks in aged-care facilities.', New South Wales public health bulletin, 20

Sheppeard V; Forssman B; Ferson MJ; Moreira C; Campbell-Lloyd S; Dwyer DE; McAnulty JM, 2009, 'Vaccine failures and vaccine effectiveness in children during measles outbreaks in New South Wales, March-May 2006.', Communicable diseases intelligence, 33, pp. 21 - 26

Sheppeard V; Forssman B; Ferson MJ; Moreira C; Campbell-Lloyd S; Dwyer DE; McAnulty JM, 2009, 'The effectiveness of prophylaxis for measles contacts in NSW.', New South Wales public health bulletin, 20, pp. 81 - 85,

Schindeler S; Muscatello D; Ferson MJ; Rogers K; Grant P; Churches T, 2009, 'Evaluation of alternative respiratory syndromes for specific syndromic surveillance of influenza and respiratory syncytial virus: a time series analysis', BMC Infectious Diseases, 9, pp. online,

Bowen A; Ferson M; Graudins LV; Palasanthiran P, 2009, 'Pertussis prevention and treatment: A call for wider access to azithromycin', Medical Journal of Australia, 190, pp. 388 - 389,

Lusk M; Uddin R; Ferson MJ; Rawlinson WD; Konecny P, 2009, 'Primary health care providers surveyed commonly misinterpret `first void urine` for chlamydia screening', Sexual Health, 6, pp. 91 - 93,

Ferson MJ; Konecny P, 2009, 'Recent increases in mumps incidence in Australia: The `forgotten` age group in the 1998 Australian Measles Control Campaign', Medical Journal of Australia, 190, pp. 283 - 284,

Belshaw D; Muscatello D; Ferson MJ; Nuekic A, 2009, 'Rotavirus vaccination one year on...', Annual report of the Australian Meningococcal Surveillance Programme, 2007--Amended, 33, pp. 337 - 340,

Sheppeard V; Forssman B; Ferson MJ; Moreira C; Campbell-lloyd S; McAnulty JM, 2009, 'The effectiveness of prophylaxis for measles contacts in NSW', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 20, pp. 81 - 85,

Mannes T; Forssman B; Gupta L; Ferson MJ; Christopher S; McAnulty JM; Musto J, 2008, 'Investigation of an outbreak of acute illness in a school group visiting Sydney, September 2006', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 19, pp. 20 - 23

Ressler K; Orr K; Bowdler S; Grove S; Best P; Ferson MJ, 2008, 'Opportunistic immunisation of infants admitted to hospital: Are we doing enough?', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health (Vol. 48, Suppl. 2, 2012, 1–13), 44, pp. 317 - 320,

Ward K; McIntyre P; Kirkwood CD; Roche PF; Ferson MJ; Van Buynder PG; Roberts-Witteveen AR; Kesson AM; Krause VL; McAnulty JM, 2008, 'Rotavirus surveillance in Australia', Annual report of the Australian Meningococcal Surveillance Programme, 2007--Amended, 32, pp. 82 - 87

Bourne CP; Edwards B; Shaw M; Gowers A; Rodgers CJ; Ferson MJ, 2008, 'Sexually transmissible infection testing guidelines for men who have sex with men', Sexual Health, 5, pp. 189 - 191

Durrheim D; Kelly H; Ferson MJ; Featherstone D, 2007, 'Remaining measles challenges in Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, 187, pp. 181 - 184

Poulos RG; Ferson MJ; Orr K; Lucy A; Botharn S; Mccarthy M; Stern J; Dixon J; Murray C; Polis SJ, 2007, 'Risk factors and sero prevalence of markers for hepatitis A, B and C in persons subject to homelessness in inner Sydney', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 31, pp. 247 - 251

Watson M; Gilmour R; Menzies R; Ferson M; McIntyre P, 2006, 'The association of respiratory viruses, temperature, and other climatic parameters with the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease in Sydney, Australia', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 42, pp. 211 - 215,

Botham S; Resler K; Bourne CP; Ferson MJ, 2006, 'Epidemic infectious syphilis in inner Sydney - strengthening enhanced surveillance', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 30, pp. 529 - 533

Ferson MJ; Durrheim DN, 2006, 'Investing in capacity to meet the challenge of an influenza pandemic.', N S W Public Health Bull, 17, pp. 129 - 130,

Durrheim D; Ferson M, 2006, 'Preparing for the inevitable--an influenza pandemic.', N S W Public Health Bull, 17, pp. 97 - 98,

Ferson MJ; Ressler K, 2005, 'Bound for Sydney town: health surveillance on international cruise vessels visiting the Port of Sydney', Medical Journal of Australia, 182, pp. 391 - 394

Senanayake SN; Ferson MJ; Botham SJ; Belinfante RT, 2004, 'A child with Salmonella enterica serotype Paratyphi B infection acquired from a fish tank [1]', Medical Journal of Australia, 180, pp. 250,

Lee D; Ashwell M; Ferson M; Beer I; McAnulty J, 2004, 'Hepatitis A outbreak associated with a Mothers' Day 'Yum Cha' meal, Sydney, 1997.', New South Wales public health bulletin, 15, pp. 6 - 9,

Rawlinson WD; Ferson MJ; Morgan KE; Robertson PW; Hampson AW; Carter IW, 2004, 'Concurrent summer influenza and pertussis outbreaks in a nursing home in Sydney, Australia', Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 25, pp. 962 - 966

Cains T; Cannata S; Poulos RG; Ferson MJ; Stewart BW, 2004, 'Designated `no smoking`areas provide from partial to no protection from environmental tobacco smoke', Tobacco Control, 13, pp. 17 - 22

Ferson MJ; Senanayake SN, 2004, 'Detention for tuberculosis: health and the law', Medical Journal of Australia, 180, pp. 573 - 576

Poulos RG; Ferson MJ, 2004, 'Enhanced surveillance of acute hepatitis B in south-eastern Sydney', Annual report of the Australian Meningococcal Surveillance Programme, 2007--Amended, 28, pp. 392 - 395,

Leask A; Yankos P; Ferson MJ, 2004, 'Fish, so foul! Foodborne illness caused by combined fish histamine and wax ester poisoning.', Commun Dis Intell Q Rep, 28, pp. 83 - 85,

Botham S; Poulos RG; Mcfarland K; Ferson MJ, 2004, 'Getting it right - the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register and immunisation rates in south-eastern Sydney', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 28, pp. 68 - 71,

Dong Z; Ferson MJ; Yankos P; Delpech V; Hurst R, 2002, 'Randomized controlled trial of active physician-based surveillance of foodborne illness [1]', Emerging Infectious Diseases, 8, pp. 106,

Nirui M; Dudley MJ; Adily A; Ferson MJ, 2002, 'Identification of youth who have deliberately self poisoned A medical records audit in university teaching hospitals', Archives of Suicide Research, 6, pp. 143 - 153

White PA; Hansman G; Rawlinson WD; Mciver CJ, 2002, 'Norwalk-like virus 95/96-US strain is a major cause of gastroenteritis outbreaks in Australia', Journal of Medical Virology, 68, pp. 113 - 118,

Poulos RG; Smedley EJ; Ferson MJ; Bolisetty S; Tapsall JW, 2002, 'refining the public health response to primary meningococcal conjunctivitis', Annual report of the Australian Meningococcal Surveillance Programme, 2007--Amended, 26, pp. 592 - 595

Ferson MJ, 2001, 'Books as carriers of disease', Medical Journal of Australia, 175, pp. 663 - 665

Ferson MJ, 2001, 'Chickenpox vaccine for all?', Medicine Today, 2, pp. 64 - 69

Ferson MJ, 2000, 'Adult vaccination: Old needs, new challenges and opportunities', Medical Journal of Australia, 173, pp. 72 - 73,

Ferson M; Paraskevopoulos P; Hatzi S; Yankos P; Fennell M; Condylios A, 2000, 'Presumptive summer influenza A: an outbreak on a trans-Tasman cruise.', Commun Dis Intell, 24, pp. 45 - 47,

Delpech VC; Thackway SV; Young LC; Pontivivo G; Smedley EJ; Morgan KR; Ferson MJ, 2000, 'Outbreak of hepatitis A among illicit drug users in southeast Sydney [4]', Medical Journal of Australia, 172, pp. 143,

Delpech VC; Thackway SV; Young L; Pontivivo G; Smedley E; Morgan K; Ferson MJ, 2000, 'Hepatitis A in south-eastern Sydney 1997-1999: continuing concerns for gay men and an outbreak among illicit drug users.', Communicable diseases intelligence, 24, pp. 203 - 206

Voss LM; Benn R; Brewster D; Burgess MA; Burgner D; Caplan D; Carapetis J; Collignon P; Curtis N; Daley A; Doherty R; Faoagali J; Ferson M; Forsyth K; Garland S; Gilbert GL; Goldwater P; Gordon D; Grimwood K; Hanna J; Hogg G; Holdaway D; Holloway M; Isaacs D; Jeffery H; Jones C; Kakakios A; Kesson A; Lennon D; McCrossin D; McGregor A; McIntosh D; McIntyre P; McMaster P; Nissen M; Nourse C; Palasanthiran P; Poynten M; Ritchie B; Roberton D; Robins-Brown R; Robson J; Royle J; Starr M; Watson M; Wesselingh S; Whitson J; Yung A; Allen H; Armstrong D; Asher I; Byrnes C; Chang A; Clements B; Cooper D; Cooper P; Field P; Fitzgerald D; Francis P; Freezer N; Gillies J; Haifer M; Harris M; Henry R; Isles A; Kemp A; Kennedy D; Landau L; Le Souef P; Martin J; Massie J; Masters B; Mellis CM; Morton J; Olinsky A; Pattemore P; Robertson C; Robinson P; Sawyer S; Sly P; Smith G; Staugas R; Stick S; Van Asperen P; Wainwright C, 2000, 'Management of tuberculosis in children', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 36, pp. 530 - 536,

Waples P; Thackway S; Banwell K; Ferson M; Hatzi S, 2000, 'Health surveillance on cruise ships during the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games.', N S W Public Health Bull, 11, pp. 150 - 151,

Banwell K; Butler T; Ferson M; Hatzi S; Paraskevopoulos P, 2000, 'Introducing a New South Wales Vessel Inspection Program for cruise ships.', N S W Public Health Bull, 11, pp. 148 - 150,

Ferson MJ; Ressler K; Mciver CJ; Isaacs M; Rawlinson WD, 2000, 'Norwalk-like virus as a cause of a gastroenteritis outbreak in a childcare centre', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, pp. 342 - 343

Allen CC; Ferson MJ, 2000, 'Notification of infectious diseases by general practitioners: a qualitative study', Medical Journal of Australia, 172, pp. 325 - 328

Nirui M; Delpech VC; Ferson MJ; Christie L, 1999, 'Childhood injury surveillance: the value of emergency department data.', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 10, pp. 79 - 81

Ferson MJ; Young L; Hansen GR; Post JJ; Tapsall JW; Shultz TR; Limnois A; Lee DJ; Reinbott P; Duffy Y; Robertson PW; Jones PD, 1999, 'Unusual cluster of mild invasive serogroup C meningococcal infect-ion in a university college', Annual report of the Australian Meningococcal Surveillance Programme, 2007--Amended, pp. 261 - 264

J. Ferson M; Yankos P; Pontivivo G; Wong A; Lee D; Isaacs M; Intan F; J. McIver C; D. Rawlinson W, 1999, 'Value of a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction assay for Norwalk-like viruses in the investigation of institutional gastroenteritis outbreaks', New South Wales Public Health Bulletin, 10, pp. 158 - 158,

Phan TG; Estell J; Duggin G; Beer I; Smith D; Ferson MJ, 1998, 'Lead poisoning from drinking Kombucha tea brewed in a ceramic pot', Medical Journal of Australia, 169, pp. 644 - 646,

Person MJ; Young LC; Stokes ML, 1998, 'Changing epidemiology of hepatitis A in the 1990s in Sydney, Australia', Epidemiology and Infection, 121, pp. 631 - 636,

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