Select Publications

Journal articles

Chant KG; Sullivan EA; Burgess MA; Ferson MJ; Forrest JM; Baird LM; Tudehope DI; Tuse M, 1998, 'Varicella-zoster virus infection in Australia (vol 22, pg 413, 1998)', AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 22, pp. 630 - 630,

Ferson MJ, 1998, 'Childhood vaccine argument questioned.', Aust N Z J Public Health, 22, pp. 628,

Virik S; Ferson MJ, 1998, 'Controlling measles: responsibilities of children`s services.', Rattler, pp. 26 - 27

Ferson MJ; Shen WL; Stark AE, 1998, 'Direct and indirect costs of chickenpox in young children.', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health (Vol. 48, Suppl. 2, 2012, 1–13), pp. 18 - 21

Ferson MJ, 1998, 'Foreword (to measles issue).', Milestones-infant and child immunisation, Issue 2:2.

Ferson MJ, 1998, 'Hepatitis A ¿ a neglected re-emerging disease (point of view).', In the news, 12, pp. 3 - 4

Ferson MJ; Matthews NT; Choong RK, 1998, 'Infant pertussis deaths in New South Wales 1996-1997.', Medical Journal of Australia, 168, pp. 281 - 283

Ferson MJ; Robertson PW; Donovan JW, 1998, 'Measles immunity and immunisation status in under-5-year-old children in New South Wales: a population-based study. .', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health (Vol. 48, Suppl. 2, 2012, 1–13), pp. 339 - 341

Wark P; Goldberg HF; Ferson MJ; Mckenzie DK; Lau E; Rivas KA, 1998, 'Mycobacterial Lymphadenitis in Eastern Sydney', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, pp. 453 - 458

Wark P; Goldberg H; Ferson MJ; Mckenzie DK; Lau E; Rivas KA, 1998, 'Mycobacterial lymphadenitis in eastern Sydney.', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, pp. 453 - 458

Ferson MJ; Henry RL, 1998, 'Paediatric rotavirus gastroenteritis: where to now in prevention and treatment?', Medical Journal of Australia, 169, pp. 241 - 242

Xie HM; Basser M; Cass Y; Ferson MJ; Thompson CJ, 1998, 'Population health profile 1997.', South Eastern Sydney Area Health Service. Sydney

Ferson MJ, 1998, 'The role of clinical and public health staff in pertussis prevention.', Milestones-infant and child immunisation, 1

Sullivan EA; Chant KG; Burgess MA; Ferson MJ; Forrest J; Baird LM; Tudehope DI; Tilse M, 1998, 'Varicela-Zoster virus infection in Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, pp. 413 - 418

Chant KG; Sullivan EA; Burgess MA; Ferson MJ; Forrest J; Baird LM; Tudehope DI; Tilse M, 1998, 'Varicella-zoster virus infection in Australia.', Public Health Association of Australia, pp. 413 - 418

Ferson MJ, 1997, 'Infection control in child care settings.', Commun Dis Intell, 21, pp. 333 - 337,

Liddle JL; Burgess MA; Gilbert GL; Hanson RM; McIntyre PB; Bishop RF; Ferson MJ, 1997, 'Rotavirus gastroenteritis: impact on young children, their families and the health care system.', Med J Aust, 167, pp. 304 - 307,

Su J; Ferson MJ; Stark AE; Robertson PW, 1997, 'Evaluation of the neonatal hepatitis B vaccination program in infants born to Chinese mothers.', The Medical journal of Australia, 166, pp. 446 - 447,

Butler T; Ferson MJ, 1997, 'Faecal pollution of ocean swimming pools and stormwater outlets in eastern Sydney', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 21, pp. 567 - 571,

Ferson MJ; Stringfellow S; McPhie K; McIver CJ; Simos A, 1997, 'Longitudinal study of rotavirus infection in child-care centres', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 33, pp. 157 - 160,

Grimwood K; Collignon PJ; Currie BJ; Ferson MJ; Gilbert GL; Hogg GG; Isaacs D; McIntyre PB, 1997, 'Antibiotic management of pneumococcal infections in an era of increased resistance.', J Paediatr Child Health, 33, pp. 287 - 295,

Butler T; Dolan K; Ferson MJ; Mcguiness L; Brown PJ; Robertson PW; Butler , 1997, 'Hepatitis B and C in New South Wales prisons. Prevalence and risk factors', Medical Journal of Australia, 166, pp. 127 - 130

McLaws M; Murphy C; Taylor KN; Ferson MJ; Gold J; Donnellan R; Dalton DM, 1997, 'Rate of seasonal spread of respiratory syncital virus in a paediatric hospital', Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 18, pp. 778 - 780

Lau EA; Ferson MJ, 1997, 'Surveillance for tuberculosis among residents of hostels for homeless men.', Aust N Z J Public Health, 21, pp. 447 - 450,

Ferson MJ, 1996, 'Hospitalisations for rotavirus gastroenteritis among children under five years of age in New South Wales.', Med J Aust, 164, pp. 273 - 276,

Harris E; Harris M; Ferson M; Sherry K, 1996, 'The capacity of children's services in New South Wales to meet their responsibilities under the public health (Amendment) Act 1992', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 20, pp. 409 - 412,

Kesson AM; Grimwood K; Burgess MA; Ferson MJ; Gilbert GL; Hogg G; Isaacs D; Kakakios A; McIntyre P, 1996, 'Acyclovir for the prevention and treatment of varicella zoster in children, adolescents and pregnancy.', J Paediatr Child Health, 32, pp. 211 - 217,

Ferson MJ; Young LC; Robertson PW; Whybin LR, 1995, 'Difficulties in clinical diagnosis of measles: Proposal for modified clinical case definition', Medical Journal of Australia, 163, pp. 364 - 366,

Ferson MJ, 1995, 'Another vaccine, another treadmill?', J Paediatr Child Health, 31, pp. 3 - 5,

Ferson MJ; Fitzsimmons G; Christie D; Woollett H, 1995, 'School health nurse interventions to increase immunisation uptake in school entrants.', Public Health, 109, pp. 25 - 29,


Ferson MJ, 1994, 'Control of infections in child care.', Med J Aust, 161, pp. 615 - 618,

Ferson MJ; Robertson PW; Whybin LR, 1994, 'Cost effectiveness of prevaccination screening of health care workers for immunity to measles, rubella and mumps', Medical Journal of Australia, 160,

Isaacs D; Ferson M; Gilbert GL; Grimwood K; McIntyre P, 1994, 'Chemoprophylaxis for Haemophilus and meningococcal infections. Position paper, Royal Australasian College of Physicians.', J Paediatr Child Health, 30, pp. 9 - 11,

Bell S; Robertson P; Whybin R; Ferson M, 1994, 'Improving the quality of HIV data', New South Wales Public Health Bulletin, 5, pp. 10 - 10,

Ferson MJ, 1993, 'Child care for mildly sick children.', Aust J Public Health, 17, pp. 393 - 394,

Ferson MJ, 1993, 'Infections in day care.', Curr Opin Pediatr, 5, pp. 35 - 40,

Ferson MJ; Young LC, 1992, 'Cryptosporidium and coxsackievirus B5 causing epidemic diarrhoea in a child-care centre [6]', Medical Journal of Australia, 156, pp. 813,

Ferson MJ; Christie D, 1992, 'Measles immunisation compliance: poor impact of bicentennial measles control campaigns on children under five.', Aust J Public Health, 16, pp. 31 - 34,

FERSON MJ; MORTON JR; ROBERTSON PW, 1991, 'Impact of influenza on morbidity in children with cystic fibrosis', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 27, pp. 308 - 311,

Rushworth RL; Bell SM; Rubin GL; Hunter RM; Ferson MJ, 1991, 'Improving surveillance of infectious diseases in New South Wales', Medical Journal of Australia, 154, pp. 828 - 831,

Ferson MJ; Bell SM, 1991, 'Outbreak of coxsackievirus A16 hand, foot, and mouth disease in a child day-care center [2]', American Journal of Public Health, 81, pp. 1675 - 1676,

Ferson MJ; Christie D, 1990, 'True and false contraindications to pertussis vaccine.', Med J Aust, 153, pp. 568 - 569,

Ferson MJ; Bell SM; Robertson PW, 1990, 'Determination and importance of varicella immune status of nursing staff in a children's hospital', Journal of Hospital Infection, 15, pp. 347 - 351,

Ferson MJ, 1990, 'Immunisation state and its documentation in hospital patients.', Arch Dis Child, 65, pp. 763 - 767,

Ferson MJ, 1989, '"Awareness" of hepatitis B infection among child day-care staff members.', Med J Aust, 151, pp. 484 - 485,

Robertson PW; Bell SM; Ferson MJ, 1989, 'A method for determining the cut-off value of a varicella-zoster virus IgG enzyme immunoassay for immune status', Journal of Virological Methods, 26, pp. 115 - 118,

Ferson MJ; Robertson PW, 1989, 'Congenital toxoplasmosis.', The Medical journal of Australia, 150, pp. 110,

ROBERTSON PW; FERSON MJ, 1988, 'ANTIBODY PATTERNS IN THE SEROLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS OF TOXOPLASMOSIS', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 18, pp. 811 - 811,

Ferson MJ; Shi E, 1988, 'Periorbital cellulitis with meningococcal bacteremia.', Pediatr Infect Dis J, 7, pp. 600 - 601,

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