Select Publications

Journal articles

Al-Falahi ZS; Schlegel TT; Palencia-Lamela I; Li A; Schelbert EB; Niklasson L; Maanja M; Lindow T; Ugander M, 2025, 'Advanced electrocardiography heart age: a prognostic, explainable machine learning approach applicable to sinus and non-sinus rhythms', European Heart Journal - Digital Health, 6, pp. 45 - 54,

Sundqvist MG; Verouhis D; Sörensson P; Henareh L; Persson J; Saleh N; Settergren M; Witt N; Böhm F; Pernow J; Tornvall P; Ugander M, 2025, 'The size of myocardial infarction and peri-infarction edema are not major determinants of diastolic impairment after acute myocardial infarction', International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 41, pp. 103 - 112,

Loewenstein DE; Wieslander B; Heiberg E; Axelsson J; Klem I; Nijveldt R; Schelbert EB; Sorensson P; Sigfridsson A; Strauss DG; Kim RJ; Atwater BD; Ugander M, 2024, 'Accuracy of left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony indices for mechanical characteristics of left bundle branch block using cardiovascular magnetic resonance feature tracking', EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING,

Iyer NR; Chan SP; Liew OW; Chong JPC; Bryant JA; Le TT; Chandramouli C; Cozzone PJ; Eisenhaber F; Foo R; Richards AM; Lam CSP; Ugander M; Chin CWL, 2024, 'Global longitudinal strain and plasma biomarkers for prognosis in heart failure complicated by diabetes: a prospective observational study', BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 24,

Black N; Bradley J; Schelbert EB; Bonnett LJ; Lewis GA; Lagan J; Orsborne C; Brown PF; Soltani F; Fröjdh F; Ugander M; Wong TC; Fukui M; Cavalcante JL; Naish JH; Williams SG; McDonagh T; Schmitt M; Miller CA, 2024, 'Remote myocardial fibrosis predicts adverse outcome in patients with myocardial infarction on clinical cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging', Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 26,

Hughes RK; Thornton GD; Malcolmson JW; Pierce I; Khoury S; Hornell A; Knott K; Captur G; Moon JC; Schlegel TT; Ugander M, 2024, 'Accurate diagnosis of apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using explainable advanced electrocardiogram analysis', Europace, 26,

Lindow T; Manouras A; Lindqvist P; Manna D; Wieslander B; Kozor R; Strange G; Playford D; Ugander M, 2024, 'Echocardiographic estimation of pulmonary artery wedge pressure: invasive derivation, validation, and prognostic association beyond diastolic dysfunction grading', European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging, 25, pp. 498 - 509,

Bacharova L; Chevalier P; Gorenek B; Jons C; Li YG; Locati ET; Maanja M; Pérez-Riera AR; Platonov PG; Ribeiro ALP; Schocken D; Soliman EZ; Svehlikova J; Tereshchenko LG; Ugander M; Varma N; Elena Z; Ikeda T, 2024, 'ISE/ISHNE expert consensus statement on the ECG diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy: The change of the paradigm', Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology, 29,

Iyer NR; Bryant JA; Le T-T; Grenier JG; Thompson RB; Chin CWL; Ugander M, 2024, 'Lung water density is increased in patients at risk of heart failure and is largely independent of conventional cardiovascular magnetic resonance measures.', Eur Heart J Imaging Methods Pract, 2, pp. qyae089,

Topriceanu CC; Dev E; Ahmad M; Hughes R; Shiwani H; Webber M; Direk K; Wong A; Ugander M; Moon JC; Hughes AD; Maddock J; Schlegel TT; Captur G, 2023, 'Accelerated DNA methylation age plays a role in the impact of cardiovascular risk factors on the human heart', Clinical Epigenetics, 15,

Sundqvist MG; Sörensson P; Ekenbäck C; Lundin M; Agewall S; Brolin EB; Cederlund K; Collste O; Daniel M; Jensen J; Y-Hassan S; Henareh L; Hofman-Bang C; Lyngå P; Maret E; Sarkar N; Spaak J; Winnberg O; Caidahl K; Ugander M; Tornvall P, 2023, 'CMR Is Often Abnormal Despite Normal Echocardiography in Suspected Myocardial Infarction With Nonobstructed Coronary Arteries', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 16, pp. 1626 - 1628,

Soundappan D; Fung ASY; Loewenstein DE; Playford D; Strange G; Kozor R; Otton J; Ugander M, 2023, 'Decreased diastolic hydraulic forces incrementally associate with survival beyond conventional measures of diastolic dysfunction', Scientific Reports, 13,

Reid BJ; Lindow T; Warren S; Persson E; Bhindi R; Ringborn M; Ugander M; Allahwala U, 2023, 'Immediate recruitment of dormant coronary collaterals can provide more than half of normal resting perfusion during coronary occlusion in patients with coronary artery disease', Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 30, pp. 2338 - 2345,

Nickander J; Cole B; Nordin S; Vijapurapu R; Steeds RP; Moon JC; Kellman P; Ugander M; Kozor R, 2023, 'Increased cardiac involvement in Fabry disease using blood-corrected native T1 mapping', Scientific Reports, 13,

Fung ASY; Soundappan D; Loewenstein DE; Playford D; Strange G; Kozor R; Otton J; Ugander M, 2023, 'Prognostic association supports indexing size measures in echocardiography by body surface area', Scientific Reports, 13,

Lundin M; Heiberg E; Nordlund D; Gyllenhammar T; Steding-Ehrenborg K; Engblom H; Carlsson M; Atar D; van der Pals J; Erlinge D; Borgquist R; Khoshnood A; Ekelund U; Nickander J; Themudo R; Nordin S; Kozor R; Bhuva AN; Moon JC; Maret E; Caidahl K; Sigfridsson A; Sörensson P; Schelbert EB; Arheden H; Ugander M, 2023, 'Prognostic utility and characterization of left ventricular hypertrophy using global thickness', Scientific Reports, 13,

Eklund Gustafsson C; Ekström M; Ugander M; Brudin L; Carlén A; Hedman K; Lindow T, 2023, 'Prognostic value of peak work rate indexed by left ventricular diameter', Scientific Reports, 13,

Bacharova L; Chevalier P; Gorenek B; Jons C; Li YG; Locati ET; Maanja M; Pérez-Riera AR; Platonov PG; Ribeiro ALP; Schocken D; Soliman EZ; Svehlikova J; Tereshchenko LG; Ugander M; Varma N; Zaklyazminskaya E; Ikeda T, 2023, 'ISE/ISHNE Expert Consensus Statement on ECG Diagnosis of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: The Change of the Paradigm. The joint paper of the International Society of Electrocardiology and the International Society for Holter Monitoring and Noninvasive Electrocardiology', Journal of Electrocardiology, 81, pp. 85 - 93,

Lindow T; Quadrelli S; Ugander M, 2023, 'Noninvasive Imaging Methods for Quantification of Pulmonary Edema and Congestion: A Systematic Review', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 16, pp. 1469 - 1484,

Lindow T; Maanja M; Schelbert EB; Ribeiro AH; Ribeiro ALP; Schlegel TT; Ugander M, 2023, 'Heart age gap estimated by explainable advanced electrocardiography is associated with cardiovascular risk factors and survival', European Heart Journal - Digital Health, 4, pp. 384 - 392,

Fyrdahl A; Ullvin A; Ramos JG; Seiberlich N; Ugander M; Sigfridsson A, 2023, 'Three-dimensional sector-wise golden angle–improved k-space uniformity after electrocardiogram binning', Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 90, pp. 1041 - 1052,

Ramos JG; Wieslander B; Fyrdahl A; Reiter G; Reiter U; Jin N; Skott V; Melin M; Sundblad P; Sigfridsson A; Ugander M, 2023, 'Pulmonary Hypertension by Catheterization Is More Accurately Detected by Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 4D-Flow Than Echocardiography', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 16, pp. 558 - 559,

Loring Z; Giczewska A; Hofmann P; Chiswell K; Schlegel TT; Ugander M; Jackson KP; Piccini JP; Atwater BD, 2023, 'Electrocardiographic parameters associated with pacemaker induced cardiomyopathy', Journal of Electrocardiology, 77, pp. 17 - 22,

Hamilton-Craig C; Ugander M; Greenwood JP; Kozor R, 2023, 'Stress perfusion cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging: a guide for the general cardiologist', Heart, 109, pp. 428 - 433,

Nickander J; Ekenbäck C; Agewall S; Bacsovics Brolin E; Caidahl K; Cederlund K; Collste O; Daniel M; Jensen J; Y-Hassan S; Henareh L; Hofman-Bang C; Lyngå P; Maret E; Sarkar N; Spaak J; Winnberg O; Sundqvist M; Ugander M; Tornvall P; Sörensson P, 2023, 'Comprehensive Follow-Up Cardiac Magnetic Resonance of Patients With Myocardial Infarction With Nonobstructive Coronary Arteries', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 16, pp. 128 - 129,

Abdula G; Ramos JG; Marlevi D; Fyrdahl A; Engblom H; Sörensson P; Giese D; Jin N; Sigfridsson A; Ugander M, 2023, 'Non-invasive estimation of mean pulmonary artery pressure by cardiovascular magnetic resonance in under 2 min scan time.', Eur Heart J Imaging Methods Pract, 1, pp. qyad014,

Thalén S; Ramos JG; Engblom H; Sigfridsson A; Sörensson P; Ugander M, 2023, 'Normal values for native T1 at 1.5 T in the pericardial fluid of healthy volunteers.', Eur Heart J Imaging Methods Pract, 1, pp. qyad028,

Maanja M; Schlegel TT; Fröjdh F; Niklasson L; Wieslander B; Bacharova L; Schelbert EB; Ugander M, 2022, 'An electrocardiography score predicts heart failure hospitalization or death beyond that of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging', Scientific Reports, 12,

Lindow T; Palencia-Lamela I; Schlegel TT; Ugander M, 2022, 'Heart age estimated using explainable advanced electrocardiography', Scientific Reports, 12,

Lindow T; Ekström M; Brudin L; Hedman K; Ugander M, 2022, 'Prognostic implications of structural heart disease and premature ventricular contractions in recovery of exercise', Scientific Reports, 12,

Lundin M; Sörensson P; Maret E; Jenner J; Abdula G; Nickander J; Themudo R; Caidahl K; Kellman P; Sigfridsson A; Ugander M, 2022, 'Diffusely Increased Myocardial Extracellular Volume with or without Focal Late Gadolinium Enhancement: Prevalence and Associations with Left Ventricular Size and Function', Journal of Thoracic Imaging, 37, pp. 17 - 25,

Nelsson A; Kanski M; Engblom H; Ugander M; Carlsson M; Arheden H, 2021, 'Pulmonary blood volume measured by cardiovascular magnetic resonance: influence of pulmonary transit time methods and left atrial volume', Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 23,

Y-Hassan S; Sörensson P; Ekenbäck C; Lundin M; Agewall S; Brolin EB; Caidahl K; Cederlund K; Collste O; Daniel M; Jensen J; Hofman-Bang C; Lyngå P; Maret E; Sarkar N; Spaak J; Winnberg O; Ugander M; Tornvall P; Henareh L, 2021, 'Plasma catecholamine levels in the acute and subacute stages of takotsubo syndrome: Results from the Stockholm myocardial infarction with normal coronaries 2 study', Clinical Cardiology, 44, pp. 1567 - 1574,

Sörensson P; Ekenbäck C; Lundin M; Agewall S; Bacsovics Brolin E; Caidahl K; Cederlund K; Collste O; Daniel M; Jensen J; Y-Hassan S; Henareh L; Hofman-Bang C; Lyngå P; Maret E; Sarkar N; Spaak J; Winnberg O; Ugander M; Tornvall P, 2021, 'Early Comprehensive Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Myocardial Infarction With Nonobstructive Coronary Arteries', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 14, pp. 1774 - 1783,

Sapra R; Hallqvist L; Schlegel TT; Ugander M; Bell M; Maanja M, 2021, 'Predicting peri-operative troponin elevation by advanced electrocardiography', Journal of Electrocardiology, 68, pp. 1 - 5,

Fyrdahl A; Holst K; Caidahl K; Ugander M; Sigfridsson A, 2021, 'Generalization of three-dimensional golden-angle radial acquisition to reduce eddy current artifacts in bSSFP CMR imaging', Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 34, pp. 109 - 118,

Atwater BD; Emerek K; Samad Z; Sze E; Black-Maier E; Loring Z; Ugander M; Liao L; Kisslo J; Søgaard P; Friedman DJ, 2020, 'Predicting the Development of Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in Patients With Left Bundle Branch Block', American Journal of Cardiology, 137, pp. 39 - 44,

Ramos JG; Fyrdahl A; Wieslander B; Thalén S; Reiter G; Reiter U; Jin N; Maret E; Eriksson M; Caidahl K; Sörensson P; Sigfridsson A; Ugander M, 2020, 'Comprehensive Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Diastolic Dysfunction Grading Shows Very Good Agreement Compared With Echocardiography', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 13, pp. 2530 - 2542,

Sundqvist MG; Sahlén A; Ding ZP; Ugander M, 2020, 'Diastolic function and its association with diabetes, hypertension and age in an outpatient population with normal stress echocardiography findings', Cardiovascular Ultrasound, 18,

Nickander J; Themudo R; Sigfridsson A; Xue H; Kellman P; Ugander M, 2020, 'Females have higher myocardial perfusion, blood volume and extracellular volume compared to males – an adenosine stress cardiovascular magnetic resonance study', Scientific Reports, 10,

Goldberg YH; Megyessi D; Flam M; Spevack DM; Sundqvist MG; Ugander M, 2020, 'Mechanistic validation of the 2016 American Society of Echocardiography/European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging Guidelines for the assessment of diastolic dysfunction in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction', Cardiovascular Ultrasound, 18,

Grankvist R; Chireh A; Sandell M; Mukarram AK; Jaff N; Berggren I; Persson H; Linde C; Arnberg F; Lundberg J; Ugander M; La Manno G; Jonsson S; Daub CO; Holmin S, 2020, 'Myocardial micro-biopsy procedure for molecular characterization with increased precision and reduced trauma', Scientific Reports, 10,

Nickander J; Lundin M; Abdula G; Jenner J; Maret E; Sörensson P; Heiberg E; Sigfridsson A; Ugander M, 2020, 'Stationary tissue background correction increases the precision of clinical evaluation of intra-cardiac shunts by cardiovascular magnetic resonance', Scientific Reports, 10,

Fröjdh F; Fridman Y; Bering P; Sayeed A; Maanja M; Niklasson L; Olausson E; Pi H; Azeem A; Wong TC; Kellman P; Feingold B; Christopher A; Fukui M; Cavalcante JL; Miller CA; Butler J; Ugander M; Schelbert EB, 2020, 'Extracellular Volume and Global Longitudinal Strain Both Associate With Outcomes But Correlate Minimally', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 13, pp. 2343 - 2354,

Loring Z; Friedman DJ; Emerek K; Graff C; Sørensen PL; Hansen SM; Wieslander B; Ugander M; Søgaard P; Atwater BD, 2020, 'Lead one ratio in left bundle branch block predicts poor cardiac resynchronization therapy response', PACE - Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 43, pp. 503 - 510,

Rysz S; Lundberg J; Nordberg P; Eriksson H; Wieslander B; Lundin M; Fyrdahl A; Pernow J; Ugander M; Djärv T; Jonsson Fagerlund M, 2020, 'The effect of levosimendan on survival and cardiac performance in an ischemic cardiac arrest model – A blinded randomized placebo-controlled study in swine', Resuscitation, 150, pp. 113 - 120,

Dennis M; Ugander M; Kozor R; Puranik R, 2020, 'Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Inherited Heart Conditions', Heart Lung and Circulation, 29, pp. 584 - 593,

Ekström M; Hellman A; Hasselström J; Hage C; Kahan T; Ugander M; Wallén H; Persson H; Linde C, 2020, 'The transition from hypertension to hypertensive heart disease and heart failure: the PREFERS Hypertension study', ESC Heart Failure, 7, pp. 737 - 746,

Ramos JG; Fyrdahl A; Wieslander B; Reiter G; Reiter U; Jin N; Maret E; Eriksson M; Caidahl K; Sörensson P; Sigfridsson A; Ugander M, 2020, 'Cardiovascular magnetic resonance 4D flow analysis has a higher diagnostic yield than Doppler echocardiography for detecting increased pulmonary artery pressure', BMC Medical Genetics, 21,

Ugander M, 2020, 'Exercise CMR T1 Mapping for Myocardial Ischemia Testing: No Gad, No Drugs, No Problem?', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 13, pp. 681 - 683,

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