My Expertise
Labour market, human capital, migration, labour mobility, productivity, knowledge sharing, economic growth, higher education, schooling, economic decisions, data analysis, interaction technology-humans.
Scholarships of $35,000 (AUD) are available for PhD students who achieved H1 /High Distinction in their UG program and/or have completed a Masters by Research. If you are interested, contact me via my details within this profile.
Fields of Research (FoR)
Applied economics, Economics of education, Labour economics, Social program evaluation, Health economicsSEO tags
Professor Massimiliano Tani Bertuol is an Academic in the School of Business at UNSW, Canberra.
I am an economist by training and my research is applied. My interest focuses on human capital at large: how to foster it, its efficient international transfer through temporary and permanent migration, and its effects on productivity, innovation, and economic growth at a firm or national level. I often use Australian data but work with data on...view more
Professor Massimiliano Tani Bertuol is an Academic in the School of Business at UNSW, Canberra.
I am an economist by training and my research is applied. My interest focuses on human capital at large: how to foster it, its efficient international transfer through temporary and permanent migration, and its effects on productivity, innovation, and economic growth at a firm or national level. I often use Australian data but work with data on Europe, the US, Africa and China.
I teach/taught macroeconomics as well as finance at both undergraduate and graduate level in face-to-face and distance mode. My education includes a PhD in Economics from the Australian National University (Canberra, Australia), a MSc Econ from the LSE and Laurea from Bocconi University (Milan, Italy).
Current affiliations:
2015-present: Professor, School of Business, UNSW Canberra
UNSW - Associate Investigator/Member: CEPAR; Ageing Futures; uDASH; AI Institute; Cyber security (IFCYBER)
2005-present: Research Fellow, Institute for the Future of Labor (IZA), Germany
2018-present: Associate Member, Centre for Workforce Futures, Macquarie University
2016-present: Research Fellow, Global Labor Organization (GLO), Maastricht, Netherlands
My Grants
Active grants:
ARC LP (2023-27): $354,811. M Tani, S Baker, C Higgins, K Houghton, K Bassett, S Cousins, and S Gnanakaran. Regional Australia's skills shortages and high-skill refugees' employment.
ARC DP (2019-23): $478,000. F Guo, L Taksa, Z Cheng, M Tani, L Liu and KF Zimmermann. Demographic and Social Dimensions of Migrant Ageing and Wellbeing in Australia.
NUW Alliance (2021-23): $73,367 - M Tani, Z Cheng, TYC Ching, L Si, S Mendolia, A Paloyo, MC Flynn and D Savage. The Effects of Newborn Hearing Screening and Early Intervention on Academic Outcomes in Children with Hearing Loss.
My Qualifications
PhD in Economics - ANU (2003)
MSc Economics - LSE (1992)
BA Business/Economics - Bocconi (1989)
My Awards
2023: UNSW ARC Postgraduate Council (Arc PGC) award for excellence in research supervision (only 1 award for the faculty)
2011: Vice-Chancellor Award for Teaching Excellence (only 1 award was given out)
2011: Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence for teaching economics (1 award was given out for each faculty)
My Research Activities
Currently working on:
1. non-pecuniary incentives
2. behavioural / financial decisions in China
3. occupational licensing
4. language skills and economic assimilation/wellbeing
5. interactions AI-humans, especially in health
6. labour mobility and productivity
Associate Editor: Social Indicators Research; Higher Education Research & Development
My Research Supervision
Supervision keywords
Areas of supervision
Labour markets, productivity, human capital, AI and interaction with humans, higher education, returns to education, financial literacy
Currently supervising
Awarded: 4
Submitted: 1
Current: 5
My Teaching
ZBUS2333 Data Analytics and Visualisation
ZBUS8105 Finance and Investment Appraisal
ZBUS8149 Introduction to Finance
Professional Executive Courses: 'Make cost-benefit analysis work for you'; 'Communicate effectively using data'
ORCID as entered in ROS