Select Publications


Tani Bertuol M, 2025, Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Zimmermann KF, (ed.), Springer International Publishing,

Stiglitz JE; Walsh CE; Gow J; Guest R; Richmond W; Tani Bertuol M, 2015, Principles of Economics, Wiley

Stiglitz JE; Guest R; Walsh CE; Tani Bertuol M, 2014, Introductory Macroeconomics

Book Chapters

Tani Bertuol M; Katz I; Cheng Z, 2024, 'Children with Disability in Out-of-Home Care: Prevalence and Characteristics', in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Disability,

Tani Bertuol M; Cheng Z; Wang BZ, 2022, 'Language training and humanitarian migrants' host language skills: Recent Australian evidence', in Transnationalism, Intersectionality and Immigrant Lives: Critical Issues and Approaches to International Migration, Oxford University Press

Tani Bertuol M, 2022, 'Migration and Education', in "Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics", Springer

Tani Bertuol M; Mbaye L, 2021, 'Migration, Innovation, and Growth: An African Story?', in Konte M; Mously Mbaye L (ed.), Migration, Remittances, and Sustainable Development in Africa, Routledge,

Tani M; Sinning M; Tani Bertuol M, 2016, 'Labor migration', in Encyclopedia of Migration, Springer Nature, pp. 1 - 5,

Journal articles

Tani Bertuol M; Wen X; Cheng Z, 2024, 'Rural-urban Migration, Financial Literacy, and Entrepreneurship', Journal of Business Research, 175, pp. 114302,

Guo L; Cheng Z; Cook S; Tani Bertuol M, 2024, 'Air Pollution and Education Investment', Energy Economics, 132, pp. 107496,

Tani Bertuol M; Zhu Y; Xu L, 2024, 'Can the Teaching Style Reduce Inequality in the Classroom? Evidence from A Quasi-experiment', British Educational Research Journal,

Tani Bertuol M; Sharma R; Parkinson B; Mendolia S; Ching T; Marnane V; Cheng Z, 2024, 'Does childhood cochlear implantation spill over to carers' employment status?', Ear and Hearing

Tani Bertuol M; mendolia S; chan B; Paloyo A; Torgler B; Cheng Z, 2024, 'Residential mobility restrictions and adverse mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK', Scientific Reports, 14, pp. 1790,

Huang G; Guo F; Taksa L; Cheng Z; Tani M; Liu L; Zimmermann KF; Franklin M; Tani Bertuol M, 2023, 'Decomposing the differences in healthy life expectancy between migrants and natives: the ‘healthy migrant effect’ and its age variations in Australia', Journal of Population Research, 41,

Huang G; Guo F; Cheng Z; Tani M; Chen G; Tani Bertuol M, 2023, 'Projections of Future Demand and Costs of Aged Care Services in China', Population Research and Policy Review, 42, pp. 56,

Williamson S; Colley L; Huybers T; Tani M; Tani Bertuol M, 2023, 'Public servants working from home during the pandemic: Who gained and who lost?', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 83, pp. 1 - 20,

Zhang Y; Wang M; Zipperle M; Abbasi A; Tani Bertuol M, 2023, 'RelRank: A Relevance-based Author Ranking Algorithm for Individual Publication Venues', Information Processing and Management, 60, pp. 103156,

Piracha M; Tani M; Cheng Z; Wang BZ; Tani Bertuol M, 2023, 'Social assimilation and immigrants’ labour market outcomes', Journal of Population Economics, 36, pp. 37 - 67,

Tani Bertuol M; Kaeser A, 2023, 'Do Immigrants Ever Oppose Immigration?', European Journal of Political Economy, 80, pp. 102460,

Tani Bertuol M; Pecoraro M, 2023, 'Does certifying foreign qualifications lead to better immigrant skills utilization?', Social Indicators Research: an international and interdisciplinary journal for quality-of-life measurement, 170, pp. 291 - 322,

Tani Bertuol M; Cheng Z; Torgler B, 2023, 'Is there hope after despair? An analysis of trust among China’s Cultural Revolution survivors', Economic Modelling, 121, pp. 106218,

Tani Bertuol M; Mously Mbaye L; Okara A, 2023, 'Labour mobility and innovation in Africa', Journal of African Economies, pp. ejad020,

Tani Bertuol M; Guo F; Cheng Z; Huang G; Zimmermann KF; Franklin M; Taksa L; Liu L, 2023, 'Nativity in the healthy migrant effect: Lessons from Australia', SSM-Population Health, 23, pp. 101457,

Tani Bertuol M, 2023, 'Occupational licensing and skills mismatches among immigrants and natives in the United States', The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 23, pp. 673 - 700,

Glennie M; Buick F; Blackman D; Weeratunga V; Tani Bertuol M; West D; Dickinson H, 2023, 'Opportunities and challenges of using workforce big data: Insights from a mixed methods study on flexible working', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 82, pp. 590 - 595,

Tani Bertuol M; Cheng Z; Katz I, 2023, 'Outcomes for children with disability in out-of-home care: Evidence from the Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study in Australia', Child Abuse and Neglect, 143, pp. 106246,

Tani Bertuol M; Wang B; Baker S; Higgins C; Cousins S; Cheng Z; Jack VA, 2023, 'Refugees as skilled migrants: insights from Australia’s 2018 employer-sponsored refugee migration pilot', Social Indicators Research: an international and interdisciplinary journal for quality-of-life measurement, 170, pp. 323 - 338,

Tani Bertuol M; Guo F; Zimmermann K; Huang G; Cheng Z; Liu L; Taksa L; Franklin M, 2023, 'The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on life expectancy in 27 countries', Scientific Reports, 13,

Tani Bertuol M; Cheng Z; Guo L; Smyth R, 2022, 'Childhood Adversity and Energy Poverty', Energy Economics, 111, pp. 106101,

Smith C; Tani Bertuol M; Yates S; Dickinson H, 2022, 'Successful School Interventions for Students with Disability During Covid-19: Empirical Evidence from Australia', The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher,

Tani Bertuol M; Baker S; Higgins C; Cousins S, 2022, 'Refugees are a valuable but overlooked economic resource, and it is time to update our approach to migration', The Australian Economic Review, 55, pp. 273 - 280,

Tani Bertuol M; Zhu Y; Huang B, 2022, 'Returns to Education in China: Evidence from the Great Higher Education Expansion', China Economic Review (Amsterdam), 74, pp. 101804,

Tani Bertuol M; Kahn S; Manuguerra M, 2022, 'Can videos affect learning outcomes? Evidence from an actual learning environment', Educational Technology Research and Development, 70, pp. 1675 - 1693,

Tani Bertuol M; Zhang Y; Zimmermann K; Piracha M, 2022, 'Higher Education Expansion and the Rise of China in Economics Research', China Economic Review (Amsterdam), 74, pp. 101813,

Tani Bertuol M; Withers G; Edwards R; Curtain R, 2022, 'IT IS TIME FOR A NEW REGIONAL COMPACT!', The Australian Economic Review, 55, pp. 281 - 289,

Tani Bertuol M, 2022, 'Same degree but different outcomes: an analysis of labour market outcomes for native and international PhD students in Australia', Journal for Labour Market Research, 56, pp. 20,

Tani Bertuol M; Vivarelli M; Piva M, 2022, 'The productivity impact of short-term labour mobility across industries', Small Business Economics, 60, pp. 691 - 705,

Cheng Z; Mendolia S; Paloyo AR; Savage DA; Tani M; Tani Bertuol M, 2021, 'Working parents, financial insecurity, and childcare: mental health in the time of COVID-19 in the UK', Review of Economics of the Household, 19, pp. 123 - 144,

Tani Bertuol M; Zhu Y; Huang B, 2021, 'Does higher education make you more entrepreneurial? Causal evidence from China', Journal of Business Research, 135, pp. 543 - 558,

Tani Bertuol M; Zhu Y; Xu L, 2021, 'The Impact of An Un(der)funded Inclusive Education Policy Evidence from the 2013 China Education Panel Survey', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 190, pp. 768 - 784,

Tani Bertuol M; Parasnis J; Moslehi S; Vejayaratnam J, 2021, 'Assaults during lockdown in NSW and Victoria', Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 24, pp. 199 - 212,

Tani Bertuol M; Wanner P; Pecoraro M, 2021, 'Does educational mismatch affect emigration behaviour?', European Journal of Population, 37, pp. 959 - 995,

Tani Bertuol M; Cheng Z; Wang H, 2021, 'Energy Poverty and Entrepreneurship', Energy Economics, 102, pp. 105469,

Tani Bertuol M; Cheng Z; Wang BZ; Taksa L; Zhou J, 2021, 'English Skills and Early Labour Market Integration: Evidence from Humanitarian Migrants in Australia', International Migration,

Deygers B; Bigelow M; Nadarajan D; Lo Bianco J; Tani Bertuol M, 2021, 'Low print literacy and its representation in research and policy', Language Assessment Quarterly: an international journal, 18, pp. 463 - 476,

Tani Bertuol M; Dickinson H; Yates S; Smith C, 2021, 'The importance of social supports in education: Survey findings from students with disability and their families during COVID-19', Disability and Society, 38, pp. 1304 - 1326,

Tani Bertuol M; Parasnis J; Carroll D, 2021, 'Why do women become teachers while men don’t?', The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 21, pp. 793 - 823,

Tani Bertuol M; Cheng Z; Piracha M; Wang BZ, 2020, 'Ageing, health, loneliness and wellbeing', Social Indicators Research: an international and interdisciplinary journal for quality-of-life measurement, 160, pp. 791 - 807,

Wang C; Akgüҫ M; Liu X; Tani M; Tani Bertuol M, 2020, 'Expropriation with hukou change and labour market outcomes in China', China Economic Review, 60, pp. 101391,

Tani Bertuol M, 2020, 'L’Australia: un Paese da primati, ma fino a quando?', Relazioni internazionali e International political economy del Sud-Est asiatico,

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