Fields of Research (FoR)
Architecture, Architectural science and technologyBiography
Mat Santamouris is the Anita Lawrence Professor of High Performance Architecture in the University of New South Wales in Australia. He is a past a professor at the University of Athens, Greece and visiting Professor at the Cyprus Institute, Metropolitan University of London, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Bolzano University, Brunnel University and National University of Singapore. Past President of the National Center of Renewable and Energy...view more
Mat Santamouris is the Anita Lawrence Professor of High Performance Architecture in the University of New South Wales in Australia. He is a past a professor at the University of Athens, Greece and visiting Professor at the Cyprus Institute, Metropolitan University of London, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Bolzano University, Brunnel University and National University of Singapore. Past President of the National Center of Renewable and Energy Savings of Greece.
Editor in Chief of the Energy and Buildings, Past Editor in Chief of the Journal of Advances Building Energy Research, Associate Editor of the Solar Energy Journal and actual or past Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Solar Energy, Journal of Buildings and Environment, Journal of Sustainable Energy, Journal of Low Carbon Technologies, Journal of Open Construction and Building Technology, Sustainable Cities and Society and of the Journal of Ventilation. Editor of the Series of Book on Buildings, Energy and Solar Technologies published by Earthscan Science Publishers in London.
Editor and author of 15 international books on topics related to heat island, solar energy and energy conservation in buildings published by Earthscan, Springer, etc. Guest editor of twelve special issues of various scientific journals. Scientific coordinator of many international research programs and author of almost 290 scientific papers published in peer reviewed international scientific journals. Reviewer of research projects in 15 countries including USA, UK, France, Germany, Canada, Sweden, etc. Expert in various International Research Institutions. Highly Cited researcher according to Clarivate in 2017 and 2018.
My Qualifications
My Awards
Former Vice President of the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Center, International Energy Agency, United Nations, 2007.Vice President of the World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies, 2008, Invited Research Expert to the Chinese University and to the Government of Hong Kong on Urban and Built Environment, Invited Theme Editor of the UNESCO – EOLLS Encyclopaedia on Natural Sciences , Invited Expert by the International Solar Energy Society Group to prepare the State of the Art on ‘Solar Energy in Buildings’Invited Associate to the PLEA, (Passive and Low Energy Architecture), Organisation, Invited Member of the National Committee to prepare the Building Energy Program, Greece, Invited Expert of the World Health Organisation on Heat Protection, 2006, Invited Member of the Scientific Committee του Canadian Solar Buildings Research Network, Canada, 2006, Invitation to the Konwakai meeting of experts of Daikin Co, JAPAN, 2008-2015
External Reviewer of Scientific Books on behalf of the following publishers :
Springer Verlag Publishers, Elsevier The Netherlands, Germany, James and James Science Publishers, UK, EarthScan Publishers, UK, Spon Publishers, UK, PRAXIS Publishers, New York, ASHRAE, USA, Taylor and Francis, UK, Oxford University Press, UK, Routledge, UK, Bentham Publishers NY, USA, REHVA Belgium, University of Bologna, Italy, IPCC Reports The United Nations.
National Representative of Greece in the European Commission on Energy and Environmental Research and Development. Member of the College of Members of the EUREC Agency, (European Renewable Energy Centres Agency). Member of the Director's Board and National Representative to the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Center, (AIVC), International Energy Agency.Member of the Directors Board and Scientific Responsible on Education of the International Network Infiltration Ventilation and Energy, Brussels,National Representative to the Malmoe Environmental and Ecological Committee, Sweden
1989 : "Second European Conference on Energy in Buildings". Paris. 1990 : Second European Competition on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, DG12, CEC, Dublin. 1993 International Solar Energy Conference, (International Solar Energy Society), Budapest, Third European Conference on Energy in Buildings, Florence, 1994 Technical Chairman of the Third European Competition on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Dublin, International Conference "Healthy Buildings", Budapest, Scientific Chairman of the International Conference " Energy Performance and Indoor Environment of Buildings", Lyon, France..1995 International Conference "International Conference for Teachers of Architecture", Florence. 1996 International Conference on Building Simulation Performance, Prague., AIVC Conference , Gothemborg. 1997 International Conference for Teachers of Architecture", Oxford, AIVC Conference , Athens, Scientific Chairman of the Third European Conference on Energy and Indoor Environment, Berlin., International Solar Energy Conference, (International Solar Energy Society), Jerusalem.1998 International Conference on Buildings Energy Performance, (PLEA 1998), Lisbon, World Renewable Congress, Florence, Scientific Chairman of the Second European Conference on Energy and Indoor Environment, Lyon, AIVC Conference , Oslo, Norway, 1999 Indoor Air 99, Conference, Edinburg.. UK, International Conference on Building Simulation Performance, Osaka , Japan, 2000. Eurosun 2000, Denmark, Indoor Air 2000, Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 7TH Arab Conference on Solar Energy and Regional World Renewable Energy Congress, United Arab Emirates, AIVC Conference , The Hague, The Netherlands, International Conference on Buildings Energy Performance, (PLEA 2000), Oxford, UK, World Renewable Congress, Brighton, UK, Conference REBUILT, Barcelona, Spain.2001 International Conference Technology Watch and Innovation in the Construction Industry, Brussels, Belgium, 4rth International Conference on Indoor Air quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, Changsa, China, Conference on Thermal Comfort, Windsor, UK, International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Florianapolis, Brazil, 2002 Scientific Chairman of the International Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Quality. Lyon, France, Eurosun 2002, Rome, Italy, CIB/CIBSE Conference on Climate Change, Manchester, UK, World Renewable Energy Congress, Cologne, Germany, Room Vent 2002 Conference, Denmark, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, South Africa.2003 International Conference on Energy and The Environment, Oxford, UK, 2003, 2004 International Conference IEEECB’04, Germany, CIB Conference, Toronto, Canada, AIVC Conference , Prague.2005 Scientific Chairman of the International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Cooling, Santorini, Greece, International Conference ICARUS, Patras, Greece, International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, PLEA, Lebanon, International Conference on Building Physics, Canada, AIVC Conference , Brussels, Belgium, WSEAS Conference, SD-MED Conference, Athens, Greece, 2006 EUROISES Conference, UK, International Conference Healthy Buildings, Lisbon, Portugal, International Conference on Highway and Urban Pollution, Cyprus, European Chairman of the Energy Performance and Indoor Quality Conference, Lyon, France. World Renewable Energy Congress, Florence, Italy, SESCI 2006 & CSBRN 31st Annual Conference of the Solar Energy Society of Canada and 1st Canadian Solar Buildings Research Network Conference, the II International Congress of Architecture, Cities and Energy – CIBARQ06, Spain, Scientific Chairman of the EPEQB-06 International Conference, (Energy Performance Environmental Quality of Buildings), Milos, Greece. 2007 REHVA International Conference, Clima 2000, Helsinki, Finland.Scientific Chairman of the Joint International Conference AIVC -Passive and Low Energy Cooling, Crete, Greece, Conference ‘Central Europe Towards Sustainable Buildings" - CESB 2007, Tsech Republic. International Blower Door Conference, Germany, International Conference ‘Sustainable Construction, Materials and Practices: Challenge of the Industry for the New Millennium’, Portugal, Scientific Chairman of the EPEQB-07 International Conference, (Energy Performance Environmental Quality of Buildings), Milos, Greece. 2nd Canadian Solar Buildings Research Network Conference, Indoor Air Quality Conference, IAQVEC 2007, Japan, International Conference, PLEA 07, Singapore, November, 2007, International Conference on HVAC Research, Belgrade, 2007, 2008 International Conference Indoor Air 2008, Kopenhagen, Denmark. International Conference World Renewable Energy Congress, Glasgow, UK, International Conference EUROSUN Conference, Lisbon.International Conference ‘Wndsor conference 2008: Air Conditioning and the low-carbon cooling challenge?’, UK. International Conference Advanced Building Ventilation and Environmental Technology for Addressing climate change issues. Kyoto, Japan, International Conference 3rd European BlowerDoor Symosium, Kassel, Germany. International Conference ‘Canadian Solar Buildings Research Network Conference’, Canada, International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE), August 4 to 6, 2008 in Dalian, China. International Coference ‘Air Conditioning: can it be sustainable?", Windsor, UK, International Conference PLEA 2008, Ireland, 2008, 2009 S4th International Building Physics Conference in Istanbul, May 2009, Turkey, 2nd International Workshop on Heat Island, Berkeley, USA, ROOMVENT Conference, Busan Korea, 4th Canadian Solar Building Conference, Toronto, 2009 ,International Conference on HVAC Research’, Belgrade, 2009, Healthy Buildings 2009 Buildings • Health • Sustainability SYRACUSE, NY, USA, SEPTEMBER 13-17, 2009, Conference 3rd EcoSan on high quality building renovation, Austria, 2009, Μember of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference Solar Summit 2009, Freimburg, Germany, International Conference Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency, Cyprus, International Conference Trends in High Performance Buildings and the role of Ventilation, Berlin, Germany, 2010 : Chairman of the Joint Conferences : 3rd PALENC, 5TH EPIC and First Cool Roof Conference, Rhodes, Greece, 10th international Meteorological Conference Patras, Greece. 9the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET2010), China, International Conference IAQVEC2010, Syracuse, US, Fifth International Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings (IEECB), Frankfurt, Germany, International Conference ΕUROSUN, Austria, International Conference “Portugal SB10 - Sustainable Building Affordable to All”, Portugal, 3rd International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change” (Athens, 7-8 October 2010, International Scientific Conference W2010 6th Windsor Conference, UK, European Conference on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Architecture and Planning. San Sebastian, Spain, ’41th International Conference on HVAC Research’, Belgrade, 2009, 2011 : Μember of the Scientific Committee of the International Scientific Conference City and Buildings, Lyon, France, International Scientific Conference Εnergy for Smart Cities, Cascais, Portugal. International Scientific Conference 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency, Nicosia, Cyprus, International Scientific Conference SB 11 International Conference, Helsinki, Finland., Reviewer in the 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, Prague, International Scientific Conference EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND SUSTAINABILITY IN ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING organized by the Department of Architecture at the University of the Basque Country, Spain, International Scientific Conference ICEUBI 2011 – The International Conference on Engineering UBI 2011 – Innovation and Development, Portugal, 2012 International Scientific Conference W2010 7th Windsor Conference, UK, International Scientific Conference COBEE2012 in Boulder on August 2012, Sixth International Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings (IEECB), International Scientific Conference INTA 2012, Singapore, Sustainable Energy and Healthy Buildings, Belgrade, 2012, 2013 4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency, Cyprus, International Conference Clima 2013, Praha, International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC’13), Μorocco, Solar World Congress 2013 (March 17-22, 2013 in Cancún, México, International Conference SB13 Graz, Αustria, International Conference Future Buildings, Bath, UK 2013, Scientific Chairman of the AIVC Conference, Athens, International Conference Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Munchen, Germany, SB13 Portugal, International Conference on Green Energy and Technology' (ICGET), August 24~26, 2013, University of Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, JAPAN, 2014 : International Conference on Non-Conventional Energy – ICONCE 2014, India, Counting the Cost of Comfort in a Changing World, Windsor, UK, World Sustainable Building 2014, Barcelona, Energy, Water and Climate Change 2014 - Building Bridges between Europe and the MENA region, Cyprus, Indoor Air 2014, Hong Kong, International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC'13), Maroko, Adaptation Strategies to Global Environmental Change in the Mediterranean City and the Role of Global Earth Observations, Athens, IEECB'14 Conference, 2 - 3 April 2014, Frankfurt, Germany, National Energy Conference, Thessaloniki, 2014 , 2015 ENERGY 2015, The Fifth International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies, Rome, Italy, Latin-american and European Conference on Sustainable Buildings and Communities, Portugal, 3rd International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE), China, 5th International Drylands, Deserts and Desertification Conference, Israel, Conference PLEA, Bologna, Italy, Conference AIVC, Madrid, Spain, Conference Greenbuild Euromed 2015 (Verona, October 14-16), Conference MAKING COMFORT RELEVANT, Windsor Conference 2016, EMN Meeting on Photovoltaics 2015(Orlando, USA, 2016 Co Chairman of the International Conference on Counremeasures for Heat Island, Singapore, Fifth International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency - New Challenges, Cyprus, World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium– WMCAUS 2016” Prague (Czech Republic), ENERGY 2016, The Sixth International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies, Portugal, GREEN 2016, The First International Conference on Green Communications, Computing and Technologies, Nice, France, IAQVEC 2016 Korea, 2016 International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy System(NEFES 2016),Beijing, China, SBE16 Sydney Conference, 3rd. International Conference and exhibition on Solar Energy (ICESE 2016), 3rd. International Conference and exhibition on Solar Energy (ICESE 2016), Teheran, SBE16 Brazil & Portugal, Sustainable Built Environment Hamburg Germany, Clima 2000 Denmark, AIVC Poland, PLEA Conference Los Angeles, USA, ECEEE Conference Frankfurt, International HVAC Conference Belgrade. 2017 World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong (WSBE17 Hong Kong),
My Research Activities
- PASCOOL Program. Passive Cooling of Buildings. European Commission, Directorate General for Science Research and Development. (1992-1996).
- OFFICE Program. Passive Retrofitting of Office Buildings to Improve Their Energy Performance and Indoor Environment. European Commission, Directorate General for Science Research and Development. (1997-1999).
- AIOLOS Program. Preparation of Scientific Material on Natural Ventilation of Buildings. European Commission, Directorate General for Energy, (ALTENER), (1995-1997)
- POLISTUDIES Program. Preparation of Scientific Material on the Efficient Use of Energy in the Urban Environment. European Commission, Directorate General for Energy, (SAVE), (1996-1998).
- BUILT Program. Educational Network on the Energy Efficiency of Buildings. ALFA Program, European Commission, Directorate General for External Relations, (1995-1998)
- FOS Program. Preparation of Scientific Material on the Use of Efficient Lighting and Daylighting in Buildings. European Commission, Directorate General for Energy, (SAVE), (1997-1999)
- URBANCOOL Program. Study of Efficient Cooling Techniques for the Urban Environment,, SAVE Program, 1999.
- FENESTRATION Program. Study of Advanced Window Systems. SAVE Program, 1999
- EUROCLASS Program. Preparation of the European Experimental and Theoretical Methodology for the Energy Rating of Buildings, SAVE Program, 2000
- SAVE 13 Program. Preparation of Scientific Material for Distance Learning. SAVE Program, 2001-2004
- RESET Program. Use of Renewable Energies for Urban Renewal. ALTENER Program, European Commission, 2002-2004
- INTERSET Program. Use of Energy Efficient Technologies for Urban Renewal. SAVE Program, European Commission, 2002-2004
- Combined Use of Satellite and Ground Data for the study of the thermal environment of urban areas : methodologies and mitigation strategies. Scientific and Technological Cooperation between NKUA and Lawrence Berkeley Lab, US. Financed by GSRT of Greece, 2006.
- COOLROOFS : European Project on the Use of Reflective Materials in Buildings. IEE Program, EU, 2008
- URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL RECREATION, European Project on Urban Mitigation Techniques, EEC Project.
- ZERO PLUS , European Horizon Research Project on Zero Emission Settlements. European Commission, 2015-2019.
- Evaluator of Research Programs, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Government, (2002-2005)
- External Evaluator of Research and Academic Staff, Laurence Berkeley Laboratory, USA, (2004-2007)
- External Evaluator of the JoInt US Davis / LBL University of Berkeley, California, 2007
- Invited Contributor to the National Energy Foresight Program of Germany, (2004)
- External Evaluator of Research and Academic Staff, Ben Gurion University, Israel., (2005-2007)
- Evaluator of Research Programs, Republic of Ireland, (2001)..
- External Reviewer and Evaluator of Research Programs on Energy and Environment, Ministry of Research, Republic of Slovenia, (1998).
- Evaluator of Research Programs, University of Luxemburg, Luxemburg, (2004)
- Invited Member of the IHT Selection Panel of CIEMAT, (National Research Center), Spain, (2004)
- Invited Member of the Steering and Evaluation Committee of Research Programs on Urban Environment, (VIVACITY) , UK, (2004-2005)
- Evaluator of Research Proposals on Renewable Energy Sources, (ALTENER), European Commission, Directorate for Energy., (2002-2003)
- Evaluator of Research Proposals on Information Science and Technology, (IST), European Commission, Directorate for Research, (2003)
- Evaluator of Research Proposals on Energy Efficiency, (SAVE) European Commission, Directorate General for Energy and Transports, (2001-2003)
- Evaluator of Research Proposals on Information Science and Technology, (SME/CRAFT), European Commission, Directorate for Research, (2005).
- Evaluator of Research Programs on Energy, Ministry of Energy, Research and Industry, Greece, (1999-2006)..
- Evaluator of Research Programs, Ministry of Education, Greece, (2003-2005)
- Member of the Greek Foresight Committee on Energy, (2003-2005)
- Evaluator of Research Programs, University of Patras, Greece, (2004).
- Examinor in the National Greek Scientific Grants Authority, (IKY), 2006
- External Evaluator of German Research Proposals, German Research Foundation (DFG), 2006
- External Evaluator of Research Programs, Local Government of Piemonte, Italy, 2006
- Member of the International Advisory Committee of the Institute for Environmental Research, Ben Gurion University, Israel, 2006
- External Evaluator of Research Programs of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), France
- External Evaluator of Research Programs of the Quatar National Research Center, 2007
- External Evaluator of Research Programs of the Νational Research Foundation, Singapore, 2008
My Teaching
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