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Select Publications
Li A; Olofsson T; Kosonen R; Jiang Y; Hou L; Liu J; He Y; Zhao TS; Jones PJ; Allard F; Arens E; Bogdan A; Bahnfleth WP; Bomberg M; Cao S; Cao G; Chen Q; Centnerová LH; Croitoru CV; Corgnati S; da Silva MG; da Graça GC; de Dear R; Duanmu L; Fabrizio E; Fang L; Feng G; Fontaine JR; Fracastoro GV; Gao J; Gao R; Garg V; Goodfellow HD; Haghighat F; Heiselberg PK; Hensen J; Hofmann S; Holopainen R; Holøs S; Itard L; Qian H; Janssens A; Jeong JW; Kabele K; Kaczmarczyk J; Kalamees T; Kandzia C; Kato S; Khalil EE; Kinney K; Kolokotroni M; Kurnitski J; Kabanshi A; Li B; Li X; Li Y; Lian Z; Little JC; Lin Z; Liu J; Martinac I; Ma Z; Mathur J; Mathisen HM; Melikov A; Meiss A; Moshfegh B; Morawska L; Müller B; Mustakallio P; Nastase I; Müller D; Nielsen PV; Nazaroff W; Noakes C; Niu J; Olesen BW; Park J; Pagliano L; Perino M; Pasanen P; Roulet CA; Riffat S; Sandberg M; Ruponen M; Schiavon S; Santamouris M; Sekhar C; Schild PG; Shaughnessy RJ; Skwarczynski M; Taipale A; Srebric J; Tham KW; Tanabe SH; Wargocki P; Virta M; Wang L; Waring MS; Wigo H, 2022, 'Preface', in E3S Web of Conferences, http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202235600001
Koohestani SS; Santamouris M, 2022, 'Comprehensive review of state-of-the-art photovoltaic cooling technologies', in 2022 7th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies, SpliTech 2022, http://dx.doi.org/10.23919/SpliTech55088.2022.9854329
Adilkhanova I; Santamouris M; Yun GY, 2022, 'Investigating the impact of local climatic conditions and cool materials on the energy consumption of the urban building stock; a case study of Seoul', in 2022 7th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies, SpliTech 2022, http://dx.doi.org/10.23919/SpliTech55088.2022.9854232
Pérez G; Serra V; Garshasbi S; Favoino F; Sirvent P; Shah KW; la Roche P; Galán I; Santamouris M, 2021, 'Innovative approaches to thermochromic materials for adaptive building envelopes', in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2069/1/012132
Ferrari C; Paolini R; Muscio A; Santamouris M, 2019, 'Development of heterogeneous directionally reflective materials for building facades and measurements of their reflective properties', Hyderabad, India, presented at 5th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands, Hyderabad, India, 02 December 2019 - 04 December 2019, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/27592
Paolini R; Garshasbi S; Haddad S; Santamouris M, 2019, 'Health and energy benefits of urban overheating mitigation counteracting climate change', in 5th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands, Hyderabad, India, presented at 5th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands, Hyderabad, India, 02 December 2019 - 04 December 2019
Feng J; Santamouris M; Shah KW; Ranzi G, 2019, 'Thermal analysis in daytime radiative cooling', in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/609/7/072064
Haddad S; Synnefa A; Padilla Marcos MÁ; Paolini R; Prasad D; Santamouris M, 2019, 'Enhancing thermal comfort and indoor air quality in Australian school classrooms', Ghent, Belgium, presented at 40th AIVC - 8th TightVent & 6th venticool Conference From energy crisis to sustainable indoor climate, Ghent, Belgium, 15 October 2019
Haddad S; Synnefa A; Paolini R; Santamouris M, 2019, 'Indoor air and environmental quality in social housing dwellings in Australia', Ghent, Belgium, presented at 40th AIVC - 8th TightVent & 6th venticool Conference From energy crisis to sustainable indoor climate, Ghent, Belgium, 15 October 2019
Santamouris M, 2019, 'Urban overheating and impact on the built environment', in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Bari, Italy, presented at IAQVEC, Bari, Italy, 05 September 2019 - 07 September 2019, http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/609/2/022003
Green A; Ledo Gomis L; Paolini R; Haddad S; Kokogiannakis G; Cooper P; Ma Z; Kosasih B; Santamouris M, 2019, 'Near-Roof Air Temperatures: Modelling the Implications for HVAC Performance and Cool Roofs', Rome, Italy, presented at Building Simulation BS 2019, Rome, Italy, 02 September 2019, http://buildingsimulation2019.org/
Rajagopalan P; Andamon MM; Paolini R; Santamouris M, 2018, 'Developing experimental protocol for collecting large scale urban microclimate data through community participation', in Rajagopalan P; Andamon MM (ed.), Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density: 52nd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2018, The Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), Melbourne, pp. 561 - 568, presented at 52nd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2018, Melbourne, 28 November 2018 - 01 December 2018, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/27072
Paolini R; Haddad S; Synnefa A; Garshasbi S; Santamouris M, 2018, 'Electricity demand reduction in Sydney and Darwin with local climate mitigation', in Rajagopalan P; Andamon MM (ed.), Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density, The Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), Melbourne, Australia, pp. 285 - 294, presented at 52nd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association: Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density, Melbourne, Australia, 28 November 2018 - 01 December 2018, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/27075
Synnefa A; Garshasbi S; Haddad S; Paolini R; Santamouris M, 2018, 'Impact of the mitigation of the local climate on building energy needs in Australian cities', in Rajagopalan P; Andamon MM (ed.), Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density, The Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), Melbourne, Australia, pp. 277 - 284, presented at 52nd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association: Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density, Melbourne, Australia, 28 November 2018 - 01 December 2018, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/27074
Haddad S; Paolini R; Synnefa A; Santamouris M, 2018, 'Mitigation of urban overheating in three Australian cities (Darwin, Alice Springs and Western Sydney)', in Rajagopalan P; Andamon MM (ed.), Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density, The Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), Melbourne, Australia, pp. 577 - 584, presented at 52nd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association: Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density, Melbourne, Australia, 28 November 2018 - 01 December 2018, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/27073
Green A; Paolini R; Synnefa A; Haddad S; Cooper P; Santamouris M, 2018, 'CHARACTERISATION OF THE AIR TEMPERATURE FIELD ABOVE LARGE-FOOTPRINT BUILDINGS – FULL-SCALE EXPERIMENTS AND LARGE EDDY CFD SIMULATIONS', Melbourne, Australia, presented at 11th Australasian Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, AHMTC11, Melbourne, Australia, 09 July 2018, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/27330
Marchenko A; Carlucci S; Pagliano L; Pietrobon M; Karlessi T; Santamouris M; Delaere N; Assimakopoulos M, 2018, 'The assessment of the environmental quality directly perceived and experienced by the employees of 69 European offices', in Proceedings of 10th Windsor Conference: Rethinking Comfort, pp. 1017 - 1028
Dracou MK; Santamouris M; Papanicolas CN, 2017, 'Achieving nearly zero energy buildings in Cyprus, through building performance simulations, based on the use of innovative energy technologies', in Energy Procedia, Chania, GREECE, pp. 636 - 644, presented at 9th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, SEB -17, Chania, GREECE, 05 July 2017 - 07 July 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2017.09.578
Yang J; Pantazaras A; Chandran AK; Lee SE; Santamouris M; Tham KW; Wong L, 2017, 'Development and Comparison of Three Different Occupancy Counting and Estimation Strategies', in 2017 ASHRAE ANNUAL CONFERENCE PAPERS, AMER SOC HEATING, REFRIGERATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING ENGS, CA, Long Beach, presented at ASHRAE Annual Conference, CA, Long Beach, 24 June 2017 - 28 June 2017, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000424438600020&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
Gaitani N; Burud I; Thiis T; Santamouris M, 2017, 'Aerial Survey and In-situ Measurements of Materials and Vegetation in the Urban Fabric', in Procedia Engineering, pp. 1335 - 1344, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.04.296
Synnefa A; Laskari M; Gupta R; Pisello AL; Santamouris M, 2017, 'Development of Net Zero Energy Settlements Using Advanced Energy Technologies', in Procedia Engineering, pp. 1388 - 1401, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.04.302
Pisello AL; Castaldo VL; Fabiani C; Piselli C; Cotana F; Santamouris M, 2017, 'How microclimate mitigation affects building thermal-energy performance in residential zero energy Italian settlements', in Building Simulation Applications, pp. 69 - 76
Karlessi T; Kampelis N; Kolokotsa D; Santamouris M; Standardi L; Isidori D; Cristalli C, 2017, 'The Concept of Smart and NZEB Buildings and the Integrated Design Approach', in Procedia Engineering, pp. 1316 - 1325, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.04.294
Synnefa A; Vasilakopoulou K; Masi RFD; Kyriakodis GE; Londorfos V; Mastrapostoli E; Karlessi T; Santamouris M, 2017, 'Transformation through Renovation: An Energy Efficient Retrofit of an Apartment Building in Athens', in Procedia Engineering, pp. 1003 - 1014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.04.260
Gaitani N; Fabregas LC; Santamouris M, 2016, 'Nearly Zero Energy Mediterranean Schools as a Mitigation Potential to Climate Change', in Karacostas TS; Bais AF; Nastos PT (eds.), PERSPECTIVES ON ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, SPRINGER, GREECE, Aristotle Univ Res Disseminat Ctr, Thessaloniki, pp. 695 - 700, presented at 13th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics (COMECAP), GREECE, Aristotle Univ Res Disseminat Ctr, Thessaloniki, 19 September 2016 - 21 September 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-35095-0_99
Pignatta G; Chatzinikola C; Artopoulos G; Papanicolas CN; Serghides DK; Santamouris M, 2016, 'Winter survey on the indoor environmental quality in low and very low income households in Cyprus', Singapore, presented at 4th IC2UHI, Singapore, 30 May 2016 - 01 June 2016
Ascione F; Bianco N; De Masi RF; Santamouris M; Vanoli GP, 2016, 'Energy Performance of Cool-colors and Roofing Coatings in Reducing the Free Solar Gains during the Heating Season: Results of an In-Field Investigation', in Procedia Engineering, pp. 375 - 383, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2016.10.046
Antoniadou P; Giama E; Boemi SN; Karlessi T; Santamouris M; Papadopoulos AM, 2015, 'Integrated evaluation of the performance of composite cool thermal insulation materials', in Energy Procedia, pp. 1581 - 1586, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2015.11.214
Deb C; Eang LS; Yang J; Santamouris M, 2015, 'Forecasting Energy Consumption of Institutional Buildings in Singapore', in Procedia Engineering, pp. 1734 - 1740, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2015.09.144
Yang J; Santamouris M; Lee SE; Deb C, 2015, 'Model Development and Comparison for the Evaluation of the Energy Performance of Three Tertiary Institutional Buildings in Singapore', in Procedia Engineering, pp. 1133 - 1143, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2015.09.119
Kolokotsa D; Santamouris M, 2014, 'Energy poverty in Europe: Challenges for energy efficiency', in IISA 2014 - 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, pp. 229 - 234, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IISA.2014.6878736
Paravantis JA; Santamouris M, 2014, 'Fuel poverty and indoor temperature clusters of low income households in Athens, Greece', in IISA 2014 - 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, pp. 294 - 299, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IISA.2014.6878818
Santos P; Petriu EM, 2013, 'Facial Expression Cloning with Fuzzy Set Clustering', in 2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS FOR MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS (CIVEMSA), IEEE, ITALY, Milan, pp. 19 - 24, presented at IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA), ITALY, Milan, 15 July 2013 - 17 July 2013
Poerschke U; Kalisperis L; Spanou A; Santamouris M, 2011, 'Design approaches for upgrading historically significant architecture toward zero-energy: The Republic of Cyprus Presidential Palace', in PLEA 2011 - Architecture and Sustainable Development, Conference Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, pp. 527 - 532
Mavromatidis L; Bykalyuk A; Mankibi ME; Michel P; Santamouris M, 2011, 'Numerical investigation of a wall's optimum multilayer thermal insulation position', in Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011: 12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, pp. 980 - 987
Sfakianaki A; Santamouris M; Hutchins M; Nichol F; Wilson M; Pagliano L; Pohl W; Alexandre JL; Freire A, 2011, 'Energy consumption variation due to different thermal comfort categorization introduced by European standard EN 15251 for new building design and major rehabilitations', in International Journal of Ventilation, pp. 195 - 204, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14733315.2011.11683948
Sakka A; Wagner A; Santamouris M, 2010, 'Thermal comfort and occupant satisfaction in residential buildings-results of field study in residential buildings in athens during the summer period', in Proceedings of Conference: Adapting to Change: New Thinking on Comfort, WINDSOR 2010
Zinzi M; Bozonnet E; Kolokotroni M; Kolokotsa D; Santamouris M; Synnefa A, 2010, 'Technical Advances in the EU Cool Roof Project', in Proceedings of the EuroSun 2010 Conference, International Solar Energy Society, pp. 1 - 8, presented at EuroSun 2010, 28 September 2010 - 01 October 2010, http://dx.doi.org/10.18086/eurosun.2010.12.24
, 2009, 'Keynote speakers', in 2009 International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications, IEEE, pp. xxv - xxvi, presented at 2009 International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications (ACTEA), 15 July 2009 - 17 July 2009, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/actea.2009.5227825
Pavlou K; Vasilakopoulou K; Santamouris M, 2009, 'The impact of several construction elements on the thermal performance of solar chimneys', in International Journal of Ventilation, pp. 277 - 285, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14733315.2009.11683852
Santamouris M; Synnefa A; Asssimakopoulos M; Livada I; Pavlou K; Papaglastra M; Gaitani N; Pavlou C; Kolokotsa D; Assimakopoulos V, 2008, 'Experimental investigation of the air flow in naturally ventilated classrooms', in Proceedings of Conference: Air Conditioning and the Low Carbon Cooling Challenge - Windsor 2008 Conference
Sakka A; Nicol F; Wilson M; Santamouris M; Livada I, 2008, 'Thermal conditions and heat stress in low income households in Athens, Greece', in Proceedings of Conference: Air Conditioning and the Low Carbon Cooling Challenge - Windsor 2008 Conference
Stathopoulou E; Mihalakakou G; Santamouris M; Bagiorgas HS, 2008, 'On the impact of temperature on tropospheric Ozone concentration levels in urban environments', in Journal of Earth System Science, pp. 227 - 236, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12040-008-0027-9
Papanikolaou NM; Livada I; Santamouris M; Niachou K, 2008, 'The influence of wind speed on heat island phenomena in Athens, Greece', in International Journal of Ventilation, pp. 337 - 348
Synnefa A; Karlessi T; Santamouris M, 2008, 'Developing Integrated Energy Design as a standard practice of building design', in PLEA 2008 - Towards Zero Energy Building: 25th PLEA International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Conference Proceedings
Synnefa A; Karlessi T; Santamouris M, 2008, 'Developing Integrated Energy Design as a standard practice of building design', in PLEA 2008 - Towards Zero Energy Building: 25th PLEA International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Conference Proceedings
Santamouris M; Argiroudis K; Georgiou M; Pavlou K; Assimakopoulos M; Sfakianaki K, 2007, 'Indoor air quality in fifty residences in Athens', in IAQVEC 2007 Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings: Sustainable Built Environment, pp. 107 - 114
Santamouris M; Kapsis K; Korres D; Livada I; Pavlou C; Assimakopoulos MN, 2007, 'On the relation between the energy and social characteristics of the residential sector', in IAQVEC 2007 Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings: Sustainable Built Environment, pp. 65 - 73
Synnefa A; Santamouris M, 2007, 'Passive cooling of buildings by the application of cool coatings', in Sun, Wind and Architecture - The Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, PLEA 2007, pp. 431 - 436
Synnefa A; Dandou A; Santamouris M; Tombrou M; Soulakellis N, 2007, 'An energy efficient solution to mitigate heat islands and reduce cooling energy loads', in Portugal SB 2007 - Sustainable Construction, Materials and Practices: Challenge of the Industry for the New Millennium, pp. 895 - 902