Select Publications


Nesdale A; Baker MA; Gane E; Kemp RI; Brunton C; Law MG; Garrett N, 2000, Hepatitis C infection in New Zealand: estimating the current and future prevalence and impact, Original, Institute of Environmental Science and Research Lt, Wellington

Hall WD; Ross J; Lynskey MT; Law MG; Degenhardt LJ, 2000, How many dependent heroin users are there in Australia?, Australasian Med Publishing Company Ltd

Hall WD; Ross JE; Lynskey MT; Law MG, 2000, How many dependent opioid users are there in Australia, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Randwick, NSW

Correll PK; Law MG; Kaldor JM, 2000, Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in Australian blood donors: estimation of risk and the impact of deferral strategies. Report to Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, Original, National Centre in HIV Social Research, Sydney

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