Select Publications

Journal articles

Crouch M, 2024, 'The Military Turn in Comparative Constitutional Law: Constitutions and the Military in Authoritarian Regimes', Annual Review of Law & Social Science, 20, pp. 53 - 69,

Crouch M, 2024, 'What Counts as Constitutionalism in the Global South? An Anthropological Perspective', Comparative Constitutional Studies, 3, pp. 1 - 1,

Crouch M, 2024, 'The Rise and Decline of Constitutionalism in the Global South: The Case of Indonesia’s Constitutional Court', VRU/World Comparative Law, 57, pp. 147 - 158,

Crouch M, 2023, 'Judicial Loyalty to the Military in Authoritarian Regimes: How the Courts Are Militarized in Myanmar', Law and Social Inquiry, 48, pp. 632 - 659,

Crouch M, 2021, 'The challenges for court reform after authoritarian rule: The role of specialized courts in indonesia', Constitutional Review, 7, pp. 1 - 25,

Crouch M, 2020, 'Constitutional Touchstones: Peace Processes, Federalism and Constitution-making in Myanmar', International Journal of Constitutional Law, 18, pp. 1350 - 1372,

Crouch M, 2020, 'Peace processes and constitution-making: An Introduction', International Journal of Constitutional Law, 18, pp. 1283 - 1289,

Crouch M, 2020, 'Pre-emptive Constitution-Making: Authoritarian Constitutionalism and the Military in Myanmar', Law & Society Review, 54, pp. 487 - 515,

Crouch M, 2019, 'States of Legal Denial: How the State in Myanmar uses Law to Exclude the Rohingya', Journal of Contemporary Asia, pp. 1 - 24,

Crouch M, 2019, 'Constitutionalism After Authoritarian Rule', Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 11, pp. 349 - 353,

Crouch M, 2018, 'The Prerogative Writs as Constitutional Transfer', Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 38, pp. 653 - 675,

Crouch M, 2018, 'Constitutionalism, Religion and Inequality: Perspectives from Asia', Asian Journal of Comparative Law, 13,

Crouch M, 2018, 'Dictators, Democrats, and Constitutional Dialogue: Myanmar's Constitutional Tribunal', International Journal of Constitutional Law, 16, pp. 421 - 446,

Crouch M, 2017, 'Myanmar's Advocate for Constitutional Reform: Saya U Ko Ni', Australian Journal of Asian Law, 17, pp. 1 - 12,

Crouch M, 2017, 'The Expansion of Emergency Powers: Social Conflict and the Military in Indonesia', Asian Studies Review, 41, pp. 1 - 17,

Crouch M, 2016, 'Constitutionalism, Islam and the Practice of Religious Deference: The Case of the Indonesian Constitutional Court', Australian Journal of Asian Law, 16, pp. 1 - 15,

Crouch M, 2016, 'Promiscuity, Polygamy and the Power of Revenge: The Past and Future of Burmese Buddhist Law in Myanmar', Asian Journal of Law and Society, 3, pp. 85 - 104,

Butt S; Crouch M; Dixon R, 2016, 'The First Decade of Indonesia’s Constitutional Court', Australian Journal of Asian Law, 16, pp. 1 - 7,

Crouch M, 2015, 'Constructing Religion by Law in Myanmar', The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 13, pp. 1 - 11,

Crouch M, 2014, 'Rediscovering Law in Myanmar: A Review of Scholarship on the Legal System of Myanmar', Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal, 23, pp. 543 - 577

Chua LJ; Crouch M, 2014, 'Socio-legal Scholarship on Southeast Asia: Themes and Directions', Asian Journal of Comparative Law, 9, pp. 1 - 4,

Crouch M, 2013, 'Asian Legal Transplants and Rule of Law Reform: National Human Rights Commission in Myanmar and Indonesia', Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 5, pp. 146 - 177,

Lindsey T; Crouch M, 2013, 'Cause Lawyers in Indonesia: a House Divided', Wisconsin International Law Journal, 31, pp. 620 - 620,

Crouch M, 2013, 'Review Essay: Legal Pluralism in Indonesia', Australian Journal of Asian Law, 14,

Crouch M, 2013, 'Shifting Conceptions of State Regulation of Religion: the Indonesian Draft Law on Inter-religious Harmony', Global Change, Peace & Security, 25, pp. 265 - 282,

Crouch M, 2013, 'The Constitution, Emergency Powers and the Rule of Law in Myanmar', Panorama, 1, pp. 45 - 56

Missbach A; Crouch M, 2013, 'The Criminalisation of People Smuggling: The Dynamics of Judicial Discretion in Indonesia', Australian Journal of Asian Law, 14, pp. 1 - 19,

Crouch M, 2012, 'Criminal (In)justice in Indonesia: The Cikeusik trials', Alternative Law Journal, 37, pp. 54 - 56,

Crouch M, 2012, 'Judicial Review and Religious Freedom: The Case of Indonesian Ahmadis', Sydney Law Review, 34, pp. 545 - 572,

Crouch M, 2012, 'Law and Religion in Indonesia: The Constitutional Court and the Blasphemy Law', Asian Journal of Comparative Law, 7, pp. 1 - 46,

Crouch M, 2012, 'The Indonesian Blasphemy Case: Affirming the Legality of the Blasphemy Law', Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, 1, pp. 1 - 4,

Crouch M, 2011, 'Ahmadiyah in Indonesia: a history of religious tolerance under threat?', Alternative Law Journal, 36, pp. 56 - 57

Crouch M, 2011, 'Cause Lawyers, the Legal Profession and the Courts in Indonesia: The Bar Association Controversy', LAWASIA Journal, pp. 63 - 86,

Crouch MA, 2011, 'Law and Religion in Indonesia: The Constitutional Court and the Blasphemy Law', Asian Journal of Comparative Law, 7, pp. 1 - 46,

Crouch M, 2011, 'Religious’ Deviancy’and the Law', Inside Indonesia,

Crouch M, 2010, 'Implementing the regulation on places of worship in Indonesia: New problems, local politics and court action', Asian Studies Review, 34, pp. 403 - 419,

Crouch M, 2009, 'Qanun of Aceh Number 3 Year 2008 on Local Political Parties (translation)', Australian Journal of Asian Law, 11, pp. 142 - 142

Crouch M, 2009, 'Religious Regulations in Indonesia: Failing Vulnerable Groups?', Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs, 43, pp. 53 - 103,

Crouch M, 2009, 'Stretching the scope of special autonomy in Aceh: the controversial Qanun requirement for political candidates', Australian Journal of Asian Law, 11, pp. 135 - 158

Crouch M, 2007, 'Regulating Places of Worship in Indonesia: Upholding Freedom of Religion for Religious Minorities?', Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, pp. 96 - 116

Crouch M, 2007, 'The Yogyakarta local ombudsman: Promoting good governance through local support', Asian Journal of Comparative Law, 2, pp. 219 - 246,

Crouch MA, 2007, 'The Yogyakarta Local Ombudsman: Promoting Good Governance through Local Support', Asian Journal of Comparative Law, 2, pp. 1 - 30,

Crouch M, 2006, 'The Proselytisation Case: Law, the Rise of Islamic Conservatism and Religious Discrimination in West Java', Australian Journal of Asian Law, 8, pp. 322 - 337

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