Select Publications


Rymer J; Fish AN; Chapman MG, 1997, Gynaecology: colour guide, 2nd ed, Longman Asia Ltd, Hong Kong

Book Chapters

McNally A; Chapman M, 2022, 'How to choose the appropriate ART technique and counseling about reproductive outcomes', in Management of Infertility: A Practical Approach, pp. 165 - 171,

Chapman MG, 1995, 'Assisted reproduction', in Turnbull`s Obstetrics, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 283 - 298

Journal articles

Suker A; Li Y; Robson D; Marren A; Norman R; Kovacs G; Prentice L; Glanville E; Searle L; Stuart O; Nisenblat V; Johnson N; Alyousif Y; Lee M; Burston K; Chapman M; Leathersich S; McChessney P; Boothroyd C; Kamal N; Clark A; Kieu V; Dutta R; Burmeister L; Smith A; Hull L; Thalluri V; Crawford G; Vollenhoven B; Hunt S; Hope N; Jakar S; Foo J; Wang I; Shaik R; Mohiuddin S; Cattrall F; Leung P; Hart R; Gee A; Rowan K; Kwik M; Hunter T; Gayer N; Lew R; Mackenzie-Proctor R; Yazdani A; Lahoud R; Phua C; Zawada S; Dezarnaulds G; Karia S; Ameratunga D; Ross V; Mangat M; Tierney R; Khashaba S; Greening D; McDonald J; McAveen M, 2024, 'Australasian Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Clinical Management Guideline 2024 Part I', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 64, pp. 432 - 444,

Suker A; Ying LI; Robson D; Marren A; Norman R; Kovacs G; Prentice L; Glanville E; Searle L; Stuart O; Nisenblat V; Johnson N; Alyousif Y; Lee M; Burston K; Chapman M; Sebastian L; McChessney P; Boothroyd C; Kamal N; Clark A; Kieu V; Dutta R; Burmeister L; Smith A; Hull L; Thalluri V; Crawford G; Hunt BVS; Hope N; Jakar S; Mohiuddin S; Cattrall F; Leung P; Hart R; Gee A; Rowan K; Kwik M; Wang I; Foo J; Shaik R; Hunter T; Gayer N; Lew R; Mackenzie-Proctor R; Yazdani A; Lahoud R; Phua C; Zawada S; Dezarnaulds G; Karia S; Ameratunga D; Ross V; Mangat M; Tierney R; Khashaba S; Greening D; McDonald J; McAveen M, 2024, 'Australasian recurrent pregnancy loss clinical management guideline 2024, part II', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 64, pp. 445 - 458,

te West N; Harris K; Chapman M; Moore KH, 2024, 'Does Urodynamic Stress Incontinence Increase After the Menopause?: Results from 2,994 Urodynamic Studies in Australian Women', International Urogynecology Journal, 35, pp. 1789 - 1796,

Venetis C; Choi SKY; Jorm L; Zhang X; Ledger W; Lui K; Havard A; Chapman M; Norman RJ; Chambers GM, 2024, 'Risk for Congenital Anomalies in Children Conceived With Medically Assisted Fertility Treatment: A Population-Based Cohort Study', Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey, 79, pp. 101 - 103,

Venetis C; Choi SKY; Jorm L; Zhang X; Ledger W; Lui K; Havard A; Chapman M; Norman RJ; Chambers GM, 2023, 'Risk for Congenital Anomalies in Children Conceived With Medically Assisted Fertility Treatment', Annals of Internal Medicine, 176, pp. 1308 - 1320,

Yang JJ; Chapman M, 2023, 'What are the risks associated with lipiodol hysterosalpingography? A literature review', Radiography, 29, pp. 1041 - 1045,

Eastick J; Venetis C; Cooke S; Chapman M, 2023, 'Inter- and Intra-Observer Agreement Between Embryologists for Cytoplasmic String Assessment in Day 5/6 Human Blastocysts', Reproductive Sciences, 30, pp. 1917 - 1926,

Eastick J; Venetis C; Cooke S; Chapman M, 2023, 'Detailed analysis of cytoplasmic strings in human blastocysts: New insights', Zygote, 31, pp. 78 - 84,

Linh An BG; Chapman M; Tilia L; Venetis C; Chapman M; An B, 2022, 'Is there an optimal window of time for transferring single frozen-thawed euploid blastocysts? A cohort study of 1170 embryo transfers', Human Reproduction, 37, pp. 2797 - 2807,

Cheah S; Gao Y; Mo S; Rigas G; Fisher O; Chan DL; Chapman MG; Talbot ML, 2022, 'Fertility, pregnancy and post partum management after bariatric surgery: a narrative review', Medical Journal of Australia, 216, pp. 96 - 102,

Boga A; Stapleton F; Chapman M; Golebiowski B, 2022, 'Effects of elevated serum oestrogen on dry eye in women undergoing in vitro fertilisation', Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 63, pp. 1566 - A0291,

Shyamsunder A; Hardy T; Yazdani A; Polyakov A; Norman R; Hart R; Agresta F; Rombauts L; Boothroyd C; Chapman M; Sweeten P; Somerville E; Jose R; Wand H; Ledger WL, 2021, 'Higher Doses of FSH Used for Superovulation Do Not Adversely Affect Embryonic Ploidy: A Randomized Controlled Trial (STimulation Resulting in Embryonic Aneuploidy using Menopur (STREAM) Trial)', Fertility & Reproduction, 03, pp. 108 - 114,

Tilia L; Chapman M; Kilani S; Cooke S; Venetis C, 2020, 'Oocyte meiotic spindle morphology is a predictive marker of blastocyst ploidy—a prospective cohort study', Fertility and Sterility, 113, pp. 105 - 113.e1,

Chambers GM; Harrison C; Raymer J; Raymer AKP; Britt H; Chapman M; Ledger W; Norman RJ, 2019, 'Infertility management in women and men attending primary care - Patient characteristics, management actions and referrals', Human Reproduction, 34, pp. 2173 - 2183,

Lew R; Foo J; Kroon B; Boothroyd C; Chapman M, 2019, 'ANZSREI consensus statement on elective oocyte cryopreservation', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 59, pp. 616 - 626,

Donnolley N; Chambers G; Butler-Henderson K; Chapman M; Sullivan E, 2019, 'A validation study of the Australian Maternity Care Classification System', Women and Birth,

Yovich JL; Casper R; Chapman M; Tesarik J; Anderson RA, 2019, 'Regulating ART: time for a re-think in the light of increasing efficacy, safety and efficiency', Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 38, pp. 483 - 486,

Smith CA; de Lacey S; Chapman M; Ratcliffe J; Norman RJ; Johnson NP; Fahey P, 2019, 'The effects of acupuncture on the secondary outcomes of anxiety and quality of life for women undergoing IVF: A randomized controlled trial', Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 98, pp. 460 - 469,

Chou D, 2018, 'Laparoscopic Repair of Caesarean Scar Defect', Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology,

Yovich PJL; J Chapman M; Keane KN; Savulescu J, 2018, 'Response: Risk of non-lethal abnormalities should not prevent pregnancies in women of advanced maternal age', Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 37, pp. 650,

Smith CA; De Lacey S; Chapman M; Ratcliffe J; Norman RJ; Johnson NP; Boothroyd C; Fahey P, 2018, 'Effect of acupuncture vs sham acupuncture on live births among women undergoing in vitro fertilization: A randomized clinical trial', Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey, 73, pp. 466 - 467,

Yovich JL; Chapman MJ; Keane KN; Savulescu J, 2018, 'Is 45 years-of-age the cut-off for using autologous oocytes?', Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 37, pp. 123 - 125,

Smith CA; De Lacey SI; Chapman M; Ratcliffe J; Norman RJ; Johnson NP; Boothroyd C; Fahey P, 2018, 'Effect of acupuncture VS sham acupuncture on live births among women undergoing in vitro fertilization a randomized clinical trial', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 319, pp. 1990 - 1998,

Verney B; Buchanan A; Chambers GM; Kolibianakis EM; Bosdou J; Chapman MG; Venetis CA, 2018, 'Are singleton pregnancies after assisted reproduction technology (ART) associated with a higher risk of placental anomalies as compared to non-ART singleton pregnancies? A systematic review and meta-analysis..', BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 126

Donnolley NR; Chambers GM; Butler-Henderson KA; Chapman MG; Sullivan EA, 2017, 'More than a name: Heterogeneity in characteristics of models of maternity care reported from the Australian Maternity Care Classification System validation study', Women and Birth, 30, pp. 332 - 341,

Chambers GM; Paul R; Harris K; Fitzgerald O; Boothroyd C; Rombaults L; Chapman MG; Jorm L, 2017, 'Cumulative live-birth rates after repeated assisted reproduction technology treatment cycles in Australian and New Zealand', Medical Journal of Australia, 207, pp. 114 - 118,

Smith CA; de Lacey S; Chapman M; Ratcliffe J; Norman RJ; Johnson N; Sacks G; Lyttleton J; Boothroyd C, 2017, 'Erratum: Acupuncture to improve live birth rates for women undergoing in vitro fertilization: A protocol for a randomized controlled trial [Trials. 13, (2012)(60)] DOI: 10.1186/1745-6215-13-60', Trials, 18,

Eastick J; Venetis C; Cooke S; Storr A; Susetio D; Chapman M; Chapman M, 2017, 'Is early embryo development as observed by time-lapse microscopy dependent on whether fresh or frozen sperm was used for ICSI? A cohort study', Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 34, pp. 733 - 740,

Intong LRA; Choi SD; Shipman A; Kho YC; Hwang SJE; Rhodes LM; Walton JR; Chapman MG; Murrell DF, 2017, 'Retrospective evidence on outcomes and experiences of pregnancy and childbirth in epidermolysis bullosa in Australia and New Zealand', International Journal of Women's Dermatology, 3, pp. S1 - S5,

Harrison K; Peek J; Chapman M; Bowman M, 2017, 'Continuous improvement in national ART standards by the RTAC accreditation system in Australia and New Zealand', The Australian & New Zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology, 57, pp. 49 - 51,

Chambers GM; Paul RC; Harris K; Fitzgerald O; Boothroyd CV; Rombauts L; Chapman MG; Jorm L, 2017, 'Assisted reproductive technology in Australia and New Zealand: Cumulative live birth rates as measures of success', Medical Journal of Australia, 207, pp. 114 - 118,

Chambers GM; Wand H; Macaldowie A; Chapman MG; Farquhar CM; Bowman M; Molloy D; Ledger W, 2016, 'Population trends and live birth rates associated with common ART treatment strategies', Human Reproduction, 31, pp. 2632 - 2641,

Harris K; Burley H; McLachlan R; Bowman M; Macaldowie A; Taylor K; Chapman M; Chambers GM, 2016, 'Socio-economic disparities in access to assisted reproductive technologies in Australia', Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 33, pp. 575 - 584,

Anazodo AC; Stern CJ; Mclachlan RI; Gerstl B; Agresta F; Cohn RJ; Jayasinghe Y; Wakefield CE; Daly G; Chan D; Gilbert L; Kemertzis M; Orme LM; Wand H; Viney R; Gillam L; Deans R; Jetti M; Wu J; Chapman M; Ledger W; Sullivan EA, 2016, 'A study protocol for the australasian oncofertility registry: Monitoring referral patterns and the uptake, quality, and complications of fertility preservation strategies in Australia and New Zealand', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 5, pp. 215 - 225,

Anazodo AC; Gerstl B; Stern CJ; Mclachlan RI; Agresta F; Jayasinghe Y; Cohn RJ; Wakefield CE; Chapman M; Ledger W; Sullivan EA, 2016, 'Utilizing the experience of consumers in consultation to develop the australasian oncofertility consortium charter', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 5, pp. 232 - 239,

Donnolley N; Butler-Henderson K; Chapman M; Sullivan E; Chapman M, 2016, 'The development of a classification system for maternity models of care', Health Information Management Journal, 45, pp. 64 - 70,

Tilia L; Venetis C; Kilani S; Cooke S; Chapman M, 2016, 'Is oocyte meiotic spindle morphology associated with embryo ploidy? A prospective cohort study', Fertility and Sterility, 105, pp. 1085 - 1092.e7,

Boothroyd C; Karia S; Andreadis N; Rombauts L; Johnson N; Chapman M, 2015, 'Consensus statement on prevention and detection of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 55, pp. 523 - 534,

Vermey BG; Chapman MG; Cooke S; Kilani S, 2015, 'The Relationship Between Sperm Head Retardance Using Polarized Light Microscopy and Clinical Outcomes EDITORIAL COMMENT', OBSTETRICAL & GYNECOLOGICAL SURVEY, 70, pp. 700 - 701,

Listijono DR; Kilani S; Tilia L; Garrett D; Chapman MG, 2015, 'Is measurement of progesterone level prior to FSH stimulation useful in GnRH-antagonist cycles?', Human Fertility, 18,

Li Z; Sullivan EA; Chapman M; Farquhar C; Wang YA, 2015, 'Risk of ectopic pregnancy lowest with transfer of single frozen blastocyst', Human Reproduction, 30, pp. 2048 - 2054,

Boothroyd C; Karia S; Andreadis N; Rombauts L; Johnson N; Chapman M, 2015, 'Consensus statement on prevention and detection of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,

Intong LRA; Choi SD; Shipman A; Kho YC; Hwang SJE; Rhodes LM; Walton JR; Chapman MG; Murrell DF, 2015, 'Retrospective evidence on outcomes and experiences of pregnancy and childbirth in epidermolysis bullosa in Australia and New Zealand', International Journal of Women's Dermatology, 1, pp. 26 - 30,

Vermey BG; Chapman MG; Cooke S; Kilani S, 2015, 'The relationship between sperm head retardance using polarized light microscopy and clinical outcomes', Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 30, pp. 67 - 73,

Chambers GM; Van Hoang P; Lee E; Hansen M; Sullivan EA; Bower C; Chapman M, 2014, 'Hospital costs of multiple-birth and singleton-birth children during the first 5 years of life and the role of assisted reproductive technology', JAMA Pediatrics, 168, pp. 1045 - 1053,

Listijono DR; Mooney S; Chapman M, 2014, 'A comparative analysis of postpartum maternal mental health in women following spontaneous or ART conception', Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, 35, pp. 51 - 54,

Kilani S; Chapman MG, 2014, 'Meiotic spindle normality predicts live birth in patients with recurrent in vitro fertilization failure', Fertility and Sterility, 101,

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