Select Publications

Conference Papers

Gomes S; Cranney G; Bennett M; Giles R, 2016, 'Long-Term Outcomes Following Transvenous Lead Extraction', in PACE - Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, pp. 345 - 351,

Bennett M; Quigley A, 2011, 'Creating personalized digital human models of perception for visual analytics', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 25 - 37,

Bennett M, 2010, 'The presidents' pages', in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, pp. 3

Bennett MH; Mitchell SJ; Taylor L, 2005, 'Diabetes in Recreational Diving: Where to from here?', in Pollock NW (ed.), Diabetes and Recreational Diving: Guidelines for the Future, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 86 - 99, presented at Diabetes and Recreational Diving: Guidelines for the Future, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 19 June 2005 - 22 June 2005

Bennett MH, 2003, 'Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetic Patients Following Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy', in ANZCA ASM 2003, Melbourne, pp. 31 - 31, presented at ANZCA ASM 2003, Melbourne

Bennett MH, 2002, 'The Adjunctive treatment of DCI with non-steroidal', in ANZCA ASM 2002, presented at ANZCA ASM 2002

Bennett MH, 2002, 'The adjunctive treatment of decompression illness', in UHMS ASM, pp. 106 - 106, presented at UHMS ASM

Bennett MH, 2002, 'The role of the multiplace chambers in the treatment of DCI', in SMA of the UHMS, presented at SMA of the UHMS

Bennett MH; Lehm JP, 2002, 'The Sydney Airport Link - Medical support for a soft ground tunnel', in XIVth International Conference, presented at XIVth International Conference

Bennett MH; Lehm JP, 2002, 'Update on the database of randomised controlled trials', in UHMS ASM, pp. 152 - 152, presented at UHMS ASM

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