Select Publications


Bell F; Bennett Moses L; Legg M; Silove J; Zalnieriute M, 2022, AI Decision-Making and the Courts: A Guide for Judges, Tribunal Members and Court Administrators, Australiasian Institute on Judicial Administation,,

Legg M; Song T; Bennett Moses L; Buckland R, 2021, Open Justice: Court and Tribunal Information: Access, Disclosure and Publication, 46

Bell F; Legg M, 2020, Survey of Australia’s Federal Courts: Judicial Views of Remote Proceedings - Summary of Findings, Law Society of NSW Future of Law and Innovation in the Profession Research Stream

Bell F; Legg M; McIntyre J; Olijnyk A, 2020, The Use of Technology (and Other Measures) to Increase Court Capacity: A View from Australia

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