Select Publications

Conference Papers

Lee JH; Ostwald MJ; Gu N, 2015, 'Multi-Cultural design communication: Exploring both cognitive and linguistic characteristics in the design process', in Ikeda I; Herr CM; Holzer D; Kaijima S; Kim MJ; Schnabel MA (eds.), Emerging Experience in Past, Present and Future of Digital Architecture, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia CAADRIA 2015, The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, Hong Kong, pp. 531 - 540, presented at The 20th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2015), Daegu, South Korea, 20 May 2015 - 23 May 2015

Lee JH; Ostwald MJ; Gu N, 2015, 'MULTI-CULTURAL DESIGN COMMUNICATION', in Ikeda Y; Herr CM; Holzer D; Kaijima S; Kim MJ; Schnabel MA (eds.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER-AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN RESEARCH IN ASIA (CAADRIA 2015), CAADRIA-ASSOC COMPUTER-AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN RESEARCH ASIA, SOUTH KOREA, Korea Society of Modern Hanok, Daegu, pp. 531 - 540, presented at Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), SOUTH KOREA, Korea Society of Modern Hanok, Daegu, 20 May 2015 - 23 May 2015,

Vaughan J; Ostwald MJ, 2014, 'Measuring the significance of façade transparency in Australian regionalist architecture: A computational analysis of 10 designs by Glenn Murcutt.', in Architectural Science Review, pp. 249 - 259,

Yu R; Gu N; Ostwald M, 2013, 'A method for comparing designers' behavior in two enviroments: Parametric and geometric modeling', in Open Systems - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, CAADRIA 2013, pp. 479 - 488

Lee JH; Gu N; Ostwald MJ, 2013, 'Architectural Design using Algorithmic Scripting: An Application of Linkographic Analysis Techniques', in Schnabel MA (ed.), Cutting Edge:47th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association, Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), Australia, pp. 133 - 142, presented at 47th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), Hong Kong, 13 November 2013 - 16 November 2013

Lee JH; Ostwald M; Gu N, 2013, 'Combining Space Syntax and Shape Grammar to investigate architectural style: Considering Glenn Murcutt’s domestic designs', in Kim YO; Park HT; Seo KW (eds.), Proceedings of 9th International Space Syntax Symposium, Sejong University Press, Gwarngin-gu, Seoul, pp. 005:1 - 005:13, presented at 9th International Space Syntax Symposium, Seoul, South Korea, 31 October 2013 - 03 November 2013,

Hong K; Chalup SK; King RAR; Ostwald MJ, 2013, 'Scene perception using pareidolia of faces and expressions of emotion', in Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Creativity and Affective Computing, CICAC 2013 - 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2013, pp. 79 - 86,

Lee JH; Gu N; Ostwald MJ; Jupp J, 2013, 'Understanding Cognitive Activities in Parametric Design', in Zhang J; Sun C (ed.), Global Design and Local Materialization, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 38 - 49, presented at 15th International Conference, CAAD Futures 2013, Shanghai, China, 03 July 2013 - 05 July 2013,

Lee JH; Sher W; Mak M; Ostwald MJ, 2013, 'Strategic Planning Schemes Of Mixed-Use Developments To Support Urban Regeneration In South Korea', in Proceedings from the PRRES Conference 2013, Pacific Rim Real Estate Society, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1 - 14, presented at 19th Annual Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 13 January 2013 - 16 January 2013,

Dosen A; Ostwald MJ, 2013, 'Methodological Characteristics of Research Testing Prospect-Refuge Theory: A Comparative Analysis.', in Architectural Science Review, pp. 232 - 241

Ostwald MJ; Vaughan J, 2013, 'Representing architecture for fractal analysis: a framework for identifying significant lines.', in Architectural Science Review, pp. 242 - 251

Shashank B; Chalup SK; Ostwald MJ, 2013, 'Wayfinding: A method for the empirical evaluation of structural saliency using 3D Isovists.', in Architectural Science Review, pp. 220 - 231

Yu R; Gu N; Ostwald M, 2012, 'Situated creativity inspired in parametric design environments', in ICDC 2012 - 2nd International Conference on Design Creativity, Proceedings, pp. 221 - 230

Jalalian A; Chalup SK; Ostwald MJ, 2012, 'Analysis of pedestrian spatial behaviour using GDTW-P-SVMs', in Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,

Jalalian A; Chalup SK; Ostwald MJ, 2011, 'Agent-agent interaction as a component of agent-environment interaction in the modelling and analysis of pedestrian visual behaviour', in Circuit Bending, Breaking and Mending - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, CAADRIA 2011, pp. 555 - 564

Askland HH; Ostwald MJ; Williams A, 2011, 'Assessing creativity: Proposition', in DS 69: Proceedings of E and PDE 2011, the 13th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, pp. 275 - 280

Ostwald MJ; Vaughan J; Chalup SK, 2011, 'Data flow and processing in the computational fractal analysis method', in Circuit Bending, Breaking and Mending - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, CAADRIA 2011, pp. 493 - 502

Askland HH; Williams A; Ostwald MJ, 2011, 'Finding common ground - A disciplinary approach to creativity', in DS 69: Proceedings of E and PDE 2011, the 13th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, pp. 127 - 132

Askland HH; Williams A; Ostwald M, 2011, 'Teaching creative design: A challenging field', in Proceedings of the DESIRE'11 Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design, pp. 149 - 156,

Jalalian A; Chalup SK; Ostwald MJ, 2011, 'Architectural evaluation of simulated pedestrian spatial behaviour', in Architectural Science Review, pp. 132 - 140,

Jalalian A; Chalup SK; Ostwald MJ, 2010, 'Intelligent evaluation of urban streetscape designs by analysing pedestrian body dynamics', in 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence, IWACI 2010, pp. 442 - 447,

Vaughan J; Ostwald MJ, 2010, 'REFINING A COMPUTATIONAL FRACTAL METHOD OF ANALYSIS', in Dave B; Li AIK; Gu N; Park HJ (eds.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER-AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN RESEARCH IN ASIA (CAADRIA 2010), CAADRIA-ASSOC COMPUTER-AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN RESEARCH ASIA, PEOPLES R CHINA, Chinese Univ Hong Kong, Inst Space & Earth Informat Sci, Sch Architecture, Hong Kong, pp. 29 - 38, presented at 15th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), PEOPLES R CHINA, Chinese Univ Hong Kong, Inst Space & Earth Informat Sci, Sch Architecture, Hong Kong, 07 April 2010 - 10 April 2010,

Vaughan J; Ostwald MJ, 2010, 'Refining a computational fractal method of analysis: Testing Bovill's architectural data', in New Frontiers - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design in Asia, CAADRIA 2010, pp. 29 - 38,

Ostwald MJ; Vaughan J, 2009, 'Calculating visual complexity in Peter Eisenman's architecture', in 2009 TAIWAN CAADRIA: Between Man and Machine - Integration, Intuition, Intelligence - Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, pp. 75 - 84

Ostwald MJ; Tucker C; Chalup S, 2009, 'Line segmentation: A computational technique for architectural image analysis', in ACADIA 09: reForm(): Building a Better Tomorrow - Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, pp. 153 - 158

Ostwald MJ; Vaughan J, 2009, 'A Data-Cluster Analysis of Façade Complexity in the Early House Designs of Peter Eisenman', in Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, pp. 729 - 735

Vaughan J; Ostwald MJ, 2009, 'Refining the Computational Method for the Evaluation of Visual Complexity in Architectural Images Significant Lines in the Early Architecture of Le Corbusier', in Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, pp. 689 - 696

Ostwald MJ; Vaughan J; Chalup S, 2008, 'A Computational analysis of fractal dimensions in the architecture of eileen gray', in ACADIA 08: Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, pp. 256 - 263

Chalup SK; Hong K; Ostwald MJ, 2008, 'A face-house paradigm for architectural scene analysis', in 5th International Conference on Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology, CSTST '08 - Proceedings, pp. 397 - 403,

Chalup SK; Clement R; Marshall J; Tucker C; Ostwald MJ, 2007, 'Representations of streetscape perceptions through manifold learning in the space of hough arrays', in Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, CI-ALife 2007, pp. 362 - 369,

Chalup SK; Clement R; Tucker C; Ostwald MJ, 2007, 'Modelling Architectural Visual Experience Using Non-linear Dimensionality Reduction.', in Progress in Artificial Life, pp. 84 - 95

Tucker C; Ostwald MJ; Chalup SK; Marshall J, 2005, 'A method for the visual analysis of the streetscape', in VanNes A (ed.), Space Syntax 5th International Symposium, Vol 2, Proceedings, TU DELFT, NETHERLANDS, Delft Univ Technol, Fac Architecture, Delft, pp. 519 - 529, presented at 5th International Space Syntax Symposium, NETHERLANDS, Delft Univ Technol, Fac Architecture, Delft, 13 June 2005 - 17 June 2005,

Tucker C; Ostwald MJ, 2005, 'Spatial configuration within residential facades', in VanNes A (ed.), SPACE SYNTAX 5TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, VOL 2, PROCEEDINGS, TU DELFT, NETHERLANDS, Delft Univ Technol, Fac Architecture, Delft, pp. 769 - 769, presented at 5th International Space Syntax Symposium, NETHERLANDS, Delft Univ Technol, Fac Architecture, Delft, 13 June 2005 - 17 June 2005,

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