Select Publications

Book Chapters

Kim M; Bedford J; Qin JC, 2024, 'Confidence enhancer, learning equalizer, and pedagogical ally: Exploring GenAI for students with English as an additional language', in Using Generative AI Effectively in Higher Education Sustainable and Ethical Practices for Learning, Teaching and Assessment, Routledge,

Kim M; Jing B, 2024, 'Becoming a learner again: Implications for autonomy teacher education', in Pedagogies for Autonomy in Language Teacher Education: Perspectives on Professional Learning, Identity, and Agency, pp. 136 - 151,

Jing B; Kim M; Gao X, 2024, 'PLEs and Personalized Learning for Students and Teachers', in The Development of Personal Learning Environments in Higher Education: Promoting Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learner Autonomy, Routledge, pp. 122 - 133,

Kim M; Lee J, 2023, 'SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL GRAMMAR OF KOREAN AND ITS APPLICATION TO INTERPRETING STUDIES', in Moratto R; Lim H-O (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Korean Interpreting, Routledge, pp. 225 - 241,

Kim M, 2022, 'Developing a Systemic Functional Grammar of Korean as a Resource for Practical Application', in Appliable Linguistics and Social Semiotics: Developing Theory from Practice, pp. 127 - 140,

Kim M; Xueying L, 2021, 'A descriptive study on Chinese-English translation choices for logical meanings', in Kim M; Munday J; Wang Z; Wang P (ed.), Systemic Functional Linguistics and Translation Studies, Bloomsbury, London, pp. 123 - 142

Kim M; Jing B, 2019, 'A Personalised Autonomous Model for Enhancing translation Students’ Linguistic Competence', in Koletnik M; Froeliger N (ed.), Translation and Language Teaching Continuing the Dialogue, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 127 - 146

Kim M; Matthiessen CMIM, 2017, 'Ways to move forward in translation studies', in Benjamins Current Topics, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 11 - 26,

Kim M, 2014, 'Action research on advanced bilingual enhancement in translator education', in Kunz K; Teich E; Hansen-Schirra S; Neumann S; Daut P (ed.), Caught in the Middle - Language Use and Translation: A Festschrift for Erich Steiner on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, Saarland University Press, pp. 195 - 214,

Kim M, 2012, 'Research on translator and interpreter education', in Millan C; Bartrina F (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 102 - 116

Kim M, 2011, 'A study on target reader reactions to different Theme choices in two different versions of English translations of a Korean short story', in Cho E (ed.), Translation Studies, What Does It Study: Linguistic, Cultural and Social Approaches, Dongkuk University Press, Seoul, pp. 53 - 84

Kim M, 2010, 'Translation error analysis: A systemic functional grammar approach', in Coffin C; Lillis T; O'Halloran K (ed.), Applied Linguistics Methods, A reader: Systemic Functional Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis and Ethnography, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 84 - 94

Kim M, 2009, 'Meaning-oriented assessment of translations : SFL and its application for formative assessment', in Angelelli C; Jacobson H (ed.), Testing and assessment in translation and interpreting studies : A call for dialogue between research and practice, John Benjamins., Amsterdam & Philadelphia, pp. 123 - 157

Kim M, 2007, 'Translation error analysis: A systemic functional grammar approach', in Kenny D; Ryou K (ed.), Across Boundaries: International Perspectives on Translation Studies, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, England, pp. 161 - 175

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