
My Expertise

  • Ocean dynamics and circulation around Australia,
  • Marine heatwaves
  • Circulation driving connectivity of marine organisms
  • Upwelling of cold ocean water off Sydney
  • Oceanographic conditions for yacht racing


Fields of Research (FoR)

Physical Oceanography, Marine and Estuarine Ecology (incl. Marine Ichthyology), Climate Change Processes


Research Interests

  • The dynamics of the East Australian Current System, Australia's western boundary current
  • Cross shelf processes,  upwelling and nutrient enrichment, advection, entrainment and shelf export
  • Ocean warming trends and marine extremes (marine heatwaves and cold spells)
  • Dynamics of fronts and eddies (including small scales) in a western boundary current
  • Connectivity of organisms, transport and particle dispersion and the impacts...view more


School of Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW 2052
E26 Bioscience South
Room 4110