Select Publications


Dolan K; Ezard N; Baldry E; Day C; Cubitt T; Loesch B; Mackay T; Burns L; Hodge S, 2015, Feasibility of a Managed Alcohol Program (MAP) for Sydney's Homeless, St Vincent's Hospital Sydney, Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, Canberra,

Book Chapters

Ezard N; Manji H; Busse A, 2021, 'Substance Use Disorders in Conflict-Displaced Populations', in Textbook of Addiction Treatment, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1463 - 1475,

Ezard N, 2015, 'Substance Use in Populations Displaced by Conflict', in Textbook of Addiction Treatment: International Perspectives, Springer Milan, pp. 2179 - 2194,

Journal articles

Fatovich DM; Dessauer P; Ezard N, 2024, '‘You mean you're not doing it already?’ A national sentinel toxico-surveillance system for detecting illicit, emerging and novel psychoactive drugs in presentations to emergency departments', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 36, pp. 990 - 992,

Heijstee N; Black E; Black E; Demirkol A; Mammen K; Mills L; Deacon R; Ezard N; Montebello M; Reid D; Bruno R; Shakeshaft A; Siefried KJ; Farrell M; Lintzeris N, 2024, 'Sociodemographic and Health Factors of the Alcohol Treatment-seeking Population in New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Addiction Medicine, 18, pp. 619 - 627,

Rodgers C; Siefried KJ; Ritter A; Belackova V; Treloar C; Jauncey M; Ezard N; Roberts D; Steele M; van den Brink W; Strang J; Oviedo-Joekes E; Lintzeris N; Dunlop AJ; Bell J, 2024, 'Implementation of time-limited parenteral hydromorphone in people with treatment-resistant injecting opioid use disorder: a protocol for a single-site, uncontrolled, open-label study to assess feasibility, safety and cost', BMJ Open, 14,

Harris O; Siefried KJ; Chiew A; Jamshidi N; Chung DT; Moore N; Nic Ionmhain U; Roberts DM; Ezard N; Brett J, 2024, 'Trends in reported GHB-related presentations to Sydney emergency departments between 2012 and 2021', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 36, pp. 604 - 608,

Smith JL; Greene S; McCutcheon D; Weber C; Kotkis E; Soderstrom J; Douglas B; Lenton S; Grigg J; Dessauer P; Ezard N; Fatovich DM, 2024, 'A multicentre case series of analytically confirmed gamma-hydroxybutyrate intoxications in Western Australian emergency departments: Pre-hospital circumstances, co-detections and clinical outcomes', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 984 - 996,

Acheson LS; Clay S; McKetin R; Lintzeris N; Dunlop A; Brett J; Christmass M; Rodgers C; Shoptaw S; Farrell M; Ezard N; Siefried KJ, 2024, 'Participant experiences in a pilot study for methamphetamine withdrawal treatment: Implications for retention', International Journal of Drug Policy, 126,

Acheson LS; Gordon C; Mcketin R; Brett J; Christmass M; Rodgers C; Lintzeris N; Dunlop A; Farrell M; Shoptaw S; Ezard N; Siefried KJ, 2024, 'Measuring Objective and Subjective Sleep during Lisdexamfetamine Treatment of Acute Methamphetamine Withdrawal: A Feasibility Study', European Addiction Research, 30, pp. 121 - 125,

Reilly R; McKetin R; Barzi F; Degan T; Ezard N; Conigrave K; Butt J; Roe Y; Wand H; Quinn B; Longbottom W; Treloar C; Dunlop A; Ward J, 2024, 'A web-based application for reducing methamphetamine use amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: A wait-list control randomised trial. (Preprint)', Journal of Medical Internet Research,

Sivak L; Reilly R; Crumpen S; Treloar C; McKetin R; Butt J; Roe Y; Ezard N; Quinn B; Nagle J; Longbottom W; Warrior C; Ward J, 2024, 'Reducing Methamphetamine Use in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities with the We Can Do This Web-App: Qualitative Evaluation of Acceptability and Feasibility (Preprint)', JMIR Formative Research,

Greene MC; Busse A; Ventevogel P; Kane J; Ezard N, 2024, 'Moving from feasible to essential: Progress and future directions for promoting the implementation of substance use services for forcibly displaced populations in humanitarian settings', Addiction, 119, pp. 408 - 410,

Cheng Q; Valerio H; Cunningham EB; Shih STF; Silk D; Conway A; Treloar C; Murray C; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Bath N; Milat A; Dunlop A; Holden J; Leadbeatter K; Day E; Habraken N; Dawson O; Degenhardt L; Scott C; Tillakeratne S; Marks P; Jayasinghe I; Martinez M; Reid H; Gleeson V; Van Dyk J; Mercade GE; Marshall AD; Obeid S; Wheeler A; Hooshyar SH; Catlett B; Verich A; Erratt A; Wheeler A; Ezard N; Reid D; Gorton C; Hayllar J; Lam T; Datta P; Wade A; Spruce S; Cock V; Cornwell M; Zohrab K; Christmass M; Connelly C; Cooper A; Montebello M; Cherry R; Dyer J; Arawal S; Press E; Horasak N; Lewis R; Carthew A; Morris D; Donohue K; Griffiths K; Lana JD; Shin S; Graf C; Hampson A; Qian S; Brown D; Lautier A; Curran C; Burns C; Raidu R; Stolzenhein K; Brabender W; Somes K; Abram N; Turne R; Larter S; Goodberg F; Luksza J; Hall M; Hazelwood S; Ismay C; McClurg B; Mincham C; Barlow K; Hoskins A; Salisbury K; Markham J; Talmet J; Dunn S; Mitchell A; McKinnon A; Smyth F; Snell L; Laing E; Clark M; Dorigo J, 2024, 'Health-Related Quality of Life of People Who Inject Drugs: The Enhancing Treatment of Hepatitis C in Opioid Substitution Settings Engage Study', Value in Health, 27, pp. 216 - 225,

Sharafi H; Bakouni H; McAnulty C; Drouin S; Coronado-Montoya S; Bahremand A; Bach P; Ezard N; Le Foll B; Schütz CG; Siefried KJ; Tardelli VS; Ziegler D; Jutras-Aswad D, 2024, 'Prescription psychostimulants for the treatment of amphetamine-type stimulant use disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials', Addiction, 119, pp. 211 - 224,

Siefried KJ; Bascombe F; Clifford B; Liu Z; Middleton P; Kay-Lambkin F; Freestone J; Herman D; Millard M; Steele M; Acheson L; Moller C; Bath N; Ezard N, 2024, 'Effect of a Smartphone App (S-Check) on Actual and Intended Help-Seeking and Motivation to Change Methamphetamine Use Among Adult Consumers of Methamphetamine in Australia: Randomized Waitlist-Controlled Trial', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 12,

Ezard N; Clifford B; Siefried KJ; Ali R; Dunlop A; McKetin R; Bruno R; Carr A; Ward J; Farrell M; Graham R; Haber P; Lubman D; Donoghoe MW; Olsen N; Baker A; Hall M; Arunogiri S; Lintzeris N; Gill A; Rodgers C; Montebello M; Liaw W; Liu Z, 2024, 'Lisdexamfetamine in the treatment of methamphetamine dependence: A randomised, placebo-controlled trial', Addiction,

Clifford B; Van Gordon K; Magee F; Malone V; Siefried KJ; Graham D; Ezard N, 2023, '“There’s a big tag on my head”: exploring barriers to treatment seeking with women who use methamphetamine in Sydney, Australia', BMC Health Services Research, 23, pp. 162,

Bakouni H; Sharafi H; Bahremand A; Drouin S; Ziegler D; Bach P; Le Foll B; Schütz CG; Tardelli V; Ezard N; Siefried K; Jutras-Aswad D, 2023, 'Bupropion for treatment of amphetamine-type stimulant use disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 253,

Freestone J; Ezard N; Bourne A; Brett J; Roberts DM; Hammoud M; Nedanoski A; Prestage G; Siefried KJ, 2023, 'Understandings, attitudes, practices and responses to GHB overdose among GHB consumers', Harm Reduction Journal, 20, pp. 121,

Bascombe F; Siefried KJ; Clifford B; Child S; Loos R; Sgouras H; Stevens L; Wilson H; Ezard N, 2023, 'Methamphetamine and emerging drugs of concern: A training needs analysis of Australian alcohol and other drug helplines', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, pp. 1744 - 1753,

Sivak L; Reilly R; Lockton J; Treloar C; Roe Y; McKetin R; Butt J; Ezard N; Winkenweder H; Ward J, 2023, 'Psychosocial stress and methamphetamine use: A mixed-methods study of intersectional stigma and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander methamphetamine use', International Journal of Drug Policy, 121,

Black E; Bruno R; Mammen K; Mills L; Siefried KJ; Deacon RM; Shakeshaft A; Dunlop AJ; Ezard N; Montebello M; Childs S; Reid D; Holmes J; Lintzeris N, 2023, 'Substance use, socio-demographic characteristics, and self-rated health of people seeking alcohol and other drug treatment in New South Wales: baseline findings from a cohort study', Medical Journal of Australia, 219, pp. 218 - 226,

Wand H; Reilly R; McKetin R; Quinn B; Roe Y; Conigrave K; Ezard N; Butt J; Treloar C; Sivak L; Shackleford I; Dunlop A; Ward J, 2023, 'Investigating associations between methamphetamine use, mental health and risky sexual behaviours amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples', Mental Health and Prevention, 30,

Elkholy H; Tay Wee Teck J; Arunogiri S; Asaad MR; Baessler F; Bhad R; Borghi EN; Busse A; Ekhtiari H; Dave S; Ferri M; Greene C; Koob GF; Kouimtsidis C; Krupchanka D; Nikendei C; Pipyrou S; Poznyak V; Volkow ND; White AM; Zonoozi AK; Ezard N; Potenza MN; Baldacchino AM, 2023, 'Substance Use Disorders Among Forcibly Displaced People: a Narrative Review', Current Addiction Reports, 10, pp. 341 - 352,

Black E; Mammen K; Deacon RM; Ezard N; Mills L; Dunlop AJ; Montebello M; Reid D; Childs S; Bruno R; Shakeshaft A; Siefried KJ; Farrell M; Holmes J; Lintzeris N, 2023, 'Health and social characteristics of clients reporting amphetamine type substance use at entry to public alcohol and other drug services in New South Wales, Australia, 2016–2019', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, pp. 389 - 400,

Siefried KJ; Freeman G; Roberts DM; Lindsey R; Rodgers C; Ezard N; Brett J, 2023, 'Inpatient GHB withdrawal management in an inner-city hospital in Sydney, Australia: a retrospective medical record review', Psychopharmacology, 240, pp. 127 - 135,

Freeman G; Siefried KJ; Roberts DM; Rodgers C; Nic Ionmhain U; Ramanathan J; Ezard N; Brett J, 2023, 'Phenobarbital to manage severe gamma-hydroxybutyrate withdrawal: A case series', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, pp. 27 - 32,

Kane JC; Kamanga M; Skavenski S; Murray LK; Shawa M; Bwalya B; Metz K; Paul R; Mushabati N; Ventevogel P; Haddad S; Kilbane G; Sienkiewicz M; Chibemba V; Chiluba P; Mtongo N; Chibwe M; Figge CJ; Alto M; Mwanza D; Mupinde E; Kakumbi S; Tol WA; Vaughan K; Banda Z; Busse A; Ezard N; Zulu A; Loongo H; Greene MC, 2023, 'Testing a Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment Intervention Approach for Addressing Unhealthy Alcohol and Other Drug Use in Humanitarian Settings: Protocol of the Ukuundapwa Chapamo Randomised Controlled Trial', Intervention, 21, pp. 58 - 69,

Conigrave JH; Wilson S; Conigrave KM; Chikritzhs T; Hayman N; Dawson A; Ali R; Perry J; Fitts MS; Degenhardt L; Doyle M; Egert S; Slade T; Ezard N; Dzidowska M; Lee KSK, 2022, '‘The Drug Survey App’: a protocol for developing and validating an interactive population survey tool for drug use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians', Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, 17,

Acheson LS; Ezard N; Lintzeris N; Dunlop A; Brett J; Rodgers C; Gill A; Christmass M; McKetin R; Farrell M; Shoptaw S; Siefried KJ, 2022, 'Lisdexamfetamine for the treatment of acute methamphetamine withdrawal: A pilot feasibility and safety trial', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 241, pp. 109692,

Miller P; Vakidis T; Taylor N; Baker T; Stella J; Egerton-Warburton D; Hyder S; Staiger P; Bowe SJ; Shepherd J; Zordan R; Walby A; Jones ML; Caldicott D; Barker D; Hall M; Doran CM; Ezard N; Preisz P; Havard A; Shakeshaft A; Akhlaghi H; Kloot K; Lowry N; Bumpstead S, 2022, 'Most common principal diagnoses assigned to Australian emergency department presentations involving alcohol use: a multi-centre study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 46, pp. 903 - 909,

Acheson LS; Ezard N; Lintzeris N; Dunlop A; Brett J; Rodgers C; Gill A; Christmass M; McKetin R; Farrell M; Shoptaw S; Siefried KJ, 2022, 'Trial protocol of an open label pilot study of lisdexamfetamine for the treatment of acute methamphetamine withdrawal', PLoS ONE, 17, pp. e0275371,

Freestone J; Prestage G; Bourne A; Ezard N; Race K; Nedanoski A; Murray J; Siefried KJ, 2022, 'Controlling for pleasure and risk: The experiences of sexuality and gender diverse people who use GHB', International Journal of Drug Policy, 105, pp. 103747,

Brener L; Caruana T; Broady T; Cama E; Ezard N; Madden A; Treloar C, 2022, 'Addressing injecting related risks among people who inject both opioids and stimulants: Findings from an Australian survey of people who inject drugs', Addictive Behaviors Reports, 15, pp. 100398,

Siefried KJ; Ezard N; Christmass M; Haber P; Ali R, 2022, 'A clinical research priority setting study for issues related to the use of methamphetamine and emerging drugs of concern in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 41, pp. 309 - 319,

Smith JL; Soderstrom J; Dawson A; Alfred S; Greene S; Isoardi K; McCutcheon D; Oosthuizen F; Ezard N; Burcham J; Fatovich DM, 2022, 'The Emerging Drugs Network of Australia: A toxicosurveillance system of illicit and emerging drugs in the emergency department', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 34, pp. 58 - 64,

Acheson LS; Williams BH; Farrell M; McKetin R; Ezard N; Siefried KJ, 2022, 'Pharmacological treatment for methamphetamine withdrawal: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42,

Greene MC; Haddad S; Busse A; Ezard N; Ventevogel P; Demis L; Inoue S; Gumm JC; Campello G; Tol WA; Kane JC, 2021, 'Priorities for addressing substance use disorder in humanitarian settings', Conflict and Health, 15,

Acheson LS; Siefried KJ; Clifford B; Murray E; Steele M; Clague L; Malone V; Roberts DM; Ferguson LJ; Matthews GV; Ezard N, 2021, 'One-third of people who inject drugs are at risk of incomplete treatment for Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia: a retrospective medical record review', International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 112, pp. 63 - 65,

Peacock A; Gibbs D; Price O; Barratt MJ; Ezard N; Sutherland R; Hill PL; Grigg J; Lenton S; Page R; Salom C; Hughes C; Bruno R, 2021, 'Profile and correlates of colorimetric reagent kit use among people who use ecstasy/MDMA and other illegal stimulants in Australia', International Journal of Drug Policy, 97,

Ezard N; Clifford B; Dunlop A; Bruno R; Carr A; Liu Z; Siefried KJ; Lintzeris N, 2021, 'Safety and tolerability of oral lisdexamfetamine in adults with methamphetamine dependence: A phase-2 dose-escalation study', BMJ Open, 11, pp. e044696,

Lewer D; Jones NR; Hickman M; Larney S; Ezard N; Nielsen S; Degenhardt L, 2020, 'Risk of discharge against medical advice among hospital inpatients with a history of opioid agonist therapy in New South Wales, Australia: A cohort study and nested crossover-cohort analysis', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 217,

Reilly R; Wand H; McKetin R; Quinn B; Ezard N; Dunlop A; Conigrave K; Treloar C; Roe Y; Gray D; Stephens J; Ward J, 2020, 'Survey methods and characteristics of a sample of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous people who have recently used methamphetamine: the NIMAC survey', Drug and Alcohol Review, 39, pp. 646 - 655,

Dunlop A; Lokuge B; Masters D; Sequeira M; Saul P; Dunlop G; Ryan J; Hall M; Ezard N; Haber P; Lintzeris N; Maher L, 2020, 'Challenges in maintaining treatment services for people who use drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic', Harm Reduction Journal, 17, pp. 26,

Siefried KJ; Acheson LS; Lintzeris N; Ezard N, 2020, 'Pharmacological treatment of methamphetamine/amphetamine dependence: a systematic review', CNS Drugs, 34, pp. 337 - 365,

Bajis S; Grebely J; Hajarizadeh B; Applegate T; Marshall AD; Ellen Harrod M; Byrne J; Bath N; Read P; Edwards M; Gorton C; Hayllar J; Cock V; Peterson S; Thomson C; Weltman M; Jefferies M; Wood W; Haber P; Ezard N; Martinello M; Maher L; Dore GJ; Peolim L; How-Chow D; Telenta J; Harvey P; Jones S; Dunlop A; Treloar C; Samuel Y; Poeder F; Crawford S; Baxter A; Keats J; Mowat Y; Silk D; Micallef M; Tamaddoni M; Marks P; Lamoury F; Jayasinghe I; Reid H; Cunningham EB; Bartlett S; Jacka B; Erratt A; Jauncey M; Collie P; Lam T; Gilliver R; Hazelwood S; Houlihan N; Burns C; Lewis R; Morris D; Donohue K; Carthew A; Horasak N; Cherry R; Shin S; Peterson D; Sellwood T; McKeown W; Pritchard-Jones J; Smyth F; Adey S; Clark K; Grebely J; Applegate T; Read P; Hajarizadeh B; Ezard N; Dore G; Edwards M, 2020, 'Hepatitis C virus testing, liver disease assessment and treatment uptake among people who inject drugs pre- and post-universal access to direct-acting antiviral treatment in Australia: The LiveRLife study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 27, pp. 281 - 293,

Lintzeris N; Monds LA; Bravo M; Read P; Harrod ME; Gilliver R; Wood W; Nielsen S; Dietze PM; Lenton S; Shanahan M; Jauncey M; Jefferies M; Hazelwood S; Dunlop AJ; Greenaway M; Haber P; Ezard N; Malcom A, 2020, 'Designing, implementing and evaluating the overdose response with take-home naloxone model of care: An evaluation of client outcomes and perspectives', Drug and Alcohol Review, 39, pp. 55 - 65,

Ramachandran A; Makhashvili N; Javakhishvili J; Karachevskyy A; Kharchenko N; Shpiker M; Ezard N; Fuhr DC; Roberts B, 2019, 'Alcohol use among conflict-affected persons in Ukraine: Risk factors, coping and access to mental health services', European Journal of Public Health, 29, pp. 1141 - 1146,

Miller P; Droste N; Egerton-Warburton D; Caldicott D; Fulde G; Ezard N; Preisz P; Walby A; Lloyd-Jones M; Stella J; Sheridan M; Baker T; Hall M; Shakeshaft A; Havard A; Bowe S; Staiger PK; D'Este C; Doran C; Coomber K; Hyder S; Barker D; Shepherd J, 2019, 'Driving change: A partnership study protocol using shared emergency department data to reduce alcohol-related harm', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 31, pp. 942 - 947,

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