Select Publications

Journal articles

Kurata H; Guillot PV; Chan J; Fisk NM, 2007, 'Osterix induces osteogenic gene expression but not differentiation in primary human fetal mesenchymal stem cells', Tissue Engineering, 13, pp. 1513 - 1523,

Choolani M; Ho SSY; Razvi K; Ponnusamy S; Baig S; Fisk NM; Biswas A; Mohammed NB; Huoming Z; Gole L; Wong PC; Rauff M; Chan YH; Tan KSW, 2007, 'FastFISH: Technique for ultrarapid fluorescence in situ hybridization on uncultured amniocytes yielding results within 2 h of amniocentesis', Molecular Human Reproduction, 13, pp. 355 - 359,

Aguilar S; Nye E; Chan J; Loebinger M; Spencer-Dene B; Fisk N; Stamp G; Bonnet D; Janes SM, 2007, 'Murine but not human mesenchymal stem cells generate osteosarcoma-like lesions in the lung', Stem Cells, 25, pp. 1586 - 1594,

Aguilar S; Nye E; Chan J; Loebinger M; Spencer-Dene B; Fisk N; Stamp G; Bonnet D; Janes SM, 2007, 'Murine but not human mesenchymal stem cells generate osteosarcoma-like lesions in the lung', STEM CELLS, 25, pp. 1586 - 1594,

Wee LY; Sullivan M; Humphries K; Fisk NM, 2007, 'Longitudinal Blood Flow in Shared (Arteriovenous Anastomoses) and Non-Shared Cotyledons in Monochorionic Placentae', Placenta, 28, pp. 516 - 522,

Sarkar P; Bergman K; Fisk NM; O'Connor TG; Glover V, 2007, 'Ontogeny of foetal exposure to maternal cortisol using midtrimester amniotic fluid as a biomarker', Clinical Endocrinology, 66, pp. 636 - 640,

Bianchi DW; Fisk NM, 2007, 'Fetomaternal cell trafficking and the stem cell debate: Gender matters', JAMA, 297, pp. 1489 - 1491,

Guillot PV; Gotherstrom C; Chan J; Kurata H; Fisk NM, 2007, 'Human first-trimester fetal MSC express pluripotency markers and grow faster and have longer telomeres than adult MSC', Stem Cells, 25, pp. 646 - 654,

Guillot PV; Gotherstrom C; Chan J; Kurata H; Fisk NM, 2007, 'Human first-trimester fetal MSC express pluripotency markers and grow faster and have longer telomeres than adult MSC', STEM CELLS, 25, pp. 646 - 654,

Chan J; Kennea NL; Fisk NM, 2007, 'Placental mesenchymal stem cells', American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 196,

Chan J; Waddington SN; O'Donoghue K; Kurata H; Guillot PV; Gotherstrom C; Themis M; Morgan JE; Fisk NM, 2007, 'Widespread distribution and muscle differentiation of human fetal mesenchymal stem cells after intrauterine transplantation in dystrophic mdx mouse', Stem Cells, 25, pp. 875 - 884,

O'Donoghue K; Sultan HA; Anderson JR; Fisk NM, 2006, 'Microchimeric fetal cells contribute to tissue repair after pregnancy', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY, 195, pp. S102 - S102,

Tunstall-Pedoe O; de la Fuente J; Bennett PR; Fisk NM; Vyas P; Roberts IAG, 2006, 'Trisomy 21 Expands the Megakaryocyte-Erythroid Progenitor Compartment in Human Fetal Liver-Implications for Down Syndrome AMKL.', Blood, 108, pp. 563 - 563,

Guillot PV; O'Donoghue K; Kurata H; Fisk NM, 2006, 'Fetal stem cells: Betwixt and between', Seminars in Reproductive Medicine, 24, pp. 340 - 347,

Pasquini L; Wimalasundera RC; Fichera A; Barigye O; Chappell L; Fisk NM, 2006, 'High perinatal survival in monoamniotic twins managed by prophylactic sulindac, intensive ultrasound surveillance, and cesarean delivery at 32 weeks' gestation', Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 28, pp. 681 - 687,

Chan J; O'Donoghue K; Gavina M; Torrente Y; Kennea N; Mehmet H; Stewart H; Watt DJ; Morgan JE; Fisk NM, 2006, 'Galectin-1 induces skeletal muscle differentiation in human fetal mesenchymal stem cells and increases muscle regeneration', Stem Cells, 24, pp. 1879 - 1891,

Sarkar P; Bergman K; Fisk NM; Glover V, 2006, 'Maternal anxiety at amniocentesis and plasma cortisol', Prenatal Diagnosis, 26, pp. 505 - 509,

Denbow ML; Talbert D; Fisk NM, 2006, 'Determinants of flow along arterio-arterial anastomoses in monochorionic placentae by dynamic computer modelling of chorionic plate vasculature', Prenatal Diagnosis, 26, pp. 433 - 442,

Wee LY; Sebire NJ; Bhundia J; Sullivan M; Fisk NM, 2006, 'Histomorphometric characterisation of shared and non-shared cotyledonary villus territories of monochorionic placentae in relation to pregnancy complications', Placenta, 27, pp. 475 - 482,

Jain V; Lim M; Longo M; Fisk NM, 2006, 'Inhibitory effect of erythropoietin on contractility of human chorionic plate vessels', American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 194, pp. 246.e1 - 246.e7,

Chan J; Cabrol D; Ingemarsson I; Marsal K; Moutquin JM; Fisk NM, 2006, 'Pragmatic comparison of β 2 -agonist side effects within the Worldwide Atosiban versus Beta Agonists Study', European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 128, pp. 135 - 141,

Wee LY; Sullivan MH; Humphries K; Fisk NM, 2006, 'OP05.05: High rate of chorionic blood flow in arteriovenous anastomoses (AVA) in monochorionic placentae (MC) is still less than in normal cotyledons', Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 28, pp. 450 - 450,

Pasquini L; Barigye O; Chappell LC; Vanderheyden T; Galea P; Wimalasundera R; Fisk NM, 2006, 'OP05.14: Interstitial intrafetal laser for selective and non‐selective reduction in complicated monochorionic multiple pregnancies', Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 28, pp. 452 - 453,

Keelin O; Cartwright E; Fisk NM, 2006, 'Stage I twin-twin transfusion syndrome', American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 195, pp. S186 - S186,

Kennea NL; Stratou C; Naparus A; Fisk NM; Mehmet H, 2005, 'Functional intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways in human fetal mesenchymal stem cells [1]', Cell Death and Differentiation, 12, pp. 1439 - 1441,

Mahieu-Caputo D; Meulemans A; Martinovic J; Gubler MC; Delezoide AL; Muller F; Madelenat P; Fisk NM; Dommergues M, 2005, 'Paradoxic activation of the renin-angiotensin system in twin-twin transfusion syndrome: An explanation for cardiovascular disturbances in the recipient', Pediatric Research, 58, pp. 685 - 688,

Galea P; Jain V; Fisk NM, 2005, 'Insights into the pathophysiology of twin-twin transfusion syndrome', Prenatal Diagnosis, 25, pp. 777 - 785,

Taylor MJO; Thomas MJ; Smith MJ; Oseku-Afful S; Fisk NM; Green AR; Paterson-Brown S; Gardiner HM, 2005, 'Non-invasive intrapartum fetal ECG: Preliminary report', BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 112, pp. 1016 - 1021,

Barigye O; Pasquini L; Galea P; Chambers H; Chappell L; Fisk NM, 2005, 'High risk of unexpected late fetal death in monochorionic twins despite intensive ultrasound surveillance: A cohort study', PLoS Medicine, 2, pp. 0521 - 0527,

Vanderheyden TM; Fichera A; Pasquini L; Tan TYT; Wee LY; Frusca T; Fisk NM, 2005, 'Increased latency of absent end-diastolic flow in the umbilical artery of monochorionic twin fetuses', Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 26, pp. 44 - 49,

Welsh AW; Rubin JM; Fowlkes JB; Fisk NM, 2005, 'Standardization of power Doppler quantification of blood flow in the human fetus using the aorta and inferior vena cava', ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY, 26, pp. 33 - 43,

Miller NM; Fisk NM; Modi N; Glover V, 2005, 'Stress responses at birth: Determinants of cord arterial cortisol and links with cortisol response in infancy', BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 112, pp. 921 - 926,

Fisk NM, 2005, 'Life before Birth', BMJ, 330, pp. 851,

Fisk NM; Roberts IAG; Markwald R; Mironov V, 2005, 'Can routine commercial cord blood banking be scientifically and ethically justified?', PLoS Medicine, 2, pp. 0087 - 0090,

Gitau R; Adams D; Fisk NM; Glover V, 2005, 'Fetal plasma testosterone correlates positively with cortisol', Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 90,

Birch L; English CA; O'Donoghue K; Barigye O; Fisk NM; Keer JT, 2005, 'Accurate and robust quantification of circulating fetal and total DNA in maternal plasma from 5 to 41 weeks of gestation', Clinical Chemistry, 51, pp. 312 - 320,

Chan J; O'Donoghue K; De La Fuente J; Roberts IA; Kumar S; Morgan JE; Fisk NM, 2005, 'Human fetal mesenchymal stem cells as vehicles for gene delivery', Stem Cells, 23, pp. 93 - 102,

Moise KJ; Dorman K; Lamvu G; Saade GR; Fisk NM; Dickinson JE; Wilson RD; Gagnon A; Belfort MA; O'Shaughnessy RO; Chitkara U; Hassan SS; Johnson A; Sciscione A; Skupski D, 2005, 'A randomized trial of amnioreduction versus septostomy in the treatment of twin-twin transfusion syndrome', American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 193, pp. 701 - 707,

Wee LY; Taylor M; Watkins N; Franke V; Parker K; Fisk NM, 2005, 'Characterisation of deep arterio-venous anastomoses within monochorionic placentae by vascular casting', Placenta, 26, pp. 19 - 24,

Fisk NM; Shirley I; De Biasio P; Ginocchio G; Aicardi G; Ravera G; Venturini PL; Vignolo M, 2005, 'Timing of mid-trimester sacral ossification (multiple letters)', Prenatal Diagnosis, 25, pp. 91,

Welsh A; Rubin J; Fowlkes B; Fisk NM, 2005, 'Standardisation of power Doppler quantification of blood flow in the human fetus using the aorta and inferior vena cava', Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 26, pp. 33 - 43,

O'Donoghue K; Fisk NM, 2004, 'Fetal stem cells', Best Practice and Research: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 18, pp. 853 - 875,

Miller NM; Williamson C; Fisk NM; Glover V, 2004, 'Infant cortisol response after prolonged antenatal prednisolone treatment', BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 111, pp. 1471 - 1474,

O'Donoghue K; Fisk NM, 2004, 'Potential application of stem cells: Part 2', Biologist, 51, pp. 185 - 188

Fisk NM; Itskovitz-Eldor J, 2004, 'Preface', Best Practice and Research: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 18, pp. 825 - 826,

de la Fuente J; Chan J; O’Donoghue K; Kaeda J; Kumar S; Fisk NM; Roberts IAG, 2004, 'Circulating Human Fetal Mesenchymal Stem Cells Support Ltc-Ic and Express a Cytokine Profile To Maintain Quiescence of Co-Circulating Hemopoietic Stem Cells Circulating Human Fetal Mesenchymal Stem Cells Support LTC-IC and Express a Cytokine Profile To Maintain Quiescence of Co-Circulating Hemopoietic Stem Cells.', Blood, 104, pp. 2327 - 2327,

Taylor MJO; Talbert D; Fisk NM, 2004, 'Letter to the editors', Placenta, 25, pp. 752,

O'Donoghue K; Fisk NM, 2004, 'Potential application of stem cells: Part 1', Biologist, 51, pp. 125 - 129

Taylor MJO; Talbert D; Fisk NM, 2004, 'Pseudo-arterio-arterial anastomoses in twin-twin transfusion syndrome', Placenta, 25, pp. 742 - 747,

Denbow ML; Taylor M; Cox P; Fisk NM, 2004, 'Derivation of rate of arterio-arterial anastomotic transfusion between monochorionic twin fetuses by Doppler waveform analysis', Placenta, 25, pp. 664 - 670,

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