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Select Publications

Journal articles

Ho JC; Wildberger NJ, 2022, 'A Physical Archimedean Approach to Affine Geometry and the Remarkable 13 (Mixed) Configuration', Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 26, pp. 65 - 80

Wildberger NJ, 2020, 'The Mutation Game, Coxeter-Dynkin Graphs, and Generalized Root Systems', Algebra Colloquium, 27, pp. 55 - 78, http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S1005386720000061

HO JC; Wildberger NJ, 2020, 'A CASE STUDY IN UNIVERSAL GEOMETRY: EXTENDING APOLLONIAN CIRCLES TO RELATIVISTIC GEOMETRY AND FINITE FIELDS', Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 17, pp. 1227 - 1257, http://dx.doi.org/10.33048/semi.2020.17.091

Choi SC; Wildberger NJ, 2020, 'Parabolic Triangles, Poles and Centroid Relations', KoG, 24, pp. 3 - 11, http://dx.doi.org/10.31896/k.24.1

Beare W; Wildberger NJ, 2020, 'The Feuerbach Theorem and Cyclography in Universal Geometry', KoG, 24, pp. 47 - 58, http://dx.doi.org/10.31896/k.24.5

Le N; Wildberger NJ, 2020, 'The pentagrammum mysticum, twelve special conics and the twisted icosahedron', Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 24, pp. 175 - 191

Wildberger NJ, 2018, 'Universal hyperbolic geometry, sydpoints and finite fields: A projective and algebraic alternative', Universe, 4, pp. 3, http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/universe4010003

Wildberger N, 2018, 'Rotor coordinates, vector trigonometry and quadrilaterals, with applications to the four bar linkage', Journal for Geometry and Graphics, No. 2, pp. 257 - 268

Choi SC; Wildberger N, 2018, 'The Universal Parabola', KoG, pp. 24 - 40, http://dx.doi.org/10.31896/k.22.4

Mansfield DF; Wildberger NJ, 2017, 'Plimpton 322 is Babylonian exact sexagesimal trigonometry', Historia Mathematica, 44, pp. 395 - 419, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hm.2017.08.001

Wildberger NJ, 2017, 'Rotor coordinates and vector trigonometry', Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 21, pp. 89 - 106

Wildberger N, 2017, 'Rational Trigonometry in Higher Dimensions and a Diagonal Rule for $2$-planes in Four-dimensional Space', KoG, pp. 47 - 54, http://dx.doi.org/10.31896/k.21.2

Le N; Wildberger NJ, 2016, 'Incenter symmetry, Euler lines, and Schiffler points', KoG, 20, pp. 22 - 30, http://www.hdgg.hr/kog

Bloom WR; Wildberger NJ, 2016, 'Positive Definiteness on Spheres and Hyperbolic Spaces', Communications on Stochastic Analysis, 10, pp. 541 - 559

Blefari S; Wildberger NJ, 2016, 'Quadrangle centroids in universal hyperbolic geometry', KoG, 20, pp. 41 - 60, http://www.hdgg.hr/kog

Wildberger NJ; Alkhaldi A, 2016, 'The Parabola in Universal Hyperbolic Geometry II: Canonical Points and the Y-conic', Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 20, pp. 1 - 11

Wildberger NJ; Nguyen L, 2014, 'Incenter Circles, Chromogeometry, and the Omega Triangle', KoG, 18, pp. 5 - 18, http://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=197552&lang=en

Wildberger NJ; Alkhaldi A, 2013, 'The Parabola in Universal Hyperbolic Geometry I', KoG, 17, pp. 14 - 42, http://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=169113

Wildberger NJ, 2013, 'Universal Hyperbolic Geometry I: Trigonometry', Geometriae Dedicata, 163, pp. 215 - 274, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10711-012-9746-9

Le N; Wildberger NJ, 2012, 'Universal affine triangle geometry and four-fold incenter symmetry', KoG, 16, pp. 63 - 80, http://master.grad.hr/hdgg/kog_stranica/kog16/63-80.pdf

Wildberger NJ; Alkhaldi A, 2012, 'Universal Hyperbolic Geometry IV: Sydpoints and twin circumcircles', KoG, 16, pp. 43 - 62, http://master.grad.hr/hdgg/kog_stranica/kog16/43-62.pdf

Wildberger NJ, 2011, 'Universal Hyperbolic Geometry III: First steps in Projective Triangle Geometry', KoG, 15, pp. 25 - 49, http://www.hdgg.hr/kog

Wildberger NJ, 2010, 'Pell's equation without irrational numbers', Journal of Integer Sequences, 13, pp. 1 - 11

Wildberger NJ, 2010, 'Universal Hyperbolic Geometry II: A pictorial overview', KoG, 14, pp. 1 - 23

Wildberger NJ, 2010, 'Chromogeometry', Mathematical Intelligencer, 32, pp. 26 - 32

Wildberger NJ, 2010, 'Greek geometry, rational trigonometry, and the Snellius-Pothenot surveying problem', Chamchuri Journal of Mathematics, 2, pp. 1 - 14

Wildberger NJ, 2010, 'Pell's equation without irrational numbers', Journal of Integer Sequences, 13, pp. Article 10.4.3

Goh S; Wildberger NJ, 2009, 'Spread polynomials, rotations and the butterfly effect', ArXiv, https://arxiv.org/abs/0911.1025

Wildberger NJ, 2009, 'Chromogeometry and Relativistic Conics', KoG, 13, pp. 43 - 50

Wildberger NJ, 2008, 'Neuberg cubics over finite fields', ArXiv, http://web.maths.unsw.edu.au/~norman/papers/Neuberg2.pdf

Wildberger NJ, 2008, 'The ancient Greeks present: Rational Trigonometry', ArXiv, http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2008arXiv0806.3481W

Alverson L; Donnelly R; Lewis SJ; McClard M; Pervine R; Proctor R; Wildberger NJ, 2008, 'DISTRIBUTIVE LATTICES DEFINED FOR REPRESENTATIONS OF RANK TWO SEMISIMPLE LIE ALGEBRAS', SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 23, pp. 527 - 559

Wildberger NJ, 2007, 'One dimensional metrical geometry', Geometriae Dedicata, 128, pp. 145 - 166

Wildberger NJ, 2006, 'Affine and projective universal geometry', ArXiv, http://web.maths.unsw.edu.au/~norman/papers/AffineProjArXiV.pdf

Arnal D; Bel Baraka N; Wildberger NJ, 2006, 'Diamond representations of sl(n)', Annales Mathematiques Blaise Pascal, 13, pp. 381 - 429

Dooley AH; Wildberger NJ, 2006, 'Orbital convolution theory for semi-direct products', Journal of Lie Theory, 16, pp. 743 - 776

Arnal D; Baraka NB; Wildberger NJ, 2005, 'Diamond representations of $\mathfrak{sl}(n)$', ArXiv, https://archive.org/details/arxiv-math0507435

Wildberger NJ, 2005, 'Weyl quantization and a symbol calculus for abelian groups', Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 78, pp. 323 - 338

Wildberger NJ, 2004, 'Foundations of finite group theory for a (future) computer', Mathematical Intelligencer, 26, pp. 45 - 55

Wildberger NJ, 2003, 'A combinatorial construction for simply-laced Lie algebras', Advances in Applied Mathematics, 30, pp. 385 - 396

Sunder VS; Wildberger NJ, 2003, 'Actions of finite hypergroups', Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 18, pp. 135 - 151

Wildberger NJ, 2003, 'Combinatorial Construction of G2', Journal of Lie Theory, 13, pp. 155 - 165

Wildberger NJ, 2003, 'Minuscule posets from neighbourly graph sequences', European Journal of Combinatorics, 24, pp. 741 - 757

Wildberger NJ, 2002, 'A new proof of Cavalieri's quadrature formula', American Mathematical Monthly, 109, pp. 843 - 845, http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3072373

Srinivasan R; Sunder VS; Wildberger NJ, 2002, 'Discrete series of fusion algebras', Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series A - Pure Mathematics and Statistics, 72, pp. 419 - 425

Wildberger NJ, 2002, 'Strong hypergroups of order three', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 174, pp. 95 - 115

Wildberger NJ, 2001, 'Algebraic structures associated to group actions and sums of Hermitian matrices', Textos de matematica Serie B, pp. 1 - 32

Dooley AH; Wildberger NJ, 1999, 'Global character formulae for compact Lie groups', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, pp. 477 - 495

Wildberger NJ, 1999, 'Real fish, real numbers, real jobs', Mathematical Intelligencer, 21, pp. 4 - 7

Wildberger NJ, 1997, 'Duality and entropy for finite commutative hypergroups and fusion rule algebras', Journal of the London Mathematical Society - Second Series, pp. 275 - 291

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