Select Publications
Journal articles
2017, 'Interference effects and Huygens principle in transverse magnetic focusing of electrons and holes', Physical Review B, 96,
,2017, 'Detection and Control of Spin-Orbit Interactions in a GaAs Hole Quantum Point Contact', Physical Review Letters, 118,
,2017, 'Magnetic focusing of electrons and holes in the presence of spin-orbit interactions (vol 92, 235416, 2015)', PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 95,
,2017, 'Multiple universalities in order-disorder magnetic phase transitions', Physical Review B, 95,
,2017, 'Dimensional reduction of the Luttinger Hamiltonian and g -factors of holes in symmetric two-dimensional semiconductor heterostructures', Physical Review B, 95,
,2017, 'Nonequilibrium quantum mechanics: A "hot quantum soup" of paramagnons', Physical Review B, 95,
,2016, 'Chern insulating state in laterally patterned semiconductor heterostructures', Physical Review B, 94,
,2016, 'The amplitudes and the structure of the charge density wave in YBCO', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 34551,
,2016, 'Electrical control of the sign of the g factor in a GaAs hole quantum point contact (vol 94, 041406, 2016)', PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 94,
,2016, 'Electrical control of the sign of the g factor in a GaAs hole quantum point contact', Physical Review B, 94,
,2016, 'Semiclassical Landau quantization of spin-orbit coupled systems', Physical Review B, 93,
,2016, 'Erratum: Manifestation of a non-Abelian Berry phase in a p -type semiconductor system (Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2016) 93 (205424) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.205424)', Physical Review B, 93,
,2016, 'Manifestation of a non-Abelian Berry phase in a p -type semiconductor system', Physical Review B, 93, pp. 205424,
,2016, 'Enhancement Mechanism of the Electron g Factor in Quantum Point Contacts', Physical Review Letters, 116,
,2016, 'G-factors of hole bound states in spherically symmetric potentials in cubic semiconductors', The European Physical Journal B, 89, pp. 74-1 - 74-10,
,2015, 'Magnetic focusing of electrons and holes in the presence of spin-orbit interactions', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 92,
,2015, 'Asymptotic freedom in quantum magnets', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 92,
,2015, 'Impurity-induced magnetization in a three-dimensional antiferromagnet at the quantum critical point', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 92,
,2015, 'Casimir effect mechanism of pairing between fermions in the vicinity of a magnetic quantum critical point', Physical Review B, 91, pp. 235105-1 - 235105-11,
,2015, 'Magnetic excitations in the spin-spiral state of TbMnO 3 and DyMnO 3', Physical Review B, 91, pp. 094417 - 1 - 094417 - 9,
,2015, 'Effects of Coulomb screening and disorder on an artificial graphene based on nanopatterned semiconductor', 2D Materials, 2, pp. 014010 - 1 - 014010 - 9,
,2015, 'Violation of the Spin-Statistics Theorem and the Bose-Einstein Condensation of Particles with Half-Integer Spin', Physical Review Letters, 114, pp. 055702 - 1 - 055702 - 5,
,2014, 'Origin of the phonon hall effect in rare-earth garnets', Physical Review Letters, 113, pp. 265901 - 1 - 265901 - 5,
,2014, 'Transmission phase of an electron in a quantum point contact', Physical Review B, 90, pp. 155434-1 - 155434-6,
,2014, 'Distribution of electrons and holes in cuprate superconductors as determined from 17O and 63Cu nuclear magnetic resonance.', Physical Review B, 90, pp. 140504-1 - 140504-5,
,2014, 'Paramagnons: The long and the short of it', Nature Physics, 10, pp. 339 - 340,
,2014, 'Paramagnons: The long and the short of it', Nature Physics,
,2013, 'Implications of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering data for theoretical models of cuprates', Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 88, pp. 184501-1 - 184501-10,
,2013, 'Relativistic effects in scattering of polarized electrons', Europhysics Letters: a letters journal exploring the frontiers of physics, 103, pp. 47003 - 1 - 47003 - 6,
,2013, 'Interacting spin droplets and magnetic properties of a low-density two-dimensional electron gas', Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 88, pp. 125402-1 - 125402-7,
,2013, 'Fermi surface reconstruction by dynamic magnetic fluctuations and spin-charge separation near an O(3) quantum critical point', Physical Review B, 87, pp. 075109-1 - 075109-12,
,2013, 'Investigating the nuclear Schiff moment of 207Pb in ferroelectric PbTiO3', Journal of Physics B - Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 46, pp. Article number085001,
,2013, 'One-dimensional spin-orbit interferometer', Physical Review B, 87, pp. 165434-1,
,2013, 'Topological insulating states in laterally patterned ordinary semiconductors', Physical Review Letters, 110, pp. 186601-1 - 186601-5,
,2012, 'Effective approach to the Nagaoka regime of the two-dimensional t-J model', Physical Review B, 85, pp. 245113-1 - 245113-9,
,2012, 'Fermi Surface Reconstruction by Dynamic Magnetic Fluctuations', Physical Review Letters, 109, pp. 037001-1 - 037001-5,
,2012, 'Universal finite-temperature properties of a three-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet in the vicinity of a quantum critical point', Physical Review B, 85, pp. 144431-1 - 144431-5,
,2011, 'Angle-resolved photoemission spectral function in lightly doped and antiferromagnetically ordered YBa2Cu3O6+y', Physical Review B, 84, pp. 195125-1 - 195125-12,
,2011, 'Bulk and surface nanoscale hole density inhomogeneity in HgBa(2)CuO(4+delta) and Bi(2)Sr(2)CaCu(2)O(8+delta) cuprates', Physical Review B, 83, pp. 064514-1 - 064514-10
,2011, 'Effective field theories and spin-wave excitations in helical magnets', Physical Review B, 84, pp. 195138-1 - 195138-13,
,2011, 'Enhancement of the electron electric dipole moment in Eu(2+)', Physical Review A, 84, pp. 022505-1 - 022505-7
,2011, 'Magnetic properties of lightly doped antiferromagnetic YBa 2Cu3Oy', Physical Review B, 84, pp. 094532-1 - 094532-10,
,2011, 'Quasielastic neutron scattering from two-dimensional antiferromagnets at a finite temperature', Physical Review B, 83, pp. 094426-1 - 094426-8
,2011, 'Self-consistent spin-wave theory for a frustrated Heisenberg model with biquadratic exchange in the columnar phase and its application to iron pnictides', Physical Review B, 84, pp. 064505-1 - 064505-16
,2011, 'Thermodynamics of a gas of deconfined bosonic spinons in two dimensions', Physical Review Letters, 105, pp. 207203-1 - 207203-4,
,2011, 'Three-dimensional generalization of the J(1)-J(2) Heisenberg model on a square lattice and role of the interlayer coupling J(c)', Physical Review B, 83, pp. 144528-1 - 144528-11
,2011, 'Width of the longitudinal magnon in the vicinity of the O(3) quantum critical point', Physical Review B, 84, pp. 134418-1 - 134418-6,
,2010, 'Phonon mode softening at the ferroelectric transition in Eu
2010, 'Comment on "Rovibrational quantum interferometers and gravitational waves"', Physical Review A, 81, pp. 067601-1 - 067601-3
,2010, 'Magnetic quantum oscillations and multiple holon pockets in the underdoped cuprate YBa2Cu3O6+y', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 82, pp. 060511-1 - 060511-4,