Select Publications

Book Chapters

Jongen R; Marzinelli EM; Bugnot AB; Ferguson A; Fraser MW; Glasby TM; Jackson EL; Martin BC; Sherman CDH; Sinclair EA; Trevathan-Tackett SM; Vergés A; Waycott M; Wright JT; Kendrick GA; Gribben PE, 2024, 'Integrating Belowground Interactions into Seagrass Restoration Strategies', in Oceanography and Marine Biology, CRC Press, pp. 192 - 214,

Firth LB; Clubley C; McGrath A; Renshaw E; Foggo A; Wilson ADM; Gribben PE; Flower AEA; Burgess J; Heesch S; Hawkins SJ; Stephen NR; Haspel D; Spain-Butler A; Stührmann S; Newstead A; Knights AM, 2023, 'If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: Enemy Shells as Refugia from Grazing & Competition Pressures', in Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, Volume 61, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), Boca Raton, pp. 329 - 362,

Gribben PE; Byers JE, 2020, 'Comparative biogeography of marine invaders across their native and introduced ranges', in Oceanography and Marine Biology, Taylor & Francis, pp. 409 - 455,

Gribben P; Byers JE, 2020, 'Comparative biogeography of marine invaders across their native and introduced ranges.', in Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, CRC Press, pp. 395 - 440,

Bulleri F; Connell S; Batten S; Benedetti-Cecch L; Gibbons M; Nuages M; Gribben P, 2020, 'Human pressures and the emergence of novel marine ecosystem', in Hawkins S; Allcock L; Bates A; Firth L; Smith I; Todd P; Russell B; Evans A (ed.), Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, Taylor & Francis, pp. 441 - 494,

Gribben PE; Angelini C; Altieri AH; Bishop MJ; Thomsen MS; Bulleri F, 2019, 'Facilitation Cascades in Marine Ecosystems: A Synthesis and Future Directions', in Oceanography and Marine Biology, CRC Press, pp. 127 - 168,

Gribben P; Angelini C; Altieri A; Bishop M; Thomsen M; Bulleri F, 2019, 'Facilitation Cascades in Marine Ecosystems: A Synthesis and Future Directions', in Oceanography and Marine Biology An Annual Review, Volume 57, CRC Press, pp. 95 - 136,

Journal articles

Palmer J; Bugnot AB; Filippini G; Gribben PE; Varkey D; Erickson K; Dafforn KA, 2024, 'The influence of bioturbator activity on sediment bacterial structure and function is moderated by environment', Marine Environmental Research, 201,

Roncolato F; Fellowes TE; Duce S; Mora C; Johansson O; Strachan I; Bugnot AB; Erickson K; Figueira W; Gribben PE; Pine C; Morgan B; Vila-Concejo A, 2024, 'Ecomorphodynamics of oyster reefs and their influence on oyster reef morphology', Geomorphology, 456,

Leong RC; Bugnot AB; Ross PM; Erickson KR; Gibbs MC; Marzinelli EM; O'Connor WA; Parker LM; Poore AGB; Scanes E; Gribben PE, 2024, 'Recruitment of a threatened foundation oyster species varies with large and small spatial scales', Ecological Applications, 34,

Hart JL; Smith RL; Poore AGB; Erickson KR; Figueira WF; Bishop MJ; O'Connor WA; Gribben PE, 2024, 'Habitat-setting affects biodiversity while predation determines oyster survival on experimental oyster reefs', Restoration Ecology, 32,

Walker LDA; Gribben PE; Glasby TM; Marzinelli EM; Varkey DR; Dafforn KA, 2024, 'Above and below-ground bacterial communities shift in seagrass beds with warmer temperatures', Frontiers in Marine Science, 11,

Stelling-Wood TP; Poore AGB; Hughes AR; Everett JD; Gribben PE, 2023, 'Habitat traits and predation interact to drive abundance and body size patterns in associated fauna', Ecology and Evolution, 13,

Filippini G; Bugnot AB; Varkey DR; Siboni N; Ferguson A; Gribben PE; Erickson K; Palmer J; Dafforn KA, 2023, 'Nitrogen-cycling genes in oyster reefs and surrounding sediments: Relationships with environmental factors and respective nitrogen rates', Marine Pollution Bulletin, 197,

Filippini G; Bugnot AB; Ferguson A; Gribben PE; Palmer J; Erickson K; Dafforn KA, 2023, 'The influence of oyster reefs and surrounding sediments on nitrogen removal – An in-situ study along the East coast of Australia', Environmental Research, 237,

Gonzalez SV; Dafforn KA; Gribben PE; O'Connor WA; Johnston EL, 2023, 'Organic enrichment reduces sediment bacterial and archaeal diversity, composition, and functional profile independent of bioturbator activity', Marine Pollution Bulletin, 196,

Ajani PA; Savela H; Kahlke T; Harrison D; Jeffries T; Kohli GS; Verma A; Laczka O; Doblin MA; Seymour JR; Larsson ME; Potts J; Scanes P; Gribben PE; Harrison L; Murray SA, 2023, 'Response of planktonic microbial assemblages to disturbance in an urban sub-tropical estuary', Water Research, 243,

Stelling-Wood TP; Gribben PE; Birch G; Bishop MJ; Blount C; Booth DJ; Brown C; Bruce E; Bugnot AB; Byrne M; Creese RG; Dafforn KA; Dahlenburg J; Doblin MA; Fellowes TE; Fowler AM; Gibbs MC; Glamore W; Glasby TM; Hay AC; Kelaher B; Knott NA; Larkum AWD; Parker LM; Marzinelli EM; Mayer-Pinto M; Morgan B; Murray SA; Rees MJ; Ross PM; Roughan M; Saintilan N; Scanes E; Seymour JR; Schaefer N; Suthers IM; Taylor MD; Williamson JE; Vila Concejo A; Whittington RJ; Figueira WF, 2023, 'A deep dive into the ecology of Gamay (Botany Bay, Australia): Current knowledge and future priorities for this highly modified coastal waterway', Marine and Freshwater Research, 74, pp. 1003 - 1025,

Fuggle RE; Gribben PE; Marzinelli EM, 2023, 'Experimental evidence root-associated microbes mediate seagrass response to environmental stress', Journal of Ecology, 111, pp. 1079 - 1093,

Bugnot AB; Dafforn KA; Erickson K; McGrath A; O'Connor WA; Gribben PE, 2023, 'Reintroducing a keystone bioturbator can facilitate microbial bioremediation in urban polluted sediments', Environmental Pollution, 324,

Byers JE; Blaze JA; Dodd AC; Hall HL; Gribben PE, 2023, 'Exotic asphyxiation: interactions between invasive species and hypoxia', Biological Reviews, 98, pp. 150 - 167,

Ravaglioli C; Gribben PE; Langeneck J; Tempesti J; Bulleri F, 2023, 'Temporal consistency of a facilitation cascade on shallow rocky reefs', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 280,

Thomsen MS; Altieri AH; Angelini C; Bishop MJ; Bulleri F; Farhan R; Frühling VMM; Gribben PE; Harrison SB; He Q; Klinghardt M; Langeneck J; Lanham BS; Mondardini L; Mulders Y; Oleksyn S; Ramus AP; Schiel DR; Schneider T; Siciliano A; Silliman BR; Smale DA; South PM; Wernberg T; Zhang S; Zotz G, 2022, 'Heterogeneity within and among co-occurring foundation species increases biodiversity', Nature Communications, 13,

Pine C; Erickson K; Gribben PE; Figueira WF, 2022, 'Observation of juvenile Eastern Blue Groper (Achoerodus viridis) on remnant oyster reefs in New South Wales, Australia', Ecology, 103,

Thomsen MS; Altieri AH; Angelini C; Bishop MJ; Bulleri F; Farhan R; Frühling VMM; Gribben PE; Harrison SB; He Q; Klinghardt M; Langeneck J; Lanham BS; Mondardini L; Mulders Y; Oleksyn S; Ramus AP; Schiel DR; Schneider T; Siciliano A; Silliman BR; Smale DA; South PM; Wernberg T; Zhang S; Zotz G, 2022, 'Publisher Correction: Heterogeneity within and among co-occurring foundation species increases biodiversity (Nature Communications, (2022), 13, 1, (581), 10.1038/s41467-022-28194-y)', Nature Communications, 13,

Ferretto G; Vergés A; Poore AGB; Gribben PE; Glasby TM, 2022, 'Floating bags have the potential to minimise oyster farming impacts on Posidonia australis seagrass meadows', Aquaculture, 560,

Leong RC; Bugnot AB; Marzinelli EM; Figueira WF; Erickson KR; Poore AGB; Gribben PE, 2022, 'Variation in the density and body size of a threatened foundation species across multiple spatial scales', Restoration Ecology, 30,

Bugnot AB; Gribben PE; O'Connor WA; Erickson K; Coleman RA; Dafforn KA, 2022, 'Below-ground ecosystem engineers enhance biodiversity and function in a polluted ecosystem', Journal of Applied Ecology, 59, pp. 2094 - 2105,

Navarro-Barranco C; Gribben PE; Ledet J J; Poore AGB, 2022, 'Habitat-complexity regulates the intensity of facilitation along an environmental stress gradient', Oikos, 2022,

Bugnot AB; Dafforn KA; Coleman RA; Ramsdale M; Gibbeson JT; Erickson K; Vila-Concejo A; Figueira WF; Gribben PE, 2022, 'Linking habitat interactions and biodiversity within seascapes', Ecosphere, 13,

Esquivel-Muelbert JR; Lanham BS; Martínez-Baena F; Dafforn KA; Gribben PE; Bishop MJ, 2022, 'Spatial variation in the biotic and abiotic filters of oyster recruitment: Implications for restoration', Journal of Applied Ecology, 59, pp. 953 - 964,

Birrer SC; Wemheuer F; Dafforn KA; Gribben PE; Steinberg PD; Simpson SL; Potts J; Scanes P; Doblin MA; Johnston EL, 2021, 'Legacy Metal Contaminants and Excess Nutrients in Low Flow Estuarine Embayments Alter Composition and Function of Benthic Bacterial Communities', Frontiers in Microbiology, 12,

Bradley DJ; Boada J; Gladstone W; Glasby TM; Gribben PE, 2021, 'Sublethal effects of a rapidly spreading native alga on a key herbivore', Ecology and Evolution, 11, pp. 12605 - 12616,

Vadillo Gonzalez S; Johnston EL; Dafforn KA; O'Connor WA; Gribben PE, 2021, 'Body size affects lethal and sublethal responses to organic enrichment: Evidence of associational susceptibility for an infaunal bivalve', Marine Environmental Research, 169,

Firth LB; Curd A; Hawkins SJ; Knights AM; Blaze JA; Burrows MT; Dubois SF; Edwards H; Foggo A; Gribben PE; Grant L; Harris D; Mieszkowska N; Nunes FLD; Nunn JD; Power AM; O'Riordan RM; McGrath D; Simkanin C; O'Connor NE, 2021, 'On the diversity and distribution of a data deficient habitat in a poorly mapped region: The case of Sabellaria alveolata L. in Ireland', Marine Environmental Research, 169,

Stelling-Wood TP; Poore AGB; Gribben PE, 2021, 'Shifts in biomass and structure of habitat-formers across a latitudinal gradient', Ecology and Evolution, 11, pp. 8831 - 8842,

Lanham BS; Poore AGB; Gribben PE, 2021, 'Fine-scale responses of mobile invertebrates and mesopredatory fish to habitat configuration', Marine Environmental Research, 168,

Firth LB; Harris D; Blaze JA; Marzloff MP; Boyé A; Miller PI; Curd A; Vasquez M; Nunn JD; O’Connor NE; Power AM; Mieszkowska N; O’Riordan RM; Burrows MT; Bricheno LM; Knights AM; Nunes FLD; Bordeyne F; Bush LE; Byers JE; David C; Davies AJ; Dubois SF; Edwards H; Foggo A; Grant L; Green JAM; Gribben PE; Lima FP; McGrath D; Noël LMLJ; Seabra R; Simkanin C; Hawkins SJ, 2021, 'Specific niche requirements underpin multidecadal range edge stability, but may introduce barriers for climate change adaptation', Diversity and Distributions, 27, pp. 668 - 683,

Voerman SE; Gribben PE; Glasby TM, 2021, 'Positive and Negative Species Interactions Shape Recruitment Patterns of a Range Expanding Native Alga', Frontiers in Marine Science, 8,

Firth LB; Duff L; Gribben PE; Knights AM, 2021, 'Do positive interactions between marine invaders increase likelihood of invasion into natural and artificial habitats?', Oikos, 130, pp. 453 - 463,

Piercey RS; Gribben PE; Hanley TC; Moles AT; Hughes AR, 2021, 'Incorporating marine macrophytes in plant–soil feedbacks: Emerging evidence and opportunities to advance the field', Journal of Ecology, 109, pp. 614 - 625,

Ravaglioli C; Langeneck J; Capocchi A; Castelli A; Fontanini D; Gribben PE; Bulleri F, 2021, 'Positive cascading effects of epiphytes enhance the persistence of a habitat-forming macroalga and the biodiversity of the associated invertebrate community under increasing stress', Journal of Ecology, 109, pp. 1078 - 1093,

Gribben PE; Poore AGB; Thomsen MS; Quesey P; Weschke E; Wright JT, 2020, 'Habitat provided by native species facilitates higher abundances of an invader in its introduced compared to native range', Scientific Reports, 10, pp. 6385,

Lloyd HB; Cruz-Motta JJ; Glasby TM; Hutchings PA; Gribben PE, 2020, 'Unusual but consistent latitudinal patterns in macroalgal habitats and their invertebrate communities across two countries', Diversity and Distributions, 26, pp. 912 - 927,

Eger AM; Marzinelli E; Gribben P; Johnson CR; Layton C; Steinberg PD; Wood G; Silliman BR; Vergés A, 2020, 'Playing to the Positives: Using Synergies to Enhance Kelp Forest Restoration', Frontiers in Marine Science, 7,

Bulleri F; Marzinelli EM; Voerman SE; Gribben PE, 2020, 'Propagule composition regulates the success of an invasive seaweed across a heterogeneous seascape', Journal of Ecology, 108, pp. 1061 - 1073,

Lanham BS; Poore AGB; Gribben PE, 2020, 'Facilitation cascades create a predation refuge for biodiversity in a novel connected habitat', Ecosphere, 11,

Uyà M; Bulleri F; Wright JT; Gribben PE, 2020, 'Facilitation of an invader by a native habitat-former increases along interacting gradients of environmental stress', Ecology, 101, pp. e02961,

Stelling-Wood TP; Gribben PE; Poore AGB, 2020, 'Habitat variability in an underwater forest: Using a trait-based approach to predict associated communities', Functional Ecology, 34, pp. 888 - 898,

Gribben PE; Bishop MJ; O’Connor WA; Bradley DJ; Hughes AR, 2020, 'Intraspecific diversity in prey body size influences survivorship by conferring resistance to predation', Ecosphere, 11,

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