Select Publications


Grosjean P, 2021, Patriarcapitalisme en finir avec les inégalités femmes-hommes dans l'économie

Grosjean P, Patriarcapitalisme En finir avec les inégalités femmes/hommes dans l'économie, Seuil

Book Chapters

Grosjean P; teele D, 2022, 'In Search of Gender in Historical Political Economy', in The Oxford Handbook of Historical Political Economy

Grosjean P, 2020, 'How WWII shaped Political and Social Trust in the Long run', in The Economics of the Second World War: Seventy Five Years On,

Cassar A; Grosjean P; Whitt S, 2019, 'Violence, Conflict-Related', in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Springer New York, pp. 2134 - 2140,

Grosjean P, 2019, 'Violence, Interpersonal', in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Springer New York, pp. 2140 - 2146,

Cassar A; Grosjean P; Whitt S, 2014, 'Social Preferences of Ex-Combatants', in The Economics of Conflict, The MIT Press, pp. 231 - 262,

Cassar A; Grosjean P; Whitt S, 2014, 'Violence, Conflict-Related', in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Springer New York, pp. 1 - 8,

Grosjean P, 2014, 'Violence, Interpersonal', in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Springer New York, pp. 1 - 8,

Grosjean PA; Kontoleon A; Zhang S, 2010, 'Assessing the Sustainability of the Sloping Land Conversion Program: a Choice Experiment Approach', in Bennett J; Birol E (ed.), Choice experiments in developing countries, Edward Elgar Pub

Grosjean P; Kontoleon A; Zhang S, 2010, 'Chapter 7: Assessing the Sustainability of the Sloping Land Conversion Programme: A Choice Experiment Approach', in Choice Experiments in Developing Countries, Edward Elgar Publishing,

Journal articles

Cassar A; Grosjean P; Khan FJ; Lambert M, 2023, 'Mothers, fathers, and others: Competition and cooperation in the aftermath of conflict', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 215, pp. 207 - 223,

Gay V; Grosjean P, 2023, 'Morts Pour la France: A database of French fatalities of the Great War', Explorations in Economic History, 90,

Baranov V; De Haas R; Grosjean P, 2023, 'Men. Male-biased sex ratios and masculinity norms: evidence from Australia’s colonial past', Journal of Economic Growth, 28, pp. 339 - 396,

Cagé J; Dagorret A; Grosjean P; Jha S, 2023, 'Heroes and Villains: The Effects of Heroism on Autocratic Values and Nazi Collaboration in France', American Economic Review, 113, pp. 1888 - 1932,

Grosjean P; Masera F; Yousaf H, 2023, 'Inflammatory Political Campaigns and Racial Bias in Policing', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 138, pp. 413 - 463,

Baranov V; Grosjean P; Khan FJ; Walker S, 2022, 'The impact of COVID-related economic shocks on household mental health in Pakistan', Health Economics (United Kingdom), 31, pp. 2208 - 2228,

Grosjean P, 2020, 'Why the West is WEIRD The WEIRDest People in the World Joseph Henrich Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2020. 704 pp.', Science, 369, pp. 1438 - 1438,

Becker SO; Grosfeld I; Grosjean P; Voigtländer N; Zhuravskaya E, 2020, 'Forced migration and human capital: Evidence from post-WWII population transfers†', American Economic Review, 110, pp. 1430 - 1463,

Baranov V; De Haas R; Grosjean P, 2020, 'Queens of the Desert: Convictism and Marital Attitudes across Australia', AEA Papers and Proceedings, 110, pp. 457 - 462,

Fourati M; Gratton G; Grosjean P, 2019, 'Render unto Caesar: Taxes, charity, and political Islam', European Economic Review, 119, pp. 114 - 146,

Grosjean P; Khattar R, 2019, 'It's raining men! Hallelujah? The long-run consequences of Male-biased sex ratios', Review of Economic Studies, 86, pp. 723 - 754,

Blake KR; Bastian B; Denson TF; Grosjean P; Brooks RC, 2018, 'Income inequality not gender inequality positively covaries with female sexualization on social media', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115, pp. 8722 - 8727,

Beath A; BenYishay A; d'Adda G; Grosjean P; Weber RA, 2018, 'Can vouchers reduce elite capture of local development projects? Experimental evidence from the Solomon Islands', Journal of Public Economics, 160, pp. 117 - 131,

Grosjean P; Brooks RC, 2017, 'Persistent effect of sex ratios on relationship quality and life satisfaction', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 372, pp. 20160315,

BenYishay A; Grosjean P; Vecci J, 2017, 'The fish is the friend of matriliny: Reef density and matrilineal inheritance', Journal of Development Economics, 127, pp. 234 - 249,

Grosjean PA; Couttenier M; Sangnier M, 2017, 'The Wild West is Wild: The Homicide Resource Curse', Journal of the European Economic Association, 15, pp. 558 - 585,

Grosjean PA, 2014, 'A History of Violence: The Culture of Honor and Homicide in the US South', Journal of the European Economic Association, 12, pp. 1285 - 1316,

Grosjean PA; BenYishay A, 2014, 'Initial Endowments and Economic Reform in 27 Post-Socialist Countries', Journal of Comparative Economics,

Grosjean PA; Cassar A; d'Adda G, 2014, 'Institutional Quality, Culture, and Norms of Cooperation: Evidence from a Behavioral Field Experiment', The Journal of Law and Economics, 57, pp. 821 - 863,

Grosjean PA, 2014, 'Conflict and Social and Political Preferences: Evidence from World War II and Civil Conflict in 35 European Countries', Comparative Economic Studies, 56, pp. 424 - 451,

Cassar A; Grosjean P; Whitt S, 2013, 'Legacies of violence: Trust and market development', Journal of Economic Growth, 18, pp. 285 - 318,

Grosjean P; Ricka F; Senik C, 2013, 'Learning, political attitudes and crises: Lessons from transition countries', Journal of Comparative Economics, 41, pp. 490 - 505,

Grosjean P; Senik C, 2011, 'Democracy, Market Liberalization, and Political Preferences', Review of Economics and Statistics, 93, pp. 365 - 381,

Mullan K; Grosjean P; Kontoleon A, 2011, 'Land Tenure Arrangements and Rural–Urban Migration in China', World Development, 39, pp. 123 - 133,

Grosjean P, 2011, 'The institutional legacy of the Ottoman Empire: Islamic rule and financial development in South Eastern Europe', Journal of Comparative Economics, 39, pp. 1 - 16,

Grosjean P, 2011, 'The Weight of History on European Cultural Integration: A Gravity Approach', American Economic Review, 101, pp. 504 - 508,

Grosjean P, 2010, 'Maintenance Costs, Outside Options and Optimal Ownership of a Public Good', The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 10,

Groom B; Grosjean P; Kontoleon A; Swanson T; Zhang S, 2010, 'Relaxing rural constraints: a 'win-win' policy for poverty and environment in China?', Oxford Economic Papers, 62, pp. 132 - 156,

Grosjean P; Kontoleon A, 2009, 'How Sustainable are Sustainable Development Programs? The Case of the Sloping Land Conversion Program in China', World Development, 37, pp. 268 - 285,

Grosjean P, 2006, 'Towards a labour market in China', ECONOMICS OF TRANSITION, 14, pp. 201 - 205,

Grosjean P, 'A History of Violence: The Culture of Honor as a Determinant of Homicide in the US South', SSRN Electronic Journal,

Cassar A; Grosjean P; Whitt S, 'Civil War, Social Capital and Market Development: Experimental and Survey Evidence on the Negative Consequences of Violence', SSRN Electronic Journal,

Grosjean P, 'Conflict and Social and Political Preferences: Evidence from World War II and Civil Conflict in 35 European Countries', SSRN Electronic Journal,

Becker SO; Grosfeld I; Grosjean PA; Voigtllnder N; Zhuravskaya EV, 'Forced Migration and Human Capital: Evidence from Post-WWII Population Transfers', SSRN Electronic Journal,

Cage J; Dagorret A; Grosjean PA; Jha S, 'Heroes and Villains: The Effects of Combat Heroism on Autocratic Values and Nazi Collaboration in France', SSRN Electronic Journal,

Grosjean P; Ricka F; Senik C, 'Learning, Political Attitudes and the Crisis in Transition Countries', SSRN Electronic Journal,

Baranov V; De Haas R; Grosjean PA, 'Men. Roots and Consequences of Masculinity Norms', SSRN Electronic Journal,

Fourati M; Gratton G; Grosjean PA, 'Render Unto Caesar: Taxes, Charity, and Political Islam', SSRN Electronic Journal,

Cassar A; Grosjean P; Whitt S, 'Social Cooperation and the Problem of the Conflict Gap: Survey and Experimental Evidence from Post-War Tajikistan', SSRN Electronic Journal,

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